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Three studies of exercise adherence and attitudes are reported that tested the Theory of Reasoned Action and the Theory of Planned Behaviour. In a prospective study of adherence to a private fitness club, structural equation modelling path analysis showed that attitudinal and social normative components of the Theory of Reasoned Action accounted for 13.1% of the variance in adherence 4 months later, although only social norm significantly predicted intention. In a second study, the Theory of Planned Behaviour was used to predict both physical activity and sedentary behaviour. Path analyses showed that attitude and perceived control, but not social norm, predicted total physical activity. Physical activity was predicted from intentions and control over sedentary behaviour. Finally, an intervention study with previously sedentary adults showed that intentions to be active measured at the start and end of a 10-week intervention were associated with the planned behaviour variables. A multivariate analysis of variance revealed no significant multivariate effects for time on the planned behaviour variables measured before and after intervention. Qualitative data provided evidence that participants had a positive experience on the intervention programme and supported the role of social normative factors in the adherence process.  相似文献   

An intervention based on the predictions of Maddux's revised Theory of Planned Behaviour was designed to improve fitness training adherence of a group of elite netball players. The intervention consisted of a persuasive communication and time management workshop, which targeted the social cognitive constructs of the theory. We adopted a multiple baseline across-individuals design over 14 weeks with 17 elite netball players. Baseline training adherence data were collected over the first 7 weeks. The targeted social cognitive constructs were assessed at baseline, post-intervention and follow-up. Large effect sizes for changes in training adherence from baseline to post-intervention were noted for 13 players (76%). Post-intervention analysis revealed significant changes in two of the targeted variables, perceived vulnerability and attitude towards current behaviour, suggesting that the intervention was associated with cognitive changes. Data from an intervention check provided additional evidence to support the efficacy of the intervention. A follow-up assessment over an additional 7 weeks showed that players' training frequency remained improved. The results support the view that the revised Theory of Planned Behaviour can help inform interventions that enhance the training adherence of elite netball players.  相似文献   

身体锻炼行为转变的研究源自促进个体健康的研究,身体锻炼行为研究是健康促进研究的一个重要领域。促进身体锻炼行为的研究是这一领域的重要内容。为了解释身体活动行为或者为了说明身体锻炼行为受哪些因素影响,研究人员提出了一些身体锻炼行为的理论模型,个人内部理论是其中重要的理论之一。个人内部理论认为锻炼行为的根源首先主要在于个人的控制,用个体对行为的信念、态度和意向来解释意志控制行为的发生。  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to assess the influence of self-efficacy and past behaviour on young people's physical activity intentions using an augmented version of Ajzen's Theory of Planned Behaviour. We hypothesized that self-efficacy would exhibit discriminant validity with perceived behavioural control and explain unique variance in young people's intentions to participate in physical activity. We also expected that past physical activity behaviour would attenuate the influence of attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioural control and self-efficacy on intention. The sample comprised 1152 young people aged 13.5 - 0.6 years (mean - s ) who completed inventories assessing their physical activity intentions, attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioural control, self-efficacy and past physical activity behaviour. A confirmatory factor analysis demonstrated that the constructs of the Theory of Planned Behaviour achieved discriminant validity. Furthermore, the measures of attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioural control and self-efficacy were significantly related to their respective belief-based measures, supporting the concurrent validity of the measures of the Theory of Planned Behaviour. A non-standard structural equation model demonstrated that attitude and self-efficacy were strong predictors of physical activity intention, but perceived behavioural control and subjective norms were not. Self-efficacy attenuated the influence of attitudes and perceived behavioural control on intention. Past behaviour predicted intention directly and indirectly through self-efficacy and attitude. The present findings demonstrate that young people with positive attitudes and high self-efficacy are more likely to form intentions to participate in physical activity. Furthermore, controlling for past physical activity behaviour revealed that the unique effects of self-efficacy and attitudes on young people's physical activity intentions were unaltered.  相似文献   

本文围绕计划经济和市场经济条件下体育的价值观、竞争观、决策观和效益观进行了比较研究.  相似文献   

通过对黄冈师范学院、鄂东职业技术学院、黄冈职业技术学院3所院校大学生进行问卷、访问调查,分析了大学生对《学生体质健康标准》测试目的、接受程度、结果满意度以及体育锻炼认知等几方面.研究结果表明:黄冈地区大学生对体质健康测试的目的比较明确,大多数学生对测试结果比较满意,参加体育锻炼的动机是积极的.  相似文献   

检验计划行为理论预测青少年锻炼行为的稳定性和适用性.1 292名中学生完成了锻炼态度、主观规范、行为控制感、意图以及自陈锻炼问卷的测量.结构方程模型和多组比较方法分析发现,计划行为理论的预测模型得到各样本数据的良好拟合.预测模型的结构型态、因素负荷量、结构系数、结构协方差及结构残差有着跨性别和年级组的测量不变性,但测量残差组间不等值.模式各因素之间路径系数及因素方差解释力也有着跨组相似性,仅部分变量关系存在跨年级的差异.态度和主观规范对意图的直接影响不明显,而行为控制感是影响锻炼意图和行为的主要因素,对此进行了具体分析.该研究表明,基于计划行为理论的锻炼行为模式对青少年群体具有普遍适用性.  相似文献   

I present a corrective to the formalist and conventionalist down-playing of physical actions in the understanding of the value of sport. I give a necessarily brief account of the Causal Theory of Action (CTA) and its implications for the normativity of actions. I show that the CTA has limitations, particularly in the case of failed or incomplete actions, and I show that failed or incomplete actions are constitutive of sport. This allows me to open up the space for another model, drawn from Aristotle, for failed or incomplete actions, conceived of as ‘doables.’ This avoids some of the problems of the CTA. I explain the importance of difficult but doable actions, at which athletes often fail, and suggest that this establishes pro tanto value. Finally, I claim that this account of the actions that are constitutive of sport deepens our understanding of the value of sport as a whole.  相似文献   

不同年龄组农民体育意识和体育行为的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用问卷调查法对不同年龄组农民保健意识、休闲方式、体育价值、体育锻炼动机、体育法规的认识、体育参与和制约因素进行了调查和分析,结果认为:农民的体育意识和体育行为均随年龄的增加成下降趋势。  相似文献   

This study examined the utility of Ajzen's () theory of planned behaviour and Maddux's () revised theory of planned behaviour to predict endurance training intentions and adherence of elite junior netball athletes. One hundred and fifteen athletes from the England Netball World Class Start Programme were assessed on constructs central to the predictions of the two theories. Adherence to a recommended endurance training programme was recorded in self-report diaries across a 9-week period. Validity for the diaries was supported by significant correlations (P <?0.001) with recalls across 7 days and 9 weeks. Adherence was moderate and variable between athletes (mean = 66.05, s = 25.75%). Two separate path analyses were conducted to examine the predictions of the theories. Goodness-of-fit indices suggested acceptable fit of the data to the models. Analyses showed that attitude towards the new behaviour, subjective norms and perceived behavioural control predicted training intentions. The relationship between intention and adherence was weak. The present results suggest that the constructs of the theory of planned behaviour offer some insight into the explanation of intentions to follow an endurance training programme. Constructs unique to the revised theory of planned behaviour did not significantly predict training intentions or behaviour. Implications for practitioners working with team sport performers are provided.  相似文献   

汤乃童  丁雷 《福建体育科技》2007,26(4):30-31,35
采用文献资料法、生物力学分析法结合多年从事标枪训练积累的一些经验,分析掷标枪最后用力身体左右侧动作间的相互关系,明确最后用力技术教学训练的重点,以免多走弯路,影响运动成绩的提高。  相似文献   

Jump performance is considered an important factor in many sports. Thus, strategies such as weightlifting (WL) exercises, traditional resistance training (TRT) and plyometric training (PT) are effective at improving jump performance. However, it is not entirely clear which of these strategies can enable greater improvements on jump height. Thus, the purpose of the meta-analysis was to compare the improvements on countermovement jump (CMJ) performance between training methods which focus on WL exercises, TRT, and PT. Seven studies were included, of which one study performed both comparison. Therefore, four studies comparing WL exercises vs. TRT (total n = 78) and four studies comparing WL exercises vs. PT (total n = 76). The results showed greater improvements on CMJ performance for WL exercises compared to TRT (ESdiff: 0.72 ± 0.23; 95%CI: 0.26, 1.19; P = 0.002; Δ % = 7.5 and 2.1, respectively). The comparison between WL exercises vs. PT revealed no significant difference between protocols (ESdiff: 0.15 ± 0.23; 95%CI: ?0.30, 0.60; P = 0.518; Δ % = 8.8 and 8.1, respectively). In conclusion, WL exercises are superior to promote positive changes on CMJ performance compared to TRT; however, WL exercises and PT are equally effective at improving CMJ performance.  相似文献   

Introduction: The Moxy is a novel, cutaneously placed muscle oxygen monitor which claims to measure local oxygen saturation (SmO2) and total haemoglobin (THb) using near-infrared spectroscopy. If shown to be reliable, its data storage and telemetric capability will be useful for assessing localised O2 usage during field-based exercise. This study investigated the reliability of the Moxy during cycling and assessed the correlations between its measurements, whole-body O2 consumption (VO2) and heart rate (HR). Methods: Ten highly trained cyclists performed an incremental, step-wise cycling protocol on two occasions while wearing the Moxy. SmO2, THb, VO2 and HR were recorded in the final minute of each five-minute stage. Data were analysed using Spearman’s Order-Rank Coefficient (SROC), Intraclass Correlation (ICC), and Coefficient of Variance (COV). Significance was set at p?≤?.05. Results: SmO2 showed a ‘strong’ or ‘very large’ correlation between trials (SROC: r?=?0.842–0.993, ICC: r?=?0.773–0.992, p?≤?.01) and was moderately correlated with VO2 and HR (r?=??0.71–0.73, p?≤?.01). SmO2 showed a moderate to high reliability at low intensities, but this decreased as relative exercise intensity increased. THb showed poor correlations between tests and with the other measured variables, but was highly reliable at all power outputs. Conclusions: The Moxy is a reliable device to measure SmO2 at low to moderate intensities, but at higher intensities, greater variation in measurements occurs, likely due to tissue ischaemia or increased movement artefacts due to more frequent muscular contractions. THb has low variation during exercise, and does not appear to be a valid indicator of muscle oxygenation.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the effect of 6 weeks of resistance training to volitional failure at low (30% 1 repetition maximum (RM)) or high (80%1RM) loads on gains in muscle size and strength in young women. Thirteen women (age: 29.7 ± 4.7years; height 166.7 ± 6.4cm; weight 64.2 ± 12.2kg) completed 2 training sessions per week for 6 weeks and muscle strength (1RM), muscle thickness (ultrasound) were measured before and after training. Training comprised 1 set to volitional failure of unilateral leg extensions and bicep curls with each limb randomly assigned to train at either 80% 1RM or 30% 1RM. Increases in muscle thickness [arms: 6.81 ± 3.15% (30% 1RM), 5.90 ± 3.13% (80% 1RM) and legs: 9.37 ± 5.61% (30% 1RM), 9.13 ± 7.9% (80% 1RM)] and strength [arms: 15.4 ± 12.2% (30% 1RM), 18.26 ± 12.2% (80% 1RM) and legs: 25.30 ± 18.4 (30% 1RM), 27.20 ± 14.5 (80% 1RM)] were not different between loads. When resistance exercise is performed to volitional failure gains in muscle size and strength are independent of load in young women.  相似文献   

根据健康教育的“知-信-行”模式,设计“K-A-P”调查问卷表,调查1200名学生的营养知识、态度及营养行为,测学生的身高、体重,用身高标准体重法评价营养状况,旨在了解广西体育专业大学生营养状况及营养知识、态度、行为,为进一步作好大学生的营养健康教育提供依据。  相似文献   

Growing literature has demonstrated that exercise may be an effective prevention and treatment option for drug addiction. In the past few years, many studies have suggested that there were sex differences in all phases of drug addiction. However, very limited research has investigated sex differences in the effectiveness of exercise intervention in drug addiction and rehabilitation. In this mini review, we summarize the effect of sex on the results of using exercise to prevent and treat drug addiction. The studies we consider span various animal models and use multiple types of exercise to examine the effectiveness of exercise on the neurobiological mechanism of exercise rehabilitation. We believe that exercise as an adjuvant intervention strategy can be applied better in drug addiction prevention and recovery.  相似文献   

Growing evidence has demonstrated exercise as an effective way to promote cardiovascular health and protect against cardiovascular diseases However, the underlying mechanisms of the beneficial effects of exercise have yet to be elucidated. Animal exercise studies are widely used to investigate the key mechanisms of exercise-induced cardiovascular protection. However, standardized procedures and well-established evaluation indicators for animal exercise models are needed to guide researchers in carrying out effective, high-quality animal studies using exercise to prevent and treat cardiovascular diseases. In our review, we present the commonly used animal exercise models in cardiovascular research and propose a set of standard procedures for exercise training, emphasizing the appropriate measurements and analysis in these chronic exercise models. We also provide recommendations for optimal design of animal exercise studies in cardiovascular research, including the choice of exercise models, control of exercise protocols, exercise at different stages of disease, and other considerations, such as age, sex, and genetic background. We hope that this position paper will promote basic research on exercise-induced cardiovascular protection and pave the way for successful translation of exercise studies from bench to bedside in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases.  相似文献   

Underfat individuals have been neglected as a malnourished population in terms of redox homeostasis. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of body composition on redox homeostasis at rest and in response to exercise. Underfat, lean and overfat women, classified according to their BMI and body fat percentage, participated in the study and were subjected to an acute session of eccentric exercise. With regard to muscle function and damage, a significant group × time interaction was found for range of motion (P < .01), isometric peak torque at 90° (P < .01), delayed onset muscle soreness (P < .01) and creatine kinase (P < .05), with the lean group generally exhibiting faster recovery compared to the underfat and overfat groups. With regard to redox homeostasis, a significant group × time interaction was found for F2-isoprostanes, protein carbonyls and glutathione (P < .01 for all biomarkers), with the underfat and overfat groups exhibiting increased resting oxidative stress levels and lower exercise-induced reactive species production . In conclusively, our data underline the importance of normal body composition for redox homeostasis, since underfat and overfat women demonstrate a similar pattern of redox disturbances both at rest and in response to exercise.  相似文献   


We explored the role of exercise self-identity within the framework of the theory of planned behaviour (TPB). Participants were 538 undergraduate students who completed measures of exercise self-identity, exercise behaviour, TPB items, and behavioural and control beliefs. Regression analysis showed that self-identity was the second strongest predictor of exercise behaviour and interacted with exercise intention. Follow-up analysis showed that the intention–exercise relationship was more than three times stronger at high than at low levels of exercise self-identity. Results also showed that only a marginal part of the sample with strong exercise identities had a weak exercise intention, whereas a large part of the sample with a strong exercise intention also reported a strong exercise identity. Nevertheless, only a quarter of the sample that reported strong exercise identity and intention were sufficiently active. The results underline the notion that exercise self-identity may be a useful component for the theory of planned behaviour.  相似文献   

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