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文章通过分析影响我国青少年体育参与的因素,提出相应的措施,激发青少年的体育参与积极性,提高青少年体质健康水平。本文主要运用文献研究法进行分析,得出青少年体育参与主要受家庭、学校、社会以及个人因素等的影响,提出了加强家庭体育互动、培养青少年体育自信、营造社会体育氛围以及引导青少年主动参与等对策,以提高青少年体育参与水平。  相似文献   

任书阁  马金风 《安徽体育科技》2003,24(2):105-106,113
本文针对体育经纪人(或公司)活动实践,结合有关体育经纪人的研究成果,对体育产业化发展过程中的推动作用进行了论述和分析,旨在促使我国体育尽快的从政府包办一切的局面中走向市场,促进体育产业化的发展,适应WT0的要求,提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

文章运用文献资料法、问卷调查法等研究方法,对山西省高校体育院系学生参与组织体育竞赛的现状、途径、程度和自我认定等方面进行分析研究,并得出相应结论,以期为山西省高校体育院系学生参与体育竞赛工作提供帮助。  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between the peak velocity derived from the Carminatti Test (T-CAR) (PVT-CAR) and physical match performance in young soccer players. Thirty-three youth soccer players were recruited from 2 non-professional clubs. Friendly matches and small-sided game were performed. Physical match demands were assessed using Global Positioning System (GPS) technology. On a separate occasion, the players were submitted to the T-CAR. Players were categorised into 3 groups based on their T-CAR performance: Low (PVT-CAR ≤ P33), Intermediate (P33 > PVT-CAR < P66) and High (PVT-CAR ≥ P66). The PVT-CAR (15.5 ± 0.7 km·h?1) was significantly related to high-intensity activities (HIA; r = 0.78, P < 0.001), high-intensity running (HIR; r = 0.66, P < 0.001), sprinting (r = 0.62, P < 0.001) and total distance (TD) covered (r = 0.47, P < 0.01) during friendly matches. The PVT-CAR was strongly correlated with the amount of HIA (r = 0.81, P < 0.001), HIR (r = 0.85, P < 0.001) and TD covered (r = 0.81, P < 0.001) during small-sided game. No significant correlation was observed between the PVT-CAR and distance of sprinting (r = 0.49, P = 0.067) during small-side game. Furthermore, players in the High group covered significantly more TD (10%) and did more HIA (42%), sprinting (31%) and HIR (25%) during friendly matches compared to the players classified as having Low performance on the T-CAR. These differences still remained after adjusting for chronological age (CA), maturity and body size. In conclusion, the current study gives empirical support to the ecological and construct validity of this novel field test (T-CAR) as an indicator of match-related physical performance in young soccer players during pubertal years.  相似文献   

Youth sport policies are increasingly driven by health concerns and social issues, and focus on broad participation outcomes. Given the significant financial investment in, and critique of, such policies internationally, this study aimed to examine the implementation of Sporting Schools (SS), a $100 million programme intended to increase children’s sport participation in Australia. In addressing the limited research in this area in the Australian context, we draw on the notion of policy as process [Penney & Evans, 2005 Policy, power and politics in physical education. In K. Green, & K. Hardman (Eds.), Physical education: Essential issues (pp. 21–38). London: SAGE] and Fullan's [Fullan (2015) The new meaning of educational change (5th ed.). New York, NY: Teachers College Press] work on educational change. This analysis employed a qualitative methodology. Data collection included interviews with 32 sporting organisation (SO) representatives, coaches, and teachers involved in the implementation of SS. Data were analysed using a combination of inductive and deductive approaches, and the trustworthiness of the findings was supported using several strategies. Findings indicated divergent understandings of the need for the SS programme by stakeholders, as well as a lack of clarity of the policy aims and the means for realising them. There was little indication that SOs, coaches and teachers were engaged in a meaningful, working relationship to accomplish the reform objectives of SS; however, each saw benefit in the programme. Youth sport policy implementation in schools is a complex process. The dynamic interplay among the various factors influencing such policies makes realising their stated intentions nigh on impossible. While working to enhance the enactment of SS as intended is important, we propose that youth sport policies written for enactment in schools need to be viewed as ‘soft policies’. The simplicity and limited accountability associated with ‘soft policies’ can be viewed as an opportunity to recognise the expertise of those who work, learn and move in schools, and trust them to use resources effectively and reconcile tensions based on their unique knowledge of their local school contexts.  相似文献   

应用近红外光谱技术(NIRS)测定肌肉递增强度工作时肌氧含量变化与最大摄氧量和无氧阈指标之间的关系;分析肌氧拐点与无氧阈拐点产生的机制及在测定最大有氧能力中的作用。方法:受试者17名按运动水平分为A、B两组在功率自行车上以逐级递增负荷蹬车,测定右股外侧肌肌氧含量并同步测量VE、VCO2、VO2、HR,并在每级负荷末测定血乳酸。结果:研究发现递增负荷运动时肌氧含量呈台阶状下降,负荷较低时,肌氧在负荷开始阶段迅速下降之后保持平衡或升高,负荷较高时肌氧持续下降,肌氧的变化与血容量相吻合。肌氧含量与摄氧量、心率及血乳酸等值高度相关(P<0.01)。肌氧下降时出现拐点与乳酸阈、通气阈拐点基本一致。结论:研究表明NIRS测定动态肌肉收缩时肌氧含量变化对运动强度具有较高敏感性;肌氧拐点与通气无氧阈、心率无氧阈、乳酸阈在时间和强度上相一致,表明肌氧含量的测定可以用于人体最大有氧能力的评定。  相似文献   

培养学生体育能力、发展个性、促进身心协调发展是现代体育教学思路。现代教学论提出教师主导作用下的学生主体论,主张学生应是整个教学活动的中心,培养学生快乐体育、主动体育及终身体育思想。  相似文献   


Talent detection intends to support lifelong sports participation, reduce dropouts and stimulate sports at the elite level. For this purpose it is important to reveal the specific profile which directs children to the sports that connect to their strengths and preferences. This study evaluated a perceptuomotor skills assessment as part of talent detection for table tennis, a sport in which perceptuomotor skills are considered essential to cope with the difficult technical aspects. Primary school children (n = 121) and gifted young table tennis players (n = 146) were assessed using the Dutch perceptuomotor skills assessment measuring “ball control” and “gross motor function”. A discriminant function analysis confirmed the added value by identifying primary school children fitting the table tennis perceptuomotor profile of the young gifted table tennis players (28%). General linear model analyses for the assessment’s individual test items showed that the table tennis players outperformed their primary school peers on all “ball control” items (P < 0.001). In conclusion, the assessment appears to be of added value for talent detection in table tennis at this young age. Longitudinal studies need to reveal the predictive value for sports participation and elite sports.  相似文献   

对"快乐体育"思想、"快乐体育"教学理念及实践进行理论解读,在此基础上,构建一种具有普适性的普通高校公体课程"快乐体育"教学模式,命名为"苦乐体育教学模式"。该模式依据体育运动的特征、体育课程的特征、大学生的认知水平和认知特点,贯彻"快乐体育"思想和"快乐体育"教学理念,强调有针对性地传授体育知识、观念、技能,注重激发学生的体育兴趣、培养运动习惯和终身体育意识,经教学实践检验,效果显著。  相似文献   

高校终身体育教学模式的构建   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
根据高校体育教学存在的一些问题,提出了实施终身体育教学模式的原则及方法,旨在建立新的体育教学模式。  相似文献   

"学校、家庭、社区"体育教育一体化发展模式   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
通过调查汕头、广州、武汉、长沙、桂林五地9512名大中小学生及家长,了解部分社区的体育情况,找出问题,分析原因,提出解决办法。倡导"学校、家庭、社区"体育教育一体化,一方面有利于学生放学后回到家庭、进入社区仍可接受体育教育、从事体育锻炼,有助于学生养成终身体育锻炼的习惯。另一方面,有利于体育资源共享,使学校设施向社区开放,社区设施向学校开放,使大中小学的体育教师能充分发挥其专业能力,使学校体育、家庭体育、社区体育三者能有机地结合,达到优势互补。  相似文献   

学校体育伤害事故对体育教学产生的效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析了学校体育伤害事故对体育教学产生的积极效应和消极效应,此外,对学校体育伤害事故效应对体育教学安全问题提出的要求进行了探讨。  相似文献   

对体育院校参与社区体育服务的思考   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
分析了当前社区体育中场地设施较差,体育人才缺乏等存在的问题。认为体育院校参与社区体育服务,拥有雄厚的硬件基础、人才资源和技术优势,并可为体育院校树立良好的社会形象,促进专业建设,提高学生的整体素质。有利于体育院校的自身发展。  相似文献   

在对运动教育模式的内涵进行阐述的基础上,从6个方面对其在大学体育课程中实施进行可行性分析:运动教育模式促使大学体育课程成为有机的整体;大学体育课程结构体系给予运动教育发挥的空间;培养学生运动特长和体育文化素养;提升学生社会适应性;培养学生团队精神、竞争意识和创新能力等。并提出以运动教育模式建构学校的体育课程。  相似文献   

试论体育课到体育与健康课的演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过回顾建国以来我国体育课所经历的各个阶段 ,随着社会的进步 ,文化、文明的提高 ,体育课所承担任务也相应改变 ,在世纪初体育与健康课已开始逐步取代体育课 ,并以崭新的面貌出现在世人面前 ,新的课程所承担的任务也随人们对体育课的概念发生了根本的变化  相似文献   

传统体育教学的学生"主体参与"缺失之批判   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用文献资料法,首先对学生“主体参与”体育教学的内涵做了理论上的分析和界定,进而探讨了当前体育教学中学生“主体参与”不足而造成的弊端,在此基础上论述了加强学生“主体参与”体育教学的实际作用。  相似文献   

试论特殊体育学的内涵与外延   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
特殊体育学是一门相对新兴的体育学科。通过比较特殊体育和常规体育的不同,认为特殊体育学具有5个属性:服务于体育运动能力显著低于同年龄正常人平均水平的特殊群体,个案化,多课堂,适应性和综合性。特殊体育学的广义外延是,为那些体育运动能力显著地低于同年龄人平均水平的任何群体的人提供体育服务。根据特殊体育学的主要服务对象属性,特殊体育学的狭义外延是,为那些体育运动能力显著地低于同年龄中小学学生平均水平的在校残疾学生提供体育服务。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、比较分析法、逻辑推理法等研究方法,对瑞典学校体育质量督导体系进行了系统研究。研究认为,瑞典学校体育质量督导在实践中建立了有效的运行机制,其督导框架的形成以体育知识、运动技术、体育态度、终身体育能力4个方面的达成度为依据,对学校体育发展的规划层面、执行层面、核检层面3个维度进行全面督导评估。我国学校体育督导可以借助瑞典经验,协调和重构督导机构与政府之间的关系,保障第三方学校体育督导机构的独立性;健全体育教师工作质量的督导程序,促使督导评估指标朝向可测化和具体化方向发展;建立高素质的学校体育质量督导队伍,提供成果导向的学校体育督导业务与服务;优化和改善政府对学校体育督导的监管机制,进而强化与保障督导成果的质量与标准。  相似文献   

农村学校体育应具有独特性   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
李莉 《体育科技》2002,23(3):82-85
影响农村学校体育发展的因素很多 ,其直接表现为农村经济的落后和国家教育资源配置的失衡 ,而更深层则表现为教育政策的“城市取向”。农村学校体育工作的开展 ,不能照搬城市教育模式 ,而要注重农村的独特性 ,必须要有富于特色的适宜的农村学校体育教育模式及相关政策倾向 ,才能使农村学校体育真正得以发展。  相似文献   

多元智能与体育教学及评价   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
运用多元智能理论对体育教学进行研究,分析了体育多元智能的功效及体育教学中多元智能评价的几种主要模式。  相似文献   

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