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PurposeIn age-restricted youth sport, the over-selection of athletes born in the first quarter of the year and under-selection of athletes born in the last quarter of the year has been called the relative age effect (RAE). Its existence in youth sports like soccer is well established. Why it occurs has not been identified, however, one thought is that older players, generally taller and heavier, are thought to improve the team's chances of winning. To test this assumption, birth dates and match outcome were correlated to see if teams with the oldest mean age had a systematic advantage against teams with younger mean ages.MethodsPlayer birth dates and team records (n = 5943 players on 371 teams; both genders; U11–U16) were obtained from the North Carolina Youth Soccer Association for the highest level of statewide youth competition.ResultsThe presence of an RAE was demonstrated with significant oversampling from players born in the 1st vs. the 4th quarter (overall: 29.6% vs. 20.9% respectively, p < 0.0001). Mean team age was regressed on match outcomes (winning %, points/match, points/goal, and goals for, against, and goal difference), but there was no evidence of any systematic influence of mean team age and match outcomes, except possibly in U11 males.ConclusionSelecting players based on physical maturity (and subsequently, on age) does not appear to have any systematic influence on match outcome or season record in youth soccer suggesting that the selection process should be focused on player ability and not on physical maturation.  相似文献   


The aim of the present study was to investigate the existence of a relative age effect (RAE) on physical fitness of preschoolers. Anthropometry and physical fitness were assessed in 3147 children (3–5 years old) using the PREFIT battery. Based on the birth year, participants were divided into 3year groups (3-, 4- and 5-years). Within each year group, 4quarter groups were created: quarter 1, preschoolers born from January to March; quarter 2, from April to June; quarter 3, from July to September; quarter 4, from October to December. The MANCOVA analysis revealed a main effect of year group (Wilks’ λ = 0.383; F10,5996 = 369.64; p < 0.001, ηp 2 = 0.381) and of quarter (Wilks’ λ = 0.874; F15,8276.6 = 27.67; p < 0.001; ηp 2 = 0.044) over the whole battery of tests. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to report the existence of RAE at the preschool stage. In general, performance improved as the relative age increased (i.e., those born in quarter 1 performed better than those in the other quarters). Individualization strategies should be addressed within the same academic year not only in elementary or secondary years but also in preschoolers.  相似文献   

Task-specific auditory training can improve sensorimotor processing times of the auditory reaction time (RT). The majority of competitive swimmers do not conduct habitual start training with the electronic horn used to commence a race. We examined the effect of four week dive training interventions on RT and block time (BT) of 10 male adolescent swimmers (age 14.0 ± 1.4 years): dive training with auditory components (speaker and electronic horn) (n = 5) and dive training without auditory components (n = 5). Auditory stimulus dive training significantly reduced swimming start RT, compared with dive training without auditory components (p < 0.01), with a group mean RT reduction of 13 ± 9 ms. Four of the five swimmers that received auditory stimulus training showed medium to large effect size reductions in RT (d = 0.74; 1.32; 1.40; 1.81). No significant changes to swimmers’ BTs were evident in either dive training intervention. The adolescent swimmers’ results were compared against six male elite swimmers (age 19.8 ± 1.0 years). The elite swimmers had significantly shorter BTs (p < 0.05) but no significant difference in RTs. Auditory stimulus dive training should be explored further as a mechanism for improving swimming start performance in elite swimmers who have pre-established optimal BTs.  相似文献   

This study aimed (1) to describe and compare scapular kinematics between three groups of swimmers of different levels and a group of non-swimmers, and (2) to assess whether swimming practice alters the asymmetries in scapular kinematics between the dominant and non-dominant sides, both during unilateral arm raising and lowering in the scapular plane. Scapular kinematics were assessed bilaterally during arm raising and lowering in the scapular plane using an electromagnetic system in 42 healthy males, which were split into four groups: control (n?=?11), adolescent elite swimmers (n?=?11), adult elite swimmers (n?=?10), and club-level adult swimmers (n?=?10). One-Way ANOVA SPM(t) on two repeated measures showed that the three groups of swimmers had more protracted shoulder between 30° and 90° of arm raising and lowering (p?p?p?≤?.02), who presented similar scapular positioning in internal rotation. In conclusion, the findings of the study pointed out that swimming practice generated protracted shoulders and removed bilateral differences in scapular upward rotation during scaption, while accumulation of swimming practice at elite level enlarged scapular internal rotation.  相似文献   


The relationship between date of birth and success in a variety of sports, including hockey, is well established. This phenomenon is known as the relative age effect (RAE). We model the RAE in Canadian youth hockey as a positive feedback loop where an initial age advantage is reinforced through additional training and playing opportunities based on perceived skill superiority. The same causal mechanism leads to a higher quit rate for relatively younger players. Our model effectively replicates the birth month distribution of Canadian National Hockey League players (R2 = 86.79%) when driven by Canadian birth distributions. We use this model to evaluate three policies that aim to lessen the RAE. All of the policies reduce the RAE with a significant delay. The most effective policy is a combination of providing additional support to age disadvantaged children and rotating the cut-off date for youth leagues between January 1st and July 1st annually. In equilibrium, this approach leads to a 96% reduction in the RAE compared to the base case.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to examine the relationships among biological maturity, physical size, relative age (i.e. birth date), and selection into a male Canadian provincial age-banded ice hockey team. In 2003, 619 male ice hockey players aged 14 – 15 years attended Saskatchewan provincial team selection camps, 281 of whom participated in the present study. Data from 93 age-matched controls were obtained from the Saskatchewan Pediatric Bone Mineral Accrual Study (1991 – 1997). During the initial selection camps, birth dates, heights, sitting heights, and body masses were recorded. Age at peak height velocity, an indicator of biological maturity, was determined in the controls and predicted in the ice hockey players. Data were analysed using one-way analysis of variance, logistic regression, and a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. The ice hockey players selected for the final team were taller, heavier, and more mature (P < 0.05) than both the unselected players and the age-matched controls. Furthermore, age at peak height velocity predicted (P < 0.05) being selected at the first and second selection camps. The birth dates of those players selected for the team were positively skewed, with the majority of those selected being born in the months January to June. In conclusion, team selectors appear to preferentially select early maturing male ice hockey players who have birth dates early in the selection year.  相似文献   

Pacing strategies have been investigated for elite-standard freestyle swimmers, but little is known about pacing in age-group freestyle swimmers. We investigated changes in swimming time across distances in 4,481 women and men swimmers who competed in 100, 200, 400, and 800 m freestyle age groups from 25–29 years to 90–94 years in the FINA World Masters Championships 2014. In 100 to 800 m, there was a small lap×sex interaction (P < 0.001, 0.033 ≤ η2 ≤ 0.045) whereby women had larger lap-to-lap changes in swimming time than men. From 100 to 800 m, there were moderate to large lap×age group interactions (P < 0.001, 0.054 ≤ η2 ≤ 0.235), i.e., pacing patterns differed by age groups. There were small main effects of lap on time in 100, 200, 400 and 800 m freestyle events (P < 0.001, 0.033 ≤ η2 ≤ 0.045). In summary, (i) the largest increase in swimming time occurred during the second lap and a decrease in time occurred during the last lap, except in the 100 m, and (ii) the effect of participants’ sex on lap time indicated larger percentage changes of pacing in women than in men. These findings should help coaches to develop age- and event-tailored pacing strategies.  相似文献   


The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between different variables measured with a force plate during the swimming start push-off phase and start performance presented by times to 5, 10 and 15?m. Twenty-one women from the Slovenian national swimming team performed two different swim starts (freestyle and undulatory) on a portable force plate to a distance further than 15?m. Correlations between push-off variables and times to 5, 10 and 15?m were quantified through Pearson's product-moment correlation coefficient (r). The variables that significantly correlated (p?<?.05) to all times measured in the two starts performed were: average horizontal acceleration (freestyle: r?=??0.58 to ?0.71; and undulatory: r?=??0.55 to ?0.66), horizontal take-off velocity (freestyle: r?=??0.56 to ?0.69; and undulatory: r?=??0.53 to ?0.67) and resultant take-off velocity (freestyle: r?=??0.53 to ?0.65; and undulatory: r?=??0.52 to ?0.61). None of the variables derived from the vertical force were correlated to swimming start performance (p?>?.05). Based on the results of this study, we can conclude that horizontal take-off velocity and average horizontal acceleration (calculated as the average horizontal force divided by swimmer's body mass) are the variables most related to swimming start performance in experienced swimmers, and therefore could be the preferred measures to monitor swimmers’ efficiency during the push-off phase.  相似文献   

Physical education (PE) is perhaps the school subject most likely to produce relative age effects (RAE). Like in sports, physical maturity gives students an advantage in PE, which might well be mistaken for superior ability. The aim of the present study is to investigate the extent to which physical growth, measured as height, and RAE reflect the assessment in Norwegian PE. Furthermore, we wanted to examine whether there is any gender differences in the assessment in PE as a function of physical growth and RAE. The participants (n?=?2978) were pupils in the last three years of secondary school (13–16 years old). A custom-made questionnaire was designed to collect the necessary data. The correlations between height and mark in PE for boys in 8th, 9th, and 10th grades are respectively r?=?0.14, r?=?0.32, and r?=?0.29. For girls, the correlations are r?=?0.11, r?=?0.33, and r?=?0.21. All correlations are significant (p?<?.05). The number of pupils achieving top marks was 114 in the first half of the year, whereas it was 65 in the second half of the year. The present study showed that physical growth has an impact on the pupils’ PE attainment. The physical growth is of course also mediated by the pupils’ age. RAEs were found in PE attainments also in the Norwegian school system for both genders, despite all the intentions expressed in the PE curriculum.  相似文献   


Previous research suggested that the relative age effect (RAE) has a psychological influence on children and their decision to engage in a particular sport. Relatively younger children seem to have lower self-esteem. Indeed, because of the disadvantages of being younger, it is assumed that these players experience more situations of failure and inferiority. Because of these negative performance cues, it is likely that these young players feel less competent, which eventually leads to a higher dropout rate. These children can also decide to participate in sports in which physical attributes are less important. This shift from one sport to another can be interpreted as a ‘strategic adaptation’. The purpose of this study was thus to investigate whether refereeing could be another form of ‘strategic adaptation’. If a child chooses a specific sport but then does not feel competent enough to be a player, refereeing might be an alternate path followed to stay in the environment of a sport they like. Given the minimal age limits for refereeing, two hypotheses were formulated: (1) ‘reversed’ RAE would be observed in district referees younger than 18 years old and (2) no RAE would be observed in district referees older than 18 years old, regional referees and national referees. The birthdates of all official male soccer referees (n=13,952) were collected from the federation database. Results show that the distribution of all district referees was significantly unbalanced (χ2=18.73, df=3, P<0.001) with an over-representation of individuals who were born in the second half of the competitive year. As expected, this imbalance was exclusively located in district referees of 18 years old and less (χ2=8.03, df=3, P<0.05), while the distribution was uniform for adults (χ2=5.17, df=3, P<0.16). Concerning regional referees (χ2=2.09, df=3, P<0.554) and national referees (χ2=3.75, df=3, P<0.290), the results also provide support for our initial hypothesis as uniform distributions were found for both groups. This study brings to light new elements in the potential relationship between relative age and refereeing. Qualitative and/or longitudinal research is needed to confirm our quantitative data.  相似文献   

Relative age effects (RAEs; when relatively older children possess participation and performance advantages over relatively younger children) are frequent in male team sports. One possible explanation is that coaches select players based on physical attributes, which are more likely witnessed in relatively older athletes. Purpose: To determine if coach selections are responsible for RAEs by comparing RAEs in male players who played competitive versus noncompetitive ice hockey. Method: Using chi-square, we analyzed the birth dates of 147,991 male ice hockey players who were 5 to 17 years old. Players' birth dates were divided into four quartiles, beginning with January to March, which coincides with Hockey Canada's selection year. Results: There were strong RAEs (p < .001) when players were selected to competitive teams by coaches through a tryout system. On noncompetitive teams that did not have coach selections, there were strong RAEs (p < .001) from 5 to 8 years old, but not 9 to 17 years old. Conclusions: Although coaches might perpetuate RAEs, other influential social agents might include parents, which ought to be investigated in future research.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of both anterior–posterior position and inclination of a back plate positioned on a starting platform on swimming start performance. Ten male college swimmers performed eight starts with varying combinations of take-off angle (normal and lower), inclination angle (10°, 25°, 45°, and 65°) and position (0.29, 0.44, and 0.59 m from the front edge of the starting block). Two-way repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA; take-off angle × back plate) for four conditions with take-off angles (normal and lower) and inclinations (10° and 45°), and one-way ANOVA for comparisons between four inclinations and three positions were carried out. Multiple comparisons were made using Bonferroni's method. The main effects of the take-off angle were on the vertical and resultant take-off velocities [F(1,18) = 36.72, p < 0.001 and F(1,18) = 9.58, p = 0.013, respectively]. Comparisons between the plate positions showed that the 5 m time of the 0.29 m condition was significantly longer, the take-off angle and vertical take-off velocity of the 0.59 m condition were significantly lower, and horizontal and resultant take-off velocities of the 0.29 m condition were significantly less. Rear foot take-off times were significantly longer in the ascending order: 0.29, 0.44, and 0.59 m.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compute a swimming performance confirmatory model based on biomechanical parameters. The sample included 100 young swimmers (overall: 12.3?±?0.74 years; 49 boys: 12.5?±?0.76 years; 51 girls: 12.2?±?0.71 years; both genders in Tanner stages 1–2 by self-report) participating on a regular basis in regional and national-level events. The 100?m freestyle event was chosen as the performance indicator. Anthropometric (arm span), strength (throwing velocity), power output (power to overcome drag), kinematic (swimming velocity) and efficiency (propelling efficiency) parameters were measured and included in the model. The path-flow analysis procedure was used to design and compute the model. The anthropometric parameter (arm span) was excluded in the final model, increasing its goodness-of-fit. The final model included the throw velocity, power output, swimming velocity and propelling efficiency. All links were significant between the parameters included, but the throw velocity–power output. The final model was explained by 69% presenting a reasonable adjustment (model's goodness-of-fit; x2/df?=?3.89). This model shows that strength and power output parameters do play a mediator and meaningful role in the young swimmers’ performance.  相似文献   

Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the levels of 8-isoprostane (8-IsoP) in the airways of competitive swimmers at baseline and after a swimming session according to their airway responsiveness. Methods: Twenty-three swimmers and six lifeguards had a baseline spirometry and bronchoprovocative challenges. During a second visit, swimmers performed a usual swimming session while lifeguards stayed in the same pool environment for the same time period. Forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) was measured before and 5 min after the end of the session. Exhaled breath condensate (EBC) was sampled before and 10 min after the session and EBC 8-IsoP levels were analysed by enzyme immunoassay. Change in EBC 8-IsoP from baseline to post-swimming session was calculated. Results: We observed no relationships between airway hyper-responsiveness and 8-IsoP values before or after swimming in swimmers. The levels of 8-IsoP were significantly higher after the training session (mean value 2.9, s?=?0.5 pg?mL?1) than at baseline (mean value 1.9, s?=?0.4 pg?mL?1) in swimmers only (p?=?.012). EBC 8-IsoP levels after the swimming session significantly correlated with the percent change in FEV1 after swimming. Conclusions: EBC 8-IsoP levels were increased after training in swimmers but not in lifeguards, suggesting that exercise-induced hyperpnoea in a chlorinated pool environment increases airways oxidative stress.  相似文献   


Ankle flexibility is critical to obtain a high swimming velocity in undulatory underwater swimming (UUS). The present study investigated the Froude (propelling) efficiency and three-dimensional (3D) kinematics of human UUS following the extrinsic restriction of the ankle by tape application. In Experiment 1, swimmers (9 male and 8 female college swimmers) performed UUS trials involving normal swimming (Normal) and swimming with tape application at the ankle (Tape). Kicking frequency was controlled in both settings. UUS kinematics were obtained with a two-dimensional motion analysis. Swimming velocity significantly decreased during swimming with tape application compared with that during normal swimming (Normal, 1.33 m·s?1; Tape, 1.26 m·s?1, p < 0.05). The Froude efficiency was not affected (Normal, 0.77; Tape, 0.76), and ankle plantar angle did not decrease during swimming (Normal, 159.02°; Tape, 160.38°). In Experiment 2, lower limb rotations of a male swimmer were analysed using 3D motion analysis under the same conditions as Experiment 1. An insufficient forefoot rotation was observed during downstroke kicks (the phase of the highest acceleration to forward direction). These findings suggest that UUS velocity is affected by the mobility of end effector.  相似文献   

BackgroundShoulder flexion requires an optimal length of the latissimus dorsi muscle in order to allow full lateral rotation of the humerus and upward scapular rotation. If shoulder flexion (in an externally rotated position) is restricted, this may predispose the individual to shoulder pathology. Sports such as swimming and canoeing have increased shoulder injuries and require high levels of latissimus dorsi muscle activity, which may create muscle hypertrophy and increased stiffness, resulting in a loss of muscle length. The objective of this study was to investigate if differences are present in shoulder flexion in internally and externally rotated positions across different sports (swimming, canoeing, and rugby) and a non-sporting control group.MethodsOne hundred subjects (40 physically active controls, 25 professional Rugby Union players, 20 elite, national-level canoeists (slalom), and 15 elite, national-level swimmers) participated in this study. Shoulder flexion range of motion was measured using a standard goniometer, with the arm elevated in either full external or internal rotation.ResultsA significant difference in shoulder flexion range was observed between canoeists and swimmers, canoeists and controls, rugby players and canoeists, rugby players and swimmers, and controls and swimmers in the external rotation position (p < 0.017), but not between controls and rugby players (p = 0.12). For the internal rotation position, swimmers significantly differed from canoeists, rugby players, and controls (p < 0.017), but there were no significant differences between rugby players, canoeists, and controls (p > 0.07).ConclusionThis study found that the length of the latissimus dorsi differs between sports and controls in accordance with the specific physical demands of their sport.  相似文献   

Pacing strategies of elite swimmers have been consistently characterised from the average lap velocities. In the present study, we examined the racing strategies of 200 m world class-level swimmers with regard to their underwater and surface lap components. The finals and semi-finals of the 200 m races at the 2013 World Swimming Championships (Barcelona, Spain) were analysed by an innovative image-processing system (InThePool® 2.0). Free swimming velocities of elite swimmers typically decreased throughout the 200 m race laps (?0.12 m · s–1, 95% CI ?0.11 to ?0.14 m · s–1, P = 0.001, η2 = 0.81), whereas underwater velocities, which were faster than free swimming, were not meaningfully affected by the race progress (0.02 m · s–1, ?0.01 to 0.04 m · s–1, P = 0.01, η2 = 0.04). When swimming underwater, elite swimmers typically travelled less distance (?0.66 m, ?0.83 to ?0.49 m, P = 0.001, η2 = 0.34) from the first to the third turn of the race, although underwater distances were maintained on the backstroke and butterfly races. These strategies allowed swimmers to maintain their average velocity in the last lap despite a decrease in the free swimming velocity. Elite coaches and swimmers are advised to model their racing strategies by considering both underwater and surface race components.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was (1) accurately estimate longitudinal relationships between decimal age (i.e., chronological and relative) and performance in Australian female 100 m (N = 765) and 200 m (N = 428) Breaststroke swimmers (10–18 years); and (2) determine whether corrective adjustment procedures could remove Relative Age Effects (RAEs) in an independent sample of age-matched 100 m (N = 2,491) and 200 m (N = 1,698) state/national level Breaststroke swimmers. In Part 1, growth curve modelling quantified longitudinal relationships between decimal age and swimming performance. In Part 2, relative age distributions (Quartile 1–4) for “All”, “Top 25%” and “10%” of swimming times were examined based on raw and correctively adjusted swim times for age-groups. Based on raw swim times, finding identified RAE effect sizes increased in magnitude (small-medium) with selection level (“All”-“Top 25%”) in 12–14 years age-groups for both events. However, when correctively adjusted swim performances were examined, RAEs were primarily absent across all age-groups and selection levels. Using longitudinal reference data, corrective adjustment procedures removed relative age advantages in female youth Breaststroke performance. Removing the influence of relative age-related differences is predicted to improve the accuracy of identifying genuinely skilled youth swimmers.  相似文献   

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