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The aim of this study was to examine the empirical links between achievement goal theory and self-determination theory in sport. Addressing theoretical and methodological limitations of previous research, the study tested the independent and interactive effects of goal orientations and perceived competence on seven motivational variables with different degrees of self-determination. Regression analyses of data collected from 247 British university students showed that task orientation predicted motivational variables with high self-determination. In contrast, ego orientation predicted motivational variables with low self-determination. Perceived competence predicted both high self-determined and low self-determined motivational variables. A significant interaction emerged between task and ego orientations in predicting external regulation. The results suggest the adaptive role of task orientation in facilitating self-determined motivation in sport. However, the findings are not conclusive, as the variance explained in most analyses was relatively small. Suggestions are offered for a more comprehensive empirical testing of the links between the two theories.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to provide initial evidence of validity and reliability of scores derived from the Activity Context in Youth Sport Questionnaire (ACYSQ), an instrument designed to offer a comprehensive assessment of the activities adolescents take part in during sport practices. Two studies were designed for the purposes of item development and selection, and to provide evidence of structural and criterion validity of ACYSQ scores, respectively (N = 334; M age = 14.93, SD = 1.76 years). Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) supported the adequacy of a 20-item ACYSQ measurement model, which was invariant across gender, and comprised the following dimensions: (1) stimulation; (2) usefulness-value; (3) authenticity; (4) repetition-boredom; and (5) ineffectiveness. Internal consistency reliability estimates and composite reliability estimates for ACYSQ subscale scores ranged from 0.72 to 0.91. In regression analyses, stimulation predicted enjoyment and perceived competence, ineffectiveness was significantly associated with perceived competence and authenticity emerged as a predictor of commitment in sport. These findings indicate that the ACYSQ displays adequate psychometric properties and the use of the instrument may be useful for studying selected activity-based features of the practice environment and their motivational consequences in youth sport.  相似文献   

通过对相关文献的回顾,依据时间顺序和理论完善程度,将国外体育消费动机测量研究的发展历程分为早期初步开发、中期完善改进和后期实践应用三个阶段,并在此基础上指出:实践应用是国外体育消费动机测量研究的主要发展趋势:体育消费动机量表( MSSC)和SPEED量表可以作为未来体育消费动机研究的测量,但两者在具体使用上仍存在差异;中国体育消费动机测量研究可以采用主客位联合研究法,在借鉴国外优秀研究成果的基础上,开发适应中国本土消费者的体育消费动机测量量表.  相似文献   

运动员的运动成就动机的差异   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
用动机C量表测试了2214名男女中国运动员的运动成就动机,其中包括体育专业的学生和专业运动员.对于动机C量表5个测度(即社会认可、运动水平提高、娱乐、感性体验及努力取向)上的分数,分别做了性别×运动项目×运动水平的三因素方差分析.结果显示出以下显著差异(1)男运动员在娱乐测度、感性体验测度以及努力取向测度上的分数,高于女运动员;(2)个人项目的运动员在社会承认以及感性体验测度上的分数低于集体项目的运动员,而在运动水平提高测度上的分数高于集体项目的运动员;(3)较高运动水平的运动员在社会承认、运动水平提高以及感性体验测度上的人数,高于较低运动水平的运动员,而在娱乐和努力取向测度上的分数低于较低运动水平的运动员.  相似文献   

This paper attempted to integrate the developmental literature on attachment theory with the achievement goal and peer-relationship literature that has been central to sport and physical activity research in recent decades. Attachment theory, achievement goal models, and sport peer-relationship frameworks are briefly reviewed and the conceptual links between the theories are explored. It is contended that attachment theory offers conceptually useful avenues of research related to the constructs of achievement goals, perceived motivational climate, and experiences of peer relationships in sport-related contexts. A brief discussion regarding potential caveats related to measurement of mental representations of attachment in social and social-cognitive research is also forwarded.  相似文献   

研究表明:成就动机本身也是一个复杂的社会性动机系统,它有深层的人格特质的成分,也有深层的价值观念的成分;中小学生的成就动机具有可塑性,但要在科学的理论指导下,通过不同层次的具体训练,可唤起学生积极的情感反应,从根本上改善其努力进取目标明确的学业成就动机和成就行为.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop and evaluate a preliminary sport tourism motivation scale (STMS) that detected unique active sport tourist segments according to their social psychological motives for traveling to a destination to compete in sport. Segments’ conative loyalty were also analyzed to gain a greater understanding of how underlying motives for sport event tourism influences consumers’ behavioral intentions. A convenient sampling approach was used to collect data from 380 athletes participating in the 2014 GoPro Mountain Games in Colorado. In developing the STMS, items derived from previously validated sport and tourism motivation scales were used to reduce and verify a parceled STMS factor structure. Confirmatory Factor Analysis yielded acceptable psychometric properties. Ward’s Hierarchical cluster analysis identified three segments: tourism-oriented, sport tourism enthusiasts, and sport-oriented. The sport tourism enthusiasts, who exhibited favorable valuations on each of the nine STMS factors, demonstrated elevated conative loyalty characteristics above those of the other two segments. Additionally, the STMS was able to explain 30% of the variation in consumers’ conative loyalty with factors, ‘Destination Attributes’ and ‘Competitive Desire’ being the most influential predictors. Overall, the study’s findings may better equip event managers with information necessary to tailor event service elements which may enhance customer satisfaction and lead to greater retention.  相似文献   

采用文献计量方法对4种运动心理学期刊(《运动及锻炼心理学杂志》、《国际运动心理学杂志》、《运动心理学家》和《应用运动心理学杂志》)2000-2005年发表的关于自我的研究论文进行了数量分布、期刊分布以及研究重点的分析。结果发现,运动心理学领域自我研究的数量呈上升的趋势;《应用运动心理学杂志》发表的相关文献最多;研究主题包括自我效能、自我概念、自我调节和自我表现,其中最受关注的是自我效能。特别指出,神经生理学的研究将为理解自我的本质做出新的贡献。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、调查访问法等研究方法.对江苏省青少年竞技体育发展状况进行分析研究,探讨了实现江苏省青少年竞技体育发展的战略途径与对策,针对江苏省青少年竞技体育战略问题提出了具体的改进措施.  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2020,23(2):256-270
The purpose of this study is to develop a comprehensive understanding of consumer experiences in participant sport events. The authors explored two traditionally prominent components (i.e., service quality and perceived economic value) and one emerging factor (i.e., athletic goal achievement) of consumer experiences at participant sport events. The authors examined the effects of these three factors on re-participation intention and the effect of athletic goal achievement on future exercise intention. Results of moderated serial mediation analyses based on data from a sample of marathon runners (N = 3186), all three factors exerted significant effects on re-participation intention. In particular, athletic goal achievement was positively associated with re-participation intention and future exercise intention through the serial mediation of performance satisfaction and overall event satisfaction. However, the moderating effects of athletic goal importance on the serial indirect relationship between athletic goal achievement and two outcome variables (i.e., re-participation intention and future exercise intention) were not significant. The findings of this study offer participant sport service providers with insights to manage participants’ athletic performance, service quality, and perceived economic value for better consumer experiences. Such efforts should result in higher participant satisfaction, better retention rates, and a higher post-event physical activity level.  相似文献   


We examined positive youth development within a high performance sport environment. Youth football players (N = 455; Males = 315; Females = 140) completed a range of questionnaires including: the Youth Experiences Survey for Sport; Self-Confidence subscale of the Competitive State Anxiety Inventory–2 Revised; Sport Competence Inventory; Prosocial and Antisocial Behaviour in Sport Scale; and the modified Coach-Athlete Relationship questionnaire. The players reported a relatively high level of self-confidence, competence and positive youth experiences. They felt a strong coach-athlete relationship and displayed higher levels of prosocial than antisocial behaviour. Males scored significantly higher than females on self-confidence, perceived self-competence, antisocial behaviour to teammates and opponents, relationship with their coach, and cognitive skills. Findings suggest a relationship between high performance sport environments and positive youth development.  相似文献   

While there is a growing body of knowledge on disability sport consumer behavior (Byon et al., 2011, Byon et al., 2010a), these studies used scales explicitly designed for non-disability sport contexts, showing only reasonable model fit and not examining factors specific to the disability sport consumer experience. This publication represents the first attempt to identify specific disability sport motives and develop a scale, the Motivation Scale for Disability Sport Consumption (MSDSC). Newly identified disability sport motives include inspiration, supercrip image and disability cultural education. These were examined in conjunction with factors from Trail and James (2001) and Trail (2010). Data were collected at the 2011 collegiate wheelchair basketball championships; results were collected to conduct exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. Results indicated that a 9-factor model was most appropriate. Significant motives included physical attraction, drama, escape, inspiration, physical skill, social interaction, violence, and supercrip image. The model fit was improved over the Byon studies and was comparable to relevant non-adaptive motive studies (Lee et al., 2009, Trail and James, 2001, Robinson et al., 2004). This scale represents a tool for practitioners and academics to effectively examine spectators of disability sport.  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2014,17(4):520-529
It has been 80 years since the concept of professionalisation began to take root within the sociology and management disciplines. Similarly, the study of the professionalisation of sport has a relatively prominent and longstanding history within the discipline of sport management. Notwithstanding its continued usage and importance, there has been little systematic attempt to examine how the concept has been operationalised within sport management. In light of this recognition, this review piece draws upon extant sport management, sociological and managerial literature to (i) explore the various ways in which the concept of professionalisation has been employed within sport management, and in doing so, (ii) identifies potential research gaps and future avenues of inquiry within the sport management discipline. The review identifies three broad classifications of professionalisation (organisational, systemic, occupational) and calls for more research surrounding broader conceptualisations of professionalisation that remain relatively unexplored by sport management scholars.  相似文献   

论体育中主体的超越性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
翁中清 《体育学刊》2006,13(5):18-21
人在体育中的主体地位彰显了人作为文化存在的要求。如果一旦主体失去了参于实践的文化驱力,体育就成为违背人性(自我完善)的了。塑造人(个体)的人文精神要求体育文化最重要的目标就是培育作为唯一的、不可重复的人类样本而存在的个体的人。人的超越性本质的要求在体育中个体作为创造者、接受者和产物是“三位一体”的。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between sport type, interdependence (task and outcome), and the developmental experiences of select male basketball players (n=129) and middle-distance runners (n=83) aged 14–17 years. Athletes completed the Youth Experiences Survey 2.0 (Hansen & Larson, 2005) and a modified measure assessing task and outcome interdependence (Van der Vegt, Emans, & Van de Vliert, 1998 Vliert, 2001). Hierarchical multiple regression determined that basketball players reported higher rates of teamwork and social skills, adult networks and social capital, and negative experiences. Furthermore, outcome interdependence was a predictor of identity exploration, initiative, emotional regulation, positive relationships, teamwork and social skills, and adult networks and social capital experiences independent of sport type. Although different sports may provide different learning environments, the developmental experiences youth garner may be more strongly influenced by how the people involved interact (outcome interdependence) than by the type of sport.  相似文献   

对我国运动楼盘的分析与研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阐述了运动搂盘的概念、特点及在我国的发展前景。当前运动搂盘的发展建设中存在着宣传力度不够、建设不够科学、缺乏专门的体育指导员、管理服务不够合理、缺乏具有真正意义上的运动搂盘房地产企业等问题,并提出了对策和建议。  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to examine knowledge and perceptions of applied sport psychology within English soccer. National coaches (n?=?8), youth academy directors (n?=?21) and academy coaches (n?=?27) were surveyed using questionnaire and interview methods. Questionnaire results revealed a lack of knowledge of sport psychology that appeared to underpin some of the most significant barriers to entry for sport psychologists. These included lack of clarity concerning the services of a sport psychologist, problems fitting in and players' negative perceptions of sport psychology. Overall, however, lack of finance was the highest rated barrier. Six barrier dimensions emerged from the interview data: negative perceptions of psychology, lack of sport psychology knowledge, integrating with players and coaching staff, role and service clarity, practical constraints, and perceived value of sport psychology. These findings were broadly compatible with the survey data, with finance emerging as a major barrier and misconceptions of sport psychology being common. Our conclusions are discussed in relation to the practical implications of the study for both applied research and the provision of sport psychology services within English soccer.  相似文献   

This study examined the motivational profiles of elite youth athletes to determine whether individual differences in goal orientation corresponded with differential levels of imagery use. Two hundred ninety male (n = 88) and female (n = 202) young athletes (M = 16.6 years, SD = 1.48) completed the Perceptions of Success Questionnaire (POSQ, Roberts, Treasure, & Balague, 1998) to assess dispositional goal orientations and the Sport Imagery Questionnaire (Hall, Mack, Paivio, & Hausenblas, 1998) to assess frequency and function of imagery use. A two-stage cluster analysis on the POSQ scores revealed a three-cluster solution with a multivariate analysis of variance indicating significant differences among cluster groups in imagery use. Athletes in Cluster 3 (higher task/higher ego) used significantly more imagery, regardless of the function than athletes in Cluster 1 (lower task/moderate ego) or Cluster 2 (moderate task/lower ego). These findings are discussed with reference to the role of achievement motivation in influencing young athletes' behavioral investments in mental strategies.  相似文献   

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to know whether an intervention using an adaptation of the teaching games for understanding approach (named teaching races for understanding [TRfU]) led participants to improve skill execution, decision making, race performance, race involvement, race knowledge, enjoyment, intention to continue practicing sailing, and perceived competence. Method: Participants were 67 children from a randomly selected sailing school (Mage = 9.32 years, SD = 2.60 years) and 2 coaches. We designed and validated the TRfU lessons, and 1 coach was trained in the approach. The TRfU group participated in 11 lessons. This study followed a mixed-methods data approach. Quantitative data were evaluated using a quasiexperimental pretest–posttest design with a control group. The intervention consisted of teaching sailing using the TRfU approach. Children and coaches’ perceptions were evaluated through an interview on completion of the study. Data were collected using an adaptation of the Game Performance Assessment Instrument, a knowledge questionnaire, 2 psychological scales, and interviews with children and coaches. Results: The TRfU group showed statistically significant improvements in skill execution, decision making, and race performance compared with the control group, as well as significant improvements in race involvement, race knowledge, and enjoyment (ES = 0.64–2.63). Conclusion: Teaching races for understanding can be used in sailing to improve students’ capacity to reflect and connect theoretical knowledge with their motor performance in the race.  相似文献   

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