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The aim of this study was to assess technical changes during constrained swimming in time-to-exhaustion tests. Ten swimmers of national standard performed a maximal 400-m front crawl and two sets of exhaustion tests at 95%, 100%, and 110% of mean 400-m speed. In the first set (free), swimmers had to maintain their speeds until exhaustion and mean stroke rate was recorded for each test. In the second set (controlled), the same speed and individual corresponding stroke rate were imposed. The durations of the exhaustion tests, relative durations of the stroke phases, and arm coordination were analysed. For each speed in the "controlled" set, the exhaustion tests were shorter. Moreover, variables were consistent, suggesting a stabilization of stroke technique. Under the free condition, stroke rate increased to compensate for the decrease in stroke length. At the same time, swimmers reduced the relative duration of their non-propulsive phases in favour of the propulsive phases. Thus, swimmers changed their arm coordination, which came close to an opposition mode. These two constraints enable swimmers both to maintain their stroking characteristics and develop compensatory mechanisms to maintain speed. Moreover, stroke rate can be seen as a useful tool for controlling arm technique during paced exercise.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to propose a group of parameters able to quantify not only arm coordination but also inter limb coordination. These include the well know index of coordination with the relative duration of the stroke phases and two new parameters: the Index of synchronization (Ids) between arms and legs actions; and the Index of inter limb coordination (IdIC) calculated as the relative foot position during successive arm stroke phases. These parameters were compared between experts and amateur swimmers in a maximal front crawl sprint. The influence of arm stroke in leg kick parameters was also assessed, comparing the full stroke condition with a condition without arms actions. Sixty-five per cent of expert swimmers used synchronized limb actions while 95% of amateur swimmers used non-synchronized limb motions. These synchronized expert swimmers also converged towards a specific coordination pattern between foot position and arm stroke phases. In the condition without arms, both groups changed kick rate and amplitude. The present study reveals the interdependency of arms and legs actions and the importance of coordination and synchronization between limbs. Therefore, the proposed group of overall indexes of coordination provides a more complete marker for the analysis of swimming technique.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to examine how high- and low-speed swimmers organise biomechanical, energetic and coordinative factors throughout extreme intensity swim. Sixteen swimmers (eight high- and eight low-speed) performed, in free condition, 100-m front crawl at maximal intensity and 25, 50 and 75-m bouts (at same pace as the previous 100-m), and 100-m maximal front crawl on the measuring active drag system (MAD-system). A 3D dual-media optoelectronic system was used to assess speed, stroke frequency, stroke length, propelling efficiency and index of coordination (IdC), with power assessed by MAD-system and energy cost by quantifying oxygen consumption plus blood lactate. Both groups presented a similar profile in speed, power output, stroke frequency, stroke length, propelling efficiency and energy cost along the effort, while a distinct coordination profile was observed (F(3, 42) = 3.59, = 0.04). Speed, power, stroke frequency and propelling efficiency (not significant, only a tendency) were higher in high-speed swimmers, while stroke length and energy cost were similar between groups. Performing at extreme intensity led better level swimmers to achieve superior speed due to higher power and propelling efficiency, with consequent ability to swim at higher stroke frequencies. This imposes specific constraints, resulting in a distinct IdC magnitude and profile between groups.  相似文献   

High-altitude exposure challenges the cardiovascular system to maintain oxygen delivery to the mitochondria under conditions of hypoxic stress. Following acclimatisation (3–5 days), stroke volume (SV) falls to below sea-level values but heart rate remains elevated, such that cardiac output is maintained compared to sea level. The decrease in SV has been a topic of research for over 40 years, but the underlying mechanisms are incompletely understood. Impaired systolic contractile function secondary to reduced coronary arterial oxygen tension has been investigated as a potential cause for the decrease in SV. However, despite in vitro evidence of impaired cardiac contractile force in severe hypoxia, the majority of studies to date have reported enhanced in vivo ventricular systolic function at rest and during exercise in humans up to and above 5000?m. However, the elevated function observed at rest has recently been suggested to reduce the functional reserve available during exercise. While in vivo systolic function appears enhanced at high altitude, a decrease in left ventricular end-diastolic volume (EDV) and altered filling patterns of both ventricles has been observed. The reduction in ventricular filling will undoubtedly affect SV, and four potential mechanisms have been proposed to explain the reduction in left ventricular filling. In this article, both historical and recent reports of systolic function at high altitude will be reviewed, and evidence supporting and refuting each of the four mechanisms underpinning reduced left ventricular filling will be discussed.  相似文献   


This study used both an instantaneous net drag force profile and a symmetry timing to evaluate the effect of the breathing action on stroke coordination. Twenty elite swimmers completed a total of six randomised front-crawl towing trials: (i) three breathing trials and (ii) three non-breathing trials. The net drag force was measured using an assisted towing device mounted upon a Kistler force platform, and this equipment towed the swimmer at a constant speed. The net drag force profile was used to create a stroke symmetry index for each swimming trial. Analysis using the symmetry indices identified that the majority of participants demonstrated an asymmetrical instantaneous net drag force stroke profile in both the breathing and non-breathing conditions, despite no significant differences in the time from finger-tip entry to finger-tip exit. Within the breathing condition, the faster swimmers compared to the slower swimmers demonstrated a lesser percentage of overlap between stroke phases on their breathing stroke side. During the non-breathing condition, the faster participants compared to the slower swimmers recorded a reduction in the percentage of overlap between stroke phases and less duration in the underwater stroke on their breathing stroke side. This study identified that the majority of participants demonstrated an asymmetrical net drag force profile within both conditions; however, asymmetry was less prevalent when examining with only the timing symmetry index.  相似文献   

头和非持拍手臂在网球击球中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对世界优秀网球选手击球时的观察和分析,并结合多年的教学实践,认为头和非持拍手臂在网球击球时起到了维持身体平衡、保持良好的体轴、增大击球力量的作用,从而提高了击球的稳健性和威胁性。  相似文献   

沈宇鹏 《体育学刊》2006,13(5):98-101
通过对2001、2003和2005年世锦赛男子自由泳项目前8名运动员比赛技术数据进行分析和比较,了解当今世界男子自由泳项目优秀运动员速度、划频、划幅的变化特征,并对男子自由泳运动员最佳划频和划幅组合特征进行探讨。结果发现:(1)短距离运动员划频明显高于中长距离运动员;中长距离项目运动员划幅增长也明显高于短距离项目运动员。(2)最高游速下,运动员的划频和划幅达到或接近最高水平。(3)男子自由泳运动员理想划频和划幅会随着个人特点和项目距离特点变化而变化。(4)个人理想的划频和划幅组合应保持有效划频和有效划幅的组合。(5)在疲劳状态下,仍能继续保持良好的划频和划幅是取得好成绩的关键。  相似文献   

Mouth rinsing using a carbohydrate (CHO) solution has been suggested to improve physical performance in fasting participants. This study examined the effects of CHO mouth rinsing during Ramadan fasting on running time to exhaustion and on peak treadmill speed (Vpeak). In a counterbalanced crossover design, 18 sub-elite male runners (Age: 21?±?2 years, Weight: 68.1?±?5.7?kg, VO2max: 55.4?±?4.8?ml/kg/min) who observed Ramadan completed a familiarization trial and three experimental trials. The three trials included rinsing and expectorating a 25?mL bolus of either a 7.5% sucrose solution (CHO), a flavour and taste matched placebo solution (PLA) for 10?s, or no rinse (CON). The treatments were performed prior to an incremental treadmill test to exhaustion. Three-day dietary and exercise records were obtained on two occasions and analysed. Anthropometric characteristics were obtained and recorded for all participants. A main effect for mouth rinse on peak velocity (Vpeak) (CHO: 17.6?±?1.5?km/h; PLA: 17.1?±?1.4?km/h; CON: 16.7?±?1.2?km/h; P?ηp2?=?0.49) and time to exhaustion (CHO: 1282.0?±?121.3?s; PLA: 1258.1?±?113.4?s; CON: 1228.7?±?98.5?s; P?=?.002, ηp2?=?0.41) was detected, with CHO significantly higher than PLA (P?P?P?>?.05). Energy availability from dietary analysis, body weight, and fat-free mass did not change during the last two weeks of Ramadan (P?>?.05). This study concludes that carbohydrate mouth rinsing improves running time to exhaustion and peak treadmill speed under Ramadan fasting conditions.  相似文献   

通过对游泳运动员在训练中增加花样游泳划水辅助性练习,以及对训练前后分段成绩、划频和划幅的比较研究,结果发现:在游泳训练中增加花样游泳辅助性练习可以显著提高运动员划幅质量,从而促进运动成绩的提高。  相似文献   

In this study, changes in skiing performance and poling kinetics during a simulated cross-country sprint skiing competition were investigated. Twelve elite male cross-country skiers performed simulated sprint competition (4 × 1,150 m heat with 20 min recovery between the heats) using the double-poling technique. Vertical and horizontal pole forces and cycle characteristics were measured using a force plate system (20-m long) during the starting spurt, racing speed, and finishing spurt of each heat. Moreover, heat and 20-m phase velocities were determined. Vertical and horizontal pole impulses as well as mean cycle length were calculated. The velocities of heats decreased by 2.7 ± 1.7% (p = 0.003) over the simulated competition. The 20-m spurting velocity decreased by 16 ± 5% (p < 0.002) and poling time increased by 18 ± 9% (p < 0.003) in spurt phases within heats. Vertical and horizontal poling impulses did not change significantly during the simulation; however, the mean forces decreased (p < 0.039) (vertical by 24 ± 11% and horizontal by 20 ± 10%) within heats but not between the heats. Decreased heat velocities over the simulated sprint and spurting velocities within heats indicated fatigue among the skiers. Fatigue was also manifested by decreased pole force production and increased poling time.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the reproducibility of the maximal accumulated oxygen deficit and the associated exercise time to exhaustion during short-distance running. Fifteen well-trained males (mean - s : VO 2max = 58.0 - 4.6 ml.kg -1 .min -1 ) performed the maximum accumulated oxygen deficit test at an exercise intensity equivalent to 125% VO 2max . The test was repeated at the same time of day on three occasions within 3 weeks. There was no significant systematic bias between trials for either maximum accumulated oxygen deficit (mean - s : trial 1 = 69.0 - 13.1; trial 2 = 71.4 - 12.5; trial 3 = 70.4 - 15.0 ml O 2 Eq.kg -1 ; ANOVA, F = 0.70, P = 0.51) or exercise time to exhaustion (trial 1 = 194 - 31.1; trial 2 = 198 - 33.2; trial 3 = 201 - 36.8 s; F = 1.49, P = 0.24). In addition, other traditional measures of reliability were also favourable. These included intraclass correlation coefficients of 0.91 and 0.87, and sample coefficients of variation of 6.8% and 5.0%, for maximum accumulated oxygen deficit and exercise time to exhaustion respectively. However, the '95% limits of agreement' were 0 - 15.1 ml O 2 Eq (1.01 2 / 1 1.26 as a ratio) and 0 - 33.5 s (1.0 2 / 1 1.18 as a ratio) for maximum accumulated oxygen deficit and exercise time to exhaustion respectively. We estimate that the sample sizes required to detect a 10% change in exercise time to exhaustion and maximum accumulated oxygen deficit after a repeated measures experiment are 10 and 20 respectively. Unlike the results of previous maximum accumulated oxygen deficit studies, we conclude that it is not a reliable measure.  相似文献   

We aimed to compare multilayer perceptron (MLP) neural networks, radial basis function neural networks (RBF) and linear models (LM) accuracy to predict the centre of mass (CM) horizontal speed at low-moderate, heavy and severe swimming intensities using physiological and biomechanical dataset. Ten trained male swimmers completed a 7 × 200 m front crawl protocol (0.05 m.s?1 increments and 30 s intervals) to assess expiratory gases and blood lactate concentrations. Two surface and four underwater cameras recorded independent images subsequently processed focusing a three-dimensional reconstruction of two upper limb cycles at 25 and 175 m laps. Eight physiological and 13 biomechanical variables were inputted to predict CM horizontal speed. MLP, RBF and LM were implemented with the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm (feed forward with a six-neuron hidden layer), orthogonal least squares algorithm and decomposition of matrices. MLP revealed higher prediction error than LM at low-moderate intensity (2.43 ± 1.44 and 1.67 ± 0.60%), MLP and RBF depicted lower mean absolute percentage errors than LM at heavy intensity (2.45 ± 1.61, 1.82 ± 0.92 and 3.72 ± 1.67%) and RBF neural networks registered lower errors than MLP and LM at severe intensity (2.78 ± 0.96, 3.89 ± 1.78 and 4.47 ± 2.36%). Artificial neural networks are suitable for speed model-fit at heavy and severe swimming intensities when considering physiological and biomechanical background.  相似文献   


When learning swinging skills on a bar there has been conflicting advice in the research literature regarding whether to coach the “gold standard” technique to novices. The present study aimed to determine how technique (joint angle time histories) and (inter-limb) coordination changed as novice gymnasts learned a fundamental gymnastics skill (the upstart). It was hypothesised that both technique and coordination would become more like an expert as learning progressed. Eight novice gymnasts, unable to perform an upstart, underwent four months of training, with the number of successful upstarts out of 10 recorded at the start and then every month subsequently. In the first and last sessions motion capture was used to determine joint kinematics. Root mean squared differences for the joint angle time histories and continuous relative phase at the shoulder and hip were calculated between the novices and an expert gymnast. As training progressed technique and coordination became more like the expert gymnast. The more successful novices were better able to time their actions within the swing than the less successful novices. Gymnastics coaches teach towards a “gold standard” technique since being successful at the skill is not the only goal, as considerations for future skill development are made.  相似文献   

This study investigated differences in lower-limb coordination and coordination variability between experienced and novice runners during a prolonged run. Thirty-four participants were categorised as either experienced (n = 17) or novice runners (n = 17). All participants performed a 31-min treadmill run at their individual anaerobic threshold speed, and lower-limb kinematic data were acquired in the sagittal plane at the beginning, middle, and end of the run. Lower-limb coordination and variability during the stance phase were quantified using a vector coding technique for hip-knee, knee-ankle, pelvis-thigh, thigh-shank, and shank-foot couplings. Repeated-measure analysis of covariance revealed that running experience and time had significant interactions on the coordination patterns for hip-knee and pelvis-thigh couplings. During the midstance, experienced runners exhibited a higher percentage of in-phase motion for pelvis-thigh and knee-ankle couplings while novice runners displayed a higher percentage of distal motion for pelvis-thigh coupling and anti-phase motion for hip-knee coupling. Experienced runners displayed more variability in hip-knee and shank-foot couplings, and novice runners had more variability in hip, knee, and thigh motion. Experienced and novice runners adapted to progressive fatigue through different lower-limb coordination patterns. Throughout the prolonged run, experienced runners demonstrated greater coordination variability and novice runners displayed greater joint and segment variability.  相似文献   

探讨第三代口服避孕药Ocs对甲状腺轴激素的影响,为科学合理调整月经周期提供理论依据和实践方法。方法:将受试者随机分为妈富隆组、敏定偶组和对照组,每组8人。服药组于自然月经周期第一天按药物说明书分别服用药物妈富隆和敏定偶,服用一个周期。分别在服药周期的第7±1天、12±1天、23±1天和停药后下一周期的第7±1天清晨抽取受试者上臂静脉血,测量TSH、T4、T3。结果:妈富隆和敏定偶在服药期间第12天与服药前一周期第7天有统计学差异。两种药物对T4有交互作用,且在药后下一周第7天与药前一周期第7天都有统计学差异,另外服药组与对照组在服药期间也有统计学差异。两周药物对T3的影响没有交互作用,但药后第7天与药前一周期第7天有统计学差异。rT3试验前后差异没有统计学意义。结论:两种药物间没有差异,对甲状腺轴激素的影响都在正常范围内,但能促进甲状腺激素的分泌,且有时间累计效应,因此不能连续调整两个周期。由于TH升高能提高机体的能量代谢和物质代谢,建议服药期间注意饮食的变化。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、专家访谈法和逻辑分析法,论述在高校建立以“一操一拳一泳”为特色的高校体育教学内容新体系,为树立学生终生体育观和深化高校体育教学改革提供参考。  相似文献   

刘远花 《湖北体育科技》2013,32(1):40-41,93
运用调查、文献资料法、数理统计法,对海南省2000~2010年这十年中3~6岁幼儿的身高、体重、克托莱指数人体形态指标进行了测定。研究表明,该年龄段幼儿的身体形态处于稳定增长的发展趋势,但性别间、年龄间增速不同,呈现出一定的规律;不同性别间幼儿身体形态发展存在差异。不同经济及地域幼儿生长、发育也是有差别的。  相似文献   

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