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德国分裂是美苏冷战的产物。分裂后,两个德国虽然在政治上尖锐对立,但在经济上并没有完全中断往来。六十年代随着东西方关系的缓和,两德关系也得到改善,1972年双方签署的关于双方关系的基础条约,为两德交流的加强奠定了基础。七、八十年代双方人员往来和经济交流的加强使两德关系进入了一个新阶段。两德关系的发展为德国统一注入了精神信念,并在客观上推动了欧洲国际关系的继续缓和,为统一提供了有利的外部条件。  相似文献   

二战后德国人直面历史,勇于承担历史罪责,自觉反省历史,利用一切机会向受害国人民认罪,并以实际行动清算过去,赢得了过去受害国政府和人民的谅解和信任。究其根源是因为德意志民族文化中的深厚的理性的传统。秉承于罗马帝国的文化与传统使德意志人养成了思考的世界性的前提和空间;德意志民族国家的难产也意味着由于没有政治和文化霸权,德意志人的思考也是更少桎梏,而充分享受自由,养成崇尚思考和思辨的特性;而德意志民族国家的形成与发展的过程中的起落的历程,充分显现德意志这样一个具有文化理性传统的民族对历史所具有的反省能力。  相似文献   

一直都认为能够吃到美味的东西是世界上最幸福的事,就如品尝自己的生活,酸甜成辣,滋味万千,都是一种享受。口舌之欲往往也是最迫切而直接的需求,但美食往往并不在于口和胃的满足,更多的是给我们的生活、我们的世界、我们的心情平添几分别样的色彩。在本期栏目中.我们精心为大家打造了一道世界美食大餐,进行一场跨越时空的美食之旅.无论是端庄含蓄的亚洲菜还是高贵优雅的西餐,都尽在其中。快来分享美食带来的快乐,时尚饮食从此开始……  相似文献   

The article describes a research project undertaken with advanced adult learners of German at a distance at The Open University, United Kingdom. Their gains in intercultural competence were investigated by looking at how far the students met the prescribed learning outcomes, their knowledge items, language skills, attitudes towards Germans and their assessment results. The findings show that this particular group of learners felt that they had achieved the different requirements of the stated learning outcomes to a surprisingly high level and demonstrated a high level of intercultural competence. In addition, these learners were able to articulate their opinions of commonly held attitudes and stereotypical views about Germans and offered reflective insights into why their personal attitudes differed in many respects from more commonly held views.  相似文献   

The present article analyzes the development of the ethnic gap—with respect to the attainment of vocational degrees—over the immigration cohorts 1960–2001 by examining how social integration indicators and general secondary school education may help to explain the trend. It was found that the gap between natives and migrants increased. Above all, the large increase in the gap over cohorts between Germans and Turks is alarming. In contrast to that the gap and its increase between the group of immigrants from Central-/Eastern-/Southeastern European countries as well as from other former recruitment countries and German natives is comparably small and can to a large extent be explained by a growing gap regarding the level of general secondary education among the newer immigration cohorts and native Germans due to educational expansion and to a growing impact of the secondary school education for the achievement of vocational education. The effect of social integration plays a smaller role compared to general secondary school education and it even decreases over immigration cohorts.  相似文献   

Research concerning children and television has concentrated more on their behaviour following viewing than on their personal experiences of this medium and the subjects are commonly American children from a distinctive television milieu. This study investigated first‐person reports of children from two rather different television cultures—US and West German (FRG). It was hypothesised that Americans would be more pro‐television, and thereby more dependent on television, more accepting of programmed violence and more fantasy‐involved in programme content; while experiencing less parental control/influence than West Germans. A sample of 93 FRG and 87 US children aged 10‐12 responded to a television‐viewing questionnaire of 34 items. The American children were significantly more pro‐television than the West Germans, and this was reflected in higher dependency and lower parental control scores. Responses to television fantasy and violence proved ambiguous, and no significant programme character preference differences were found. A principal components analysis of the American scores supported the intuitive item groupings.  相似文献   

One of the earliest American reeducation programs designed for the transformation of political attitudes and the inculcation of American democratic ideals among Germans came into being shortly before the end of the Second World War. Initiated by the Special Projects Division of the War Department in 1944, this top secret experiment in reeducation brought together a group of university professors, including philosopher Thomas Vernon Smith from the University of Chicago, at selected prisoner‐of‐war camps in Rhode Island and Virginia. Consistent with his faculty colleagues. Smith drew heavily from the liberal arts tradition and classical humanism to teach his German charges about the plausibility of the “democratic way of life. “ The relatively brief initial foray by Smith into the reeducation of Germans under captivity revealed American aspirations and democratic ideals for the new German citizen of the post war era, elements of which subsequently reappeared in the activities of American Military Government on German soil. Not the least significant in this endeavor was the formation of a German citizenry supportive of American interests, a foundational goal of the Special Projects combining reform idealism with “Realpolitik”.  相似文献   

World War II     
《Chinese Education & Society》2013,46(2-3):184-202
In 1938, the black clouds of fascist war and invasion hung over Europe. In March, fascist Germany swallowed up Austria and then reached its claws of aggression toward Czechoslovakia. Czechoslovakia was a multinational state, having within its borders, as a minority nationality, more than three million Germans, most of whom lived on the northeast borders of the Sudetenland. In a long article on the question of the treatment of the German minority peoples, Hitler stirred up hostilities. First of all, Hitler incited his wing of the fascist party in Czechoslovakia to manufacture a so-called "self-rule" movement of the Sudetenland Germans; later, again with the acquiescence of the British and French imperialists, he went a step further to demand annexation of the Sudetenland, pretending that this would be his last territorial demand in Europe.  相似文献   

My first visit to the Federal Republic of Germany was in 1958 to 1961 as a young Humboldt scholar. During those years my attitude toward the Germans was determined by exclusively positive results. I invariably felt at ease among workers, academics, and counselors, and especially in their families. It may have been that because of my relatively good knowledge of German I was less conspicuous as a black or a foreigner and much better accepted than was usually the case for other people. However, I was not wrong with regard to the basic receptivity of the Germans and their openness toward foreigners. When in 1963 and 1964 I stood before the court and was forced to fight for my freedom and my life I could call Germany my second homeland. Despite all reservations, I could put forth the German society as a model of a democratic society.  相似文献   

德国是当今世界上名列前茅的发达国家,其现代化进程是资本主义国家的典型。在其现代化进程中,成功的教育改革提高了国民的整体素质,促进了科学技术的迅猛发展,同时为德国工业和经济发展提供了人才保证,从而用力地推进了德国现代化发展的历史进程。  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of education after and about Auschwitz (Holocaust education)* in Germany in both theory and practice, with particular attention to three critical areas. The first is the status of research in, as Adorno famously phrased it, “education after Auschwitz” within the context of contemporary Germany. German society is pluralistic, and is built on the third and fourth generations of young Germans since the National Socialist Era. These Germans cannot and do not want to be identified as perpetrators, but they must deal with a strong and growing right-wing extremist movement. The second area, given these challenges, is the fact that Holocaust education can fail. And finally, the European dimension of Holocaust remembrance means teaching about Auschwitz in the context of a general effort to resist inhumanity, as well as attempts to identify the connections between learning after and about Auschwitz, on the one hand, and learning and understanding human rights as a European and global vision on the other.  相似文献   

五点区是纽约历史上臭名昭著的社区。这里可以说是纽约的缩影,来自世界各地的人们汇集在这里,从事不同的职业。五点区最早是纽约本土人的地盘,经过数十年的移民潮以及纽约市向外围扩张,中下层收入的人们在这里谋生,他们之中有勇敢的爱尔兰人、精明的犹太人、谨慎的德意志人、技艺精湛的意大利人、勤劳的黑人等等。作为新来者,他们和美国的主流社会必定格格不入。当时的美国上层认为,五点区是一个肮脏龌龊的地方。事实上,五点区为各个国家人民的交流提供了舞台,它的存在繁荣了纽约乃至整个美国的文化。  相似文献   

In the past few months, educational experts of all persuasions have been alarming the public with the news that study abroad for German students is in a bad way: Whereas annually more than 52,000 young foreigners attend colleges and universities in the Federal Republic of Germany as guests, according to published reports only 9,500 young Germans annually, i.e., fewer than one-fifth, are enjoying the experience of study abroad. What is worse, the percentage of German students with experience in study abroad seems to be decreasing from year to year, and is gradually approaching a negligible quantity.  相似文献   

I have advocated the cause of technical education for thirty years, for I have seen how, slowly but surely, year by year, and step by step, the Germans more than any other nation, have made advances, solely through the superior instruction of their people. (A.J. Mundella, Hansard CCCXVIII, 9 August 1887, 1849)  相似文献   

Among the ethnic groups that composed the population of the Russian Empire, one unique group was that of the Ethnic Germans (Volksdeutschen) who had immigrated to Russia since the second half of the eighteenth century. Over the years, there had been a change in the process of the settlers’ assimilation as an outcome of their geographical dispersion. This article focuses on Ethnic Germans who were living in the colonies along the coasts of the Black Sea and in Bessarabia. These settlers managed to preserve their ethnic uniqueness until First World War, in part because of the central role their teachers and schools played in their communities. The teachers were not only agents of knowledge, but also had spiritual‐religious roles and were in charge of imparting their unique heritage. An examination of the social origins of the teachers reveals that many of them followed in their fathers’ footsteps when choosing an occupation. Hence, it was common that teachers who taught in a certain colony and its surroundings for dozens of years belonged to the same family. The fact that the profession was passed on from one generation to the next as well as marriages between teachers’ families and getting teaching positions on this basis had implications beyond the professional‐pedagogical domain. This guaranteed the teachers’ loyalty to their heritage, their authority in the community and the sense of sharing fate with its members. It was a significant factor in the preservation of the German colonists’ ethnic heritage in the face of the increasing Russification of the educational system in their colonies as of the last quarter of the nineteenth century.  相似文献   

"库尔斯克会战"是苏德战争军事上的根本转折。这次会战是在巩固东线的战略主动权和配合盟军在意大利的西西里岛登陆这样的背景下进行的。"库尔斯克会战"与"堡垒"战役发生在同一时间、同一地点,但是,不能用否定"堡垒"战役的眼光和方法来剖析"库尔斯克会战"。这两个战役无论形式和内涵都有重大区别,不属于同一概念。"堡垒"战役是一个缺乏想象力,在计划阶段就蕴含着失败因素的战役。"库尔斯克会战"的战略定位高度是"粉碎库尔斯克突出部地域的敌人后,解放顿巴斯和整个第聂伯河东岸乌克兰地区",而战役的实施使希特勒从苏军手中夺取战略主动权的企图彻底失败,从此,直到战争结束,德军只能进行防御作战。  相似文献   

There Have been many attempts to discover what has happened to the Germans and Germany during the last decade. All these attempts have been more or less successful. The impossibility of giving a satisfactory explanation is due to the complexity of the “German Soul” and the conflicts within it; hardly any other people have the same significance inthat respect. This, perhaps, is also the best explanation for the apparently entire success of Hitler and his theories.  相似文献   

A comparison of the relative importance of variables shown to influence the outcome of interracial contact was made in an intercultural contact situation. Implications of the findings for counseling applications were discussed. The variables studied were: amount of contact, length of time living in the country, norms, personal association, initial attitudes toward the country (expectations and first impressions), and attitudes toward people in general. The subjects were 199 American adolescents living in Germany and enrolled in on-base American schools for military dependents. The data were collected by questionnaires administered by faculty members at the schools during regular class time. Attitudes toward Germans, attitudes toward Germany and social distance toward German adolescents were utilized as the dependant variables. The analyses controlled for past intercultural experience and the age, sex, and ethnic group of the subjects. Three variables affected subjects' attitudes toward Germany: norms, first impressions, and sex of subject. The same three variables plus attitudes toward people affected attitudes toward Germans. Three different variables affected the social distance scale: age, sex, and expectations. Age and sex were control variables and appear to be artifacts of the particular social climate of the situation under study. Thus, norms, first impressions, expectations, and attitudes toward people appear to be the major influences on attitudes toward members of another culture. Amount of contact, length of time living in the country and personal association do not appear to be important in intercultural interaction. Suggestions were made for the preparation of educational programs and for family, group and individual counseling for families with adolescents who are transferred to new cultural environments.  相似文献   

现代德语含有大量的外来词,这是日耳曼文化与欧洲其他文化相碰撞的结果。从历史进程来看,对德语影响较大的语种依次为:古希腊语、拉丁语、法语和英语。外来词在丰富了德语表达方式的同时,也对德语语言的纯洁性构成了一定的威胁。为此,德国人不断对德语中的外来词加以规范。其规范的主要原则有:一、需要的原则;二、意义明确的原则;三、文字标准化原则。  相似文献   


While Neo‐nazism is, in fact, only found in a small number of West German youths, and certain politicians would seem to prefer stepping ‘out of the shadow of the Third Reich’, it is argued that the question of how young Germans could or should relate to the Third Reich morally has in fact not been answered in any sufficient way. The author critically examines various approaches to the issue ‐‐ from Adorno's classical statement on ‘Education after Auschwitz’ to the more recent attempts of using Auschwitz as a metaphor. Furthermore, it is suggested that the problem of ‘Forgetting about Auschwitz’ should also be understood in terms of the intergenerational processes involved. This in turn presupposes testing legal and moral concepts for their adequacy to the task of moral education. Finally, the issue of national identity is considered as the framework within which the educational problems have to be addressed.  相似文献   

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