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The aim of this study was to assess the responses of blood lactate and pyruvate during the lactate minimum speed test. Ten participants (5 males, 5 females; mean +/- s: age 27.1+/-6.7 years, VO2max 52.0+/-7.9 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1)) completed: (1) the lactate minimum speed test, which involved supramaximal sprint exercise to invoke a metabolic acidosis before the completion of an incremental treadmill test (this results in a 'U-shaped' blood lactate profile with the lactate minimum speed being defined as the minimum point on the curve); (2) a standard incremental exercise test without prior sprint exercise for determination of the lactate threshold; and (3) the sprint exercise followed by a passive recovery. The lactate minimum speed (12.0+/-1.4 km x h(-1)) was significantly slower than running speed at the lactate threshold (12.4+/-1.7 km x h(-1)) (P < 0.05), but there were no significant differences in VO2, heart rate or blood lactate concentration between the lactate minimum speed and running speed at the lactate threshold. During the standard incremental test, blood lactate and the lactate-to-pyruvate ratio increased above baseline values at the same time, with pyruvate increasing above baseline at a higher running speed. The rate of lactate, but not pyruvate, disappearance was increased during exercising recovery (early stages of the lactate minimum speed incremental test) compared with passive recovery. This caused the lactate-to-pyruvate ratio to fall during the early stages of the lactate minimum speed test, to reach a minimum point at a running speed that coincided with the lactate minimum speed and that was similar to the point at which the lactate-to-pyruvate ratio increased above baseline in the standard incremental test. Although these results suggest that the mechanism for blood lactate accumulation at the lactate minimum speed and the lactate threshold may be the same, disruption to normal submaximal exercise metabolism as a result of the preceding sprint exercise, including a three- to five-fold elevation of plasma pyruvate concentration, makes it difficult to interpret the blood lactate response to the lactate minimum speed test. Caution should be exercised in the use of this test for the assessment of endurance capacity.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the sensitivity of the lactate minimum speed test to changes in endurance fitness resulting from a 6 week training intervention. Sixteen participants (mean +/- s :age 23 +/- 4 years;body mass 69.7 +/- 9.1 kg) completed 6 weeks of endurance training. Another eight participants (age 23 +/- 4 years; body mass 72.7 +/-12.5 kg) acted as non-training controls. Before and after the training intervention, all participants completed: (1) a standard multi-stage treadmill test for the assessment of VO 2max , running speed at the lactate threshold and running speed at a reference blood lactate concentration of 3 mmol.l -1 ; and (2) the lactate minimum speed test, which involved two supramaximal exercise bouts and an 8 min walking recovery period to increase blood lactate concentration before the completion of an incremental treadmill test. Additionally, a subgroup of eight participants from the training intervention completed a series of constant-speed runs for determination of running speed at the maximal lactate steady state. The test protocols were identical before and after the 6 week intervention. The control group showed no significant changes in VO 2max , running speed at the lactate threshold, running speed at a blood lactate concentration of 3 mmol.l -1 or the lactate minimum speed.In the training group, there was a significant increase in VO 2max (from 47.9 +/- 8.4 to 52.2 +/- 2.7 ml.kg -1 .min -1 ), running speed at the maximal lactate steady state (from 13.3 +/- 1.7 to 13.9 +/- 1.6 km.h -1 ), running speed at the lactate threshold (from 11.2 +/- 1.8 to 11.9 +/- 1.8 km.h -1 ) and running speed at a blood lactate concentration of 3 mmol.l -1 (from 12.5 +/- 2.2 to 13.2 +/- 2.1 km.h -1 ) (all P ? 0.05). Despite these clear improvements in aerobic fitness, there was no significant difference in lactate minimum speed after the training intervention (from 11.0 +/- 0.7 to 10.9 +/- 1.7 km.h -1 ). The results demonstrate that the lactate minimum speed,when assessed using the same exercise protocol before and after 6 weeks of aerobic exercise training, is not sensitive to changes in endurance capacity.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to establish the validity of the breakpoint in breathing frequency for the assessment of the lactate threshold and the ventilatory threshold during incremental running exercise. Twelve trained runners (mean +/- s: age 29 +/- 8 years; body mass 68.7 8.8 kg; V O 2m ax 57.9 +/- 4.1 ml . kg -1 . min -1 ) performed randomly assigned incremental treadmill tests on separate days. In addition to the assessment of the V O 2m ax (Test 1), the subjects performed two standard multi-stage treadmill tests (4-min stages) for the assessment of the lactate threshold while wearing (Test 2) and not wearing (Test 3) a standard mouthpiece and noseclip arrangement. Breathing frequency was measured by a thermistor, which was positioned in the back of the mouthpiece for Test 2, and fixed 3 cm in front of the mouth using a headband and flexible wiring for Test 3. All exercise tests were recorded on videotape and mean breathing frequency and stride rate were calculated for the last minute of each stage from real-time playback of the videotapes. The breathing frequency breakpoint was determined in six subjects only for Test 2 and in five subjects only for Test 3. For Test 2, there were no differences between the breakpoint in breathing frequency (14.7 +/- 0.9 km . h - 1), the lactate threshold (14.7 +/- 0.9 km . h -1 ) and the ventilatory threshold (14.7 +/- 1.1 km . h -1 ). For Test 3, the breakpoint in breathing frequency (14.0 +/- 1.0 km . h -1 ) was not appreciably different from the lactate threshold (14.7 +/- 1.2 km . h -1 ). Hey plots showed marked interindividual differences in the responses of breathing frequency and tidal volume to exercise. In four subjects, the ventilatory threshold was mediated by a non-linear increase in tidal volume, with breathing frequency either increasing in a linear manner (n = 1) or remaining constant owing to entrainment of breathing frequency to cadence (n = 3). We conclude that the breakpoint in breathing frequency does not provide a valid method for the field-based assessment of the lactate or ventilatory thresholds in most subjects for running exercise.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the effects of a single bout of endurance exercise on subsequent strength performance. Eight males with a long history of resistance training performed isokinetic, isometric and isotonic leg extension strength tests 8 and 32 h after 50 min of cycle ergometry at 70-110% of critical power. The participants also completed a control condition in which no cycling was performed. Plasma lactate and ammonia were measured before and immediately after each strength test. Isokinetic, isometric and isotonic leg extension torques were not significantly different 8 or 32 h after endurance exercise compared with the control condition ( P > 0.05). A large (50.3%), but not statistically significant, increase in plasma ammonia was evident during the strength tests performed 8 h after endurance exercise, while a significant ( P ? 0.05) increase in ammonia was also seen 32 h after endurance exercise. No significant changes in plasma ammonia were evident in the control condition. Our results suggest that leg extension strength was not compromised by an earlier bout of endurance cycling. However, metabolic activity during the strength tests might have been altered by the preceding bout of endurance exercise.  相似文献   

Conconi et al. (1982) reported that an observed deviation from linearity in the heart rate-running velocity relationship determined during a field test in runners coincided with the ‘lactate threshold’. The aim of this study was to assess the validity of the original Conconi test using conventional incremental and constant-load laboratory protocols. Fourteen trained male distance runners (mean ± s : age 22.6 ±3.4 years; body mass 67.6±4.8 kg; peak [Vdot] O 2 66.3 ± 4.7 ml kg -1 min -1) performed a standard multi-stage test for determination of lactate turnpoint and a Conconi test on a motorized treadmill. A deviation from linearity in heart rate was observed in nine subjects. Significant differences were found to exist between running velocity at the lactate turnpoint (4.39 ± 0.20 ms -1) and at deviation from linear heart rate (5.08 ± 0.25 ms -1) (P < 0.01), and between heart rate at the lactate turnpoint (172 ± 10 beats min -1) and at deviation from linearity (186 ± 9 beats min -1) (P < 0.01). When deviation of heart rate from linearity was evident, it occurred at a systematically higher intensity than the lactate turnpoint and at approximately 95% of maximum heart rate. These results were confirmed by the physiological responses of seven subjects, who performed two constant-velocity treadmill runs at 0.14 ms -1 below the running velocity at the lactate turnpoint and that at which the heart rate deviated from linearity. For the lactate turnpoint trial, the prescribed 30 min exercise period was completed by all runners (terminal blood lactate concentration of 2.4 ± 0.5 mM ), while the duration attained in the trial for which heart rate deviated from linearity was 15.9 ± 6.7 min (terminal blood lactate concentration of 8.1 ± 1.8 mM). We concluded that the Conconi test is invalid for the non-invasive determination of the lactate turnpoint and that the deviation of heart rate from linearity represents the start of the plateau at maximal heart rate, the expression of which is dependent upon the specifics of the Conconi test protocol.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine work-time profiles, blood lactate concentrations and perceived exertion among Greco-Roman wrestlers in the 1998 World Championship. Forty-two senior wrestlers from nine nations were studied in 94 matches. Each match was recorded with a video camera (Panasonic AG 455, film rate: 25 Hz) and analysed for duration of work (wrestling) and rest (interrupt) periods. Blood lactate concentration was determined with an electrochemical device (Analox P-LM5) and a rating of perceived exertion scale (Borg) was used to estimate general exertion and exertion in the extremity and trunk muscles. The mean duration of the matches was 427 s (range 324-535 s), with mean durations of work and rest of 317 and 110 s, respectively. The mean periods of work and rest were 37.2 and 13.8 s, respectively. Mean blood lactate concentration was 14.8 mmol · l -1 (range 6.9-20.6). The difference in mean blood lactate concentration between the first- and final-round matches was not significant ( P > 0.05). Blood lactate concentration was significantly higher ( P ? 0.04) in matches of long duration than in those of short duration. The mean general rating of perceived exertion for all matches was 13.8 according to the scale used. Most of the wrestlers (53.3%) perceived exertion to be highest in the flexors of the forearm, followed by the deltoids (17.4%) and the biceps brachii muscles (12.0%). In addition to a relatively high rating of perceived exertion in the arm muscles, this indicates a high specific load on the flexor muscles of the forearm.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the effects of the age and sex of the competitor on orienteering speed during competitive events. The results of the fastest three male and fastest three female competitors in each 5-year age band (21-79 years), from four national orienteering events, were analysed. The data for age and orienteering speed were log-transformed and regression analyses were conducted to determine the relationships between age and sex and orienteering speed. For comparison, data for the fastest Great Britain finisher in the 10,000-m track and 10-km cross-country events for age groups 40-69 years at the World Masters Championships were also analysed. The results showed that, before the age of 40 years, there was no substantial slowing in orienteering speed for males (0.5-4.2% per decade) but a moderate decline (4.7-10.0% per decade) for females. After the age of 45 years, the orienteering speed of males and females slowed by 13 - 2% and 16 - 4% per decade (mean - s ), respectively, until around the age of 69, after which the deterioration was accentuated. The orienteering speed of the females was 81 - 4, 74 - 6 and 69 - 7% that of the males at ages 21, 45 and 65 years, respectively. The magnitudes of the age-related slowing of orienteering speed and of the difference in orienteering speed between males and females aged 45 years and over were greater than those reported for the other endurance running events. This may reflect the physical demands of running in orienteering terrain, tactical and cognitive aspects of the sport, or sociocultural aspects of the participating population.  相似文献   

血乳酸值与肌细胞酸性化关联因素对游泳无氧能力的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
游泳比赛及高强度计时训练时 ,人体骨骼肌大量生成并堆积乳酸导致肌纤维细胞pH值酸性化 ,使运动员陷入力竭性疲劳。这种由剧烈运动而造成的疲劳的性质是因为在缺氧条件下 ,骨骼肌细胞中由于乳酸分解所产生的H+升高而促成人体内环境电解质平衡的pH值下降的原因 ,正是由于人体内环境的H+水平的升高与pH值下降 ,才是导致力竭性疲劳的主要根源。本文尝试对影响血乳酸值的部分因素作一探讨 ,以期对游泳运动员无氧能力影响作用因素的评价方法有进一步认识。  相似文献   

The neural activation (iEMG) and selected stride characteristics of six male sprinters were studied for 100-, 200-, 300- and 400-m experimental sprints, which were run according to the velocity in the 400 m. Blood lactate (BLa) was analysed and drop jumps were performed with EMG registration at rest and after each sprint. Running velocity (P less than 0.001) and stride length (P less than 0.05) decreased and contact time increased (P less than 0.01) during the 400-m sprint. The increase in contact time was greatest immediately after runs of 100 and 300 m. The peak BLa increased and the rate of BLa accumulation decreased with running distance (P less than 0.001). The height of rise of the centre of mass in the drop jumps was smaller immediately after the 300 m (P less than 0.05) and the 400 m (P less than 0.01) than at rest, and it correlated negatively with peak BLa (r = -0.77, P less than 0.001). The EMG and EMG:running velocity ratio increased with running distance. It was concluded that force generation of the leg muscles had already begun to decrease during the first quarter of the 400-m sprint. The deteriorating force production was compensated for until about 200-300 m. Thereafter, it was impossible to compensate for fatigue and the speed of running dropped. According to this study, fatigue in the 400-m sprint among trained athletes is mainly due to processes within skeletal muscle rather than the central nervous system.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the effect of the recovery duration in intermittent training drills on metabolism and coordination in sport games. Ten nationally ranked male tennis players (age 25.3±3.7 years, height 1.83±0.8 m, body mass 77.8±7.7 kg; mean ±s x ) participated in a passing-shot drill (baseline sprint with subsequent passing shot) that aimed to improve both starting speed and stroke quality (speed and precision). Time pressure for stroke preparation was individually adjusted by a ball-machine and corresponded to 80% of maximum running speed. In two trials (T10, T15) separated by 2 weeks, the players completed 30 strokes and sprints subdivided into 6 2 5 repetitions with a 1 min rest between series. The rest between each stroke-and-sprint lasted either 10 s (T10) or 15 s (T15). The sequence of both conditions was randomized between participants. Post-exercise blood lactate concentration was significantly elevated in T10 (9.04±3.06 vs 5.01±1.35 mmol·l-1, P ? 0.01). Running time for stroke preparation (1.405±0.044 vs 1.376±0.045 s, P ? 0.05) and stroke speed (106±12 vs 114±8 km·h-1, P ? 0.05) were significantly decreased in T10, while stroke precision - that is, more target hits ( P ? 0.1) and fewer errors (P ? 0.05) - tended to be higher. We conclude that running speed and stroke quality during intermittent tennis drills are highly dependent on the duration of recovery time. Optimization of training efficacy in sport games (e.g. combined improvement of conditional and technical skills) requires skilful fine-tuning of monitoring guidelines.  相似文献   

测定了少年男子武术套路运动员组(12人)和普通对照组(5人)在连续递增负荷的蹬车运动中血氨、血乳酸、VE/VO2指标的变化曲线。结果显示,两组人员在运动过程中血氨、血乳酸、VE/VO2指标随运动强度的增加有规律上升,运动初期上升速度缓慢,当运动负荷增加到100W以上,三种指标上升速度加剧。结果提示,少年男子武术套路运动员比对照组有较好的心肺机能,血氨、血乳酸、VE/VO2指标与运动强度有高度相关性,三种指标联合使用可以更精确地评定运动强度、机体的机能状态及训练程度,指导少年武术套路运动员的运动训练。  相似文献   


This study examined the influence of the regression model and initial intensity of an incremental test on the relationship between the lactate threshold estimated by the maximal-deviation method and the endurance performance. Sixteen non-competitive, recreational female runners performed a discontinuous incremental treadmill test. The initial speed was set at 7 km · h?1, and increased every 3 min by 1 km · h?1 with a 30-s rest between the stages used for earlobe capillary blood sample collection. Lactate-speed data were fitted by an exponential-plus-constant and a third-order polynomial equation. The lactate threshold was determined for both regression equations, using all the coordinates, excluding the first and excluding the first and second initial points. Mean speed of a 10-km road race was the performance index (3.04 ± 0.22 m · s?1). The exponentially-derived lactate threshold had a higher correlation (0.98 ≤ r ≤ 0.99) and smaller standard error of estimate (SEE) (0.04 ≤ SEE ≤ 0.05 m · s?1) with performance than the polynomially-derived equivalent (0.83 ≤ r ≤ 0.89; 0.10 ≤ SEE ≤ 0.13 m · s?1). The exponential lactate threshold was greater than the polynomial equivalent (P < 0.05). The results suggest that the exponential lactate threshold is a valid performance index that is independent of the initial intensity of the incremental test and better than the polynomial equivalent.  相似文献   

In this study, changes in skiing performance and poling kinetics during a simulated cross-country sprint skiing competition were investigated. Twelve elite male cross-country skiers performed simulated sprint competition (4 × 1,150 m heat with 20 min recovery between the heats) using the double-poling technique. Vertical and horizontal pole forces and cycle characteristics were measured using a force plate system (20-m long) during the starting spurt, racing speed, and finishing spurt of each heat. Moreover, heat and 20-m phase velocities were determined. Vertical and horizontal pole impulses as well as mean cycle length were calculated. The velocities of heats decreased by 2.7 ± 1.7% (p = 0.003) over the simulated competition. The 20-m spurting velocity decreased by 16 ± 5% (p < 0.002) and poling time increased by 18 ± 9% (p < 0.003) in spurt phases within heats. Vertical and horizontal poling impulses did not change significantly during the simulation; however, the mean forces decreased (p < 0.039) (vertical by 24 ± 11% and horizontal by 20 ± 10%) within heats but not between the heats. Decreased heat velocities over the simulated sprint and spurting velocities within heats indicated fatigue among the skiers. Fatigue was also manifested by decreased pole force production and increased poling time.  相似文献   

This study examined the test-retest reliability of near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF) and Doppler ultrasound to assess exercise-induced haemodynamics. Nine men completed two identical trials consisting of 25-min submaximal cycling at first ventilatory threshold followed by repeated 30-s bouts of high-intensity (90% of peak power) cycling in 32.8 ± 0.4°C and 32 ± 5% relative humidity (RH). NIRS (tissue oxygenation index [TOI] and total haemoglobin [tHb]) and LDF (perfusion units [PU]) signals were monitored continuously during exercise, and leg blood flow was assessed by Doppler ultrasound at baseline and after exercise. Cutaneous vascular conductance (CVC; PU/mean arterial pressure (MAP)) was expressed as the percentage change from baseline (%CVCBL). Coefficients of variation (CVs) as indicators of absolute reliability were 18.7–28.4%, 20.2–33.1%, 42.5–59.8%, 7.8–12.4% and 22.2–30.3% for PU, CVC, %CVCBL, TOI and tHb, respectively. CVs for these variables improved as exercise continued beyond 10 min. CVs for baseline and post-exercise leg blood flow were 17.8% and 10.5%, respectively. CVs for PU, tHb (r2 = 0.062) and TOI (r2 = 0.002) were not correlated (P > 0.05). Most variables demonstrated CVs lower than the expected changes (35%) induced by training or heat stress; however, minimum of 10 min exercise is recommended for more reliable measurements.  相似文献   

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