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agree to和agree with一组动词短语都有“同意”、“赞成”之意。但含义和使用场合有所不同。Agree to的意思是“同意”、“应允”,它专用于对事,不用于对人,其后接事物名词,如decision,opinion,idea,demand,proposal,terms,plan;此外,它亦可接动词原形。例如:I quite agree to your proposal.我非常同意你的建议。They agreed to the new method.他们同意采用这个新方法。His parents agreed to his marrying this girl.他的父母同意他与该女孩结婚。值得注意的是,agree之后既可接不定式,也可以接that引导的从句。例如:John agreed to go…  相似文献   

(总分:100分答题时间:120分) 听力试题(共三大题,计20分) 1.句子理解(Sentences)(共5小题,计5分) 请听句子,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个与你所听到的句子意思一致或相近的选项。每个句子只读一遍。(答案涂在答题纸上)1 .A,He几und the leeture boring and he deeided to leave. B.He found the lecture interesting,50 he stayed there. e, He found the一eeture bo五ng,but he aian’t aeeide to leave, D.He was sleePy during the leeture and deeided to leave.2.鹭壑臀燮 C.on the chair. D.In the omee.7 .A,She wenr…  相似文献   

I.听录音中每小题的句子,从题中所给的A、B、 C三个选项中选出意思相同或相近的句子。1.A.I didn’t turn on the light. B.I turned off the light.but I forgot. C.I didn’t turn off the light because I for- got it last night.2.A.Lin Tao listened to the weather report. B.Lin Tao stopped washing. C.Lin Tao stopped listening to the weather  相似文献   

I.听力听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听第1段材料,回答第1~3题。1. Why can't the man go to the cinema on Mondays? A.Because he has to go to night school. B.Because he wants to see her grandmother. C.Because he hasn't finished his homework.  相似文献   

一、信息法1.-I'll look into the matter as soon as possible.-Just have a little.A.wait B.time C.patience D.rest从语法角度分析,选项皆无误。但只要抓住题中look into(调查)和as soon as possible两词组所提供的信息,便可知“我会尽快调查此事的”。因此得出下句“请耐心一点”的结论,故C项patience(耐心)为正确选项。二、语境破译法2.-When shall we meet again?-Make it day you like;it's all the same to me.A.one B.any C.another D.some此题根据语境“it's all the same to me”应是“任何一天”,故B项正确。3.-Your pho…  相似文献   

请看下面一道题: Who isitup_deeidewhetherto即ornot? Ato to B.for五〕r C .to for D.forto 许多同学一看选项排除了A和B,因为像两个介词连在一起用一般是不可能的。至于C和D,该选哪个呢?有的同学是这样分析的:decide是动词,所以它前面应是不定式符号to,而不能是介词for,所以此题应选D。此分析尽管有些道理,但所选答案还是错了,正确的选项应是A。同学们应该熟悉uPto的用法,它的意思很多,其中一个用法是表示“该由……负责”、“在于……”、“取决于……”。如: “shauwe即。ut?”“It’supto卯u.”“我们出去吗?”“这由你决定。”…  相似文献   

1、agree with,agree to与agree on的区别: agree with:“同意……,赞成”,后接人或表示“意见”、“看法”的词。如:Tom and Ann all agree with me.汤姆和安都同意我的意见。agree to:“同意、赞同、应允”后面接表示“建议、办法、计划”的词。如:He agrees to the plan.他同意这个计划。agree on“对……取得一致意见”,主语常常是协商一件  相似文献   

词意选择题是英语中考的新题型。做这种题,除了掌握单词或词组的意义外,更重要的是必须分析好它们在语句中的真正涵义及用法。下面分析几例,供同学们参考。 选出与划线部分意思相同或接近的选项: 1.①We have a lot of work to do. A.lots B.many C.much D.more ②There are a lot of flowers in the garden. A.lots B.many C.much D.more “a lot of”这一词组意思是“许多……”,既可以修饰可数名同,又可以修饰不可数名词。因此决定在句中其替换词不同。在句①中,修饰的是不可数名词work,所以正确选项是C;句②中修饰的是可数名词flowers。  相似文献   

I’m afraid there will not be enough space to stand the earth. A.in B.on C.in on D.on in 本题易误选B。 正确答案为C。 要点解析:空白在 the earth之前,因此,不少同学可能会不假思索地选填 on,因为“在地球上”用英语要说 on the earth。然而,本题题干中的 to stand 是 space的定语。如同不能说to live a room,而只能说to live in a room一样,也不能说tostand space,而只能说 to stand in space。由此可以看出,在 to stand后面还缺少一个介词 in,因而本题应选 C.in on。请试做几题,它们与本题有类似之处。  相似文献   

英语中有些短语是由“动词+to”构成的。由于to具有“介词”和“不定式符号”两种特性,所以to后也就出现了两种截然不同的形式。但在平时学习中,出于习惯,往往一见到to,便想到to do,忽略了它的另一个用法,因而导致了学习中的不少错误。针对这种情况,我们一起来看一下“动词+to(介词)”所构成的短语的一些用法。1.agreeto:say yes,consent同意,赞同后接表示“提议/办法/计划”等的词。Do you agree to the proposal/the plan/the arrangement?但该结构中的to也可以是不定式符号。He agreed to come on Sunday.2.applyto:ask for…  相似文献   

小莉 《今日中学生》2005,(29):21-23
请先看下列练习:(请在ABCD选项中选出最佳答案) 1.一HaPPy New Year! A .oh,not good Thanks,the same to you 一Happy birthd叮! B .50叮 D .How niee of you C2 A .Thanks,the same to you B .How niee of you to remelnber my birthday.Thanks C .You,re kind D.50卿,it,5 boring 第(l)题最佳答案是C。因为对别人的问候关心要感谢,而 且也同时祝愿对方节日愉快。这里“Thanks,the same to you.” means“Thank you and Happy New Year to you,too.” 第(2)题最佳答案是B。因为过生日的是一个人,而不是大 家。对方在祝愿生日…  相似文献   

安徽省2002年初中升学统一考试试题中的完形填空第52题的答案值得商榷。文中相关句及第52题的选项如下:Several days 52,he had to leave for another city. A. ago B.later C.before D.after 参考答案选B。此句的意思是:“几天以后,他不得不前往另一个城市。”笔者认为,B选项固然正确,但D选项也应是正确的答案。因为,several davs  相似文献   

一天,老师的两名学生就2000年高考试卷第22题向他提问: The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see_next year. A.carry out B.carrying out C.carried out D.to carry outsee后应接动词原形或动词-ing形式,为什么此题答案选C 而不选A 或B 呢?老师解释道:实际上题目中that引导一个定语从句。句子中含有They would like tosee that(=the plan)_the next year这样的意思。可见,填入的选项是作see的宾语补足语,由于plan与see是动宾关系,故答案为C。  相似文献   

L..万1.肠厂心1.听力测试(略)n.完形填空(共20小题;每小题15分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项A、B、C、D中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。 Madame肠isel eagerly tore open the。。elore(信封),took out a pieee of hea叮pa卿,’and read the 21:“The Minister andlMadame Georges Ram即nneau beg Monsieur and》.Madame肠isel to spend the一卫全一at the.Minist叮on Monday,the eighteenth of Janua叮.” Instead of being pleased,shees一鱼l一thei二it以沁n(请贴)down on the table and said,“Well,what do youes一卫竺一me to do withthat?” “W卜y,my dear,1 thought you would behappy!”said her husband.“You一丝一一90 out,...  相似文献   

请看在2005年高考试卷中考查有关动名词用法的试题:1.He got well-prepared for the job interview,for he couldn?t risk____the good opportunity.(2005上海卷32题)A.to lose B.losing C.to be lost D.being lost答案为B。risk后常接动名词作宾语。2.——You know,Bob is a little slow____understanding,so…——So I have to be patient____him.(2005重庆卷30题)A.in;with B.on;with C.in;to D.at;for答案为A。be slow in doing something意思是“做某事迟钝”。3.I really can?t understand____her like that.(2005安徽卷34题)A…  相似文献   

葛春生 《新高考》2011,(Z1):100-104
请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。建议阅读时间:30分钟AEngineers at Google have tested a self-driving car on the streets of California,the company announced.The cars use video cameras mounted on the roof,radar sensors and a lase(r激光)range finder to"see"othertraffic,software engineer Sebastian Thrun said.They remain manned  相似文献   

You’re Online     
~~ C. not be honest on the Net D.make friends with those you believe in [答疑解惑] 1. D 这是一道主旨题。根据全文,咱们可以看出,本文是作者对孩子们上网的“安全建议”。 2.C 这是词义题,需要联系上下文。根据文意,“由于你看不见他们,甚至听不见他们的声音。”咱们可以确定,“有些人很容易假冒身份”。当然,“假冒”只是大概的意思。看选项C,“给出一个错误的描述”大体跟咱们推断的意思相近,就选它吧!(事后别忘了查字典哟。“misrepresent”,动词,“表述失实”、“歪曲”之意。) 3.B 这是推断题。根…  相似文献   

耿志华 《初中生》2003,(17):36-38
一、直接选择法 [考例]The knife on the desk is different________the one on the floor. A.as B.from C.with D.on [技巧分析]直接选择法就是指从题干及选项中直接选出正确  相似文献   

第二部分:英语知识运用第一节:语法和词汇知识从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1.—Would you like to come to the dinnerparty here on Saturday?—Thank you.I’d love to,I’ll be outof town at the weekend.A.because B.and C.so D.but2.We’ve just heard a warning on the radiothat a hurricane is to come thisevening.A.likely B.possibleC.probable D.believable3.It was already one in the morning Isaw the dull yellow eye of the creatureopen.A.when B.that C.which D.since4.I think I…  相似文献   

请看2004年全国卷Ⅳ的一道高考试题It shames me to say it,but I told a lie when ____at the meeting by my boss. A.questioning B.having questioned C.questioned D.to be questioned [解析]本题从表面上看考查的是分词,但是解题时必须从句子结构入手,认识到时间状语从句的省略,然后才能做进一步分析。结合题干和选项看,“询问”的逻辑主语是“我”,存在被动的意义,A、B两项应该排除:D项结构错误:when和questioned之间省略了“I was”。综上所述,答案是C。  相似文献   

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