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Correlational and longitudinal research suggests that agentically-engaged students experience multiple educational benefits. Recognizing this, two experiments tested the causal capacity of manipulated agentic engagement to create three categories of benefits: a supportive learning environment; motivational satisfactions; and effective functioning (e.g., engagement, performance). Study 1 used the teacher–student laboratory paradigm to place 121 same-sex pairs of preservice teachers into the roles of teacher and student during a videotaped 12-min instructional episode. Teachers were randomly assigned to be autonomy supportive or not, while students were randomly assigned to be agentically engaged or not. MANOVAs on 10 self-reported and rater-scored dependent measures showed that manipulated agentic engagement enhanced both a supportive learning environment and greater motivational satisfaction but not more effective functioning. Study 2 used the same teacher-student paradigm to randomly assign 74 same-sex pairs into one of three conditions: agentic engagement to change the environment (as in Study 1); agentic engagement to change one's functioning (a new Study 2 manipulation); and a neutral control. The first manipulation again enhanced the supportive learning environment and motivational satisfaction but not effective functioning, while the second manipulation produced no benefits. Collectively, these findings confirm some limited causal benefits from agentic engagement and therefore provide guidance for future research, including the design and implementation of student-focused agentic engagement interventions.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of two learning environments (i.e., problem-based learning [PBL] versus lecture-based [LB] environments) on undergraduates’ study motivation. Survey results demonstrated that PBL students scored higher on competence but did not differ from LB students on autonomous motivation. Analyses of focus groups further indicated that active learning aspects, such as collaboration are perceived as motivating. However, controlling elements (i.e., mandatory presence) and uncertainty (i.e., in selecting the correct and sufficient literature) were described as detrimental for students’ motivation. In conclusion, PBL does not always seem to lead to higher intrinsic motivation. It is therefore crucial to build in the right amount of structure in learning environments and balance controlling elements versus autonomy, even in learning environments that are intended to be motivating for students.  相似文献   

Does the perception of many close relationships as autonomy-supportive make students more motivated and competent? The goal of this study was to use latent class analysis (LCA) to compare the educational correlates of having one vs. several autonomy-supportive relationships. Participants were 1406 high school students (47% boys, 52% girls). LCA revealed three groups: Group 1 (17%) included students who perceived low autonomy support by their mother, father, and teacher; Group 2 (7%) included students who perceived low autonomy support by their father, but moderate autonomy support by their mother and teacher; and Group 3 (76%) included students who perceived all sources as moderately autonomy-supportive. Results of multiple comparisons suggest that more is not necessarily better: Students in Group 2, who perceived low autonomy support by fathers, reported equivalent autonomous (intrinsic and identified) and controlled (external and introjected) regulations and perceived competence to those of students in Group 3, who perceived all sources as moderately autonomy-supportive. One difference was that Group 3 showed better academic achievement than Group 2. Results are discussed in light of research on close relationships and self-determination theory (SDT).  相似文献   

Recent developments in self-determination theory research in the educational setting (e.g., Reeve, Deci, & Ryan, 2004), suggest that teachers’ interpersonal style should be considered as consisting of three dimensions: autonomy support, structure and interpersonal involvement. Based on this theoretical proposition, the purpose of the present study was to test the effects of a training program for three physical education newly qualified teachers on the aforementioned teachers’ overt behaviors and students’ psychological needs satisfaction, self-determined motivation and engagement in sport-based physical education. After a baseline period of four lessons, the teachers attended an informational session on adaptive student motivation and how to support it. The training program also included individualized guidance during the last four lessons of the cycle. Results revealed that from pre- to post-intervention: (1) teachers managed to improve their teaching style in terms of all three dimensions, and (2) students were receptive to these changes, as shown by increases in their reported need satisfaction, self-determined motivation and engagement in the class.  相似文献   

This study examined 126 students' (14–16 years of age; 66 females) perceptions of self-disclosure to their mothers with respect to their mistakes in class activities. Specifically, we hypothesized that self-disclosure would predict adolescents' ability to learn from mistakes they made in classroom tasks. In addition, we hypothesized that perceived mothers' love withdrawal would correlate negatively with adolescents' self-disclosure, whereas perceived autonomy support would correlate positively with self-disclosure. Further, we hypothesized that the effect of mothers' parenting practices on adolescents' ability to learn from their mistakes would be mediated by adolescents' self-disclosure of their school experiences. Results, using SEM analyses, showed the importance of mothers' autonomy support for adolescents' self-disclosure and learning from their mistakes in classroom tasks.  相似文献   

We introduce the concept of teachers' intrinsic vs. extrinsic instructional goals and demonstrate its contribution to teachers' classroom motivating styles using independent samples across four studies. Based on self-determination theory, we hypothesized that the more teachers adopted intrinsic instructional goals the more they would rely on an autonomy-supportive motivating style, and the more they adopted extrinsic instructional goals the more they would rely on a controlling motivating style. Because no measure existed to assess intrinsic vs. extrinsic instructional goals, we created the new 4-scale, 16-item Teacher Goals Questionnaire (TGQ) in Study 1, using a pool of 72 candidate items and data from 212 fulltime K-12 teachers. In Study 2, we demonstrated the TGQ's construct and factorial validity by sampling 149 fulltime K-12 teachers. In Study 3, we tested our hypothesized model by sampling 147 fulltime K-12 teachers who reported their instructional goals on the TGQ and their motivating styles on two separate measures. Structural equation modeling analyses confirmed the hypothesized model. In Study 4, we replicated the findings from Study 3, using a multilevel sample (92 secondary teachers, 2749 students), a longitudinal research design, and student measures of teachers' motivating styles. The discussion focuses on instructional goals as key antecedents of teachers' classroom motivating styles.  相似文献   

We adopted a dual-process model within a self-determination theory framework to investigate why students sometimes veer toward a longitudinal trajectory of rising classroom engagement during the semester and why they other times tend toward a trajectory of rising disengagement. Measures of perceived autonomy support, perceived teacher control, need satisfaction, need frustration, engagement, and disengagement were collected from 366 (174 females, 192 males) Korean high-school students using a three-wave longitudinal research design. Multi-level structural equation modeling analyses found that perceived autonomy support predicted longitudinal changes need satisfaction which predicted changes in engagement and also that perceived teacher control predicted longitudinal changes need frustration which predicted changes disengagement. Reciprocal effects also emerged in that extent of disengagement predicted both longitudinal increases in students' perceptions of teacher control and decreases in perceptions of teacher autonomy support. We conclude that students tend toward a semester-long trajectory of rising engagement when they perceive their teachers to be autonomy supportive and need satisfying while they tend toward a trajectory of rising disengagement when they perceive their teachers to be controlling and need frustrating.  相似文献   

Carefully designed interventions consistently help K-12 teachers learn how to implement a more autonomy-supportive classroom motivating style. In the present study, we investigated what resources teachers acquired during these interventions that explained why they are so able to successfully upgrade the quality of their motivating style. We randomly assigned 91 full-time teachers to participate or not in a year-long autonomy-supportive intervention program (ASIP), and we longitudinally assessed autonomy support and three hypothesized mediating resources—gains in need satisfaction during teaching, gains in teaching efficacy, and a greater adoption of intrinsic instructional goals. The ASIP did increase teachers’ autonomy support, as expected, and the two resources that explained this professional developmental achievement were intervention-enabled gains in teaching efficacy and intrinsic instructional goals.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine how materialism, or the focus on acquiring money and material possessions, is associated with students’ academic engagement and achievement via their motivational regulation (amotivation, controlled motivation, and autonomous motivation). Study 1 (n = 606 secondary students) was a cross-sectional study which found that materialism was negatively associated with engagement. This association was partially mediated by amotivation. Study 2 (n = 404 secondary students) was a longitudinal study which found that Time 1 materialism was negatively associated with Time 2 engagement and Time 3 academic achievement via amotivation. Results of the two studies provide converging lines of evidence that materialism is negatively associated with key indicators of learning. Students with high levels of materialism have lower levels of engagement and achievement, and these associations are partially mediated by amotivation. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examines trajectory profiles of University students over the course of a University semester defined based on global levels of psychological need satisfaction, as proposed by self-determination theory (SDT). This study also documents the implications of these trajectories for a variety of educational outcomes. A sample of 461 first-year undergraduates completed all measures three times over the course of a University semester. Longitudinal growth mixture analyses (GMA) revealed three distinct need satisfaction trajectories (Low-Decreasing, Moderate-Decreasing, and Moderate-Increasing). The Moderate-Increasing profile was associated with the highest levels of positive affect and effort. In contrast, the Low-Decreasing profile was associated with lower levels of positive affect, effort, and achievement, and higher levels of negative affect than the Moderate-Increasing profile.  相似文献   

Liberal attempts to defend faith schooling have been conditional on the ability of faith schools to serve as a context for individual choice. A recent critique of these attempts claims that religious parents would find such moderate faith schooling unacceptable. This article sets forth a new liberal defence of faith schools drawing heavily on the distinction between political and comprehensive liberalism. Since political liberalism's understanding of personal autonomy does not include the ability to make choices, the political liberal defence of faith schools can accommodate denominational schools that limit the ability of students to choose or change their religion.  相似文献   

Motivational development in low-income adolescents has been insufficiently studied, due to the difficulties involved in accessing the target population. Nevertheless, previous research suggests that some specific developmental patterns might be particular to this group. On the basis of Self-Determination Theory (SDT) and using latent growth modeling (LGM), we investigated the trajectories of intrinsic and extrinsic motivations in low-income students during adolescence, and we identified the role of parents, teachers, and classmates in determining these trajectories. The participants were 228 adolescents (Mage = 12.8; SDage = 1.74; 43.4% girls; 17.1% immigrants) officially certified by the Italian government as being below the poverty threshold. Data was collected by means of a four-wave research design over a period of two years.Our findings revealed a significant drop in levels of identified regulation over time, while all other forms of motivation, including intrinsic motivation, remained stable during the period considered. Low-income students therefore appear to experience a specific form of motivational decline during adolescence, so that they perceive studying as being less and less meaningful in relation to their goals, values and identities. This decline is even more pronounced for second-generation and male low-income adolescents.However, parents and teachers were significant predictors of identified regulation at each point in time, suggesting that their support for autonomy fosters identified regulation throughout adolescence. As regards the role of classmates, peer acceptance appears to support identified regulation, while having many friendships seems to have a negative impact on this kind of motivation.  相似文献   

弹性选课需要依托适于选课的模块化课程模式,不同的课程模式源自于不同的课程形态,并反映其课程观念.不同的课程,对弹性选课有不同的影响.发达国家和我国基础教育、职业教育选修课的诞生与演变,均说明了课程形态及其观念对选修课设置的影响和制约.源自于以人类基本活动为中心的核心课程的多种职教课程模式,引发了我国职教界对课程观念、课程结构、课程开发的深层次思考.弹性选课需要现代职教课程模式,多元整合型课程成为越来越多的人的共识,"宽基础、活模块"课程模式的两个阶段均采用了模块式设计,适于弹性选课,并已在实践中进行了多年探索.  相似文献   

Few studies have attempted to identify distinct psychological correlates of different forms of classroom disengagement. Drawing from basic psychological needs theory (Deci & Ryan, 2000), this study investigated two divergent mechanisms predicting active and passive classroom disengagement. Pupils (N = 647; age = 11–14 years) and their respective teachers completed a questionnaire measuring the study variables. Using structural equation modelling, pupils' perceptions of teacher psychological control positively predicted pupils' autonomy and competence frustration in class. Pupils' competence frustration indirectly and positively associated with teacher-rated passive disengagement (e.g. daydreaming in class), via reduced feelings of vitality. Pupils' autonomy frustration demonstrated positive associations with both active disengagement (e.g. talking and making noise) and passive disengagement but neither relationship was explained by feelings of vitality. These distinct mechanisms may have implications for educators, identifying potential causes of different forms of pupil disengagement and the importance of avoiding psychological control in classrooms.  相似文献   


Grounded in self-determination theory (SDT), this cross-sectional study tested relations of students’ perceptions of autonomy-supportive and controlling behaviour from teachers in physical education with students’ health-related quality of life (HRQoL), and the potential role of students’ perceived need satisfaction and need frustration as a mediator of these relationships. School students (N?=?1031) completed self-report measures of perceived autonomy support, perceived teachers’ controlling behaviour, students’ need satisfaction and need frustration, and HRQoL. Results indicated that students’ perceptions of autonomy support from teachers was positively associated with HRQoL through need satisfaction. Students’ perceptions of controlling behaviour from teachers was negatively related with HRQoL through need frustration. There was no significant association between autonomy support and need frustration, or between controlling behaviour and need satisfaction. Findings provide evidence that perceived autonomy support and controlling behaviour from the teacher in PE contributes to students’ HRQoL through unique pathways.  相似文献   

The articles in this special issue review the impressive bodies of research that have been generated from achievement motivation theories, emphasizing developments over the past 20 years. In this commentary, I first discuss some of the most noteworthy contributions that have emerged from each of the theories. I then discuss the extent to which there are commonalities across theories; I point out that whereas there is some overlap, this overlap allows for precision in research, but also at times leads to confusion for practitioners and policymakers. Finally, I discuss the degree of alignment between current motivation theory and contemporary education policy and practice. Motivation researchers are examining some important contemporary practice- and policy-related issues; nevertheless, this research has not been systematic across theories.  相似文献   

The culture of schooling in the United States has become increasingly focused on outwardly proving student competence. Some achievement goal theorists suggest that a major casualty of performance-oriented classroom environments may be student motivation for developing and improving competence. The present study extends across theoretical frameworks of motivation to highlight student perceptions of contextual variables that may mitigate or “buffer” the negative relationship between a perceived performance-oriented classroom goal structure and mastery goals. Survey data were collected from 178 high school students in 15 mathematics classes. Multilevel modeling was used to test student perceptions of three contextual buffers: classroom community, teacher’s autonomy support, and a mastery classroom goal structure. Two significant interactions revealed that classroom community and autonomy support erased the negative effect of a perceived performance classroom goal structure. Results provide practitioners with tools for counteracting potential negative implications of emphasizing performance in the classroom.  相似文献   

结构功能主义和冲突理论对教育的选择功能提出了不同观点,前者肯定教育选择功能在促进社会发展中的重要作用,而后者则持相反的观点。本文在对二者进行比较的基础上,基于结构功能主义的理论视野,分析了教育选择功能的价值,提出了教育选择功能的必然性论点:对待教育选择功能的关键问题不是消除,而是如何促进其合理化运作。  相似文献   

This study considers the relationship between science, science teaching and the philosophy of science perceiving these three cultural phenomena as a semantic triad. This approach presents science teaching as being a form of a scientific reflection. The relationship of science teaching to the philosophy of science is advocated to be essential, revealing the conceptual meaning of science in the science curriculum and thus removing the semantic degeneracy taking place when the philosophy of science is ignored in science education. The study points at the bricolage as well as magic nature of the science curriculum preserving as long as science teaching preserves semantic degeneracy. Different types of meaning of Schwab’s commonplaces were recognized. The study challenges the common view of the relationship between science, science teaching and pedagogy and suggests effective representation of individual knowledge of science educators.  相似文献   

While adolescents’ academic motivation usually declines, not all adolescents struggle. This study tested the heterogeneity of motivation trajectories, focusing particularly on three types of extrinsic motivation (external, introjected, and identified regulations) accompanied by competence beliefs. Parallel-process growth mixture modeling was utilized to identify classes of joint trajectories from grades 8 to 11, drawing on nationally representative data from South Korea (n = 6908). Three distinct classes emerged based on external regulation and competence beliefs, but there were no significant differences in academic achievement (scholastic aptitude test scores) in grade 12 across the classes. Four distinct classes emerged for introjected and identified regulation, respectively, covarying with competence beliefs. The classes demonstrating high and/or increasing competence beliefs showed the highest achievement for both introjected and identified regulation models. The results highlight the importance of fostering competence beliefs and provide a more nuanced explanation of the development of multidimensional motivation from a standpoint of self-determination theory.  相似文献   

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