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Longitudinal changes in submaximal oxygen uptake in 11- to 13-year-olds   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The aim of this study was to monitor longitudinal changes in young people's submaximal oxygen uptake (VO2) responses during horizontal treadmill running at 8 km x h(-1). The 236 participants (118 boys, 118 girls) were aged 11.2+/-0.4 years (mean +/- s) at the onset of the study. Submaximal VO2, peak VO2 and anthropometry were recorded annually for three consecutive years. The data were analysed using multi-level regression modelling within a multiplicative, allometric framework. The initial model examined sex, age and maturity-related changes in submaximal VO2 relative to body mass as the sole anthropometric covariate. Our results demonstrate that the conventional ratio standard ml x kg(-1) x min(-1) does not adequately describe the true relationship between body mass and submaximal VO2 during this period of growth. The effects of maturity and age were non-significant, but girls consumed significantly less VO2 than boys running at 8 km x h(-1). In subsequent models, stature was shown to be a significant explanatory variable, but this effect became non-significant when the sum of two skinfolds was added. Thus, within this population, submaximal VO2 responses were explained predominantly by changes in body mass and skinfold thicknesses, with no additional maturity-related increments. When differences in body mass and skinfolds were controlled for, there was still a difference between the sexes in submaximal VO2, with girls becoming increasingly more economical with age.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of subject drop-out on a multi-stage shuttle run test and a modified incremental shuttle run test in which speed was increased by 0.014m.s-1 every 20-m shuttle to avoid the need for verbal speed cues. Analysis of the multi-stage shuttle run test with 208 elite female netball players and 381 elite male lacrosse players found that 13 (+/-3) players stopped after the first shuttle of each new level, in comparison with 5 (+/-2) players on any other shuttle. No obvious drop-out pattern was observed on the incremental shuttle run test with 273 male and 79 female undergraduate students. The mean difference between a test-retest condition (n= 20) for peak shuttle running speed (-0.03+/- 0.01m.s-1) and maximal heart rate (0.4+/- 0.1 beats.min-1) on the incremental test showed no bias (P > 0.05). The 95% absolute confidence limits of agreement were 0.11m.s-1 for peak shuttle running speed and +/-5 beats.min-1 for maximal heart rate. The relationship (n= 27) between peak shuttle running speed on the incremental shuttle run test (4.22+/- 0.14m.s-1) and VO2max (59.0+/- 1.7ml.kg-1.min-1) was r=0.91 (P< 0.01), with a standard error of prediction of 2.6ml.kg-1.min-1. These results suggest verbal cues during the multi-stage shuttle run test may influence subject drop-out. The incremental shuttle run test shows no obvious drop-out patten and provides a valid estimate of VO2max.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to predict indoor rowing performance in 12 competitive female rowers (age 21.3 - 3.6 years, height 1.68 - 0.54 m, body mass 67.1 - 11.7 kg; mean - s ) using a 30 s rowing sprint, maximal oxygen uptake and the blood lactate response to submaximal rowing. Blood lactate and oxygen uptake ( V O 2 ) were measured during a discontinuous graded exercise test on a Concept II rowing ergometer incremented by 25 W for each 2 min stage; the highest V O 2 measured during the test was recorded as V O 2max (mean = 3.18 - 0.35 l· min -1 ). Peak power (380 - 63.2 W) and mean power (368 - 60.0 W) were determined using a modified Wingate test protocol on the Concept II rowing ergometer. Rowing performance was based on the results of the 2000 m indoor rowing championship in 1997 (466.8 - 12.3 s). Laboratory testing was performed within 3 weeks of the rowing championship. Submitting mean power (Power), the highest and lowest five consecutive sprint power outputs (Maximal and Minimal), percent fatigue in the sprint test (Fatigue), V O 2max (l· min -1 ), V O 2max (ml·kg -1 ·min -1 ), V O 2 at the lactate threshold, power at the lactate threshold (W), maximal lactate concentration, lactate threshold (percent V O 2max ) and V E max (l·min -1 ) to a stepwise multiple regression analysis produced the following model to predict 2000 m rowing performance: Time 2000 =- 0.163 (Power)14.213 ·( V O 2max l· min -1 ) + 0.738· (Fatigue) + 567.259 ( R 2 = 0.96, standard error = 2.89). These results indicate that, in the women studied, 75.7% of the variation in 2000 m indoor rowing performance time was predicted by peak power in a rowing Wingate test, while V O 2max and fatigue during the Wingate test explained an additional 12.1% and 8.2% of the variance, respectively.  相似文献   

This study compares test-retest reliability and peak exercise responses from ramp-incremented (RAMP) and maximal perceptually-regulated (PRETmax) exercise tests during arm crank exercise in individuals reliant on manual wheelchair propulsion (MWP). Ten untrained participants completed four trials over 2-weeks (two RAMP (0–40 W + 5–10 W · min?1) trials and two PRETmax. PRETmax consisted of five, 2-min stages performed at Ratings of Perceived Exertion (RPE) 11, 13, 15, 17 and 20). Participants freely changed the power output to match the required RPE. Gas exchange variables, heart rate, power output, RPE and affect were determined throughout trials. The V?O2peak from RAMP (14.8 ± 5.5 ml · kg?1 · min?1) and PRETmax (13.9 ± 5.2 ml · kg?1 · min?1) trials were not different (P = 0.08). Measurement error was 1.7 and 2.2 ml · kg?1 · min?1 and coefficient of variation 5.9% and 8.1% for measuring V?O2peak from RAMP and PRETmax, respectively. Affect was more positive at RPE 13 (P = 0.02), 15 (P = 0.01) and 17 (P = 0.01) during PRETmax. Findings suggest that PRETmax can be used to measure V?O2peak in participants reliant on MWP and leads to a more positive affective response compared to RAMP.  相似文献   

采用问卷调查、文献资料等研究方法,对辽宁省足球重点学校11~13岁男生的体育兴趣进行研究。结果表明:足球重点学校11~13岁男生体育兴趣广泛,体育兴趣程度高;足球是他们课外活动中最经常参加的体育项目,但是足球运动条件较差;体育兴趣产生时间主要集中于5~10岁时,父母、体育教师、体育明星对他们体育兴趣的产生起主要作用。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate gross motor competence and growth spurt in Canadian youth. Eighty-two children (38 boys, 44 girls) were assessed over a time period of five years. Growth rate was measured quarterly; motor competence was evaluated once per year using the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency. Peak height velocity (PHV) occurred at a significantly younger age in the girls (11.3 ± 0.4 years) than the boys (13.4 ± 0.3 years; < .001), and growth rate during PHV was significantly greater in the boys than the girls (2.8 ± 1.3 vs. 2.0 ± 0.7 cm/quarter; = .003). Gross motor competence outcomes were significantly above the North American normative scores (< .05) over the measured time period. After the occurrence of PHV, strength, strength/agility, and gross motor skill significantly decreased in girls (< .01), and running speed/agility significantly decreased in boys (< .05). This finding emphasizes that motor competence in pre-adolescent children may suddenly decrease after their growth spurt.  相似文献   

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