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The aim of the present study was to examine the relationship between the performance heart rate during an ultra-endurance triathlon and the heart rate corresponding to several demarcation points measured during laboratory-based progressive cycle ergometry and treadmill running. Less than one month before an ultra-endurance triathlon, 21 well-trained ultra-endurance triathletes (mean +/- s: age 35 +/- 6 years, height 1.77 +/- 0.05 m, mass 74.0 +/- 6.9 kg, = 4.75 +/- 0.42 l x min(-1)) performed progressive exercise tests of cycle ergometry and treadmill running for the determination of peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak), heart rate corresponding to the first and second ventilatory thresholds, as well as the heart rate deflection point. Portable telemetry units recorded heart rate at 60 s increments throughout the ultra-endurance triathlon. Heart rate during the cycle and run phases of the ultra-endurance triathlon (148 +/- 9 and 143 +/- 13 beats x min(-1) respectively) were significantly (P < 0.05) less than the second ventilatory thresholds (160 +/- 13 and 165 +/- 14 beats x min(-1) respectively) and heart rate deflection points (170 +/- 13 and 179 +/- 9 beats x min(-1) respectively). However, mean heart rate during the cycle and run phases of the ultra-endurance triathlon were significantly related to (r = 0.76 and 0.66; P < 0.01), and not significantly different from, the first ventilatory thresholds (146 +/- 12 and 148 +/- 15 beats x min(-1) respectively). Furthermore, the difference between heart rate during the cycle phase of the ultra-endurance triathlon and heart rate at the first ventilatory threshold was related to marathon run time (r = 0.61; P < 0.01) and overall ultra-endurance triathlon time (r = 0.45; P < 0.05). The results suggest that triathletes perform the cycle and run phases of the ultra-endurance triathlon at an exercise intensity near their first ventilatory threshold.  相似文献   

研究目的是观察平原及高原匀速耐力跑时足球运动员心车漂移现象及不同运动能力的运动员之间心率漂移的差异,分析不同耐力水平运动员心率漂移的变化对运动能力的影响。研究结果表明足球运动员平原及高原匀速耐力跑时无论是在平原还是在高原所有受试者都不同程度地出现心率漂移现象。但高原各心半指标均高于平原。不同运动能力受试者所存在妁心率漂移现象差异在一定程度上反映了最大摄氧能力差异。但心率漂移现象作为评定呼吸和循环系统机能妁指杯还需有更多妁其他生理指标支持。  相似文献   


Triathlon is a popular outdoor endurance sport performed under a variety of environmental conditions. The aim of this study was to assess physiological variables before and after a half-ironman triathlon in the heat and to analyse their relationship with performance. Thirty-four well-trained triathletes completed a half-ironman triathlon in a mean dry temperature of 29 ± 3ºC. Before and within 1 min after the end of the race, body mass, core temperature, maximal jump height and venous blood samples were obtained. Mean race time was 315 ± 40 min, with swimming (11 ± 1%), cycling (49 ± 2%) and running (40 ± 3%) representing different amounts of the total race time. At the end of the competition, body mass changed by ?3.8 ± 1.6% and the change in body mass correlated positively with race time (= 0.64; < 0.001). Core temperature increased from 37.5 ± 0.6ºC to 38.8 ± 0.7ºC (< 0.001) and post-race core temperature correlated negatively with race time (= ?0.47; P = 0.007). Race time correlated positively with the decrease in jump height (= 0.38; = 0.043), post-race serum creatine kinase (= 0.55; = 0.001) and myoglobin concentrations (= 0.39; = 0.022). In a half-ironman triathlon in the heat, greater reductions in body mass and higher post-competition core temperatures were present in faster triathletes. In contrast, slower triathletes presented higher levels of muscle damage and decreased muscle performance.  相似文献   

Laboratory-based studies indicate mild dehydration adversely affects mood. Although ultra-endurance events often result in mild to moderate dehydration, little research has evaluated whether the relationship between hydration status and mood state also exists in these arduous events. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate how hydration status affected mood state and perceptual measures during a 161 km ultra-endurance cycling event. One hundred and nineteen cyclists (103 males, 16 females; age = 46 ± 9 years; height = 175.4 ± 17.9 cm; mass = 82.8 ± 16.3 kg) from the 2011 and 2013 Hotter’N Hell events participated. Perceived exertion, Thermal, Thirst, and Pain sensations, Brunel Profile of Mood States, and urine specific gravity (USG) were measured pre- (~1 h before), mid- (~97 km), and post-ride. Participants were classified at each time point as dehydrated (USG ≥ 1.022) or euhydrated (USG ≤ 1.018). Independent of time point, dehydrated participants (USG = 1.027 ± 0.004) had decreased Vigour and increased Fatigue, Pain, Thirst, and Thermal sensations compared to euhydrated participants (USG = 1.012 ± 0.004; all P < 0.01). USG significantly correlated with Fatigue (r = 0.36), Vigour (r = ?0.27), Thirst (r = 0.15), and Pain (r = 0.22; all P < 0.05). In conclusion, dehydrated participants had greater Fatigue and Pain than euhydrated participants. These findings indicate dehydration may adversely affect mood state and perceptual ratings during ultra-endurance cycling.  相似文献   

我国射击与射箭运动发展中的热点问题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
石岩 《体育与科学》2004,25(4):52-55
本文对我国射击与射箭运动发展中的3个热点问题:优秀运动员运动寿命、备战奥运会科研工作、“外脑”进行了初步探讨。一些观点可供国家队备战奥运会参考。  相似文献   

The present study examined the predicted positive and linear relationship (Iwanaga, 1995a, 1995b) between exercise heart rate and music tempo preference. Initially, 128 undergraduate students (M age = 20.0 years, SD = 0.9) were surveyed to establish their three favorite music artists. A separate experimental group of 29 undergraduates (M age = 20.3 years, SD = 1.2) selected the music of a single artist from the three highest-rated artists from the earlier survey. They reported their preference for slow, medium, and fast tempo selections from each artist for three treadmill walking conditions at 40%, 60%, and 75% maximal heart rate reserve. A mixed-model 3 x 3 x 2 (Exercise Intensity x Music Tempo x Gender) analysis of variance was used to analyze the data. Results indicated there was no three-way interaction for music preference. There was, however, a significant (p < .05) two-way interaction for Exercise Intensity x Music Tempo (partial eta2 = .09) and a significant (p < .05) main effect for music tempo, with large differences evident between preference for medium versus slow tempo and fast versus slow tempo music at all exercise intensities (partial eta2 = .78). Participants reported a preference for both medium and fast tempo music at low and moderate exercise intensities and for fast tempo music at high intensity. Only partial support was found for the expected linear relationship between exercise intensity and music tempo preference.  相似文献   

奥林匹克运动跨文化传播价值及其发展策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用文献资料等研究方法,对奥林匹克运动跨文化传播问题进行探讨。认为:奥林匹克运动通过全球跨文化传播,对于人类社会文化的整合、传承、交流、国家形象的展示及社会和谐发展具有重要价值。结合北京奥运会,提出避免文化单一化,实现奥林匹克文化的多元共存;树立跨文化传播的理念;营造世界民族平等、和谐氛围;充分发挥现代媒体网络跨文化传播效应等发展策略。  相似文献   


This study investigates the effect of running shoes’ aging on mechanical and biomechanical parameters as a function of midsole materials (viscous, intermediate, elastic) and ground inclination. To this aim, heel area of the shoe (under calcaneal tuberosity) was first mechanically aged at realistic frequency and impact magnitudes based on a 660 km training plan. Stiffness (ST) and viscosity were then measured on both aged and matching new shoes, and repercussions on biomechanical variables (joint kinematics, muscular pre-activation, vertical ground reaction force and tibial acceleration) were assessed during a leg-extended stepping-down task designed to mimic the characteristics of running impacts. Shoes’ aging led to increased ST (means: from 127 to 154 N ? mm?1) and decreased energy dissipation (viscosity) (means: from 2.19 to 1.88 J). The effects induced by mechanical changes on body kinematics were very small. However, they led with the elastic shoe to increased vastus lateralis pre-activation, tibial acceleration peak (means: from 4.5 g to 5.2 g) and rate. Among the three shoes tested, the shoe with intermediate midsole foam provided the best compromise between viscosity and elasticity. The optimum balance remains to be found for the design of shoes regarding at once cushioning, durability and injury prevention.  相似文献   

随着城市化进程的不断加快,区域空间一体化已成为城市发展的方向,构建都市体育圈成为必然趋势。文章在分析都市体育圈城市规划的基础上,运用文献资料法和逻辑分析法探讨了都市体育圈城市规划与体育生活的关系。研究发现:住宅小区是未来城市居民的主要居住形式,小区内的体育设施建设和居民健身状况休戚相关。社区绿地建设是居民活动的中心,完善康体模式一体化是解决居民健身的当务之急。  相似文献   

中日竞技体育的兴衰与两国运动训练体制的比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用比较法和文献法对近20年来中国两国竞技体育的兴衰进行探讨,分析两国运动训练的体制现状与改革发展,并得出我国的三级运动训练体制的整体经济实力发展情况,集中人力,物力,财力优先发展竞技体育,实现体育强国的目标是可行的结论。  相似文献   

休闲体育与经济的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
休闲体育产业是21世纪的朝阳产业,休闲体育属于国民经济的第三产业,和经济的发展形成了密不可分的关系,经济是休闲体育发展的基础,经济的发展推动了以体育为主的休闲健身娱乐业的发展,增强了人们的体育消费意识,促进了休闲体育相关产业的发展,体育消费观念的增强,又推动了经济的发展。  相似文献   

该研究的逻辑起点是体育资源的供给与体育资源的社会需求,在体育资源有限的情况下国民健康水平的提高与国家竞技实力的增强两者之间的博弈。体育资源的配置涉及资源的种类、来源、影响因素和资源投入后的最终产品等诸多因素及这些因素的互动。“后奥运时代”随着人们对体育的需求不断增大,大众体育资源相对不足的问题已经突显出来,成为阻碍大众体育发展的绊脚石。  相似文献   

This study examined the associations between pre-game wellness and changes in match running performance normalised to either (i) playing time, (ii) post-match RPE or (iii) both playing time and post-match RPE, over the course of a field hockey tournament. Twelve male hockey players were equipped with global positioning system (GPS) units while competing in an international tournament (six matches over 9 days). The following GPS-derived variables, total distance (TD), low-intensity activity (LIA; <15?km/h), high-intensity running (HIR; >15?km/h), high-intensity accelerations (HIACC; >2?m/s2) and decelerations (HIDEC; >?2?m/s2) were acquired and normalised to either (i) playing time, (ii) post-match RPE or (iii) both playing time and post-match RPE. Each morning, players completed ratings on a 0–10 scale for four variables: fatigue, muscle soreness, mood state and sleep quality, with cumulative scores determined as wellness. Associations between match performances and wellness were analysed using Pearson’s correlation coefficient. Combined time and RPE normalisation demonstrated the largest associations with Δwellness compared with time or RPE alone for most variables; TD (r?=??0.95; ?1.00 to ?0.82, p?=?.004), HIR (r?=??0.95; ?1.00 to ?0.83, p?=?.003), LIA (r?=??0.94; ?1.00 to ?0.81, p?=?.026), HIACC (r?=??0.87; ?1.00 to ?0.66, p?=?.004) and HIDEC (r?=??0.90; ?0.99 to ?0.74, p?=?.008). These findings support the use of wellness measures as a pre-match tool to assist with managing internal load over the course of a field hockey tournament.


  • Fixtures during international field hockey tournaments are typically congested and impose high physiological demands on an athlete. To minimise decrements in running performance over the course of a tournament, measures to identify players who have sustained high internal loads are logically warranted.

  • The present study examined the association between changes in simple customised psychometric wellness measures, on changes in match running performance normalised to (i) playing time, (ii) post-match RPE and (iii) playing time and post-match RPE, over the course of a field hockey tournament.

  • Changes in match running performance were better associated to changes in wellness (r = ?0.87 to ?0.95), when running performances were normalised to both time and RPE compared with time or RPE alone.

  • The present findings support the use of wellness measures as a pre-match tool to assist with managing internal load over the course of a field hockey tournament. Improved associations between wellness scores and match running performances were evident, when running variables were normalised to both playing time and post-match RPE.


This study investigated differences in lower-limb coordination and coordination variability between experienced and novice runners during a prolonged run. Thirty-four participants were categorised as either experienced (n = 17) or novice runners (n = 17). All participants performed a 31-min treadmill run at their individual anaerobic threshold speed, and lower-limb kinematic data were acquired in the sagittal plane at the beginning, middle, and end of the run. Lower-limb coordination and variability during the stance phase were quantified using a vector coding technique for hip-knee, knee-ankle, pelvis-thigh, thigh-shank, and shank-foot couplings. Repeated-measure analysis of covariance revealed that running experience and time had significant interactions on the coordination patterns for hip-knee and pelvis-thigh couplings. During the midstance, experienced runners exhibited a higher percentage of in-phase motion for pelvis-thigh and knee-ankle couplings while novice runners displayed a higher percentage of distal motion for pelvis-thigh coupling and anti-phase motion for hip-knee coupling. Experienced runners displayed more variability in hip-knee and shank-foot couplings, and novice runners had more variability in hip, knee, and thigh motion. Experienced and novice runners adapted to progressive fatigue through different lower-limb coordination patterns. Throughout the prolonged run, experienced runners demonstrated greater coordination variability and novice runners displayed greater joint and segment variability.  相似文献   

奥运经济周期与体育经济政策调整的关系研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
从奥运经济的定义入手,结合前几届奥运会主办城市和国家经济的发展状况,分析奥运经济周期区别于一般经济周期的主要特点,在此基础上找出奥运经济周期内各项经济政策的主要着力点,并通过对具体奥运经济周期阶段相应体育经济政策的分析,探索奥运经济周期与体育经济政策调整的辩证关系,以期得出对北京奥运经济周期内体育经济政策调整有借鉴意义的政策建议。  相似文献   

现代体育思想:体育与宗教的哲学思辨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对生与死的价值判断是哲学的基本问题之一。在人的生命的延续过程中,体育提升“活”的品质,宗教缓解“死”的恐惧,二者构成矛盾的统一体,与人类的文明和进步紧密地交织在一起。以辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的观点探讨了体育与宗教的渊源及发展,并指出了宗教的世俗化改造与体育的理性化引导对人类社会的现实意义。  相似文献   

本文运用问卷调查法为主要研究方法,以湖南省体操运动员运动损伤者为研究对象,探讨我省体操运动员运动损伤成因与运动场景的关系,旨在最大限度地预防运动损伤的发生。结果显示:运动场景是导致运动员运动损伤的重要原因之一;在运动损伤的运动员中,由于运动场景的原因,城与乡、一线队与二线队、男与女的受伤人数比例成显著差异。而一线队与二线队运动员因“情景回顾”受伤人数比例无明显差异。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法等,探寻我国体育特色发展之路,提出南京青奥会对体育强国建设有着重要的推动作用。南京青奥会是在我国本土真正意义上的文化教育活动,其在竞技体育、青少年健康、"弱势"群体健康意识培养、体育文化内涵和传播媒体重心转移等方面,能够为体育强国建设提供积极效能和正面影响。  相似文献   

从性别差异、社会性别认同的角度阐释奥林匹克竞赛项目的变化。从项群理论对运动项目的分类来看,女性更适合参与表现唯美、精准的项目。结果表明::在尊重性别差异、结合运动项目特点、在性别生理、心理差异的基础之上、在奥林匹克文化与民族文化的统一与分野的基础之上、才能实现最有内涵的男女平等。  相似文献   

运用文献资料和逻辑分析等方法,对现代奥林匹克运动与政治关系的研究现状、发展趋势进行了分析和解读。对增强世界人民的团结,促进体育事业的发展,国民身体素质的提高以及世界的和平与发展具有重大的现实意义。  相似文献   

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