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Health benefits of Kung Fu: a systematic review   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The Chinese martial arts (Kung Fu) have existed for centuries and are generally accepted as being beneficial for health without much empirical data. The aim of this systematic review was to assess the health effects of "hard" Kung Fu styles by performing electronic and manual searches of the literature. The aspects of health and the Kung Fu style examined varied between most studies; in some cases, the martial art group consisted of practitioners of other martial art styles also. Of 2103 references identified, only nine papers were eligible and reviewed. All were observational studies, observing a range of health aspects possibly related to Kung Fu training or performance. Our findings suggest that there is no evidence that Kung Fu practice is associated with the prevention or treatment of any health condition. However, as a moderate- to high-intensity form of aerobic exercise, it may confer benefits similar to those attributed to other aerobic training modalities. However, this hypothesis remains to be tested in clinical trials. Physiological benefits (e.g., aerobic capacity and bone density) may be associated with long-term Kung Fu practice. Future research in this area should adopt experimental designs, clearly identifying eligibility criteria, testing and training protocols, and include health-related outcomes and documentation of adverse events, to advance knowledge in this field.  相似文献   

运用文献资料调研、专家访谈、田野调查、对比分析法等方法,从传统武术视野下审视散打的发展。研究发现,气、桩功、整劲、短打为传统武术的技法特征,与散打腿法具有很好的互补效应;提出了散打应从武术基本功、传统武术短打、传统武术拳理三方面入手改进的建议。通过传统武术与散打的融合升华散打文化,有利于调节武术界长期对散打发展的诸多争议,促使其成为名副其实的"中国功夫",以浓郁的武术散打文化意蕴更好地传播于世界。  相似文献   

"少林功夫"的现代功能初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
少林功夫是中国传统武术的一个重要组成部分,是正宗的中国功夫。少林功夫名扬四海,在我国武术史上,占有重要的一页。随着社会的进步,少林功夫已不仅仅是中国传统武术的一部分,它被赋予了更多的功能价值,因此对少林功夫的现代功能价值进行探讨就显得尤为重要。本文主要通过文献资料法对"少林功夫"的现代功能价值进行探讨。  相似文献   

文章以蔡李佛拳在现代社会中的传承与发展为研究对象,运用问卷调查法,对“2013年禅港澳青少年蔡李佛功夫赛”的参赛队员进行调查,分析蔡李佛拳在现代社会中的传承与发展现状,主要研究结论为:蔡李佛拳是一种低消费的运动,其消费主要集中在学费、服装与器械上;蔡李佛拳习练者对于蔡李佛拳有较高的认同感,习练蔡李佛拳的主要动机是增进健康、增加交流、学习其文化;练习频次相对固定,多数选择在晚上进行练习,练习地点以拳馆为主;蔡李佛的传播媒介以人际传播媒介为主。针对蔡李佛拳传承与发展的现状,文章建议:加强蔡李佛拳的拳史研究;注重大众传播媒介的利用;开发蔡李佛拳的文化价值、商业价值。  相似文献   

Wushu, also known as Kung Fu, is a traditional Chinese martial art. It also symbolises the strength of the Chinese and their pride in their history. Wushu came to be associated with Chinese nationalism after China's various defeats at the hands of foreign imperialist powers at the turn of the twentieth century. This relationship has been further strengthened through martial arts films. In the first half of the twentieth century, martial arts films helped to construct national identity among the Chinese. They also facilitated the development of Wushu, making it a symbol of indigenous virtue and strength. From the late 1960s, influenced by a defensive strain of nationalism, Chinese film-makers began to adopt a new approach to the portrayal of Wushu. Martial arts films were endowed with political and cultural significance, and evolved as a unique representation of Chinese nationalism. Several decades later, martial arts films still retain at their core a sense of ‘Chineseness'. From Bruce Lee's Fist of Fury to Donnie Yen's IP Man, Chinese martial arts films have demonstrated not only the important place of Wushu in Chinese nationalism, but also the influence of nationalism on Chinese cinema.  相似文献   

赵珍 《湖北体育科技》2006,25(6):707-708,715
武术传统训练理论在历史文化的视野中,它是最富有民族特色的健身术和养生术的理论.历史悠久,蜚声世界,几千年来流传不息,不仅盛行于国内,近年来欧美、日本、东南亚等国家也逐步开展起来,深受人们的喜爱,这是对传统武术训练理论的充分肯定.在流传过程中,它经历了3个阶段:原创期、轴心期和传承期.而它的生成途径构成了内生型传统武术训练理论与外源型传统武术训练理论2大类别.为今日的现代武术训练理论奠定了很好的基础.  相似文献   

Tai Ji Quan, developed as a martial art, has traditionally served multiple purposes, including self-defense, competition/performance, and health promotion. With respect to health, the benefits historically and anecdotally associated with Tai Ji Quan are now being supported by scientific and clinical research, with mounting evidence indicating its potential value in preventing and managing various diseases and improving well-being and quality of life in middle-aged and older adults. The research findings produced to date have both public health significance and clinical relevance. However, because of its roots in the martial arts, transforming traditional Tai Ji Quan movements and training approaches into contemporary therapeutic programs and functional applications is needed to maximize its ultimate utility. This paper addresses this issue by introducing Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance, a functional therapy that involves the use of Tai Ji Quan principles and Yang-style-based movements to form an innovative, contemporary therapeutic approach that integrates motor, sensory, and cognitive components to improve postural control, gait, and mobility for older adults and those who have neurodegenerative movement impairments. It provides a synergy of traditional and contemporary Tai Ji Quan practice with the ultimate goal of improving balance and gait, enhancing performance of daily functional tasks, and reducing incidence of falls among older adults.  相似文献   

口令是体育教学中不可缺少的教学手段,在技术学习中,经常运用口令来指导学生进行学习、练习和复习提高。武术运动的特点决定了武术教学中口令的运用有别于其它的运动项目。文章从武术教学实践出发,对武术教学中口令的运用形式、运用技巧、时机和注意事项进行分析,从中探讨武术教学中如何正确的运用口令,以进一步提高武术课教学质量。  相似文献   

Tai Ji Quan is considered to be a part of traditional Chinese Wushu (a martial art) and comprises various styles that have evolved historically from the Chen, Yang, Wǔ, Wú, and Sun families (schools). Recent simplification of the original classic styles has made Tai Ji Quan easier to adopt in practice. Thus, the traditional legacy of using Tai Ji Quan for self-defense, mindful nurturing of well-being, and fitness enhancement has been expanded to more contemporary applications that focus on promoting physical and mental health, enhancing general well-being, preventing chronic diseases, and being an effective clinical intervention for diverse medical conditions. As the impact of Tai Ji Quan on physical performance and health continues to grow, there is a need to better understand its historical impact and current status. This paper provides an overview of the evolution of Tai Ji Quan in China, its functional utility, and the scientific evidence of its health benefits, as well as how it has been a vehicle for enhancing cultural understanding and exchanging between East and West.  相似文献   


This paper investigates the complex history of the taekwondo sport uniform. Although the uniform is an outward symbol of South Korea’s most popular martial art and national sport, few researchers have elucidated the uniform’s history. From studies into martial art uniforms, and the taekwondo uniform in particular, it is discovered that the tradition of wearing white trousers and jacket began with judo in the nineteenth century. This tradition was carried over to karate and other Japanese martial arts in the early twentieth century. After the liberation of the Korean peninsula from Japan, the taekwondo uniform began to evolve from its Japanese progenitors. The first important changes to the taekwondo uniform were implemented by Hwang Gi, who altered it to meet a traditional Korean clothing style. The 1970s saw the second important transformation to the uniform, whereby it became exclusively regarded as sports attire. However, since the 1970s, the taekwondo uniform did not account for traditional Korean clothing styles, and it faced several criticisms. Recent changes to the World Taekwondo Federation’s poomsae uniform have addressed these problems. The distinctiveness of the new uniform will further distinguish it from its Japanese counterparts, and help to promote the true identity of taekwondo, as well as Korean culture, worldwide.  相似文献   

文章通过阅读文献资料并结合多年的武术学习和实践,对现代武术的表演艺术性进行了分析和总结,认为武术表演中的艺术性主要体现在三个方面,即武术运动自身具有可欣赏的艺术价值、武术表演中的服装和器械可增加其艺术性以及表演中音乐的运用提高了其表演艺术。  相似文献   

通过观看中国近数十年来的功夫电影,结合相应的文献资料,运用逻辑分析的方法看中国武术在功夫电影中的运用与发展,反思与总结中华武术的发展历程与未来前景,期望能促进民族传统文化及功夫电影事业的发展。  相似文献   

周勇  姜凤云 《福建体育科技》2005,24(1):38-39,42
目的:探讨过早大强度专业化训练武术步型是否对人体下肢的形态存在消极的影响,从而科学地进行武术训练。方法:将陕西省武术队(包括已退役的)一级以上的武术套路队员35名与体育院系武术学生35名以及普通高校学生35名的下肢形态有关指标进行比较。结果显示:体育院系武术学生与普通学生的下肢形态无明显差异(P>0 05);武术专业队员与普通学生具有显著性差异(P<0 001);武术专业队员的腿部趋于"O"型和步态内扣。武术动作影响下肢形态主要是其步型。结论:过早大强度专业化训练武术步型对人体下肢形态存在着消极的影响。  相似文献   


There is often a perceived conflict between practising martial arts and the academic study of martial arts. Those who practise it do not need to know the history of martial arts, and those who study it do not need the physical practice to inform their research. This paper argues that practitioners will improve their practice by study, in particular, they will gain a demystified sense of the origins of martial arts. The construction of traditional martial arts is the result of the East Asian reaction to Western imperialism and modernity. Moreover, this category developed in direct response to the introduction of modern sports into Asia. Critical to this modern creation was the development of styles of martial arts, where before there were scattered and disparate schools. Styles suggested greater national unity and cultural coherence than schools, thus aiding the building of modern nation states in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.  相似文献   

Participation in organized sports is promoted as a means of increasing physical activity levels and reducing chronic disease risk in adults. Hard martial arts practice (i.e. using body contact techniques), has gained in popularity over time. This review explores the evidence for health benefits of “hard” martial arts practice within the adult population. A systematic electronic database search was conducted, and quality assessments applied the Effective Public Health Practice Project tool. Twenty-eight studies met the inclusion criteria, examining balance, cognitive function, muscular skeletal status, psychological, cardiovascular fitness, and metabolic effects. The majority of studies reported positive effects resulting from hard martial arts practice, showing some improvement and maintenance of balance, cognitive function and psychological health. Benefits may be obtained regardless of the age of practice commencement. However, quality of the evidence is affected by methodological weaknesses across the studies. “Hard” martial arts seem to have potential to improve balance and cognitive functions that decline with age, which can lead to poorer health outcomes among the elderly (e.g. cognitive decline, falls and fractures). Benefits should be further investigated with improved intervention studies, representative samples and longer follow-up periods in order to establish associations with morbidity and mortality in the long term.  相似文献   

武术渗透到网络游戏领域,打造出功夫网游这样一种虚幻艺术形式,推动了武术产业的发展。武术与网游的结合把现代互联网技术和传统中国文化巧妙地结合在一起,通过互联网互动的手段来宣传中国传统文化,提高青少年对武术的认知,我们更提倡青少年在通过玩游戏提高文化传承度的同时,又可以强身健体。  相似文献   

乔超 《搏击·武术科学》2014,11(4):15-16,89
文章运用文献资料法和逻辑分析法,从社会学的角度探讨了功夫电影这一社会现象。分析了观众在明知电影功夫是虚幻的武术时,却依然对功夫电影趋之若鹜的原因。究其原因是,功夫电影提供了展示功夫能力的幻想,使“本我”得到释放与心灵得到满足。“我能”在现实世界中受到限制,却在功夫电影世界中得到完美展示。  相似文献   

在幅员辽阔的中国西北大地上,活跃着一支驰骛近百年的大型武术流派“马氏通备武艺”,它是甘肃的文化品牌之一。改革开放以来,它们立足西北,辐射全国,以它优良的自身品质成功走出国门,将金子般的光芒撒向全世界,成为引人注目的当代文化现象。文章对通备武艺的缔造者、实践者马风图先生的武学成就和贡献进行了系统阐述。旨在让社会进一步了解通备武艺,挖掘和创新以“通神达化,备万贯一;理象会通,体用具备”为宗旨的“通备”神韵,使之让它在和谐社会中惠之于民。  相似文献   

对武术课程教学现状和特点进行分析,针对外来武术,全球化的文化侵略与争夺的冲击,提出了武术课程的教学应以"促进健康,传承文化"的观点,以武术文化的传承推动武术课程教学的变革,从实行文化、保健、技击、评价模块教学的角度推动高校武术课程的发展。  相似文献   

在国侨办“中华文化大乐园”武术教学实践活中,对关于武术国际推广现状与当前华文教育的国际化背景等问题进行分析,并就武术国际化推广与华文教育融合发展的理论与实践意义进行了讨论.结果表明:在当前全球华文教育的视角下,以华文教育为平台,以海外华侨华人及华裔青少年为推广群体,为武术的国际化推广提供了一个新的窗口.  相似文献   

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