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Track compliance does not affect sprinting performance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that sprint performance (time over a given distance) would be affected by track compliance, with better performances on the more compliant surface. Ten sprinters participated in the study. The athletes performed maximal sprints (60 m) on three different track configurations (hard, 5500 kN m(-1); soft, 2200 kN m(-1); spring, 550 kN m(-1)). A 60-m single-lane running surface was constructed. Plywood boards (1.2 cm thick) were placed on a 60 x 0.6 m wooden chipboard frame serving as the base surface. All participants ran two times on each track configuration in a randomized order. The athletes' kinematics were recorded using the Vicon 624 system with 12 cameras operating at 250 Hz. Four Kistler force plates (1250 Hz) were used to record ground reaction forces. Sprint performance (time over 60 m) was unaffected by the different track compliances (P= 0.57). In addition, there was no effect of track (P> 0.05) on the sprinting kinematics and kinetics of the ankle or knee joint. The hypothesis that sprint performance is affected by track compliance can be rejected because the sprinters recorded similar performances while sprinting over 60 m on all three track configurations. We conclude that: (1) the possible deformation of the track while sprinting is minor enough not to cause a specific adjustment in the leg mechanics affecting the effectiveness of the stretch-shortening cycle of the sprinters; and (2) the energy exchange between sprinters and tracks has only a marginal effect on sprint performance due to its small magnitude. More research on tracks with lower stiffness is required.  相似文献   

Running on side-sloped surfaces is a common obstacle in the environment; however, how and to what extent the lower extremity kinematics adapt is not well known. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of side-sloped surfaces on three-dimensional kinematics of hip, knee, and ankle during stance phase of running. Ten healthy adult males ran barefoot along an inclinable runway in level (0°) and side-sloped (10° up-slope and down-slope inclinations, respectively) configurations. Right hip, knee, and ankle angles along with their time of occurrence were analysed using repeated measures MANOVA. Up-slope hip was more adducted (p = 0.015) and internally rotated (p = 0.030). Knee had greater external rotations during side-sloped running at heel-strike (p = 0.005), while at toe-off, it rotated externally and internally during up-slope and down-slope running, respectively (p = 0.001). Down-slope ankle had greatest plantar flexion (p = 0.001). Up-slope ankle had greatest eversion compared with down-slope (p = 0.043), while it was more externally rotated (p = 0.030). These motion patterns are necessary to adjust the lower extremity length during side-sloped running. Timing differences in the kinematic events of hip adduction and external rotation, and ankle eversion were observed (p = 0.006). Knowledge on these alterations is a valuable tool in adopting strategies to enhance performance while preventing injury.  相似文献   


Distal-to-proximal redistribution of joint work occurs following exhaustive running in recreational but not competitive runners but the influence of a submaximal run on joint work is unknown. The purpose of this study was to assess if a long submaximal run produces a distal-to-proximal redistribution of positive joint work in well-trained runners. Thirteen rearfoot striking male runners (weekly distance: 72.6 ± 21.2 km) completed five running trials while three-dimensional kinematic and ground reaction force data were collected before and after a long submaximal treadmill run (19 ± 6 km). Joint kinetics were calculated from these data and percent contributions of joint work relative to total lower limb joint work were computed. Moderate reductions in absolute negative ankle work (p = 0.045, Cohen’s d = 0.31), peak plantarflexor torque (p = 0.004, d = 0.34) and, peak negative ankle power (p = 0.005, d = 0.32) were observed following the long run. Positive ankle, knee and hip joint work were unchanged (p < 0.05) following the long run. These findings suggest no proximal shift in positive joint work in well-trained runners after a prolonged run. Runner population, running pace, distance, and relative intensity should be considered when examining changes in joint work following prolonged running.  相似文献   

The lower limb kinetics of curve sprinting in amputees are not well described in the literature, particularly with respect to the effect of the side of amputation. This is an issue due to the importance of the knowledge for prosthetic design and classification of athletes. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the influence of side of amputation on curve sprinting performance in athletes with a unilateral leg amputation. A three-dimensional motion analysis system (Vicon), four force plates (Kistler) and a modified mathematical human model (ALASKA) were used to compare clockwise and counter clockwise curve sprinting lower limb kinematics and kinetics of a Paralympic medalist with a left-sided knee exarticular amputation. Results reveal that vertical ground reaction force application and total vertical impulse were lower when the affected limb was at the inside of the curve. The unaffected limb showed joint mechanics different to those established for non-amputee athletes and might contribute better to propulsion when being the inside limb. Curve sprinting biomechanics and the ability to attain high radial velocities are directly dependent on the side of amputation relative to the curve direction in a unilateral amputee athlete of highest performance level.  相似文献   

We aimed to investigate the step-to-step spatiotemporal variables and ground reaction forces during the acceleration phase for characterising intra-individual fastest sprinting within a single session. Step-to-step spatiotemporal variables and ground reaction forces produced by 15 male athletes were measured over a 50-m distance during repeated (three to five) 60-m sprints using a long force platform system. Differences in measured variables between the fastest and slowest trials were examined at each step until the 22nd step using a magnitude-based inferences approach. There were possibly–most likely higher running speed and step frequency (2nd to 22nd steps) and shorter support time (all steps) in the fastest trial than in the slowest trial. Moreover, for the fastest trial there were likely–very likely greater mean propulsive force during the initial four steps and possibly–very likely larger mean net anterior–posterior force until the 17th step. The current results demonstrate that better sprinting performance within a single session is probably achieved by 1) a high step frequency (except the initial step) with short support time at all steps, 2) exerting a greater mean propulsive force during initial acceleration, and 3) producing a greater mean net anterior–posterior force during initial and middle acceleration.  相似文献   


Currently, whole-body vibration is being used to promote enhanced performance. Many coaches and athletes believe that it can acutely enhance explosive performance and power output. However, the scientific literature is unclear as to whether this enhancement occurs. The purpose of this study was to examine the acute effects of whole-body vibration on static jump performance, including jump height, peak force, rate of force development, and peak power. Fourteen recreationally active individuals (5 females, 9 males) participated in three separate randomized treatment sessions. Treatment 1 consisted of no vibration while treatment 2 and treatment 3 incorporated whole-body vibration. The whole-body vibration protocol consisted of three 30-s bouts of vibration performed at 30 Hz and low amplitude (~3 mm) with a 30-s rest between bouts. Treatment 1 was identical in duration to both treatments 2 and 3, but did not contain any vibration. Five minutes after each treatment, the participants performed the static jump protocols. Two (data averaged) non-weighted static jumps and two 20 kg weighted jumps were performed. Treatments 1 vs. 2, 1 vs. 3, and 2 vs. 3 were calculated for each variable at both 0 kg and 20 kg. Jump height, peak force, rate of force development, and peak power were analysed using a one-way analysis of variance with repeated measures. The intra-class correlations comparing the two trials of each jump for each of the three treatments were ≥0.92. Compared with the no-vibration condition, jump height showed a non-significant increase as a result of whole-body vibration for both unweighted and weighted jumps; peak force, rate of force development, and peak power were not statistically different. The results indicate that whole-body vibration has no effect on jump height, peak force, rate of force development or peak power during static jumping.  相似文献   

We compared the effects of (1) accurate and (2) surreptitiously augmented performance feedback on power output and physiological responses to a 4000 m time-trial in the heat. Nine cyclists completed a baseline (BaseL) 4000 m time-trial in ambient temperatures of 30°C, followed by two further 4000 m time-trials at the same temperature, randomly assigning the participants to an accurate (ACC; accurate feedback of baseline) or deceived (DEC; 2% increase above baseline) feedback group. The total power output (PO) and aerobic (Paer) and anaerobic (Pan) contributions were determined at 0.4 km stages during the time-trials, alongside measurements of rectal (Trec) and skin (Tskin) temperatures. There were no differences (P > 0.05) in any of the variables between BaseL, ACC and DEC, despite increases (P < 0.05) in Trec and Tskin. Typical pacing profiles were demonstrated; however, there was no interaction (P > 0.05) between feedback condition and time-trial stage. Providing surreptitiously augmented performance feedback to well-trained cyclists did not alter their performance or physiological responses to a 4000 m time-trial in a hot environment. The assumed influence of augmented performance feedback was nullified in the heat, perhaps reflecting a central down-regulation of exercise intensity in response to an increased body temperature.  相似文献   


In this study, we examined the effects of a pre-acclimatization programme on endurance performance at moderate altitude using a resting intermittent hypoxia protocol. The time-trial performance of 11 cyclists was determined at low altitude (600 m). Athletes were randomly assigned in a double-blind fashion to the hypoxia or the control group. The pre-acclimatization programme consisted of seven sessions each lasting 1 h in normobaric hypoxia (inspired fraction of oxygen of 12.5%, equivalent to approximately 4500 m) for the hypoxia group (n = 6) and in normoxia (inspired fraction of oxygen of 20.9%) for the control group (n = 5). The time-trials were repeated at moderate altitude (1970 m). Mean power output during the time-trial at moderate altitude was decreased in the hypoxia group (?0.26 ± 0.11 W · kg?1) and in the control group (?0.13 ± 0.04 W · kg?1) compared with at low altitude but did not differ between groups (P = 0.13). Our results suggest that the applied protocol of intermittent hypoxia had no positive effect on endurance performance at moderate altitude. Whether different intermittent hypoxia protocols are advantageous remains to be determined.  相似文献   

优秀男子短跑运动员百米后程跑减速的运动学分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
采用高速摄影和影片解析的方法,对我国优秀男子短跑运动员途中跑和后程跑的支撑阶段等技术参数进行比较分析。结果显示,技术动作变形、单步支撑时间延长、步频下降等因素,是导致后程跑减速的主要原因。  相似文献   

Tensiomyography has been suggested as an indirect marker of muscle stiffness, which is associated with strength/power performance. Therefore, it is reasonable to suggest that tensiomyography parameters could be associated with power-related motor tasks. The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between tensiomyography parameters (from rectus and biceps femoris) and jumping and sprinting abilities in elite soccer players. In addition, we used tensiomyography parameters to compare the lateral symmetry between dominant and non-dominant legs. Twenty elite soccer players (age: 23.3 ± 4.8 years; height: 183.5 ± 6.6 cm; weight: 77.8 ± 7.5 kg) volunteered to participate in the study. Significant moderate negative correlations between biceps femoris displacement and contact time (r = –0.5, p = 0.03), rectus femoris displacement and contact time (r = –0.51, p = 0.02), and a significant moderate correlation between biceps femoris displacement and reactive strength index (r = 0.5, p = 0.03) were found. There were no correlations between tensiomyography parameters and power-related motor tasks. In addition, no differences in tensiomyography parameters between dominant and non-dominant legs were found. Our data suggest that tensiomyography parameters are not associated with power-related motor tasks performance in elite soccer players.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of carbohydrate mouth rinsing on endurance running performance in women. Fifteen female recreational endurance runners, who used no oral contraceptives, ran two races of 1-h duration on an indoor track (216-m length) at 18:00 h after an 8-h fast with a 7-days interval between races, corresponding to the 3rd-10th day of each premenopausal runner’s menstrual cycle, or any day for the postmenopausal runners. In a double-blind random order, participants rinsed their mouth with 25 ml of either a 6.4% carbohydrate (RCHO) or a placebo solution (RP). No fluid was ingested during exercise. Serum 17β-Εstradiol (= 0.59) and Progesterone (= 0.35) did not differ between treatments. There was no difference in 1-hour running performance (RCHO: 10,621.88 ± 205.98 m vs. RP: 10,454.00 ± 206.64 m; = 1.784, = 0.096). Furthermore, the mean percentage effect (±99%CI) of RCHO relative to RP, 1.67% (?1.1% to 4.4%), and Cohen’s effect size (d = 0.21) support a trivial outcome of RCHO for total distance covered. In conclusion, carbohydrate mouth rinsing did not improve 60-min track running performance in female recreational runners competing in a low ovarian hormone condition, after an 8-h fast and when no fluid was ingested during exercise.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the age-based, lower limb kinetics of running performances of endurance athletes. Six running trials were performed by 24 male athletes, who were distinguished by three age groupings (S35: 26–32 years, M50: 50–54 years, M60+: 60–68 years). Lower limb coordinate and ground reaction force data were collected using a nine camera infra-red system synchronised with a force plate. A slower anteroposterior (M ± SD S35 = 4.13 ± 0.54 m/s: M60+ = 3.34 ± 0.40 m/s, p < 0.05) running velocity was associated with significant (p < 0.05) decreases in step length and discrete vertical ground contact force between M60+and S35 athletes. The M60+athletes simultaneously generated a 32% and 42% reduction (p < 0.05) in ankle joint moment when compared to the M50 and S35 athletes and 72% (p < 0.05) reduction in knee joint stiffness when compared to S35 athletes. Age-based declines in running performance were associated with reduced stance phase force tolerance and generation that may be accounted for due to an inhibited force–velocity muscular function of the lower limb. Joint-specific coaching strategies customised to athlete age are warranted to maintain/enhance athletes' dynamic performance.  相似文献   

Objectives: Development of evidence-based methods of Paralympic classification requires research quantifying the relative strength of association between ratio-scaled measures of impairment and athletic performance. The purpose of this study was to quantify the extent to which muscle strength affects running performance in runners with and without brain impairment. Design: Cross-sectional study. Methods: Participants were 41 male runners: 13 with brain impairments (RBI) and 28 non-disabled (NDR). All participants completed a maximal 60-m sprint and a novel battery of three lower limb isometric strength tests. Results: RBI showed significantly lower strength scores compared with NDR on the more affected side in leg flexion (176 vs. 243?N), leg extension (993 vs. 1661?N) and plantarflexion (824 vs. 1457?N). Significant differences were also seen on the less affected side in plantarflexion (1072 vs. 1508?N). RBI were significantly slower in the acceleration phase (0–15?m) (3.2?s?±?0.3?vs. 2.8?s?±?0.2) and top speed phase (30?60?m) (4.3?s?±?0.6?vs. 3.8?s?±?0.3). Correlation analysis showed stronger relationships between strength and running performance in RBI than NDR; however, the correlations were not significant. Conclusions: This study evaluated measures to assess strength for the purposes of classification and found that the measures were significantly different in RBI compared with NDR indicating the tests were able to capture strength impairment in this population. This study indicates that strength may be an important impairment type to assess in this population, as impairments of muscle strength may influence the outcome of running performance in athletes with more severe impairments.  相似文献   

Turns (pirouettes) are an important movement in ballet and may be affected by “lateral bias”. This study investigated physiological differences exhibited by experienced and novice dancers, respectively, when performing pirouette with dominant and non-dominant leg supports, respectively. Thirteen novice and 13 experienced dancers performed turns on dominant or non-dominant legs. The maximum ankle plantarflexion, knee extension and hip extension were measured during the single-leg support phase. The inclination angle of rotation axis is the angle between instantaneous rotation axis and global vertical axis in the early single-leg support phase. Both groups exhibited a greater hip extension, knee extension, and ankle plantarflexion when performing a turn on the non-dominant leg. For experienced dancers, the inclination angle of rotation axis during the pre-swing phase was generally smaller for dominant leg support than non-dominant leg. However, no significant difference was found in inclination angle of rotation axis of novice dancers. For experienced dancers, an improved performance is obtained when using the dominant leg for support. By contrast, for novice dancers, the performance is independent of choice of support leg. The significant lateral bias in experienced dancers indicates the possible influence of training. That is, repetitive rehearsal on the preferred leg strengthens the impact of side dominance in experienced dancers.  相似文献   

Benefits of bilateral practice both for the non-dominant and for the dominant body side have been shown in several studies. Thereby, most of the studies included movement tasks of the upper extremity or investigated sports games in which the ability of acting bilaterally is an essential basis for success and, thus, a bilateral practice is reasonable anyway. Individual unilaterally performed sports including movement tasks of the lower extremity are rarely investigated. Therefore, the aim of our study was to test if contralateral transfer due to bilateral practice can be found in an unilaterally performed sport including the lower extremity. We trained and tested 61 adolescent athletes in long jump to compare the jumping performance of the dominant leg after a 12-week practice period between two groups: a bilateral practice group that practiced specific long jump exercises with both the dominant and non-dominant leg and an unilateral practice group that practiced specific long jump exercises only with the dominant leg. Results showed a superior effect of bilateral practice compared to unilateral practice regarding the jumping performance of the dominant leg. The performance increase at post-test and retention-test for the dominant limb was significantly higher for the bilateral practice group (pre-to-post: 5.2%, pre-to-retention: 7.4%) compared to the unilateral practice group (pre-to-post: 3.4%, pre-to-retention: 4.5%). Thus, bilateral practice should be established in the early practice programmes of track and field athletes to improve the performance of the dominant take-off leg.  相似文献   

PurposeThis study aimed to determine the independent effect of the curved carbon-fiber plate in the Nike Vaporfly 4% shoe on running economy and running biomechanics.MethodsFifteen healthy male runners completed a metabolic protocol and a biomechanics protocol. In both protocols participants wore 2 different shoes, an intact Nike Vaporfly 4% (VFintact) and a cut Nike Vaporfly 4% (VFcut). The VFcut had 6 medio-lateral cuts through the carbon-fiber plate in the forefoot to reduce the effectiveness of the plate. In the metabolic protocol, participants ran at 14 km/h for 5 min, twice with each shoe, on a force-measuring treadmill while we measured metabolic rate. In the biomechanics protocol, participants ran across a runway with embedded force plates at 14 km/h. We calculated running economy, kinetics, and lower limb joint mechanics.ResultsRunning economy did not significantly differ between shoe conditions (on average, 0.55% ± 1.77% (mean ± SD)) worse in the VFcut compared to the VFintact; 95% confidence interval (–1.44% to 0.40%). Biomechanical differences were only found in the metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint with increased MTP dorsiflexion angle, angular velocity, and negative power in the VFcut. Contact time was 1% longer in the VFintact.ConclusionCutting the carbon-fiber plate and reducing the longitudinal bending stiffness did not have a significant effect on the energy savings in the Nike Vaporfly 4%. This suggests that the plate's stiffening effect on the MTP joint plays a limited role in the reported energy savings, and instead savings are likely from a combination and interaction of the foam, geometry, and plate.  相似文献   

Prior research indicates that providing participants with positive augmented feedback tends to enhance motor learning and performance, whereas the opposite occurs with negative feedback. However, the majority of studies were conducted with untrained participants performing unfamiliar motor tasks and so it remains unclear if elite athletes completing familiar tasks respond in a similar fashion. Thus, this study investigated the effects of three different versions of false-performance feedback on punching force (N), pacing (force over time) and ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) in 15 elite amateur male boxers. Athletes completed a simulated boxing bout consisting of three rounds with 84 maximal effort punches delivered to a punching integrator on four separate days. Day one was a familiarisation session in which no feedback was provided. In the following three days athletes randomly received false-positive, false-negative and false-neutral feedback on their punching performance between each round. No statistical or meaningful differences were observed in punching forces, pacing or RPE between conditions (> 0.05; ≤ 2%). These null results could stem from the elite status of the athletes involved, the focus on performance rather than learning, or they may indicate that false feedback has a less potent effect on performance than previously thought.  相似文献   

This study aimed to explore how asymptomatic athletes with a patellar tendon abnormality (PTA), who are at high risk of developing patellar tendinopathy, alter their landing technique and net patellar tendon loads generated in response to fatigue. Seven asymptomatic players with a PTA performed five successful vertical stop-jump trials before and after a fatigue protocol. Fatigue protocol involved participants repeatedly performing sets of 30 submaximal jump exercises on a sledge apparatus followed by 30 s rest until the task failure criteria were reached. Three-dimensional ground reaction forces, lower limb kinematics and net peak patellar tendon force were recorded during the stop-jump task. No significant between-fatigue condition differences in net patellar tendon loading, or most secondary outcome variables were observed. Only some fatigue changes were seen during the vertical landing phase. Asymptomatic PTA participants did not modify their landing technique or net patellar tendon loading during a stop-jump task in response to fatigue. The lack of between-fatigue condition differences displayed by the asymptomatic PTA participants during both landing phases suggest that these individuals may not be capable of sufficient movement variability in their landing strategies to adapt to fatigue.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of beetroot juice on the repeated bout effect (RBE) to eccentric exercise. Twenty-nine recreationally active males performed two bouts of 100-drop jumps, separated by 14–21 days. Using a double-blind, independent groups design, participants consumed either a higher dose beetroot juice (H-BT; 250 ml, n = 10), a lower dose beetroot juice (L-BT; 125 ml, n = 9) or an isocaloric placebo (PLA; 250 ml, n = 10) for 3 days after bout 1; no drinks were consumed after bout 2. Maximal isometric voluntary contraction (MIVC), countermovement jump (CMJ), pressure-pain threshold (PPT) and creatine kinase (CK) were measured pre, post, 24, 48 and 72 h following both bouts. In bout 2, CMJ and MIVC recovered quicker and CK activity was attenuated (versus bout 1) (P < 0.05) in all groups, demonstrating an RBE. At 24 h post bout 1, MIVC was 84.1 ± 16.1, 83.6 ± 11.6, 79.7 ± 15.1% relative to baseline values in the H-BT, L-BT and PLA groups, respectively; at 24 h post bout 2, MIVC recovered to 90.7 ± 13.7, 92.9 ± 6.9, 87.8 ± 6.9, in the H-BT, L-BT and PLA groups, respectively. These findings suggest that supplementation with antioxidant-rich beetroot juice does not adversely affect acute adaptations to a bout of eccentric exercise.  相似文献   

To assess the effectiveness of breast support previous studies monitored breast kinematics and kinetics, subjective feedback, muscle activity (EMG), ground reaction forces (GRFs) and physiological measures in isolation. Comparing these variables within one study will establish the key performance variables that distinguish between breast supports during activities such as running. This study investigates the effects of changes in breast support on biomechanical, physiological and subjective measures during running. Ten females (34D) ran for 10 min in high and low breast supports, and for 2 min bare breasted (2.8 m·s?1). Breast and body kinematics, EMG, expired air and heart rate were recorded. GRFs were recorded during 10 m overground runs (2.8 m·s?1) and subjective feedback obtained after each condition. Of the 62 variables measured, 22 kinematic and subjective variables were influenced by changes in breast support. Willingness to exercise, time lag and superio-inferior breast velocity were most affected. GRFs, EMG and physiological variables were unaffected by breast support changes during running. Breast displacement reduction, although previously advocated, was not the most sensitive variable to breast support changes during running. Instead breast support products should be assessed using a battery of performance indicators, including the key kinematic and subjective variables identified here.  相似文献   

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