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In 1866, military drill and instruction became part of the curriculum of Maryland Agricultural College as a result of the passage of the Morrill Act of 1862, a law setting the terms for the establishment of agricultural colleges across the USA. The introduction of military instruction meant a direct inclusion of physically active coursework that preceded the widespread emergence of organized physical education courses in American educational institutions. However, this was not the first time physical activity was used and discussed at the college: previously, the uses of physical activity at the college wholly entailed outdoor agricultural practice in which students applied pedagogical training about agricultural techniques in the field. In this paper, we examine early Maryland Agricultural College printed discourse from 1859 to 1886, studying how the college shifted focus from idealizing the Republican male citizen as a physically active farmer or ‘cultivator of the soil’ in the years preceding the American Civil War to a physically active ‘citizen-soldier’ in response to the social and political effects of the conflict. Our analysis sheds light on the historical place of such physical activity coursework within the larger historical narrative of American physical education's emergence, and also provides useful historical context for critically viewing linkages between physical culture, nationalism, agricultural education and the military in contemporary physical education.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the validity of a highly popular pedometer application (Samsung Health). Sixteen adults (28.8 ± 8.9 years of age) wore two Samsung smartphone models, Samsung Galaxy Core Prime (SGCP) and Samsung Galaxy S4 (SGS4), at three body locations (waist, arm, and hand) while walking and running over a 50-m test. All trials were recorded using a video as a gold standard measure of step counts. Results indicated that the validity of Samsung Health varied depending on the smartphone model, its body location, and the type of gait (walking and running). Samsung Health showed acceptable validity when the SGCP was located on the hand (Bias = ?8.3%; RMSE = 5.6), and especially on the arm (Bias = ?7.2%; RMSE = 4.9) while running, and when the SGS4 was located on the arm (Bias = ?7.5%; RMSE = 5.4), and especially on the waist (Bias = 5.4%; RMSE = 3.7) while walking. Samsung Health only showed good validity when the SGS4 was located on the arm (Bias = 2.9%; RMSE = 3.6), and especially on the hand (Bias = 0.5%; RMSE = 2.5) while running. This application showed unacceptable validity in the remaining options.  相似文献   


In this article, we study the evolution of competitive sport and sporting recreations in medieval Córdoba, from the Umayyad Muslims (756–1236) to the Christians (since 1236). In this diachronic study, firstly we compare the competitive sport and sporting recreations of the Muslim East (especially those of the Abbasid period) with those of Muslim Córdoba, in order to know the level of Arabization of those practices in Córdoba, and if competitive sport is more predominant than recreations or vice versa. Secondly, we study if competitive sport and sporting recreations had the same presence in Muslim Córdoba and Christian Córdoba (or if one predominated over the other), and the possible reasons for it. We conclude: (1) that in Muslim Córdoba, sporting recreations were more important than competitive sport, unlike what happened in the great Muslim cities of the East; (2) Arabization is almost total regarding the types of sport and recreations implanted in Córdoba but low regarding horse sports and the importance of competitive sport; and (3) that Christian Córdoba shows a very different character, since competitive sport is very important (largely because by that time Córdoba had become a frontier city).  相似文献   

利特马宁个人资料国籍:芬兰出生:1971年2月20日身高:1.81m体重:81——kg位置:中场现效力球队:巴塞罗那利特马宁身上最引人注目的地方也许还在于他又是一位来自阿贾克斯队的球员,就是说又有一名范加尔的嫡系弟子落户巴塞罗那。而不论加泰罗尼亚人心里如何抱怨.这位芬兰前锋的表现确实很出色,即使是在人才济济的诺坎普球场,利特马宁也显得是那么与众不同。──欧洲很多足球俱乐部邀请你去,体为什么选择了巴塞罗那?利待马宁:我在阿贾克斯呆了7年,我决定离开,到一个更有发展的球队去。英国、西班牙和意大利的很多俱乐部表示对我…  相似文献   

Explaining that it is not possible to divide human activity (political, economic, social, sport, etc.) into different sectors, as they all originate from the same actors, Norbert Elias and Eric Dunning thus came to formulate the central hypothesis of a network which linked the process of pacification of customs, the development of a parliamentary system for society, the state monopoly of violence, the euphemisation of violence in the aristocracy, the genesis of sport and, by recursion, the roles and functions of modern sports in the state control of violence and the learning of self-control. Elias and Dunning contrast modern sports with the ancient games, euphemisation and the persistence of violence, ‘sport’ leisure characteristic of ‘modern’ societies and traditional games in the ‘ancient’ societies, which accompanied the religious calendars and rites of passage. But do they really question society? This paper shows how the problems posed by Elias' theory are, essentially, of three types: first, those linked to the methodology used; second, those related to the limits imposed by the notion of self-constraint; and, finally, those concerning the pacifying function attributed to sport.  相似文献   

I model average running speed on distances from 5000 m to the marathon as a function of age, distance and sex. Using data on US age-dependent road-racing records, I simulate optimal performance forages ranging from 3 to 95 years. The results of the correlation between running speed and age are in line with medical results on the relation between age and maximal oxygen uptake. The results show that official track and field age-grading overestimates human performance at older ages.  相似文献   

The pre-service teacher (PST) learning process has been claimed to include multiple and complex forms of learning because various areas of knowledge growth occur at the same time. In the Sport Education (SE) literature, there has been a noticeable dearth of research regarding how PSTs learn, interpret and deliver the model. While several studies report PSTs having experienced SE prior to the formal study being carried out, to our knowledge, only one study has followed PSTs through a series of learning experiences. In this study, we used the three-level model of learning as a framework to investigate a PST’s continuing process of learning to teach SE as part of a PETE program and while teaching during the school placement component of the PETE program. The study was guided by the question, ‘How does a PST’s knowledge of teaching and learning SE develop?’ This study reports on one physical education PST learning to teach SE. The learning experience was composed of four PETE courses (two content courses and two school placements) divided into five phases. Data collection employed five semi-structured interviews, coursework and a focus group. Data were analyzed using a hybrid approach of inductive and deductive theme development. Results revealed that the PST progressively developed conscious awareness and understanding about teaching and learning SE. The comprehensive learning experience made the PST develop understanding of teaching and learning SE that reflected knowledge on an abstract level. Studying the relationships between SE concepts, while connecting them with knowledge from various PETE courses, the theoretical foundation of SE became accessible. We encourage physical education teacher educators to allow for a continuing growth of understanding where PSTs develop knowledge through various SE learning and teaching experiences tailored around their needs and concerns.  相似文献   


The sport industry is an emerging industry in China. The aims of this paper are to explore the history of China’s sport industry policies and to reveal existing problems and their causes in these policies. In this qualitative research, documentary analysis and in-depth interviews of 15 interviewees were conducted. It is concluded that the history of sport industry polices in China has undergone roughly four stages: budding (1978–1992), exploration (1992–1998), integration (1998–2008), and developing (2008 onwards). The Chinese sport industry policies have experienced numerous problems. First, the policy goals are hollow, unspecific, and undefined. Second, the policies lack pertinence. Third, their value standard deviates from the constraint condition. Fourth, they lack continuity and stability. The complicated reasons for these problems include factors related to the sport management system, the policy value orientation of government, and the interest game between stakeholders throughout the policy process. This paper, therefore, presents suggestions for China’s sport industry policies. First, the sports market should be opened gradually. Second, the government should increase policy support. Third, the government should support and regulate the development of professional sports. Fourth, the government should promote the construction of a national and local sport industry base.  相似文献   


After the Japanese Occupation ended in September 1945, Singapore experienced a brief period of British Military Administration. During the next three years of rehabilitation under civil administration, sport in Singapore became an instrument of identity creation. Administrators and stakeholders strove to establish an international profile. There was a desire to forge a Pan-Malayan sporting body and then the priority was to join the Olympic Movement. Tensions arose between interdependent organizations and the individuals representing interest groups. Civil administrators were predominantly British. The Chinese, who retained strong affiliations to nationalist China, represented the vast majority of the population. These two communities had their own ideas on how best to promote sport. A complicating factor was the growing threat of communism and the transition in political power in China. Two plans evolved that created a unique setting for representative sport in Singapore. Membership of the International Olympic Committee was the first step for athletes aspiring to represent the new Singapore Colony team itself. For the Chinese there was an alternative path. They became motivated to attend the China Games in Shanghai, with the hope that it would lead to selection for the China team at the Olympic Games in London.  相似文献   

Ian Syson 《国际体育史杂志》2015,32(13):1567-1577
Immediately after WW1, soccer had acquired a small but secure place in Melbourne sports culture. Soccer's commitment to the war effort potentially gave its adherents entry to the foundations of a new national mythology. Increasing migrant numbers in the 1920s grew the number of soccer's participants and supporters. Perhaps counterintuitively, this growth was accompanied by a growing distance between the game and notions of Australianness. This paper traces the cooling of soccer's welcome in Melbourne between 1920 and 1934 to the point where the game was cast to the margins of Australian identity.  相似文献   

提起“老鬼”,钓鱼人都挺熟悉。即便没有到过湖北老鬼鱼饵有限责任公司,没见过其公司的带头人易哲,也听过、看过、用过“老鬼”鱼饵。  相似文献   


Despite the large amount of research available on how engagement in football practice relates to future performance level among football players, similar information about the contribution of non-football activities is scarce. Based on data from 745 elite youth players this study aimed to identify the characteristics and contribution of diverse participation towards elite youth and senior professional status. The data were collected using a retrospective questionnaire where the players reported the amount of time spent in other sports than football, in addition to their perceived contribution of different non-football activities for developing football skills. The accumulated hours of time spent in other sports of players who had obtained a senior professional contract were compared to non-professional players, using multilevel modelling (n = 558), while a t-test compared the activity ratings to each other. No significant differences were identified between professional and non-professional players’ engagement history, but overall, the players rated sports similar to football to be significantly more relevant for developing football skills than other sports. The results suggests that spending time in non-football activities did not contribute to present differences in performance attainment in football, but also that potential advantages of such activities may be related to their characteristics.  相似文献   


Existing studies on complex interventions aiming to promote youths’ participation in physical education (PE) appear to be predominantly single-methodological. The aim of this article is to examine the benefits and challenges of evaluating an intervention to increase youths’ participation and experiences of social inclusion in the PE context using a multi-method approach integrating quantitative and qualitative approaches. The multi-method approach allowed an integration of the findings with regard to the implementation as well as the effect of the intervention. First of all, standardized questionnaires provided a manipulation check of the delivery of the intervention, while qualitative observations and interviews identified the diversity in pupils’ reactions thereto. Secondly, quantitative findings on the effect of the intervention were related to qualitative findings pointing to ambiguities in the pupils’ observed behaviour and interview responses. Thus, a more complete understanding of the implementation processes and effect of the intervention developed.  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2020,23(2):271-283
A significant body of knowledge exists around the role of intergroup relations in sport for development and peace (SFDP). However, while numerous SFDP researchers have investigated overt conflict, scholars have typically overlooked the varied nature of intergroup relations in comparatively stable SFDP environments. In addressing that issue, the authors explore intergroup relations in the context of Fiji, a country which in recent years has moved from a society characterized by the politics of coup d'état to democratic government and relatively peaceful social relations. That said, Fiji has long been shaped by a fundamental cultural divide between Indigenous Fijians (iTaukei) and Fijians of Indian ancestry (Indo-Fijians): this is reflected in the de facto separatism between these groups in relation to their role in rugby union and Association football (soccer). The authors present a qualitative framework—the Intergroup Relations Continuum (IRC)—by which to map intergroup relations as they apply in Fiji according to identity, ethnicity and sport. While the IRC is applied here in a Fijian context, the model is intended to be generalizable, aiming to provide a practical instrument for researchers, sport managers, policymakers and local stakeholders. The goal is to allow them to visually illustrate group affinities, rivalries, and sensibilities in terms of collective relationships that characterize sport and society.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine scary stories that young American adults recalled being told about physical education as they transferred from elementary school to secondary school. Participants were 70 undergraduate students. They were required to write about any scary stories concerning (a) secondary schooling in general, and (b) physical education in particular, that they could recall being told when they were about to move from elementary to secondary school. Standard interpretive techniques were used to analyze the data. A number of different scary story themes were identified. These themes were similar to those unearthed by British researchers, in that they were often concerned with the body, indicated that the transition to secondary school paralleled the transition to adulthood, and illustrated differences and similarities in expectations for boys and girls.  相似文献   

“华盛顿2006”世界邮展将于夸年5月27日到6月3日在美国首都华盛顿(哥伦比亚)特区的新会展中心(图1)举办。开幕、闭幕仪式都在周六,展期8天,包括美国国瑞日假期在内。目前据组委会资料,届时将有3800框达6万张贴片的展品参加竞赛.500框展品荣誉展出。展期安排了许多讲座,也有很多邮协利用这个机会来举办年会。100多个国家和地区的邮政部门设立销售摊位,而200多个邮商摊位已在2005年10月1日前售完,新申请只能列于候补名单。  相似文献   

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