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Conclusion In summary, this article has emphasized the stressful effect of a handicapped child on the family. The effect of the family on the child's achievement is emphasized as many handicapped children would not become disabled or their disability lessened by appropriate parental behavior. Because of the importance of the family as a teaching environment, for the preschool child in particular, three home-oriented programs are out-lined as possible models that others might find useful. These programs attempt to capitalize on the mother's continued contact with the child and her ability to supply a one-to-one teaching arrangement during the time when the child is most susceptible to change. Such programs also increase mother-child communication and enhance her sense of having some control over the child's development, and her self-image as a competent parent, in addition to making the parents aware of community resources and fostering contact with appropriate services. These parent programs for handicapped children should not be seen as a substitute for other child-oriented preschool programs but as part of a co-ordinated approach to the education of the preschool handicapped child.
Benachteiligte Kinder Und Benachteiligte Familien

Enfants Handicapes Et Familles handicapees

Alan Jones, associate head, Department of Physical Sciences, Trent Polytechnic Anthony Barnett, research assistant, suggest some science activities which could be introduced in the context of any elementary science curriculum  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

本文指出了中重度弱智儿童学习实用性词汇的重要性,介绍了图形提示消退教学法的概念及其作用,阐述了在中重度弱智儿童阅读教学中采用此法的优越性,以及教学材料的准备方式、方法、原则及实施此法的基本步骤。这有利于临床工作者借鉴。  相似文献   

This paper contains an analysis of services for young children set within the social and economic context of a less developed country, namely South Africa. It deals first with the present status of provision, and illustrates the level of ethnic bias prevailing; it then examines four mainstream models of more equitable provision, and highlights the formidable costs involved. The paper concludes that provision for young South African children will probably remain conservative in terms of impact, but illustrates the importance of developing economically realistic models.  相似文献   

This study investigates the development of language interrogatives in deaf children through a program using expanded question structures. Ten young deaf children, (age range 6 to 8 years) were assigned to matched groups on the basis of chronological age and results of Raven's Progressive Matrices. One group was given six traditional question structures and the other was given six expanded question structures, on each of four consecutive days. On the fifth day, the traditional question structures were asked of all the subjects. The analysis of responses showed that even with a small sample the expanded question structures affected the number of accurate responses for the conceptual type of “wh” questions.  相似文献   

《残疾人蓝皮书:中国残疾人事业发展报告(2019)》于2019年12月出版,并于12月29日在南京特殊教育师范学院召开新闻发布会。对《残疾人蓝皮书:中国残疾人事业发展报告(2019)》的撰写背景、内容结构、核心观点、报告价值进行全面解读,有助于加强人们对中国残疾人事业发展现状的了解。  相似文献   

音乐是一门听觉艺术,“倾听”与一般的“听听”有所不同,倾听是一种有意识地、注意地听,它不仅需要注意的参加,有时还需要情感的参与。倾听是一种能力,需要有目的地去培养。  相似文献   

Beverley Mathias is one of the trustees of the Sidney Robbins Trust, set up in memory of the founder ofChildren's Literature in Education. Since 1985 she has been Director of The National Library for the Handicapped Child in the U.K. The Editors invited her to describe the work of this important institution in the field of learning to read.Beverley Mathias worked as a librarian in Australia, where she was also associated with Court and Joyce Oldmeadow, winners of the Eleanor Farjeon Award, specialising in children's books. From 1979 to 1985, Ms. Mathias was Children's Books Officer for the National Book League (now the Book Trust) in London. She has published two poetry compilations for children and a new series of books for deaf and hearing children.  相似文献   

生育权是一项基本的人权.智力障碍者享有生育或不生育的选择权.由于智力障碍者特殊的生理条件,生育权的行使往往遭遇两难的境地,选择生育并非总是适宜,选择不生育,其正当性也可能遭到质疑.因此,自主决定与代理决定的正当的程序保障是保护智力障碍者生育权有效行使的基本途径.  相似文献   

Legislation in U.S.A. mandates participation of handicapped students within the regular classroom to the maximum possible extent; however, research tends to substantiate the rejected status of these students. The purpose of this paper is to review programs and procedures which have been developed to modify peer acceptance of exceptional children in the regular classroom.  相似文献   

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