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This article examines the footballing career of Dublin-born goalkeeper Tom Farquharson. Using his appearance at the 1927 FA Cup final when Cardiff City beat Arsenal as an anchor this article seeks to explore Farquharson’s career both as a Cardiff City and Irish international player as a case study of Irish men playing their football in Football League in the interwar period. Farquharson’s refusal in 1931 to accept his selection by the Northern Ireland-based Irish Football Association was a significant moment in the attempts of the Irish Free State’s own Football Association to be recognized as the rightful association to use the term Ireland in international competition, being the first time a player refused of their volition. Analysing this and his footballing career more generally, we can intersect sports, labour, migration and diaspora history and begin to understand what it was like to be an Irishman playing football in interwar England.  相似文献   

《Sport in History》2013,33(2):190-216
This article explores a little-known event in Irish and American sports history, namely a tour made by the Gaelic Athletic Association to North America in 1888. The article focuses on a newspaper diary kept of the tour by Joseph Whelan, and published in the Irish newspaper Sport. In analysing Whelan's comments, the article seeks to understand how such material can be used to create a microhistory of a specific event such as a sporting tour, and discusses how far the methodology of microhistory can be useful to sports historians. The commentary of Whelan also allows for an exploration of travel narrative. This is a key point with respect to the late-nineteenth-century Irish, as Whelan is a tourist who will return home, rather than an immigrant moving permanently to Ireland. The history of Irish America, and the question of the Irish as 'other', has been dominated by the archives of the immigrant. What the material from the tour allows is an Irish view of America as tourist as opposed to settler. This raises significant questions for the existing historiography of Irish America. In conclusion the article argues that travel narratives of sporting events – tours, tournaments and mega-events – can allow us to approach the history of sport from a fresh angle.  相似文献   

《Sport in History》2013,33(1):47-63
This article uncovers the origins and early history of Gaelic games in late-nineteenth-century Chicago and examines the ways in which membership of the Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA) allowed sections of the city's Irish population to preserve and express their ethnic specificity and support for Irish nationalism. In doing so, it adds to the author's earlier research which has begun to redress the neglect of Gaelic sport in the broader historiography of the Irish in America.  相似文献   

This paper explores the career of the Irish Olympian Pat O'Callaghan. He won successive hammer-throwing titles in the 1924 and 1928 Olympics as a representative of the independent Irish state. The paper argues that in these Olympics, O'Callaghan can be considered as representing a postcolonial state, in line with much scholarship on other aspects of Irish culture. However, the Irish later fell into a dispute with the International Amateur Athletics Federation and the International Olympic Committee, which were largely steered by the British in dealing with contentious issues over the Irish border, and the Irish were thus effectively banned from the 1936 games. The paper concludes with a discussion over the nature of postcolonial identities in sport, and the complexities around the issue in relation to the constant mediation over what national identities mean within the context of rule-making by international sporting bodies.  相似文献   

This study examined fundamental movement skill (FMS) proficiency among male (N = 216) and female (N = 198) Irish primary school pupils from Year 2 to Year 7 (9.0 ± 1.7 years). Following anthropometric measurements, participants were video-recorded performing 15 FMS and scored using the TGMD-3, Victorian Fundamental Movement skills Manual and the Get skilled: Get active guidelines. Percentage mastery ranged between 1.4% (gallop) and 35.7% (slide). A two-way ANOVA evaluated the effect of sex (male/female) and class group (Year 2/3/4/5/6/7) on individual skills, locomotor subtest, object-control subtest and total TGMD-3 (GMQ) scores. No significant sex ×class interaction effects were found. Large effect sizes were reported for male superiority in object-control subtest (ηp2 = 0.26) and GMQ (ηp2 = 0.16) scores (both p < 0.001). Older classes had higher object-control subtest scores than younger classes, but scores plateaued after Year 5. Furthermore, overweight participants had significantly lower locomotor subtest (p < 0.001, d = 0.7), object-control subtest (p = 0.03, d = 0.3) and GMQ scores (p < 0.001, d = 0.5) than non-overweight participants. This study highlights very poor levels of FMS mastery among Irish schoolchildren and stresses the need for developmentally appropriate, FMS intervention programmes that are inclusive regardless of age, sex or weight status.  相似文献   

Building on Geraldine Biddle-Perry's 2014 discussion of Gamage's department store, and seeking to address the still existent historical dearth on sporting retail, the following article highlights the case of Eddie O’Callaghan, an Irish bicycle and physical culture retailer operating in fin de siècle Ireland. Focused exclusively on O’Callaghan's trade in ‘Sandow Developers’, an elastic workout device sold by famed physical culturist Eugen Sandow, the article examines three distinct marketing approaches taken by O’Callaghan's company from 1898 to roughly 1906. To do so, the article begins with a brief discussion of cycling and physical culture in Ireland, so as to provide a background to O’Callaghan's situation. Following this, the article explores three distinct marketing approaches taken by O’Callaghan and his associates at the dawn of the twentieth-century. The article concludes by exploring the possible reasons for O’Callaghan's retreat from physical culture commerce by 1906. In doing so, it is argued that O’Callaghan and his affiliates called upon ideas of gender, strength and health in their bid to attract Irish consumers. The article thus sheds light on the then nascent physical culture market alongside larger questions of gender and sporting retail in the Irish sphere.  相似文献   

The game of hurling is ranked as one of the fastest and most skilful field games in the world. It is played by a stick, hurley, made of ash wood and a ball, sliotar, made of a cork core or similar viscoelastic materials. Better standardisation of the game equipment requires analysing impacts to quantify precisely the effect of variations in equipment design on the resultant impact force at low and high striking speeds. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to use a high-speed camera to (1) characterise the impact dynamics in term of impact force magnitude and duration, and (2) investigate whether a relationship exists between the game equipment and the magnitude of the impact force. An air cannon unit (ACU) test rig was set up to cause the sliotar to strike the hurley at predetermined speeds. A high-speed camera operating at 12,500 frames per second (fps) was used to capture 32 experimental impacts covering a range of sliotar and hurley brands, impact locations and impact speeds. The factor ??sliotar brand?? was identified as the most significant factor for the impact force among other main factors and two-factor interactions at a constant speed and it had a significant effect with up to 27?% difference between sliotar brands. It was demonstrated that, at higher impact speeds, the force?Cdeformation curves of the sliotar brands varied significantly, even though similar force?Cdeformation curves have been reported at quasi-static compression and similar COR values at low impact speeds using the standard free-drop test. This is the first known study to characterise the unique, highly non-linear and anisotropic sliotar?Churley impact using high-speed camera technology. It highlights the need for a tighter standard for sliotar materials and manufacturing to increase uniformity between different brands and strongly suggests that the standard free-drop test is not sufficient to characterise and compare game equipment.  相似文献   

The debate about the development of sport in Ireland is a lively one and is broadening all the time as more and more historians investigate it. This essay examines the criticisms by Cronin on Finn and argues that Cronin has at best an imperfect understanding of Athleticism as an education ideology. It explores the ideology of Athleticism with a focus on two elite Irish schools and points the way for more detailed research approach in understanding the extent of Athleticism in these schools and its diffusion into wider Irish society.  相似文献   

运动员学习成绩较差是学校课余训练普遍存在的问题,这个问题解决不好,不仅会引起班主任的抱怨,家长的担心,学生不安心训练等现象,而且还会造成不良的社会影响,使学校运动队的工作难以开展。因此,我校把提高运动员文化成绩这项工作当作一件大事来抓,查原因,找对策,定措施。通过近两年来的科学管理,我校运动队在训练和文化学习上取得了很大的进步。前年,我校甲、乙组田径队在佛山城区田径运动会上,分别获得团体第2名和第3名等好成绩,甲、乙组足球队也分别获得第3名和第2名等好  相似文献   

洛杉矶如果按面积来算是美国的第一大城市,甫一落地便感受到了这晨浓郁的足球氛围,这是我们在美国其他城市从未有过的感觉。  相似文献   

<正>2014年10月25日,NGF(英伟达游戏群英汇)在上海东亚展览馆进行。现场进行了九大项目的比赛,包括《LOL》、《逆战》、《坦克世界》、《激战2》、《炉石传说》、《NBA2K》、《FIFA》、《王牌对决》、《战机世界》。此外,包括华硕、暴雪和联想在内的硬件软件厂商也纷纷带着拳头产品亮相,与NVIDIA一同为广大游戏玩家呈现劲爆的游戏装备和游戏体验。  相似文献   

Lain 《收藏》2013,(8):154-159
"再造景"产生的一个后现代的中国当代城市语言,把三林镇上的老少乡亲们给"新鲜"到了,面对家门口新出现的15个既熟悉又"瞎闹"的玩意儿,那种公众化的兴致勃勃才让"后花园"真正的有了雅俗共赏的地气。"再造景——三林公共艺术展"是由浦东三林镇人民政府、复旦大学上海视觉艺术学院美术学院与上海三○国际艺术区共同合作策划和组织实施的一次公共艺术介入现场的艺术展示活动。三林古镇始于北宋,文化底蕴深厚,人文资源丰富。展览共展示15件以现场环境为思考对象的特定创作,作品以装置、雕塑、绘画、灯光、影像等多种艺  相似文献   

1月13日,当巴格达蒂斯在悉尼网球国际赛第二轮比赛中干净利落地战胜特洛伊基后,情不自禁地跪在地上,亲吻这片为自己带来好运的土地。在这一瞬间,如果他懂得中文,一定会吟诵出这样的诗句“为什么我的眼中包含着泪水,因为我对这土地爱得深沉。”  相似文献   

不知不觉,《钓鱼》升级改版为半月刊之后已经出了整整200期!作为性格爽快豁达的钓鱼人,原本不想生出这样的慨叹。然而当垒起来近一米高的杂志摆在面前时,还是不由自主地心生感慨。  相似文献   

不可否认的是,随着中国队成绩的下滑,中国球员在欧洲主流联赛中的身影越来越少.当范志毅、孙继海、杨晨的“世界杯一代”球员淡出人们的视野时,以于大宝、张呈栋为代表的“葡萄牙制造”曾是中国球迷新的希望.如今,随着雷腾龙和李源一两名潜力小将先后亮相葡萄牙联赛,国内媒体再一次将目光转回了这个地处伊比利亚半岛的国家.  相似文献   

不久前这个克罗地亚人宣布他要退出职业足坛。无疑,博班是这个时代伟大球员中的一名。但他似乎总是成为球队教练战术意图的牺牲品。在他33岁的时侯,他决定离开了。他根本就没有考虑过要去一家中小型的俱乐部苟延残喘。  相似文献   

七个天真无邪的孩子采访了休斯顿火箭队。言语中,他们发现了,姚明真“酷”。 2002—2003赛季,姚明无可争议地成为了NBA的全球最闪亮的新发现。2米25的高中锋拥有着超人的技术和意识,他的微笑足以点亮NBA的任何一座体育馆。他的表现已经超过了所有教练和球迷对于他的期望,虽然所有人对于他的要求就算是在历届状元秀中也绝对称得上苛刻,虽然他总是强调来NBA最重要的就是要有平常心,可是到现在为止不满意他的表现的只有他自己。  相似文献   

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