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Three experiments evaluated the effects of a single electroconvulsive shock in alleviating the learned helplessness effect in rats. The experiments differed primarily in terms of the location of the ECS treatment in the experimental sequence of events. In Experiment 1, ECS was given following helplessness training and testing and was evaluated during a retesting phase; in Experiment 2, ECS was given either immediately after helplessness training or immediately before helplessness testing; and, in Experiment 3, ECS was given prior to helplessness training. In all three experiments, significant helplessness effects occurred for subjects not receiving ECS but were absent in subjects receiving ECS. The data were compared with expectations arising from both amnesia-inducing and biochemical-change interpretations of the effects of ECS.  相似文献   

Whereas rats exposed to a series of progressively decreasing shock durations show deficits in shuttle-escape performance 24 h later, the same number and intensity of shocks in the reverse (increasing) order of durations does not produce the “learned helplessness” effect (Balleine & Job, 1991). We conducted two experiments to establish the generality of this shock-duration order effect on other measures of distress and helplessness in rats. In Experiment 1, rats exposed to decreasing durations of inescapable shock showed reduced consumption of quinine-adulterated water (finickiness), whereas increasing durations produced no finickiness. By contrast, increasing shock durations produced greater conditioned fear to the shock context than did decreasing shock durations in Experiment 2. The differential effects of shock-duration order on finickiness and fear are explicated in terms of the specificity of fear conditioning during exposure to increasing versus decreasing series of shock duration orders.  相似文献   

Evidence of the learned helplessness effect was obtained in 24- to 48-h-old domestic chickens. Twenty-four hours after exposure to escapable shock, inescapable shock, or no shock, subjects were tested on a one-way shuttle task with shock-offset reinforcement. The inescapable shock group showed retarded learning in comparison with other groups. It is argued that the data are difficult to account for in terms of Costello’s (1978) application of the systematic bias in the triadic design.  相似文献   

Eikeland, H. M. (1971). On the Generality of Univariate Eta. Scand. J. educ. Res. 15, 149‐167. The correlation ratio, or eta, is conceived of as a generic concept, covering varying complexities of data analysis designs, from a simple point‐biserial design to general multiclassification designs, orthogonal as well as nonorthogonal ones. When independent variables are categorical and the dependent variable metric, one can define a multiple eta as the correlation among observed and predicted scores, the prediction being based on two or more classification variables conjointly. Multiple eta is compared to multiple correlation. Worked examples of multiple eta are shown for both the orthogonal and the nonorthogonal case, illustrating the use of analysis of variance as a correlational technique. Only univariate eta is considered, but its two cases, bivariate and multiple eta, are related to the multivariate case.  相似文献   

无论从历史和现实的角度看,思想政治教育中的灌输活动都是一种带有普遍性的活动;但不同时代、不同社会在灌输的目的、灌输的内容上有重大差别.因此,反对在思想政治教育中进行灌输活动的观点及做法,在理论上是站不住脚的,在实践上也是有害的.在我国社会主义建设的新时期,理直气壮地向人们灌输科学的理论、观念是完全必要的.  相似文献   

学校法人的一般性与特殊性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
学校法人的一般性和特殊性决定了学校办学既要依法自主办学,又必须符合公众的利益,必须以受教育者的身心健康发展为根本目的,必须为推进社会文明的进步作出贡献,不能把学校和学校教育作为牟利的手段。  相似文献   

合唱艺术中的个性和共性既是矛盾对立的,也是和谐统一的。只有合唱共性个性的对立统一,才能焕发出合唱"和谐之美"的最大魅力。从和谐、音色、专业素养三个方面共性和个性对立统一的辩证关系,对合唱共性追求和个性差异进行解读和探讨,有利于提高合唱的艺术水准和训练水平。  相似文献   

Although there have been many studies of the interference effect produced by exposure to inescapable shock, little is known about the role of shock intensity. This experiment factorially manipulated four levels of shock intensity during exposure to inescapable shock and three levels of intensity during the test for interference. Interference occurred at each training shock intensity when training and test shocks were similar. Interference was not obtained when training intensity was high but testing intensity low or medium or when training intensity was low or medium and test intensity was high. These findings pose problems for learned helplessness, learned inactivity, competing motor response, and catecholamine depletion hypotheses of the interference effect in the rat.  相似文献   

在人类文明历史的进程中,武术教学具有其特殊的社会价值.从武术教学价值论出发,对当今时代如何更好地定位武术教学的价值提出几点看法.  相似文献   

唐代僧诗是整个唐诗中特殊的一部分,它的存在是唐佛教兴盛、诗歌繁荣,并相互影响的结果。作为其主要创作的诗僧主要出现于中晚唐的江南地区,有着士和僧人的双重人格。唐代僧诗以其独特的学品格对唐诗的繁荣起着重要的推动作用。  相似文献   

一般与个别的辩证法,具有重要的本体论、认识论、方法论意义,弱化或取消这对范畴是不妥当的。章从历史和现实的角度阐释了这对范畴的内涵和实质,以及研究这对范畴的重要价值。  相似文献   

After independence, the Education Commission called for the creation of new institutions to undertake the task of higher education in technology, agriculture and management. Three models of higher education were imported. In the field of technology the “MIT model” was advocated by the Sarkar Committee. The five Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) were the results of this thinking. The “Land-grant University Model” provided the basis for development of agricultural universities. The “Business School Model” was instrumental in the creation of the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) at Ahmedabad and Calcutta. In this article, we explore the implications of importing the “MIT model” in the case of IITs and venture some possible explanations of the feelings of institutional helplessness through in-depth data collected in one IIT. We believe that the “sorting” process implicit in the MIT and the Business school models, in particular, when imposed on the Indian socio-economic milieu has aggravated the isolation of the elites from the realities of the country as well as increased dependence on the West. This, has in turn, resulted in mediocrity and irrelevances even in these islands of intended excellence. The IIT experience serves to illustrate this argument. Our argument is developed through
  1. understanding the phenomenon of sorting and how this distances the IIT graduate, in particular, from the rest of the engineering graduates, among others;
  2. placing the argument in the perspective of transfer of intellectual technology from the West.

文章通过介绍和分析当代心理学界有关"习得性无助"的一些新理论和实验研究,从教育心理学的角度来审视和理解影响英语学习的"习得性无助"现象,重点探讨这一现象的形成原因及对策.  相似文献   

The effect upon subsequent escape acquisition of control over shock intensity in the absence of control over other shock characteristics was examined. Pretreatment involved random shocks of 1.6 and .75 mA at a density of about 10/min. The experimental group could avoid the higher shock intensity if they leverpressed at least once every 15 sec. Yoked and no-shock rats completed the triadic design. Experimental and yoked animals received all scheduled shocks. Triads were later tested for FR 2 shuttlebox escape at either the .75 mA (low) or 1.6 mA (high) intensity. During testing, avoidance rats performed as well as no-shock rats at the low intensity and escaped even more rapidly at the high intensity. Yoked rats showed interference at both intensities, with interference very marked, including many failures to escape, at the low intensity. These findings indicate that control over shock intensity, by itself, is sufficient to prevent learned helplessness and suggest that control over any salient characteristic of shock may be sufficient for immunization.  相似文献   

This investigation was made to determine the effects of the magnitude of reward on contrafreeloading, using food or water as reward. Two quantities were selected for each level of reward quality—a 20-mg-pellet food reward, a 45-mg-pellet food reward, a .01-cc water reward, and a .1-cc water reward. Seven days of training were followed by three test sessions. There was a significantly higher percent of contrafreeloding demonstrated with food as reward than with water and higher number of barpresses with small reward than with large. It was argued that a more appropriate measure should include reference to performance during training. In this approach, contrafreeloading with food and water were virtually the same.  相似文献   

案例教学法在保险概论课程中的应用   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
在财经类高职教育教学中,案例教学法巳逐渐被广泛采用.然而,案例教学法没有一个定式,这就要求我们在实际教学中要明确并抓住案例教学的核心,即案例分析,并在分析中学会应用案例教学的相似艺术和辩证艺术.本文主要以保险概论课程为例说明案例教学法的应用.  相似文献   

Following interaction with a “demonstrator” rat, an “observer” rat prefers that diet eaten by its demonstrator prior to their interaction (Galef & Wigmore, 1983). The present series of studies demonstrates that such demonstrator influence on observer diet preference can be found in: (1) first-generation laboratory bred wild rats as well as domesticated rats, (2) food-deprived as well as nondeprived observers, (3) unfamiliar as well as familiar demonstrator-observer pairs, (4) both 21-day-old and adult observers, and (5) rats selecting fluids as well as solids for ingestion. These data indicate that the social transmission of information concerning distant diets is a general and robust phenomenon, observable under a wide variety of experimental conditions.  相似文献   

一般意义上的通识教育通常包括"相互融通"、"培养理性"、"守护大学精神"三层基本涵义,"通识教育"是构成大学文化、大学精神的核心部分.高等职业教育作为高等教育的一个重要组成部分,"通识教育"应是其基本宗旨之一.时下,一些高职院校的通识教育存在着若干困境,为此,高职院校要走出观念上的误区,积极开发精品的通识课程,提升高职院校双师型教师的文化素养,走通识式的道德教育,推进人文校园建设.  相似文献   

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