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The paper reports a study of masterclasses for young opera-singers, taught by experienced, world-class singers. These and similar forms of learning in the creative and performing arts represent fertile opportunities for the investigation of pedagogy. Given the recent ‘performative’ turn in sociological studies of education, and of cultural forms more widely, it is especially pertinent to examine the work of pedagogy in an overtly performative context. The operatic masterclass is made possible by the embodied authority of the teacher, and by her or his charismatic authority. The masterclass itself is marked by repetition, attention to technical detail, and to interpretative flexibility. Expertise is shared through gesture, metaphor, demonstration and personal maxims. Technical and interpretative knowledge are synthesised through the teacher’s personal authority. These processes illustrate the communities of pedagogy associated with artistic communities of practice.  相似文献   

This paper describes an elective unit in the application of new technologies for pre‐service teachers which employed a metaphor of masterclasses in its design to engage the students in value‐added interactions around their individual multimedia projects. A masterclass involves the class group auditing an individual’s detailed consultation with a “master” on work in progress. In this way, general points are demonstrated and iteratively developed through worked examples. By sharing a range of projects, the class group developed explicit understandings of pedagogical design based around the concepts of metaphor, productive redundancy, hypertextual links, and information architecture. The design of this unit’s pedagogy of pedagogies is explicated through Christie’s theorisation of curriculum macrogenre and Bernstein’s rules of recognition and realisation to show how the pre‐service teachers moved from being consumers and “natives” of digital environments to become analysts and designers of such environments.  相似文献   

A marking exercise is described in which 336 teachers evaluated three samples of written work, which differed in quality and authorship. The sequence of the work samples was rotated such that each piece of work was seen and marked in each of the three possible positions. This allowed comparisons to be made between the marks awarded to work of varying standards when it preceded or followed other work of contrasting quality. There was a tendency for the good piece of work to be assessed more favourably when it followed work of a lower standard than when it preceded such work. Conversely, the poor quality work was assessed more harshly when it followed, rather than preceded, work of contrasting quality. Furthermore, two samples of work preceding work of a contrasting quality produced greater biasing effects than a single sample.  相似文献   

The author outlines work undertaken in the teaching of television in the classroom, in the form of some general observations on what should constitute the content and methodology of such work, and offers three case studies which illustrate points in more depth. The article argues that the starting point for such work should be a programme of instruction in visual literacy, and goes on to show how such skills can deepen appreciation and perception of the medium. The case studies emphasise the need for a practical approach to the subject, and it is argued that theory can only be successfully developed through interaction with such practical techniques in the classroom. Finally, the author indicates three areas of perceived need in the development of such studies in Scottish secondary schools.  相似文献   

我国农村信访形势依然严峻。农村信访无序、高发。农村信访工作关系着农村的稳定大局,也关系着农村干部形象。改进农村信访工作要重塑基层政府理念,理顺基层政府信访工作的体制机制,加大对农民群众的教育力度并有效整合基层政府信访资源。  相似文献   

体面劳动反映了不同社会制度下各国劳动者的普遍需求,既包含了就业、社会保障等基本目标,也包含了实现这些目标所必不可少的社会对话等基本手段。教师是共享体面劳动权利的主体。从体面劳动的视域看,教师的劳动权益存在缺失,需要我们坚持正确的原则,进行系统性建设,促进体面劳动与保护教师劳动权益的统一。  相似文献   

学校的德育工作比智育工作显得重要,并且难度大,为此探索德育的方法尤为重要,本文主要针对大学生寝室群体,具体分析了在这样的群体中.如何开展行之有效的思想政治工作。  相似文献   

A recent UK Government commissioned study found concerning levels of unemployment among computing students from disadvantaged, black and minority ethnic backgrounds. The study highlighted that work experience was a factor in increased levels of graduate employment. As such, it is vital that students have equal access to such work experience. This study considers the availability of work experience to 140 computing students at two city centre UK universities. Data analysis considered socioeconomic background and ethnicity to determine if these influenced attitudes to work experience. While students’ socioeconomic backgrounds and ethnicity had little influence on their interest in work experience, patterns of success in gaining work experience reflected worrying graduate (un)employment patterns, with those from disadvantaged, black or minority ethnic backgrounds less able to secure work experience. These findings have serious implications for university and government policies promoting work experience and highlight the need for national interventions.  相似文献   

思想政治工作是一切工作的生命线,在整个高校工作中起着举足轻重的作用。在新形势下。加强高校思想政治工作显得尤为重要。加强高校思想政治工作必须解放思想、转变观念,以理想信念教育为核心内容;必须由虚到实、贴近生活,增强针对性和实效性。  相似文献   

N. Jayaraman 《Resonance》2017,22(9):835-845
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the year 2016 was awarded to three illustrious chemists, Professors Jean-Pierre Sauvage, Sir Fraser Stoddart, and Ben Feringa. Pioneering works of these chemists on designing molecules, chemically synthesizing them, and extracting a work out of such designed molecules open-up a new area of chemistry in a paradigm shifting manner. Beginning with controlling the molecular motions, particularly involving interlocked macrocycles in late 1980s, the advancement progressed to envelop energy storage and retrieval, and varieties of examples around the concept. Molecular motion alone can also be a rich source for such a work output has also been established. These developments possess the required momentum to uncover a new area of chemistry, wherein energy input-output can be used beneficially to conduct a useful work, in a close analogy to machines such as an electric motor.  相似文献   

针对传统招标采购管理存在资金来源多、工作效率低、档案管理难等问题,根据高校招标采购工作的需求,基于B/S模式,开发出一套招标采购管理系统,规范工作流程,提高工作效率,调动工作积极性。同时,系统可以及时查询采购工作的状态,统计采购信息,为领导决策和群众监督提供方便快捷的信息服务。  相似文献   

This article aims to identify and examine the key factors in effective recruitment for people to work successfully overseas. It investigates key factors such as experience of working overseas, attitude and personality which determine the success or failure of people recruited to work in education in developing countries; from personal reasons for seeking such work and the appropriate recruitment process, to the induction and how expatriates settle in to their work and life in a very different culture and working environment. The ‘culture shock’ experienced on arrival is studied to reflect on how its effects may be lessened. Three case studies illuminate specific lessons that can be learned where there is evidence of match or mismatch between expatriate and employing organization.  相似文献   

社会工作是现代社会发展的产物,也是一门独立的学科和专门的职业。中国高校社会工作专业的发展面临着专业工作失范、专业基础不牢、理论研究滞后等一系列的亟待解决的现实问题。为了促进我国社会工作专业教育的健康发展,必须构建独具特色的社会工作保障系统,专业教育突出职业化与应用性,加强本土化与个性化的理论研究。  相似文献   

根据是否有与之相对应的状态参量,将功分为两种类型:第一种类型有相应的状态参量,如弹簧或橡皮筋的变形功、表面功、电介质的极化功、磁介质的磁化功;第二种类型没有对应的状态参量,如搅拌功、电功。通过对热力学基本关系式的适用条件的详细讨论,总结得到:无论过程是否可逆,也不管过程中是否有第二种类型的功,热力学基本关系式均适用。  相似文献   

Online group work can be complicated because of its asynchronous characteristics and lack of physical presence, and its requirements for skills in handling technology, human relationships, and content-related tasks. This study focuses on the administrative, logistical and relationship-related challenges in online group work. Challenges in areas such as commitment/responsibility, communication/coordination, structure/management, and leadership are discussed; strategies for how to streamline the management of online group work, how to decrease unnecessary logistical load and extra layers of structure, and how to improve online group work through the design of the syllabus are presented. The study suggests that instructors split group work into individual portions, use peer evaluation, establish guidelines for communication, use tools such as Google Drive to streamline duplicate works, monitor the process of the group work, and give group members freedom, ownership, and autonomy in their group work.  相似文献   

新时期社区思想政治工作面临着新形势,而社区政工队伍却存在数量不足、结构不合理、素质不高、制度不完善等问题。只有合理配置,优化结构;优选培训,提高素质;考评激励,完善制度,才能建立一支高素质、高水平的政工队伍,提高社区思想政治工作的水平。  相似文献   

The current prominent influence of the theories of L. S. Vygotsky on studies of education, particularly of pedagogic practice, requires a re-examination. The dominance of deficient editions of his writings has had regrettable consequences such as a misplaced reading of the 'one of proximal development' The publication of his recent, albeit incomplete, Collected Works in English affords an opportunity to reassess Vygotsky' work. Potential areas for such rethinking include: a comparison between his work and influence with that of Piaget; Vygotsky' own epistemology and methodology; and the relevance of his approach to contemporary concerns.  相似文献   

在大力发展社会主义市场经济的新形势下,思想政治工作必须下决心改进,要从实际出发,在“实”字上下功夫,使思想政治工作达到预期的目的。  相似文献   

高校共青团工作在整个共青团工作中居于基础性战略位置,对全团事业发展影响深远.高校共青团工作布局的适时调整,是巩田高校共青团工作在全团工作中基础性战略位置的有效途径.郧阳师范高等专科学校团委经过多年探索,创新性的形成了“理论武装”、“团建创新”、“素质拓展”、“青年激励”、“服务建功”五大工作布局,取得了一定的经验.  相似文献   

高校思想政治工作进入学生公寓再探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,高校思想政治工作面临着新的问题与挑战。思想政治工作进学生公寓,具有重要性和紧迫性。高校应从工作体制建设、思想政治工作队伍建设等方面着手,加强学生公寓思想政治工作。  相似文献   

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