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This study investigated the relationship between several measures of lower-body stiffness and physical performance variables in 22 sub-elite male football players (mean ± SD; 21.9 ± 1.5 yr; 1.79 ± 0.06 m; 72.2 ± 7.2 kg). The participants were assessed for individual muscle stiffness of the Rectus Femoris (RF), Biceps Femoris (BF) and Medial Gastrocnemius (MG) muscles and vertical stiffness (Kvert) was also assessed assessed running acceleration, maximal sprint speed, agility, vertical jumping and muscular strength. Pearson’s correlations quantified the relationships and participants were also separated into relatively stiff (SG) and compliant groups (CG) for each variable. When ranked by Kvert the SG exhibited superior performance during sprinting, agility, jumping and strength (p ≤ 0.05) and when ranked by RF stiffness, SG exhibited superior sprint, agility and drop jump performance (p ≤ 0.05), while MG and BF stiffness were not related to performance. Higher stiffness appears to be beneficial to athletic performance for football players and therefore it may be beneficial for practitioners working with athletes that are required to perform dynamic activities to consider the contribution of stiffness to athletic performance.  相似文献   


This study aimed to evaluate responsiveness (ability to detect change) of isometric force-time measures to neuromuscular fatigue in resistance-trained participants using two differing protocols that modified both the instructions provided to participants and the duration of the test. Both protocols were completed at two knee joint angles in the isometric squat test. Ten participants volunteered to take part in this study (age: 27.0 ± 4.5 years, strength training experience: 7.7 ± 2.6 years). Isometric peak force (ISqTpeak) and isometric explosive force (ISqTexp) test protocols were assessed at two joint angles (knee angle 100° and 125°) pre-high intensity strength training, immediately post strength training, 24-h post, 48-h post and analysed for peak and RFD performance. Participants completed eight sets of three repetitions of the back-squat exercise as the high-intensity strength training. Results showed the highest standardised response means (SRM) detected was peak force using the ISqTpeak 100, SRM ?1.97 compared to an SRM of ?1.31 for RFD 200 ms in the ISqTexp 125. Peak force was the most responsive variable using the ISqTpeak protocol, whereas the ISqTexp protocol was most responsive for RFD measures. Therefore, ISqTpeak and ISqTexp test protocols should not be used interchangeably to evaluate RFD variables.  相似文献   


The effectiveness of 8-week force-velocity optimised training was assessed in highly trained professional rugby league athletes. Players (age 24 ± 3 years; body mass 94.9 ± 21.6 kg; height 181.3 ± 6.0 cm) were strength-matched and assigned to a force-velocity optimised group (OP; n = 15) or a general strength-power group (GP; n = 14). Tests included 10-m, 20-m sprints, 3 repetition-maximum squat and squat jumps over five load conditions to ascertain vertical force-velocity relationship. ANCOVA revealed there was a group effect for force-velocity deficit (P < 0.001), with the OP two-fold greater than the GP group (OP pre: 51.13 ± 31.42%, post: 62.26 ± 31.45%, GP pre: 33.00 ± 19.60%, post: 31.14 ± 31.45%, P < 0.001). There were further group effects for 3RM squat (OP pre: 151.17 ± 22.95 kg, post: 162.17 ± 24.16 kg, GP pre: 156.43 ± 25.07 kg, post: 163.39 ± 25.39 kg, P < 0.001), peak power (OP pre: 3195 ± 949 W, post: 3552 ± 1033 W, GP pre: 3468 ± 911 W, post: 3591 ± 936 W, P < 0.001), and SJ (OP pre: 39.79 ± 7.80 cm, post: 42.69 ± 7.83 cm, GP pre: 40.44 ± 6.23 cm, post: 41.14 ± 5.66 cm, P < 0.001). Prescribing F-V deficit training is superior for improving physical performance within highly trained RL players.  相似文献   

This study examined whether short-term maximal resistance training employing fast-velocity eccentric knee extensor actions would induce improvements in maximal isometric torque and rate of force development (RFD) at early (<100 ms) and late phases (>100 ms) of rising torque. Twenty healthy men were assigned to two experimental groups: eccentric resistance training (TG) or control (CG). Participants on the TG trained three days a week for a total of eight weeks. Training consisted of maximal unilateral eccentric knee extensors actions performed at 180°s-1. Maximal isometric knee extensor torque (MVC) and incremental RFD in successive 50 ms time-windows from the onset contraction were analysed in absolute terms (RFDINC) or when normalised relative to MVC (RFDREL). After eight weeks, TG demonstrated increases in MVC (28%), RFDINC (0–50 ms: 30%; 50–100 ms: 31%) and RFDREL (0–50 ms: 29%; 50–100 ms: 32%). Moreover, no changes in the late phase of incremental RFD were observed in TG. No changes were found in the CG. In summary, we have demonstrated, in active individuals, that a short period of resistance training performed with eccentric fast-velocity isokinetic muscle contractions is able to enhance RFDINC and RFDREL obtained at the early phase of rising joint torque.  相似文献   

Kinesio-tape® has been suggested to increase blood circulation and lymph flow and might influence the muscle's ability to maintain strength during fatigue. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the influence of gluteal Kinesio-tape® on lower limb muscle strength in non-fatigued and fatigued conditions. A total of 10 male rugby union players performed 20-m sprint and vertical jump tests before and after a rugby-specific fatigue protocol. The 20-m sprint time was collected using light gates (SMARTSPEED). A 9-camera motion analysis system (VICON, 100 Hz) and a force plate (Kistler, 1000 Hz) measured the kinematics and kinetics during a counter movement jump and drop-jump. The effect of tape and fatigue on jump height, maximal vertical ground reaction force, reactivity strength index as well as lower limb joint work were analysed via a two-way analysis of variance. The fatigue protocol resulted in significantly decreased performance of sprint time, jump heights and alterations in joint work. No statistical differences were found between the taped and un-taped conditions in non-fatigued and fatigued situation as well as in the interaction with fatigue. Therefore, taping the gluteal muscle does not influence the leg explosive strength after fatiguing in healthy rugby players.  相似文献   

The counter-movement jump is a consequence of maximal force, rate of force developed, and neuromuscular coordination. Thus, the counter-movement jump has been used to monitor various training adaptations. However, the smallest detectable difference of counter-movement jump metrics has yet to be established. The objective of the present study was to measure the reliability of counter-movement jump metrics, including rate of force development, flight time, time to max force, and max force. Twenty-nine male participants (mean age 25 ± 3 years) were divided into three groups. Each participant performed five counter-movement jumps on a force plate, on three consecutive days. Flight time detected trivial changes, (effect size < .2) and typical error of measurement of .25%; max force detected small changes (effect size < .5) with a typical error of measurement of .3%; rate of force development detected small to medium change (effect size .5–.8) with a typical error of measurement of .3%.  相似文献   


Elite badminton requires muscular endurance combined with appropriate maximal and explosive muscle strength. The musculature of the lower extremities is especially important in this context since rapid and forceful movements with the weight of the body are performed repeatedly throughout a match. In the present study, we examined various leg-strength parameters of 35 male elite badminton players who had been performing resistance exercises as part of their physical training for several years. The badminton players were compared with an age-matched reference group, the members of whom were physically active on a recreational basis, and to the same reference group after they had performed resistance training for 14 weeks. Maximal muscle strength of the knee extensor (quadriceps) and flexor muscles (hamstrings) was determined using isokinetic dynamometry. To measure explosive muscle strength, the contractile rate of force development was determined during maximal isometric muscle contractions. In general, the badminton players showed greater maximal muscle strength and contractile rate of force development than the reference group: mean quadriceps peak torque during slow concentric contraction: 3.69 Nm · kg?1, s=0.08 vs. 3.26 Nm · kg?1, s=0.8 (P<0.001); mean hamstring peak torque during slow concentric contraction: 1.86 Nm · kg?1, s=0.04 vs. 1.63 Nm · kg?1, s=0.04 (P<0.001); mean quadriceps rate of force development at 100 ms: 24.4 Nm · s?1·kg?1, s=0.5 vs. 22.1 Nm·s?1 · kg?1, s=0.6 (P<0.05); mean hamstring rate of force development at 100 ms: 11.4 Nm · s?1·kg?1, s=0.3 vs. 8.9 Nm · s?1 · kg?1, s=0.4 (P<0.05). However, after 14 weeks of resistance training the reference group achieved similar isometric and slow concentric muscle strength as the badminton players, although the badminton players still had a higher isometric rate of force development and muscle strength during fast (240° · s?1) quadriceps contractions. Large volumes of concurrent endurance training could have attenuated the long-term development of maximal muscle strength in the badminton players. The badminton players had a higher contractile rate of force development than the reference group before and after resistance training. Greater explosive muscle strength in the badminton players might be a physiological adaptation to their badminton training.  相似文献   

Sports injuries are common among baseball players and may result in abnormal movement patterns, increased risks of future injury, and unsatisfactory performance. The Functional Movement Screen (FMS?) has been developed to detect abnormal functional movement patterns and can be used for predicting risks of sports injury. However, whether FMS? scores are associated with athletic performance remains unclear. The goal of this study was to determine the association between functional movements and athletic performance in elite baseball players. Core stability, muscular strength and flexibility of the lower extremities, and FMS?, as well as athletic performance in sprinting, agility, and balance tests were assessed in 52 male collegiate Division I baseball players placed into two groups based on FMS? scores. The high-scoring group demonstrated better athletic performance than the low-scoring group, with a shorter duration of the agility test. No group differences were found in core stability, muscular strength, or muscle flexibility, except for rectus femoris flexibility. Thus, the FMS? score is associated with sprinting and agility performance in elite baseball players. These findings indicate that the FMS? may have a role in predicting athletic performance and thereby help determine the goals of training regimens or return-to-play strategies.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to investigate counter-movement jump performance and its reliability in children and adolescents with respect to age, sex and activity level. We tested 1835 children and adolescents aged between 4 and 17 years. All participants performed three counter-movement jumps on a force platform with arms akimbo. The participants were divided into six age groups and subdivided by sex within each group, to analyse age and sex effects. Subsequently, jumping performance of active and sedentary participants was compared. Jump height was calculated and the highest jump out of three was used for the calculations of peak force and peak rate of force development. Variability of all parameters was quantified using the coefficient of variation over all jumps. Jump height increased significantly with increasing age while peak rate of force development decreased. Peak force was similar for all age groups. Jump height was significantly higher in male participants and peak force and peak rate of force development was significantly lower in male participants. Variability of jump height and peak force decreased significantly with increasing age leading to reliable data above the age of 10 years. Peak rate of force development showed a high variability and, therefore, should be interpreted with caution. This could be useful information for coaches as they need to know from which age onwards the counter-movement jump is applicable in performance diagnostics and which parameters are sensible for interpretation. Finally, the present study provides data to be used as normative references.  相似文献   

Upper-body dynamic and isometric maximum strength are essential components for success in Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ). This study was aimed at analysing strength parameters in the elbow flexor and extensor muscles of BJJ practitioners. Participants (n = 28) performed maximum isometric contractions of elbow flexors and extensors to determine peak torque (PT), rate of force development (RFD), and the torque–angle (T–A) relationship at elbow angles of 45°, 60°, 75°, 90°, 105°, and 120°. Additionally, concentric and eccentric PTs were measured at 1.04 rad·s-1. Student t-test and ANOVA were performed using α = 0.05. Elbow flexors were stronger isometrically (P < 0.001, ES = 1.23) but weaker concentrically (P < 0.05, ES = 0.54) than extensor muscles, possibly because of the extensive grip disputes and pushing of opponents in BJJ. The T–A relationship had an inverted “U”-shape. Torque differences across elbow angles were moderate (ES = 0.62) for the extensor and large (ES = 0.92) for the flexor muscles. Isometric torque was greatest for elbow angles of 105° and 75° and smallest for 45° and 120° for extensor and flexor muscles, respectively. Elbow flexors had a greater RFD than extensors, regardless of elbow angle. The present study provides comprehensive results for elbow muscle strength in BJJ practitioners.  相似文献   

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