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Amino acids contribute between 2–8% of the energy needs during endurance exercise. Endurance exercise training leads to an adaptive reduction in the oxidation of amino acids at the same absolute exercise intensity, however, the capacity to oxidize amino acids goes up due to the increase in the total amount of the rate limiting enzyme, branched chain 2-oxo-acid dehydrogenase. There appears to be a modest increase (range?=?12–95%) in protein requirements only for very well trained athletes who are actively training. Although the majority of athletes will have ample dietary protein to meet any increased need, those on a hypoenergetic diet or during extreme periods of physical stress may need dietary manipulation to accommodate the need. Caffeine is a trimethylxanthine derivative that is common in many foods and beverages. The consumption of caffeine (3–7 mg/kg) prior to endurance exercise improves performance for habitual and non-habitual consumers. The ergogenic effect is likely due to a direct effect on muscle contractility and not via an enhancement of fatty acid oxidation. Creatine is important in intra-cellular energy shuttling and in cellular fluid regulation. Creatine monohydrate supplementation (20 g/d X 3–5 days) increases fat-free mass, improves muscle strength during repetitive high intensity contractions and increases fat-free mass accumulation and strength during a period of weight training. Given the increase in weight, there are likely neutral or even performance reducing effects in sports that are influenced by body mass (i.e., running, hill climbing cycling).  相似文献   

This study sought to establish perceptions of elite endurance athletes on the role and worth of altitude training. Elite British endurance runners were surveyed to identify the altitude and hypoxic training methods utilised, along with reasons for use, and any situational, cultural and behaviour factors influencing these. Prior to the 2012 Olympics Games, 39 athletes and 20 support staff (coaches/practitioners) completed an internet-based survey to establish differences between current practices and the accepted “best-practice”. Almost all of the athletes (98%) and support staff (95%) surveyed had utilised altitude and hypoxic training, or had advised it to athletes. 75% of athletes believed altitude and hypoxia to be a “very important” factor in their training regime, with 50% of support staff believing the same. Athletes and support staff were in agreement of the methods of altitude training utilised (i.e. 'hypoxic dose’ and strategy), with camps lasting 3–4 weeks at 1,500–2,500 m being the most popular. Athletes and support staff are utilising altitude and hypoxic training methods in a manner agreeing with research-based suggestions. The survey identified a number of specific challenges and priorities, which could provide scope to optimise future altitude training methods for endurance performance in these elite groups.  相似文献   


To investigate the effects of sulphurous mineral water (SMW) after a hydroponic treatment on muscle damage, antioxidant activity and peripheral blood changes induced by submaximal exercise. Thirty well-trained male triathletes were supplemented with SMW or placebo: 3 weeks of placebo, 30 days of wash out and 3 weeks of SMW. After both periods, participants ran for 2 h at 70% maximal aerobic speed. Antioxidant enzymes, lipid peroxidation, antioxidant capacity and blood cell markers were compared between placebo and SMW at pre-exercise (T0), immediately post-exercise (T1), 24 h post-exercise (T2) and 48 h post-exercise (T3). Total thiols decreased until T3 vs. T0 for both placebo and SMW; transient red blood cells, haemoglobin and haematocrit increased were shown at T1 vs. T0 and for leucocytes until T2 vs. T0, only for placebo group. Total thiols increased significantly in SMW vs. placebo at T0; Thiobarbituric acid reactive species was significantly higher at T0, T1, T2 and T3; catalase increased significantly at T1; creatine phosphokinase decreased significantly at T1, T2 and T3, although no significant differences were found at T0. Furthermore, red blood cells, haemoglobin and haematocrit were significantly higher and leucocytes were significantly lower at T0 and T1 in SMW group vs. placebo group. This study suggests that three weeks of SMW supplementation may protect from exercise-induced muscle damage.  相似文献   

运用等速测试系统对备战伦敦奥运会的国家划艇运动员的肩关节、肘关节肌力进行测试与分析。结果表明:1)从力矩角度来看,优秀运动员与一般运动员在肩、肘关节肌力特征中存在显著性差异(P<0.05),且屈肌和伸肌的力矩角度分别呈现不同的特征;2)从峰力矩比值来看,在不同速度运动下,国家队优秀运动员和一般运动员均存在屈伸比的失衡问题,即最大力量上存在屈伸肌群发展的不合理化现象(<50%),随着测试速度的增加,屈伸比呈递减趋势;3)在肘关节两侧同名肌群的比较中同样存在不均衡现象,尤其是伸肌的两侧差值较大;4)肩关节的肌力特征也存在类似的现象,但屈肌明显不如伸肌力量。结论:应逐步加强划艇运动员肩、肘关节同侧屈伸肌群和异侧同名肌群的力量均衡性训练,并提高肩关节的屈肌力量能力。  相似文献   


We investigated the effect of verbal encouragement on maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) level of the triceps surae muscle group. Our secondary focus was to examine whether the effect of verbal encouragement on MVC level varies as a result of conscientiousness. While the participants performed plantar flexion, MVCs of the triceps surae muscle group were measured using rectified and smoothed surface electromyography (rsEMG) during the absence and presence of verbal encouragement. Participants completed questions from the Five Factor Personality Inventory concerning conscientiousness and were divided into high- and low-conscientiousness groups according to a median split. The sample included 30 female and 53 male elite athletes. In the entire cohort, there was no significant difference in MVCs with and without verbal encouragement. When the sample was partitioned by conscientiousness scores, verbal encouragement led to a significant increase in MVC in the low-conscientiousness group, whereas verbal encouragement led to a non-significant decrease in MVC in the high-conscientiousness group. Percentage change in MVC across experimental conditions was significantly different between the groups, with a 9.72% increase during verbal encouragement of the low-conscientiousness group, and a 2.47% decrease during verbal encouragement of the high-conscientiousness group.  相似文献   


This article presents results of a systematic review of the literature (2000–2017) examining the prevalence and correlates of psychological distress among retired elite athletes. Forty articles were selected and included. Our review suggests the prevalence of psychological distress among retired athletes is similar to that found in the general population. However, subgroups reporting medical comorbidities, significant pain, a greater number of concussions, less social support, and adverse psychosocial factors were at greater risk for psychological distress. Additionally, athletes experiencing psychological distress in retirement often do not seek treatment for their distress. Based on the existing literature, there is a need for greater standardization and use of reliable measures, as well as use of diagnostic interviews in order to assess the most accurate prevalence of psychological distress among these athletes. Longitudinal designs, matched control groups, more heterogeneous samples, and use of multivariate analyses would also help to more accurately determine the prevalence and risk factors of psychological distress in this population. This review suggests a number of different clinical implications and highlights directions for future research to enhance our understanding of the long-term psychological health of former elite athletes.  相似文献   

运动时骨骼肌两种重要能源底物,碳水化合物和脂肪在氧化供能时存在交互关系,且与G-FA循环理论以外的机制有关。运动中增加脂肪的可用性可降低骨骼肌PDH活性,减少肌糖原分解,可能是通过增加线粒体NADH可用性,进而缓解运动诱导的游离ADP,AMP和Pi累积增加;增加外源性CHO可用性能减少骨骼肌脂肪氧化,可能是通过血浆胰岛素水平增加和FFA可用性下降,也可能是通过减少脂肪转运进入肌肉和/或降低线粒体速率等机制;运动强度增加机体更依赖于CHO供能,可能通过肌肉内、外机制下调脂肪代谢。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to compare moment-to-moment appraisals and coping strategies of 4 non-elite and 2 elite male trap shooters during competitions and in particular during periods of competition perceived as critical to performance. Appraisals and coping patterns of trap shooters were captured via verbal reports of thinking provided between sets of shots during major competitions. Verbal reports were coded according to an appraisal and coping typology. Coded data as well as shooting performance data were subjected to a sequential analysis of probabilities of pairs of events. Fewer reports of negative appraisals (NEGAs) and more frequent reports of problem-focused coping (PFC) were observed among both elite athletes compared to non-elite athletes. After making a NEGA, non-elite shooters often progressed to the next target without attempting to cope, whereas elite shooters used both PFC and emotion-focused coping (EFC) before proceeding to the next target. After missing a target, the non-elite athletes used more EFC than expected. These results indicate that elite athletes are more likely to cope with NEGAs than non-elite athletes using a wider variety of coping strategies. Athletes might benefit from increased awareness of the potentially detrimental impact of NEGAs on performance and by integrating coping strategies within preparatory routines.  相似文献   

The primary aim of this cross-sectional study was to compare subjective correlates of health, such as nutrition, self-esteem, sleep and stress, between adolescent elite athletes (n?=?625) and a reference group of adolescents (n?=?391) not involved in elite sports. A secondary aim was to study predictors for self-perceived stress. A questionnaire was e-mailed to all participants containing valid questions about competence-based self-esteem, nutrition, self-perceived stress and sleep. Our results show that adolescent elite athletes reported significantly (p?p?相似文献   

To ensure that elite adolescent athletes meet their unique training, growth and maturation demands, it is imperative to have access to valid measures of energy intake. Contemporary methods demand close attention-to-detail, meaning that athletes often do not fully adhere to real-time protocols. This study represents the first investigation of a real-time dietary assessment designed using a comprehensive behaviour change framework (COM-B). In a crossover design, 12 elite adolescent male rugby players recorded their energy intake via an estimated food diary (est-FD) and photography-based mobile assessment (‘Snap-n-Send’), combined with a 24-h dietary recall interview. Two 4-day assessment periods were divided into three separate recording environments: 96?h free-living and researcher-observed; 72?h free-living and 10?h researcher-observed. Assessment periods were one month apart. All foods and beverages were provided and weighed by the research team to quantify actual intakes. ‘Snap-n-Send’ reported a small mean bias for under-reporting across 96?h (?0.75?MJ?day?1; 95% confidence interval [CI] for bias?=??5.7% to ?2.2%, p?<?.001), 72?h (?0.76?MJ?day?1; 95% CI for bias?=??5.6% to ?2.1%, p?=?.004) and 10?h (?0.72?MJ?day?1; 95% CI for bias?=??8.1% to ?0.1%; p?=?.067) environments. The est-FD reported a moderate mean bias for under-reporting across 96?h (?2.89?MJ?day?1; 95% CI for bias?=??17.9% to ?10.2%; p?<?.001), 72?h (?2.88?MJ?day?1; 95% CI for bias?=??17.9% to ?10.1%; p?<?.001) and 10?h (?2.52?MJ?day?1;?26.1% to ?5.3%; p?=?.023) environments. Results evidence the ability of ‘Snap-n-Send’ to accurately assess the diet of elite adolescent athletes, signalling the exciting promise of this comprehensive and theoretical behavioural approach within valid dietary assessment.  相似文献   

This study aimed to compare the power production in traditional bench-press (TBP) and ballistic bench-throw (BBT) exercises. Furthermore, we assessed the differences in velocity, force, and power outputs between TBP and BBT. Finally, we tested the differences between the loads used to optimize power (optimum power load; OPL) in both exercises, using three distinct power-variables: mean power (MP), mean propulsive power (MPP), and peak power (PP). Sixty athletes from different sports were divided into two groups, according to their training characteristics: hypertrophy-based trained athletes (HTA), thirty-one athletes performing hypertrophy training programmes for (at least) 12-weeks; and power-based trained athletes (PTA), twenty-nine athletes performing power-oriented training sessions for (at least) 12-weeks. Magnitude-based inferences were used to test for differences between groups. Independent of the variable analyzed (MP, MPP, or PP), the PTA produced greater power values in BBT, whereas the HTA generated higher outputs during TBP. The OPL in the HTA was likely heavier in TBP than in BBT, whereas no differences related to this variable were found in the PTA. Despite the apparent superiority of ballistics to produce power, it seems that in elite athletes, the strength-power training routine might affect the ability to apply high forces at very-high velocities.  相似文献   

The psychobiological status of cyclists over a period of 8 months of training was assessed by measuring the sympatho-adrenal level, the central noradrenergic activity, and the cortisol?-?testosterone ratio status non-invasively. Alteration of these indices after a large increase in training load lasting 4 days (?+?187%) was also examined. Urinary excretion of methoxyamines (metanephrine, normetanephrine) and 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol sulphate (MHPG-S), and salivary concentrations of cortisol and testosterone, were measured in 12 national cyclists after a non-specific training period and 48 h before 4 days of increased training (T1), after these 4 days (T2) and at the end of 4 months of specific training (T3). Urinary and salivary samples were also collected during a rest period (T0). At each of these times, mood states and ratings of perceived muscle soreness were assessed, and a questionnaire of early clinical symptoms of the overtraining syndrome (Profile of Mood States) was administered. A significant increase in normetanephrine (P <?0.05) and a decrease in the testosterone?-?cortisol ratio (P <?0.05) were observed at T2, while MHPG-S excretion remained unchanged. Over the same periods, increased training loads did not induce mood disturbances. Eight months of training were associated with significant alterations in metanephrine (P?<?0.05) and MHPG-S (P?<?0.05). These results suggest a dissociation between the neural and endocrine catecholaminergic components systems. Opposite responses between MHPG-S and Profile of Mood States scores show that further investigations are needed to understand the relationship between central noradrenergic function, which is recognized as a regulatory factor of mood, and psychological tests measuring mood.  相似文献   


There are difficulties undertaking controlled training studies with elite athletes. Thus, data from non-elite performers are often presented in scientific journals and subsequently used to guide general training principles. This information may not be transferable or specific enough to inform training practices in an individual elite athlete. However, the nature of athletic participation at elite levels provides the opportunity to collect training data, performance-related variables, and performance data of elite athletes over long periods. In this paper, we describe how dynamic linear models provide an opportunity to use these data to inform training. Data from an elite female triathlete collected over a 111-day training period were used to model the relationship between training and self-reported fatigue. The dynamic linear model analysis showed the independent effects of the three modes of triathlon training on fatigue, how these can change across time, and the possible influence of other unmeasured variables. This paper shows the potential for the use of dynamic linear models as an aid to planning training in elite athletes.  相似文献   

Bioelectrical impedance spectroscopy (BIS) is an inexpensive and non-invasive technique to measure total body water (TBW), extracellular water (ECW), and intracellular water (ICW). The purpose of this study was to validate TBW, ECW and ICW assessed by BIS, using dilution techniques as the reference method (REF) in elite judo athletes. Thirty-two Portuguese elite male judo athletes were evaluated during a period of weight stability. TBW, ECW and ICW were assessed by BIS (Xitron 4000). Deuterium and bromide dilution techniques were used as the criterion method for measuring TBW and ECW, while ICW was calculated as the difference between the two. BIS explained 96%, 77% and 94% of the total variability from REFs for TBW, ECW and ICW, respectively. BIS also demonstrated high precision (ρ ≥ 0.88) and accuracy (Cb = 0.98), with a minimum concordance coefficient correlation of 0.87 for ECW. The mean bias demonstrated that BIS slightly overestimated the REF in 1.1 kg (2.3%), 0.3 kg (1.6%) and 0.8 kg (2.7%) for TBW, ECW and ICW, respectively. The 95% limits of agreement ranged from ?1.2 to 3.3 kg in TBW, from ?1.8 to 2.4 kg in ECW and from ?1.0 to 2.6 kg in ICW. A non-significant trend was found between the difference and the mean of reference and alternative methods. These findings highlight the efficacy of BIS as a valid non-biased tool for the assessment of TBW and its compartments in elite male judo athletes, during a period of weight stability.  相似文献   

To investigate the effects of a single high-load (80% of one repetition maximum [1RM]) set with additional drop sets descending to a low-load (30% 1RM) without recovery intervals on muscle strength, endurance, and size in untrained young men. Nine untrained young men performed dumbbell curls to concentric failure 2–3 days per week for 8 weeks. Each arm was randomly assigned to one of the following three conditions: 3 sets of high-load (HL, 80% 1RM) resistance exercise, 3 sets of low-load [LL, 30% 1RM] resistance exercise, and a single high-load (SDS) set with additional drop sets descending to a low-load. The mean training time per session, including recovery intervals, was lowest in the SDS condition. Elbow flexor muscle cross-sectional area (CSA) increased similarly in all three conditions. Maximum isometric and 1RM strength of the elbow flexors increased from pre to post only in the HL and SDS conditions. Muscular endurance measured by maximum repetitions at 30% 1RM increased only in the LL and SDS conditions. A SDS resistance training program can simultaneously increase muscle CSA, strength, and endurance in untrained young men, even with lower training time compared to typical resistance exercise protocols using only high- or low-loads.  相似文献   

Background: To determine athletes perceived and measured indices of fluid balance during training and the influence of hydration strategy use on these parameters. Methods: Thirty-three professional rugby union players completed a 120 minute training session in hot conditions (35°C, 40% relative humidity). Pre-training hydration status, sweat loss, fluid intake and changes in body mass (BM) were obtained. The use of hydration assessment techniques and players perceptions of fluid intake and sweat loss were obtained via a questionnaire. Results: The majority of players (78%) used urine colour to determine pre-training hydration status but the use of hydration assessment techniques did not influence pre-training hydration status (1.025?±?0.005 vs. 1.023?±?0.013?g.ml?1, P?=?.811). Players underestimated sweat loss (73?±?17%) to a greater extent than fluid intake (37?±?28%) which resulted in players perceiving they were in positive fluid balance (0.5?±?0.8% BM) rather than the measured negative fluid balance (?1.0?±?0.7% BM). Forty-eight percent of players used hydration monitoring strategies during exercise but no player used changes in BM to help guide fluid replacement. Conclusion: Players have difficulty perceiving fluid intake and sweat loss during training. However, the use of hydration monitoring techniques did not affect fluid balance before or during training.  相似文献   

This study examined the utility of Ajzen's () theory of planned behaviour and Maddux's () revised theory of planned behaviour to predict endurance training intentions and adherence of elite junior netball athletes. One hundred and fifteen athletes from the England Netball World Class Start Programme were assessed on constructs central to the predictions of the two theories. Adherence to a recommended endurance training programme was recorded in self-report diaries across a 9-week period. Validity for the diaries was supported by significant correlations (P <?0.001) with recalls across 7 days and 9 weeks. Adherence was moderate and variable between athletes (mean = 66.05, s = 25.75%). Two separate path analyses were conducted to examine the predictions of the theories. Goodness-of-fit indices suggested acceptable fit of the data to the models. Analyses showed that attitude towards the new behaviour, subjective norms and perceived behavioural control predicted training intentions. The relationship between intention and adherence was weak. The present results suggest that the constructs of the theory of planned behaviour offer some insight into the explanation of intentions to follow an endurance training programme. Constructs unique to the revised theory of planned behaviour did not significantly predict training intentions or behaviour. Implications for practitioners working with team sport performers are provided.  相似文献   

运动能力的差异是生物个体间客观存在的。本研究以细胞自噬与线粒体有关基因为例,探讨不同年龄不同运动能力小鼠在运动适应中骨骼肌进行基因选择性表达的转录调控机制,以及骨骼肌基因响应的个性化特征。将清洁级ICR小鼠分为青年对照组(YC)、青年运动组(YR)、成年对照组(AC)、成年运动组(AR),每组10只。采用递增负荷的运动能力测试确定青年、成年小鼠可以承受的最大跑速,YR、AR组小鼠按各自最大跑速的65%~75%进行耐力训练,每天训练1 h,持续4周。取腓肠肌测试mtDNA、ATP含量以及Caspases酶活性,实时荧光定量PCR检测mRNA表达,Western blot检测蛋白表达,用染色质免疫沉淀+PCR(ChIP-PCR)检测p53、ERRα与靶基因启动子结合的DNA片段。结果表明:(1)骨骼肌mtDNA含量在成年小鼠运动后显著提高,ATP含量在成年、青年小鼠运动后均显著提高。(2) 运动显著提高成年小鼠Caspase 3,8,9的酶活性,但是对青年小鼠无显著影响。(3)成年、青年小鼠自噬基因对运动响应显著,但线粒体生物发生、COX复合物、代谢调控有关基因只在成年小鼠对运动响应显著。(4) 运动促进p53、ERRα与靶基因Tfam、SCO2、PUMA、Bax启动子的结合,但在成年、青年小鼠中靶基因转录水平不一致。结论:即使保持相对一致的运动负荷,青年小鼠骨骼肌自噬与线粒体有关基因对运动的响应也比成年小鼠低。尽管运动促进p53、ERRα与靶基因启动子的结合,但靶基因在mRNA水平并不一定表达上调。  相似文献   

Doping testing is a key component enforced by anti-doping authorities to detect and deter doping in sport. Policy is developed to protect athletes’ right to participate in doping-free sport; and testing is a key tool to secure this right. Accordingly, athletes’ responses to anti-doping efforts are important. This article explores how the International Standards for Testing, which face different interpretations and challenges when policy is implemented, are perceived by elite athletes. Particularly, this article aims to investigate how elite athletes perceive the functioning of the testing system (i.e., the efforts of stakeholders involved in testing) in their own sport both nationally and worldwide. Moreover, it seeks to identify whether specific factors such as previous experience of testing and perceived proximity of doping have an impact on athletes’ perceptions of the testing system. The study comprises a web-based questionnaire (N = 645; response rate 43%) and uses qualitative findings to elaborate on and explain quantitative results. Results showed that two-thirds of the athletes reported the national testing programme in their sport to be appropriate. A majority of the athletes who had an opinion on the subject regarded testing programmes in some countries as not extensive enough or believed that in certain countries doping control was downgraded to win medals. Past experience of testing seemed to have a positive influence on trust in the concrete measures; however, if athletes experienced flaws during the control procedures, this could increase distrust and cause worry. The proximity of doping in an athlete's sport influenced the athlete's perception of the testing system. Particularly, athletes who need the testing system to be effective and to function well across the world show greater distrust of or dissatisfaction with the current testing system. The athletes’ diverging views indicate that contemporary anti-doping policy is simultaneously met with support, (dis)trust and frustration. By integrating the views and experiences of Danish elite athletes, this study confirms that the current testing system is confronted with obstacles, and it contributes knowledge about some of the challenges WADA faces when policy is implemented. Implications of results and recommendations for anti-doping authorities are outlined in the paper.  相似文献   

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