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This study used both an instantaneous net drag force profile and a symmetry timing to evaluate the effect of the breathing action on stroke coordination. Twenty elite swimmers completed a total of six randomised front-crawl towing trials: (i) three breathing trials and (ii) three non-breathing trials. The net drag force was measured using an assisted towing device mounted upon a Kistler force platform, and this equipment towed the swimmer at a constant speed. The net drag force profile was used to create a stroke symmetry index for each swimming trial. Analysis using the symmetry indices identified that the majority of participants demonstrated an asymmetrical instantaneous net drag force stroke profile in both the breathing and non-breathing conditions, despite no significant differences in the time from finger-tip entry to finger-tip exit. Within the breathing condition, the faster swimmers compared to the slower swimmers demonstrated a lesser percentage of overlap between stroke phases on their breathing stroke side. During the non-breathing condition, the faster participants compared to the slower swimmers recorded a reduction in the percentage of overlap between stroke phases and less duration in the underwater stroke on their breathing stroke side. This study identified that the majority of participants demonstrated an asymmetrical net drag force profile within both conditions; however, asymmetry was less prevalent when examining with only the timing symmetry index.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to learn the interplay between dry-land strength and conditioning, and stroke biomechanics in young swimmers, during a 34-week training programme. Twenty-seven swimmers (overall: 13.33?±?0.85 years old; 11 boys: 13.5?±?0.75 years old; 16 girls: 13.2?±?0.92 years old) competing at regional- and national-level competitions were evaluated. The swimmers were submitted to a specific in-water and dry-land strength training over 34 weeks (and evaluated at three time points: pre-, mid-, and post-test; M1, M2, and M3, respectively). The 100-m freestyle performance was chosen as the main outcome (i.e. dependent variable). The arm span (AS; anthropometrics), throwing velocity (TV; strength), stroke length (SL), and stroke frequency (SF; kinematics) were selected as independent variables. There was a performance enhancement over time (M1 vs. M3: 68.72?±?5.57?s, 66.23?±?5.23?s; Δ?=??3.77%; 95% CI: ?3.98;?3.56) and an overall improvement of the remaining variables. At M1 and M2, all links between variables presented significant effects (p?p?≤?.05). Between M1 and M3, the direct effect of the TV to the stroke biomechanics parameters (SL and SF) increased. The model predicted 89%, 88%, and 92% of the performance at M1, M2, and M3, respectively, with a reasonable adjustment (i.e. goodness-of-fit M1: χ2/df?=?3.82; M2: χ2/df?=?3.08; M3: χ2/df?=?4.94). These findings show that strength and conditioning parameters have a direct effect on the stroke biomechanics, and the latter one on the swimming performance.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to describe muscular activation patterns and kinematic variables during the complete stroke cycle (SC) and the different phases of breaststroke swimming at submaximal and maximal efforts. Surface electromyography (sEMG) was collected from eight muscles in nine elite swimmers; five females (age 20.3 ± 5.4 years; Fédération Internationale de Natation [FINA] points 815 ± 160) and four males (27.7 ± 7.1 years; FINA points 879 ± 151). Underwater cameras were used for 3D kinematic analysis with automatic motion tracking. The participants swam 25 m of breaststroke at 60%, 80% and 100% effort and each SC was divided into three phases: knee extension, knee extended and knee flexion. With increasing effort, the swimmers decreased their SC distance and increased their velocity and stroke rate. A decrease during the different phases was found for duration during knee extended and knee flexion, distance during knee extended and knee angle at the beginning of knee extension with increasing effort. Velocity increased for all phases. The mean activation pattern remained similar across the different effort levels, but the muscles showed longer activation periods relative to the SC and increased integrated sEMG (except trapezius) with increasing effort. The muscle activation patterns, muscular participation and kinematics assessed in this study with elite breaststroke swimmers contribute to a better understanding of the stroke and what occurs at different effort levels. This could be used as a reference for optimising breaststroke training to improve performance.  相似文献   


Prior reports have described the limitations of quantifying internal training loads using hear rate (HR)-based objective methods such as the training impulse (TRIMP) method, especially when high-intensity interval exercises are performed. A weakness of the TRIMP method is that it does not discriminate between exercise and rest periods, expressing both states into a single mean intensity value that could lead to an underestimate of training loads. This study was designed to compare Banister's original TRIMP method (1991) and a modified calculation procedure (TRIMPc) based on the cumulative sum of partial TRIMP, and to determine how each model relates to the session rating of perceived exertion (s-RPE), a HR-independent training load indicator. Over four weeks, 17 elite swimmers completed 328 pool training sessions. Mean HR for the full duration of a session and partial values for each 50 m of swimming distance and rest period were recorded to calculate the classic TRIMP and the proposed variant (TRIMPc). The s-RPE questionnaire was self-administered 30 minutes after each training session. Both TRIMPc and TRIMP measures strongly correlated with s-RPE scores (r = 0.724 and 0.702, respectively; P < 0.001). However, TRIMPc was ~9% higher on average than TRIMP (117 ± 53 vs. 107 ± 47; P < 0.001), with proportionally greater inter-method difference with increasing workload intensity. Therefore, TRIMPc appears to be a more accurate and appropriate procedure for quantifying training load, particularly when monitoring interval training sessions, since it allows weighting both exercise and recovery intervals separately for the corresponding HR-derived intensity.  相似文献   

This study aimed to correlate, compare, and determine the reliability of force, velocity, and power values collected with a force plate (FP) and a linear transducer during loaded jumps. Twenty-three swimmers performed an incremental loading test at 25, 50, 75, and 100% of their own body weight on a FP. A linear velocity transducer (LVT) was attached to the bar to assess the peak and the mean values of force, velocity, and power. Both the peak variables (r = 0.94 – 0.99 for peak force, r = 0.83 – 0.91 for peak velocity, and r = 0.90–0.94 for peak power; p < 0.001) and the mean variables (r = 0.96–0.99 for mean force, r = 0.87–0.89 for mean velocity, and r = 0.93–0.96 for mean power; p < 0.001) were strongly correlated between both measurement tools. Differences in the shape of the force-, velocity-, and power-time curves were observed. The LVT data showed a steeper increase in these variables at the beginning of the movement, while the FP recorded larger values in the latter part. Peak values were more reliable than mean values. These results suggest that the LVT is a valid tool for the assessment of loaded squat jump.  相似文献   

This study investigated ball release speed and performance kinematics between elite male and female cricket fast bowlers. Fifty-five kinematic parameters were collected for 20 male and 20 female elite fast bowlers. Group means were analysed statistically using an independent samples approach to identify differences. Significant differences were found between: ball release speed; run-up speed; the kinematics at back foot contact (BFC), front foot contact (FFC), and ball release (BR); and the timings between these key instants. These results indicate that the female bowlers generated less whole body linear momentum during the run-up than the males. The male bowlers also utilised a technique between BFC and FFC which more efficiently maintained linear momentum compared to the females. As a consequence of this difference in linear momentum at FFC, the females typically adopted a technique more akin to throwing where ball release speed was contributed to by both the whole body angular momentum and the large rotator muscles used to rotate the pelvis and torso segments about the longitudinal axis. This knowledge is likely to be useful in the coaching of female fast bowlers although future studies are required to understand the effects of anthropometric and strength constraints on fast bowling performance.  相似文献   

This study examined arm and leg coordination and propulsion during the flat breaststroke in nine elite male and eight elite female swimmers over three race paces (200?m, 100?m and 50?m). Coordination was expressed using four temporal gaps (T1, T2, T3, T4), which described the continuity between the propulsive phases of the limbs, as recorded on a video device (50 Hz). Glide duration was denoted T1, the time between the beginning of arm and leg recovery was denoted T2, the time between the end of arm and the leg recovery was denoted T3, and the time between 90° of flexion during arm recovery and 90° during leg recovery was denoted T4. Using these temporal gaps, four stroke phases (propulsion, glide, recovery and leg insweep) could be followed over a complete arm and leg stroke. The total duration of arm and leg propulsion was assessed by a new index of flat breaststroke propulsion (IFBP). Velocity, stroke rate and stroke length were also calculated for each pace. The elite swimmers showed short T2, T3 and T4; moreover, T1 decreased when the pace increased. Expertise in the flat breaststroke was thus characterized by synchronized arm and leg recoveries and increased continuity in the arm and leg propulsions with increasing velocity. Differences between the sexes in the spatio-temporal parameters were possibly due to anthropometric differences (the men were heavier, older and taller than the women) and different motor organization linked to arm and leg coordination (shorter T3, body glide and body recovery, and greater body propulsion and higher IFBP in the men). The men's propulsive actions showed greater continuity, particularly in the sprint. The best men adopted a superposition coordination and thus had the ability to overcome very great active drag. Temporal gap measurement and the IFBP are practical indicators of arm and leg coordination and propulsion that can be exploited by coaches and swimmers to increase the continuity between propulsive actions during the flat breaststroke.  相似文献   

This study quantified the mechanical interactions of 19 American football cleats with a natural grass and an infill-type artificial surface under loading conditions designed to represent play-relevant manoeuvres of elite athletes. Variation in peak forces and torques was observed across cleats when tested on natural grass (2.8–4.2 kN in translation, 120–174 Nm in rotation). A significant (p < 0.05) relationship was found between the peak force and torque on natural grass. Almost all of the cleats caused shear failure of the natural surface, which generated a divot following a test. This is a force-limiting cleat release mode. In contrast, all but one of the cleat types held fast in the artificial turf, resulting in force and torque limited by the prescribed input load from the test device (nom. 4.8 kN and 200 Nm). Only one cleat pattern, consisting of small deformable nubs, released on the artificial surface and generated force (3.9 kN) comparable to the range observed with natural grass. These findings (1) should inform the design of cleats intended for use on natural and artificial surfaces and (2) suggest a mechanical explanation for a higher lower-limb injury rate in elite athletes playing on artificial surfaces.  相似文献   

Plyometric training composed by unilateral exercises with horizontal jumping direction seems to be an effective way to improve physical performance in athletes. The present study aimed to compare the influence of a combined jumping direction and force application (horizontal-unilateral vs. vertical-bilateral) plyometric training on linear sprinting, jumping, change of direction (COD) and dynamic balance in young elite basketball players. Twenty young (U-13 to U-14) male basketball players (age: 13.2?±?0.7 years, body mass: 59.5?±?12.7?kg, height: 172.9?±?7.9?cm) were randomly assigned either to a unilateral-horizontal (UH, n?=?10) or bilateral-vertical (BV, n?=?10) plyometric group, twice a week for 6-wk. Both groups performed between 60 and 100 jumps/session. UH executed all jumps unilaterally with horizontal direction, while jumps in the BV were bilaterally with vertical direction. Performance was assessed by a linear sprinting test, vertical and horizontal jumping tests, COD tests (V-cut and 5+5?m with a 180°COD test), an ankle dorsiflexion test and dynamic balance tests (anterior and postero-lateral directions). Within-group differences showed substantial improvements (Effect size (ES):0.31–1.01) in unilateral vertical and horizontal jumping, V-cut test and postero-lateral direction with right leg after both training interventions. Furthermore, UH group also substantially improved (ES:0.33–0.78) all sprinting times and postero-lateral direction with left leg, while BV enhanced anterior direction with left leg (ES:0.25). Between-group analyses showed substantially greater improvements (ES:0.33) in 10-m and V-cut test in UH than in BV. The likely beneficial effect (small ES) achieved in sprinting abilities suggests the combination of unilateral-horizontal jumps to improve such abilities.  相似文献   

Critical speed (CS) testing is useful in monitoring training in swimmers, however, completing a series of time trials (TTs) regularly is time-consuming. The 3-minute test may be a solution with positive initial findings. This investigation examined whether a modified 3-minute test (12?×?25?m) could assess CS and supra-CS distance capacity (D’) in swimmers. A series of 12?×?25?m intervals were completed unpaced at maximal effort, interspersed with 5?s rest periods. The model speed?=?a eb t?+?c was fitted to the data and integrated to calculate D’. The slowest two of the last four efforts were averaged to calculate CS. To assess reliability, 15 highly trained swimmers (9 females, 6 males) completed the 12?×?25?m twice within 72?h. Four measures were deemed reliable: peak velocity (0.01?m?s?1; 0.5%, typical error and % coefficient of variation), CS (0.02?m?s?1; 1.2%), D’ (1.22?m; 5.7%) and drop off % (0.70% points; 4.5%). To assess criterion validity, 21 swimmers (9 from reliability, 12 other) completed two competition races within 2 weeks of a 12?×?25?m in the same stroke. Traditional CS and D’ measures were calculated from competition performances (TT method). TT CS and 12?×?25?m CS were highly correlated (adj. R2?=?0.92, p?D’ values were moderately correlated (adj. R2?=?0.60, p?D’ accurately. The 12?×?25?m all-out swimming test is a reliable method for assessing CS and D’ in swimmers, however, the validity of D’ requires further investigation.  相似文献   


This study investigated lower-limb kinematics to explain the techniques used to achieve high levels of sprint start performance. A cross-sectional design was used to examine relationships between specific technique variables and horizontal external power production during the block phase. Video data were collected (200 Hz) at the training sessions of 16 sprinters who ranged in 100 m personal best times from 9.98 to 11.6 s. Each sprinter performed three 30 m sprints and reliable (all intraclass correlation coefficients, ICC(2,3) ≥ 0.89) lower-limb kinematic data were obtained through manual digitising. The front leg joints extended in a proximal-to-distal pattern for 15 sprinters, and a moderate positive relationship existed between peak front hip angular velocity and block power (r = 0.49, 90% confidence limits = 0.08–0.76). In the rear leg, there was a high positive relationship between relative push duration and block power (r = 0.53, 90% confidence limits = 0.13–0.78). The rear hip appeared to be important; rear hip angle at block exit was highly related to block power (r = 0.60, 90% confidence limits = 0.23–0.82), and there were moderate positive relationships with block power for its range of motion and peak angular velocity (both r = 0.49, 90% confidence limits = 0.08–0.76). As increased block power production was not associated with any negative aspects of technique in the subsequent stance phase, sprinters should be encouraged to maximise extension at both hips during the block phase.  相似文献   

The 10-min Psychomotor Vigilance Test (PVT-10) is regarded as the gold-standard for assessing vigilant attention following sleep loss; however, other studies have investigated whether shorter versions of the test elicit similar results to the PVT-10. The present study compared the PVT-10 with 3-min (PVT-3) and 5-min (PVT-5) versions of the test in elite female basketball players. Athletes performed all three tests in the morning and evening for seven consecutive days. Response speed (mean reciprocal reaction time; mean 1/RT), number of errors and number of lapses were determined for each test and time point. The PVT-3 elicited significantly faster response speeds than the other two tests (p < 0.01), while the PVT-5 and PVT-10 were not different. The PVT-10 resulted in more lapses than the PVT-5, followed by the PVT-3, with all tests being significantly different to each other (p < 0.01). In conclusion, while the PVT-5 and PVT-10 were generally similar for response speed, the PVT-3 did not produce results comparable with the PVT-10 for response speed, lapses or errors, and should therefore not be used interchangeably. Further research is required to determine whether the shorter tests are a suitable replacement for the PVT-10 in professional basketball players.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown the contribution of genetic determinants to athletes’ physical ability. However, despite the fact that cognitive abilities like self-control and stress-tolerance influence athletes’ competitive performance, few studies to date have investigated the association between genetic polymorphism, which is linked to cognitive ability and athletic performance. The present study investigated the link between single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), which are known to exert influences on dopaminergic neural function and competitive performance of swimmers. The results have revealed superior competitive performance in competitive swimmers with Met allele of catechol-O-methyltransferase Val158Met polymorphism than those with Val/Val genotype. The investigated SNPs of DRD2 and DRD3 were not associated with swimmer’s competitive performance. This finding indicates that genetic polymorphism linked to cognitive ability influences the athletes’ performance.  相似文献   

In this paper, we draw attention to the profound lack of racial diversity as well as the prevalence of whiteness within Canadian faculties of Kinesiology and Physical Education. In support of our argument that there exists an immediate need for equity programming within physical education in higher education, we present the results from two interconnected studies designed to make transparent: (1) the demographic character of faculties of Kinesiology and Physical Education across Canada; as well as (2) the delivery of content related to race, diversity and whiteness within the curriculum. In the first study, we collected website representations of faculty and staff (i.e. photos) as well as lists of curricular offerings for each of the member institutions of the Canadian Council of University Physical Education and Kinesiology Administrators. Website documents were downloaded, analyzed and organized according to criteria related to race and diversity. The follow-up study consisted of interviews with 40 faculty members across Canada where we asked questions pertaining to their perceptions of the faculty setting (i.e. the demographic make-up of their faculty including faculty, staff and students as well as the culture within the faculty) and the curriculum. As a method of triangulation, interview data was used to confirm and inform our analysis of the initial website data; when combined, the analyses provide a comprehensive picture of the cultures of whiteness that exist within physical education in higher education. In order for physical education to be truly inclusive, we call for the development of greater alliances across disciplines and geographic borders such that the hegemony of whiteness within the (physical education) academy can be disrupted.  相似文献   

This study sought to identify biomechanical factors that determine fast and skilful execution of the seoi-nage (shoulder throw) technique by comparing kinematics between elite and college judo athletes. Three-dimensional motion data were captured using a VICON-MX system with 18 cameras operating at 250 Hz as three male elite and seven male college judo athletes performed seoi-nage. No significant difference was found in motion phase time of the turning phase between the two groups, indicating that motion phase time is not necessarily a factor contributing quickness in seoi-nage. The maximum relative velocity of the whole body centre of mass along the anterior–posterior direction was significantly greater in the elite athletes (2.74 ± 0.33 m/s) than in the college athletes (1.62 ± 0.47 m/s) during the turning phase (p = 0.023). The overall angular velocity of the body part lines, particularly the arm line, tended to be greater in the elite athletes (p = 0.068). The results imply that the velocity of the thrower relative to the opponent in the forward drive and turning motion reflects high skill seoi-nage. Coaches should recognise the relative forward velocity as a factor that may contribute to a successful seoi-nage when teaching the judo throw technique.  相似文献   

Mechanography during the vertical jump may enhance screening and determining mechanistic causes underlying physical performance changes. Utility of jump mechanography for evaluation is limited by scant test-retest reliability data on force-time variables. This study examined the test-retest reliability of eight jump execution variables assessed from mechanography. Thirty-two women (mean±SD: age 20.8 ± 1.3 yr) and 16 men (age 22.1 ± 1.9 yr) attended a familiarization session and two testing sessions, all one week apart. Participants performed two variations of the squat jump with squat depth self-selected and controlled using a goniometer to 80º knee flexion. Test-retest reliability was quantified as the systematic error (using effect size between jumps), random error (using coefficients of variation), and test-retest correlations (using intra-class correlation coefficients). Overall, jump execution variables demonstrated acceptable reliability, evidenced by small systematic errors (mean±95%CI: 0.2 ± 0.07), moderate random errors (mean±95%CI: 17.8 ± 3.7%), and very strong test-retest correlations (range: 0.73–0.97). Differences in random errors between controlled and self-selected protocols were negligible (mean±95%CI: 1.3 ± 2.3%). Jump execution variables demonstrated acceptable reliability, with no meaningful differences between the controlled and self-selected jump protocols. To simplify testing, a self-selected jump protocol can be used to assess force-time variables with negligible impact on measurement error.  相似文献   

电动计时网络系统的工作流程与相关裁判方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着电子网络信息技术在田径竞赛尤其是在计时环节中的运用,传统的人工计时及过程的胶片摄影时系统正逐渐退出历史舞台,取而代之的是全新的高智能、数码化的全电动计时网络系统。这个系统的启用更新必然给相关的裁判工作方法带来新的课题。就此对田径运动会电动计时的工作流程及工作内容作简要介绍,并对与此相关的裁判工作方法提出自己的看法。  相似文献   

Previous studies have investigated how individuals reach an expert level by counting the number of hours engaged in specific practice types. Here we sought to understand and compare the microstructure (e.g. practice tasks undertaken) of these practice hours experienced by elite and sub-elite British rugby league players. Semi-structured interviews explored the practice experiences of eight international and eight domestic level players. A two-staged thematic analysis was used to interpret the data. The analysis revealed that both player groups experienced a rich and narrow landscape of affordances and were exposed to early diversification of sports experiences during childhood. Differences were identified in domestic level players’ experiences of amateur and professional sports, where episodes of negative developmental environments were reported. International players’ practice experiences revealed differences in their professional careers, where exposure to scenario-based practice and dynamic learning environments were reported. The findings suggest that insights from ecological dynamics provide a suitable theoretical framework to guide coaches in the design of practice environments that should consider the physical, psychological, emotional and social dimensions of expertise acquisition.  相似文献   

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