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The aim of the present study was to clarify relationships among the distribution of birth month, maturation and body size in young soccer players. We therefore examined physical and maturational differences between selected players, who were considered to have higher potential to play soccer at a professional level as decided subjectively by coaches, and unselected players. Participants were 332 elite soccer players (mean age = 12.2 ± 1.5 years; range = 9.1–15.0 years). Participants were divided into six categories (under = U10 to U15), depending on chronological age. Height, body mass skeletal age and maturation difference (skeletal age – chronological age) were compared among four groups (quarter = Q1 to Q4) depending on month of birth. Overall, the distribution of players across the four quarters was skewed such that numbers were greatest in Q1 and smallest in Q4. No significant differences in maturation difference were observed between birth quarters in any age category. On the other hand, except for the U14 age category, there were no significant differences in height between Q4 and Q1 players. However, the height of Q4 players was significantly smaller than those of Q1 in three (U11, U13 and U14, P < 0.01) of six categories when maturation difference was statistically controlled. Our results suggest a clear bias toward quarter of birth and this bias may depend to some extent on differences in individual skeletal age and body size. Individual biological maturation should thus be considered when selecting adolescent soccer players.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to determine sprint profiles of professional female soccer players and evaluate how various speed thresholds impact those outcomes. Seventy-one professional players competing in full matches were assessed repeatedly during 12 regular season matches using a Global Positioning System (GPS). Locomotion ≥18 km · h?1 was defined as sprinting and each event was classified into: Zone 1: 18.0–20.9 km· h?1; Zone 2: 21.0–22.9 km · h?1; Zone 3: 23.0–24.9 km · h?1 and Zone 4: >25 km · h?1. Outcomes included: duration (s), distance (m), maximum speed (km · h?1), duration since previous sprint (min) and proportion of total sprint distance. In total 5,019 events were analysed from 139 player-matches. Mean sprint duration, distance, maximum speed and time between sprints were 2.3 ± 1.5 s, 15.1 ± 9.4 m, 21.8 ± 2.3 km· h?1, and 2.5 ± 2.5 min, respectively. Mean sprint distances were 657 ± 157, 447 ± 185, and 545 ± 217 m for forwards, midfielders and defenders, respectively (P ≤ 0.046). Midfielders had shorter sprint duration (P = 0.023), distance (P ≤ 0.003) and maximum speed (P < 0.001), whereas forwards performed more sprints per match (43 ± 10) than midfielders (31 ± 11) and defenders (36 ± 12) (P ≤ 0.016). Forty-five percent, 29%, 15%, and 11% of sprints occurred in sprint Zones 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively. This group of professional female soccer players covered 5.3 ± 2.0% of total distance ≥18 km · h?1 with positional differences and percent decrements distinct from other previously identified elite players. These data should guide the development of high intensity and sprint thresholds for elite-standard female soccer players.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate physiological and technical attributes of prepubertal soccer players during multiple small-sided games (SSGs), and determine if SSGs can act as a talent identification tool. Sixteen highly trained U10 soccer players participated and separated into two groups of eight. Each group played six small-sided (4 vs. 4) matches of 5-min duration. Each player was awarded total points for the match result and goals scored. A game technical scoring chart was used to rate each player’s performance during each game. Time-motion characteristics were measured using micromechanical devices. Total points had a very large significant relationship with game technical scoring chart (= 0.758, P < 0.001). High-speed running distance had a significantly large correlation with game technical scoring chart (r = 0.547, P < 0.05). Total distance covered had a significant and moderate correlation with game technical scoring chart (r = 0.545, P < 0.05) and total points (r = 0.438, P < 0.05). The results demonstrated a large agreement between the highest-rated players and success in multiple SSGs, possibly due to higher-rated players covering larger distances in total and at high speed. Consequently, multiple SSG could be used to identify the more talented prepubertal soccer players.  相似文献   


The broader measures of offensive effectiveness, such as scoring opportunities and shots at goal, are commonly used as an alternative to goals scored due to the naturally low probability of scoring (about 1%) in soccer match-play. These measures may enable soccer practitioners to objectively see behind single match results, which are often influenced by chance. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between broader measures (scoring opportunities and score box possessions) and the ultimate measure (goals scored) of offensive effectiveness. We analysed data from videotapes of 163 of 182 (90%) matches played in the Norwegian men's professional league during the 2004 season. Multiple logistic regression analyses showed very similar results when comparing the effectiveness of different offensive tactics, regardless of which outcome was used. For example, counterattacks were more effective than elaborate attacks in producing goals (odds ratio OR=2.07, 95% confidence interval: 1.40 to 3.05), scoring opportunities (OR=2.30, 95% confidence interval: 1.28 to 4.15), and score box possessions (OR=2.12, 95% confidence interval: 1.39 to 3.25). The receiver-operating characteristic function statistical procedure was used to examine the association between each of the three measures of offensive effectiveness: scoring opportunities, score box possessions, and goals scored. No significant difference was observed between the area under the curve (AUC) for the broader measures (scoring opportunities and score box possessions) and the ultimate measure (goals scored) of offensive effectiveness. The 95% confidence interval of the AUC for both scoring opportunities (0.74–0.84) and score box possessions (0.68–0.76) includes the AUC for goals scored (0.74). Thus, the results are very similar regardless of which outcome measure for offensive effectiveness is used. This indicates that scoring opportunities and score box possessions (shooting opportunities) can be used as a proxy for goals scored when comparing the effectiveness of different playing tactics in soccer. Compared with goals scored, using scoring opportunities or score box possessions requires smaller match samples for meaningful analyses, and may therefore be more feasible alternatives.  相似文献   


The Yo-Yo intermittent endurance test is frequently used to assess aerobic endurance performance in young soccer players but only the logical validity of the test has been shown to date. The main ai m of this study was to assess the criterion (i.e. association with maximal aerobic capacity, [Vdot]O2max) and construct validities of the test in young soccer players. A secondary aim was to examine possible shared variance of the Yo-Yo intermittent endurance test with other physical capacities. Sixty-two soccer players (age 13.7±0.5 years) from an Under-14 team participated. All players performed a battery of fitness tests to assess [Vdot]O2max, aerobic endurance performance (Yo-Yo intermittent endurance test), soccer dribbling endurance performance (Hoff dribbling test), and power performance (maximal vertical jump, 30-m sprint with 10-m split time). Results showed that the Yo-Yo intermittent endurance test was strongly correlated with [Vdot]O2max (r=0.63, P<0.001), thereby showing the test's criterion validity. Players with the best performance on the Yo-Yo intermittent endurance test had significantly higher [Vdot]O2max (P<0.001, large effect), and significantly better soccer dribbling endurance (P<0.001, large effect) and 30-m sprint times (P<0.05, medium effect). Logistic regression (r=0.79, P=0.0001) showed that Hoff dribbling test performance (explained variance=50.4%), [Vdot]O2max (explained variance=39.7%), and 30-m sprint time (explained variance=14.4%) were significant independent parameters contributing to performance on the Yo-Yo intermittent endurance test. Therefore, the Yo-Yo intermittent endurance test is a valid on-field aerobic endurance performance test for young soccer players, which can also be used to differentiate the maximal aerobic capacity, soccer dribbling endurance, and 30-m sprint performance of these players.  相似文献   

We investigated changes in activity and recovery cycles and skill involvements: (1) during National Rugby league (NRL) match-play from 2004 to 2014 and (2) among successful and unsuccessful teams over the same period. Teams were divided into 4 tiers according to final ladder position: (A) 1st–4th, (B) 5th–8th, (C) 9th–12th and (D) 13th–16th. Total, mean and maximum ball-in-play time decreased, while recovery time increased from 2004 to 2014. Offensive and defensive skill involvements changed differentially over time with moderate to large reductions in the number of play-the-balls, offloads and missed tackles, and moderate to large increases in the number of passes, tackles made and ineffective tackles. The gap between Tier A and Tier D decreased for mean activity time and the proportion of short (<45 s) ball-in-play periods. Conversely, the gap between Tier A and Tier D increased for skill involvements, with Tier A completing more play-the-balls, and Tier D performing a greater number of offloads, and total, missed and ineffective tackles. Our results demonstrate the decreasing ball-in-play demands of NRL competition over 11 seasons. However, our data also highlight the narrowing gap in ball-in-play demands, and increasing gap in skill involvements between the top tier and bottom tier teams.  相似文献   


This mixed-longitudinal prospective study examined the development of psychological characteristics of developing excellence in relation to the career progression of elite youth football players. In a 20-month period, 111 academy football players aged 11–16 completed the Psychological Characteristics of Developing Excellence Questionnaire (PCDEQ) on 1–5 occasions. This combination of single and repeated assessments resulted in a mixed-longitudinal sample of 226 completed PCDEQs. Players were then prospectively tracked, and their scholarship status assessed at follow-up, at age U17. Multilevel modelling revealed that coping with performance and developmental pressures scores increased with age, and that Category 1–2 academy scholars (4.35 ± 0.61) scored higher than Category 3–4 academy scholars (3.99 ± 0.67) and non-scholars (4.02 ± 0.78) (p < .05). Evaluating performances and working on weaknesses scores increased with age for Category 1–2 academy scholars (U12-U14 vs. U15-U16 = 5.16 ± 0.48 vs. 5.38 ± 0.45), compared to non-scholars (U12-U14 vs. U15-U16 = 5.11 ± 0.59 vs. 5.03 ± 0.71) (p < .05). Imagery use during practice and competition scores decreased with age (U12-U14 vs. U15-U16 = 4.45 ± 0.66 vs. 4.29 ± 0.70) (p < .05). A blend of PCDEs may facilitate optimal career progression. Football academies should develop players’ PCDEs, with a particular focus on developing their coping skills and their ability to realistically evaluate performances and work on weaknesses.  相似文献   

Small-sided games (SSGs) are used in training sessions to prepare for full-sized matches. For the same number of players, smaller pitch sizes result in decreased physical performance and shorter interpersonal distances. A relative pitch area derived from the full-sized match results in larger pitch sizes and this may increase the fit between SSGs and full-sized matches. This study aimed to investigate SSGs with a traditional small pitch and a match-derived relative pitch area in youth elite soccer players. Four age categories (under-13, under-15, under-17 and under-19) played 4 vs. 4 plus goalkeepers on a small (40x30m, 120m2 relative pitch area) and large pitch (68x47m, 320m2 relative pitch area). The number of games per age category ranged 15–30. Positional data (LPM-system) were collected to determine physical (total distance covered, high intensity distance and number of sprints) and team tactical (inter-team distance, LPW-ratio, surface area, stretch indices, goalkeeper-defender distance) performance measures and tactical variability. On a large pitch, physical performance significantly increased, inter-team and intra-team distances were significantly larger and tactical variability of intra-team distance measures significantly increased. The match-derived relative pitch area is an important training manipulation and leads to changes in physical and tactical performance 4 vs. 4 plus goalkeepers.  相似文献   


For the first time we aimed to: (1) assess fat-free mass (FFM) and RMR in youth soccer players, (2) compare measured RMR to estimated RMR using previously published prediction equations, and (3) develop a novel population-specific prediction equation. In a cross-sectional design, 99 males from a Premier League academy underwent assessments of body composition (DXA) and RMR (indirect-calorimetry). Measured RMR was compared to estimated values from five prediction equations. A novel RMR prediction equation was developed using stepwise multiple regression. FFM increased (P<0.05) between U12 (31.6±4.2 kg) and U16 (56.3±5.3 kg) after which no further increases occurred (P>0.05). RMR in the U12s (1655±195 kcal.day?1), U13s (1720±205 kcal.day?1) and U14s (1846±218kcal.day?1) was significantly lower than the U15s (1957±128 kcal.day?1), U16s (2042±155 kcal.day?1), U18s (1875±180 kcal.day?1) and U23s (1941±197 kcal.day?1) squads (P>0.05). FFM was the single best predictor of RMR (r2=0.43; P<0.01) and was subsequently included in the novel prediction equation: RMR (kcal.day?1) = 1315 + (11.1 x FFM in kg). Both FFM and RMR increase from 12-16 years old, thus highlighting the requirement to adjust daily energy intake to support growth and maturation. The novel prediction RMR equation developed may help to inform daily energy requirements.  相似文献   


The measurement of relative physiological stress during training is important because this is the stimulus for the long-term adaptive response. Measurements of perceived exertion (RPE) have been reported to correlate with the heart rate during field-based training sessions. Nevertheless, there are few studies on how well RPE tracks with the heart rate over repeated training sessions in elite soccer players. Therefore, we aimed to quantify the within-participant correlations between variability in session-RPE (sRPE) and the heart rate in elite male soccer players, and to determine whether the playing position moderated these correlations. The field-based training of four central defenders, four wide defenders, six central midfielders, two wide midfielders and three attackers from an elite English Premier League squad were monitored over an entire in-season competitive period, giving a total of 1010 individual training sessions for study. Correlations between session-RPE and heart rates were quantified using a within-participant model. The correlation between changes in sRPE and heart rates was r = 0.75 (95% CI: 0.71–0.78). This correlation remained high across the various player positions (wide-defender, r = 0.81; central-defender, r = 0.74; wide midfielder, r = 0.70; central midfielder, r = 0.70; attacker, r = 0.84; P < 0.001). The correlation between changes in RPE and heart rates, measured during a season-long period of field-based training, is high in a sample of elite soccer players.  相似文献   

Professional soccer players from the first team (1st team, n = 27), under twenty-one (U21, n = 21) and under eighteen (U18, n = 35) squads of an English Premier League soccer team were assessed for whole body and regional estimates of body composition using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). Per cent body fat was lower in 1st team (10.0 ± 1.6) compared with both U21 (11.6 ± 2.5, P = 0.02) and U18 (11.4 ± 2.6, P = 0.01) players. However, this difference was not due to variations (P = 0.23) in fat mass between squads (7.8 ± 1.6 v 8.8 ± 2.1 v 8.2 ± 2.4 kg, respectively) but rather the presence of more lean mass in 1st team (66.9 ± 7.1 kg, P < 0.01) and U21 (64.6 ± 6.5 kg, P = 0.02) compared with U18 (60.6 ± 6.3 kg) players. Accordingly, fat mass index was not different (P = 0.138) between squads, whereas lean mass index was greater (P < 0.01) in 1st team players (20.0 ± 1.1 kg · m?2) compared with U18 players (18.8 ± 1.4 kg · m?2). Differences in lean mass were also reflective of higher lean tissue mass in all regions, for example, upper limbs/lower limbs and trunk. Data suggest that training and nutritional interventions for younger players should therefore be targeted to lean mass growth as opposed to body fat loss.  相似文献   

我国优秀女排队员移动拦网技术动作解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1前言近年来世界排球大赛的实践表明,拦网已从单一的防守技术转变为攻防兼备的制胜技术之一。拦网水平的高低不仅直接影响比赛的胜负,而且也是衡量一支球队技战术水平的重要标志之一,因此,备受国内外教练员和科研工作者的关注。长期以来,有关拦网技术的研究,仅限于现场统  相似文献   


A squad of Premiership soccer players (n=24) provided informed consent to participate in this study. Using ISAK (International Society of Advancement of Kinanthropometry) accredited methods, a total of 39 measurements (sectioned as: skinfolds, girths, lengths, and breadths) were made for each player. The procedure involved three measures at each site to calculate a mean value and an acceptable technical error margin. All data collection was performed by an ISAK level 3 accredited anthropometrist. The data analysis consisted of demographic and anthropometric data, including fractionation of body mass and estimated body fat from sum of skinfolds. Scaling of the raw data was done by using the phantom strategem to obtain calculated data for inter-player comparison. Mean calculated scores for playing position were obtained. A multivariate analysis of variance revealed no differences between positions (F 15,41.810=0.783, P=0.688). Previous studies have reported heterogeneity between playing positions. However, in this study, stature and body mass were not different between strikers, midfielders, defenders, and goalkeepers. Research has suggested that a soccer player's anthropometric dimensions can be a major determinant for success within a playing position. In this study, within-position variation was quite large in some cases, which could indicate that a team that does not have the opportunity to hand-pick players, based on anthropometric characteristics, may be at a disadvantage.  相似文献   

通过对我国不同位置优秀男子篮球运动员运动损伤情况的调查、了解,发现男子篮球运动员的损伤与场上位置有很大的关系,其中,前锋队员受伤率最高,其次是中锋和后卫队员。前锋队员易受伤的主要部位是膝关节和踝关节,中锋队员主要是腰背肌和膝关节,后卫队员主要是踝关节和指关节。造成这种情况的主要原因是不同位置上的运动员在比赛中技术动作要求不同,身体各部位所承受的负荷也不同。  相似文献   


The aims of this study were: (i) to compare the external and internal load during a 6-a-side small-sided game (6v6-SSG) according to age-group; (ii) to relate these parameters between the 6v6-SSG and official matches; and (iii) to test the reliability of the 6v6-SSG. A total of 51 Brazilian youth soccer players participated in this study (U11 [n = 16]; U13 [n = 10]; U15 [n = 9]; U17 [n = 8]; U20 [n = 8]). Three experiments were conducted. Experiment A: fifty-one U11 to U20 players were submitted to 6v6-SSGs (n = 10 games; two for each age-group). Experiment B: thirty-two players were randomized to also play official matches (n = 6 matches). Experiment C: thirty-five youth players played the 6v6-SSG twice for test and retest reliability analysis. External load was obtained using Global Positioning Systems and the internal load parameter was calculated through mean heart rate. Statistical approaches showed progressive increases in all parameters according to categories (U11< U13< U15< U17< U20; p < 0.05; ES = 0.42?23.68). Even controlling for chronological age, all parameters showed likely to almost certain correlations between 6v6-SSG and official matches (r = 0.25?0.92). Collectively, the proposed protocol indicates good reliability (CV% = 2.0?12.6; TE% = 2.3?2.7%; ICC = 0.78?0.90). This research suggests that the 6v6-SSG is an alternative tool to indicate match-related physical performance in youth soccer players.  相似文献   

Dietary analysis of Academy soccer players highlights that total energy and carbohydrate intakes are less than optimal, especially, on match-days. As UK Academy matches predominantly kick-off at ~11:00?h, breakfast is likely the last pre-exercise meal and thus may provide an intervention opportunity on match-day. Accordingly, the physiological and performance effects of an increased calorie breakfast consumed ~135-min before soccer-specific exercise was investigated. English Premier League Academy soccer players (n?=?7) repeated a 90-min soccer match simulation on two occasions after consumption of habitual (Bhab; ~1100?kJ) or increased (Binc; ~2100?kJ) energy breakfasts standardised for macronutrient contributions (~60% carbohydrates, ~15% proteins and ~25% fats). Countermovement jump height, sprint velocities (15-m and 30-m), 30-m repeated sprint maintenance, gut fullness, abdominal discomfort and soccer dribbling performances were measured. Blood samples were taken at rest, pre-exercise, half-time and every 15-min during exercise. Although dribbling precision (P?=?.522; 29.9?±?5.5?cm) and success (P?=?.505; 94?±?8%) were unchanged throughout all time-points, mean dribbling speed was faster (4.3?±?5.7%) in Binc relative to Bhab (P?=?.023; 2.84 vs 2.75?m?s?1). Greater feelings of gut fullness (67?±?17%, P?=?.001) were observed in Binc without changes in abdominal discomfort (P?=?.595). All other physical performance measures and blood lactate and glucose concentrations were comparable between trials (all P?>?.05). Findings demonstrate that Academy soccer players were able to increase pre-match energy intake without experiencing abdominal discomfort; thus, likely contributing to the amelioration of energy deficits on match-days. Furthermore, whilst Binc produced limited benefits to physical performance, increased dribbling speed was identified, which may be of benefit to match-play.  相似文献   

我国优秀男子武术套路运动员运动损伤的调查与分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法,对参加2004年"枝江大曲杯"全国武术男子套路锦标赛的80名运动员进行运动损伤的调查与分析。结果表明:发病率列前4位的依次为关节韧带损伤、肌肉劳损、肌肉拉伤、骨膜炎,发生运动损伤的主要原因有过度疲劳未恢复、准备活动不充分、自我保护意识欠缺、局部负担量过大等。  相似文献   


Considering the scarce empirical evidence regarding talent predictors in female youth soccer, the present study aimed to investigate the long-term prognostic validity of elite female soccer players’ adolescent motor performance for future success in adulthood. Additionally, the three-year development of highly talented girls’ motor performance and the predictive value of this motor development for reaching a professional adult performance level (APL) was analysed.

Overall, N = 737 female players participated in nationwide motor diagnostics (sprinting, agility, dribbling, ball control, shooting) within the German Soccer Association’s talent identification and development programme at least twice between the age groups Under-12 (U12) and U15. Based on their APL at least four years later, participants were assigned to a professional (first German division, 6.2%) or non-professional group (lower divisions, 93.8%).

Multilevel regression analyses revealed a general prognostic relevance for the investigated parameters with respect to players’ APL. In addition, there was a non-linear improvement in participants’ motor performance across all variables from U12 to U15. However, non-significant interactions between APL and these improvements indicate motor performance development itself cannot adequately predict players’ future success in adulthood. Findings provide insightful information that can help coaches foster optimal support for young female soccer players’ development.  相似文献   


The aim of the present study was to compare, in 36 highly trained under-15 soccer players, the respective effects of age, maturity and body dimensions on match running performance. Maximal sprinting (MSS) and aerobic speeds were estimated. Match running performance was analysed with GPS (GPSport, 1 Hz) during 19 international friendly games (n = 115 player-files). Total distance and distance covered >16 km h–1 (D > 16 km h?1) were collected. Players advanced in age and/or maturation, or having larger body dimensions presented greater locomotor (Cohen’s d for MSS: 0.5–1.0, likely to almost certain) and match running performances (D > 16 km h?1: 0.2–0.5, possibly to likely) than their younger, less mature and/or smaller teammates. These age-, maturation- and body size-related differences were of larger magnitude for field test measures versus match running performance. Compared with age and body size (unclear to likely), maturation (likely to almost certainly for all match variables) had the greatest impact on match running performance. The magnitude of the relationships between age, maturation and body dimensions and match running performance were position-dependent. Within a single age-group in the present player sample, maturation had a substantial impact on match running performance, especially in attacking players. Coaches may need to consider players’ maturity status when assessing their on-field playing performance.  相似文献   

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