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A framework for helping low-achieving pupils through reinforcement in technology at high school is presented. Social-cognitive theory, concepts of authentic learning, learning by doing and peer learning all underpin the efforts to remove pupils from the vicious circle of low expectations and failures. The primary goal of modern technology studies is to impart pupils with high cognitive and personal competencies, as an alternative to teaching motor-based skills or memorising-based knowledge. This study's subjects were two groups of pupils who learned technology in an Israeli comprehensive high school. In tenth grade, the pupils became acquainted with the LEGO-Logo learning environment, acquired thinking tools from de Bono's CoRT program and worked in groups or individually on original projects. At the same time, they learned theoretical topics such as the physics of static mechanical systems and computerised technical drawing. In the eleventh and twelfth grades, the pupils took advanced courses in mechanical engineering, such as design of machine parts, automation and control systems. Observations in classes, interviews with the pupils and their parents, and findings from pupil questionnaires indicated an improvement in the pupils' self-efficacy and increased motivation to study at the present and in the future. The main features of the program, in the pupils' eyes, were construction activities, team projects and free study. The major ‘outputs’, in the pupils' eyes, were independence, initiative and interest in their studies. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Self‐concept ratings of normally and low achieving students in regular classes were compared with those of children facing academic difficulties and attending special education classes. Children's perceptions of scholastic competence and feelings of global self‐worth were measured using the Perceived Competence Scale for Children (Harter, 1982). Participants in the study were 424 children enrolled in the third to sixth primary school grades. Results indicated that special class children rated themselves more negatively than their normally achieving peers on both academic self‐concept and global self‐worth. They also rated themselves more negatively than their low achieving peers on academic self‐concept; no differences existed between these two groups on global self‐worth. The results are discussed in the light of the nature of the Greed educational system and the pressure put on children for academic excellence.  相似文献   

作为一名数学教育工作者,面对后进生不能放弃,只能转化。从后进生形成的主要原因入手,并对转化方式提出见解。真爱浸染,激发兴趣,改变策略,收获快乐,贵在坚持,学困生也能踏进知识的殿堂。  相似文献   


Reports of all published factor analyses of student ratings of college faculty were reviewed to determine what common factors had emerged and to identify items likely to be useful in discrimination between teachers. A 39-item form was administered to students of 18 instructors both at the beginning and end of a semester course. Twenty-four items had been included in the form used earlier by Isaacson et al. (5). The current data and those collected by Isaacson et al. were analyzed by multiple discriminant analysis and the results were compared to those obtained by factor analysis. While results of the analyses were generally similar, the differences between the results of multiple discriminant analysis and factor analysis point to differences between student stereotypes of teacher behavior and differences in actual behavior between teachers. For uses in which the primary concern is to compare one teacher with another, the dimensions derived by multiple discriminant analyses seem likely to be more useful.  相似文献   

随着计算机技术的不断应用,信息技术被越来越多地纳入到课程教育。随着我国高中教育课程改革的深化,信息技术对实现高中教育信息化有着重要影响,所以通过信息技术教学提升学生信息素养也就显得尤为重要。本文对现阶段我国高中信息课程现状进行研究,以期为信息技术课程改革做出贡献。  相似文献   

为了进一步了解新课改下信息技术学科在高中的实施情况,特此对哈尔滨市的一所学校的学生进行调研.通过具体的数据分析得出一些结论,并在此基础上就问题进行分析,最后对出现的问题提出自己的建议.  相似文献   

新课程下要求打破传统的教学模式,不断优化学习效率。如何在高中信息技术教学中推陈出新,在课堂中给学生以充分发挥自己才能的余地,是每个新老教师苦苦思索、探索的事情。本文就如何提高教学效率进行了初步探索。  相似文献   

新课程下要求打破传统的教学模式,不断优化学习效率。如何在高中信息技术教学中推陈出新.在课堂中给学生以充分发挥自己才能的余地,是每个新老教师苦苦思索、探索的事情。本文就如何提高教学效率进行了初步探索。  相似文献   

形成跨文化交际意识和基本的跨文化交际能力是新课标的目标之一.作为跨文化交际能力的重要组成部分,策略能力在英语交际中起着重要作用.然而,目前中学英语教学对策略能力的培养还做得不够.培养交际策略不但具有理论意义也具有现实意义.交际策略的培养可以从培养学生策略意识,在课堂中训练交际策略,提供自然、真实的交际机会,以及加强文化教学等几个方面入手.  相似文献   

信息技术教学手段为学生获取知识提供了更为便利的条件。在高中英语教学过程中运用信息技术,可以改变传统英语教学模式的单一形式,让教学活动更加生动、形象和直观,使教师和学生之间的交流更加顺畅,有利于提高学生的自主学习能力。同时,教师也可以通过网络资源实现教学资源的共享,从而提高高中英语教学效率。  相似文献   

选取湖南省永州市一所重点高中做样本,围绕高中信息技术课堂教学等情况对学生进行问卷调查,对与信息技术课堂教学相关的因素(教师、学校)等进行实地调研,针对发现的问题,从学生、教师、学校3个方面提出若干改进策略.  相似文献   

一、研究的背景与目的在当前高中办学规模不断扩大、课程改革不断深化的形势下,引导广大教师贯彻现代课堂教学的理念,坚持育人为本,充分利用现有的教学资源,优化课堂教学,全面提高教学质量,已是势在必行。由此,高中现代课堂教学的研究显然提到了新的高度。因此与义务教育相比,高中教育在学习方式上更重视通过实践活动、体验来获得直接经验并解决问题。同时更重视培养学生对大量信息的搜集、分析、判断、反思和运用能力,而不再停留在义务教育主要依靠获得书本知识和间接经验或模仿和再现书本知识的水平上。所以,高中现代课堂教学的研究,一是…  相似文献   

自2004年秋普通高中新课程在海南、广东、山东、宁夏四个省率先实施以来,已有四年时间.2010年四川省也将要实施普通高中新课程,在这次新课程改革中,新设立的通用技术课程是一个亮点,也是一个难点.高中通用技术课程给教育技术专业带来了什么?机遇还是挑战?本文将从担当通用技术教师、开发课程资源、建立电子绩效支持系统、建立相应的评价指标体系、教师培训和培养等五个方面阐述给教育技术专业带来的机遇,以及面对这些机遇,教育技术专业的学生将如何正面迎接.  相似文献   

数学核心素养的科学评价是落实"把立德树人作为教育的根本任务"的重要举措。数学课程标准提出了6个数学核心素养,本文通过案例对核心素养的测评从情境与问题、知识与技能、思维与表达、交流与反思4个方面和必修课程结束、选修Ⅰ课程结束、选修Ⅱ课程结束3个水平进行分析讨论,以期为数学核心素养的测评提供思路。  相似文献   

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