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The current study examined the effect of acute caffeine ingestion on mean and peak power production, fatigue index and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) during upper body and lower body Wingate anaerobic test (WANT) performance. Using a double-blind design, 22 males undertook one upper body and one lower body WANT, 60?min following ingestion of caffeine (5?mg*kg?1) and one upper body and one lower body WANT following ingestion of placebo (5?mg*kg?1 Dextrose). Peak power was significantly higher (P?=?.001) following caffeine ingestion in both upper and lower body WANT. Peak power and mean power was also significantly higher during lower body, compared to upper body WANTs irrespective of substance ingested. However, caffeine ingestion did not enhance mean power neither in upper nor lower-body WANT. There were no significant differences in mean fatigue index as a consequence of substance ingested or mode of exercise (all P?>?0.05). For RPE there was also a significant substance ingested X mode interaction (P?=?.001) where there were no differences in RPE between caffeine and placebo conditions in lower body WANTs but significantly lower RPE during upper body WANT in the presence of caffeine compared to placebo (P?=?.014). This is the first study to compare the effects of caffeine ingestion on upper and lower body 30-second WANT performance and suggests that caffeine ingestion in the dose of 5?mg*kg?1 ingested 60?min prior to exercise significantly enhances peak power when data from upper and lower body WANTs are combined.  相似文献   


This study examined the effects of caffeine, co-ingested with a high fat meal, on perceptual and metabolic responses during incremental (Experiment 1) and endurance (Experiment 2) exercise performance. Trained participants performed three constant-load cycling tests at approximately 73% of maximal oxygen uptake ([Vdot]O2max) for 30 min at 20°C (Experiment 1, n = 8) and to the limit of tolerance at 10°C (Experiment 2, n = 10). The 30 min constant-load exercise in Experiment 1 was followed by incremental exercise (15 W · min?1) to fatigue. Four hours before the first test, the participants consumed a 90% carbohydrate meal (control trial); in the remaining two tests, the participants consumed a 90% fat meal with (fat + caffeine trial) and without (fat-only trial) caffeine. Caffeine and placebo were randomly assigned and ingested 1 h before exercise. In both experiments, ratings of perceived leg exertion were significantly lower during the fat + caffeine than fat-only trial (Experiment 1: P < 0.001; Experiment 2: P < 0.01). Ratings of perceived breathlessness were significantly lower in Experiment 1 (P < 0.01) and heart rate higher in Experiment 2 (P < 0.001) on the fat + caffeine than fat-only trial. In the two experiments, oxygen uptake, ventilation, blood [glucose], [lactate] and plasma [glycerol] were significantly higher on the fat + caffeine than fat-only trial. In Experiment 2, plasma [free fatty acids], blood [pyruvate] and the [lactate]:[pyruvate] ratio were significantly higher on the fat + caffeine than fat-only trial. Time to exhaustion during incremental exercise (Experiment 1: control: 4.9, s = 1.8 min; fat-only: 5.0, s = 2.2 min; fat + caffeine: 5.0, s = 2.2 min; P > 0.05) and constant-load exercise (Experiment 2: control: 116 (88 – 145) min; fat-only: 122 (96 – 144) min; fat + caffeine: 127 (107 – 176) min; P > 0.05) was not different between the fat-only and fat + caffeine trials. In conclusion, while a number of metabolic responses were increased during exercise after caffeine ingestion, perception of effort was reduced and this may be attributed to the direct stimulatory effect of caffeine on the central nervous system. However, this caffeine-induced reduction in effort perception did not improve exercise performance.  相似文献   


The current study examined the effect of acute caffeine ingestion on mean and peak power production during upper body Wingate test (WANT) performance, rating of perceived exertion, readiness to invest effort and cognitive performance. Using a double-blind design, 12 males undertook upper body WANTs, following ingestion of caffeine (5?mg*kg?1) or placebo. Pre-substance ingestion, 60?mins post substance ingestion and post exercise participants completed measures of readiness to invest physical and mental effort and cognitive performance. Peak power was significantly higher (P?=?.026), fatigue index greater (P?=?.02) and rating of perceived exertion lower (P?=?.025) in the presence of caffeine. Readiness to invest physical effort was also higher (P?=?.016) in the caffeine condition irrespective of time point (pre, 60?mins post ingestion and post exercise). Response accuracy for incongruent trials on the Flanker task was superior in the presence of caffeine (P?=?.006). There was a significant substance?×?time interaction for response speed in both congruent and incongruent conditions (both P?=?.001) whereby response speeds were faster at 60?mins post ingestion and post exercise in the caffeine condition, compared to placebo. This is the first study to examine the effects of caffeine ingestion on this modality of exercise and suggests that caffeine ingestion significantly enhances peak power, readiness to invest physical effort, and cognitive performance during WANT performance.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of aerobic and strength conditioning on pain tolerance, pain appraisal and mood as a function of upper and lower limb pain location. Unfit males (n=48) were randomly assigned to one of four groups: aerobic training, strength training, combined aerobic and strength training, and a ‘no training’ (control) group. The fitness regimens consisted of exercising at least three times per week for 12 weeks. Pain tolerance and appraisal and mood were ascertained before the treatment (baseline), and after 6 and 12 weeks. Statistical analyses using MANOVA indicated that the presence of aerobic training increased upper limb pain tolerance but was also linked to a more severe pain appraisal compared with the absence of aerobic training. Aerobic work also improved vigour while decreasing fatigue, tension and depression. Strength training had no influence on pain tolerance and positive mood states, but increased depression. Lower limb pain tolerance was unaffected by the treatments.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the acute effect of the aerobic exercise volume on maximum strength and strength-endurance performance; and possible causes of strength decrements (i.e. central and peripheral fatigue). Twenty-one moderately trained men were submitted to a maximal incremental test to determine anaerobic threshold (AnT) and maximum dynamic strength (1RM) and strength-endurance (i.e. total volume load [TV]) tests to determine their baseline strength performance. Following, subjects performed six experimental sessions: aerobic exercise sessions (continuous running at 90% AnT) with different volumes (3?km, 5?km or 7?km) followed by 1RM or strength-endurance test in the 45° leg press exercise. Maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC), voluntary activation (VA) level, contractile properties, and electromyographic activity (root mean square [RMS]) of the knee extensor muscles were assessed before and after aerobic exercises and after strength tests. TV was lower after 5?km and 7?km runs than in the control condition (12% and 22%, respectively). Additionally, TV was lower after 7?km than 3?km (14%) and 5?km (12%) runs. MVIC, VA, RMS, and contractile properties were reduced after all aerobic exercise volumes (~8%, ~5%, ~11% and ~6–14%, respectively). Additionally, MVIC, VA, and contractile properties were lower after strength tests (~15%, ~6%, ~9–26%, respectively). In conclusion, strength-endurance performance is impaired when performed after aerobic exercise and the magnitude of this interference is dependent on the aerobic exercise volume; and peripheral and central fatigue indices could not explain the different TV observed.  相似文献   


Although caffeine is a widely used ergogenic resource, some information regarding its effects on resistance exercises is still lacking. The objective of the present study was to verify the acute effect of the ingestion of two different doses of caffeine on performance during a session of resistance exercises and to analyze the perception of the subjects in relation to the intake of caffeine. Following a double-blind, randomised, cross-over, controlled, and non-placebo design, 14 trained and healthy men (24.7?±?6.8 years; 79.8?±?9.8?kg; 177.3?±?8.5?cm) performed a training session in chest-press, shoulder-press, and biceps curl exercises (3 sets until exhaustion; 70% 1RM; 3 min rest interval; 2?s for each concentric and eccentric phase) on three non-consecutive days after ingestion of 3?mg.kg?1 caffeine (CAF3), 6?mg.kg?1 caffeine (CAF6), or no substance (CON). Subjects were informed that one of the caffeine doses would be placebo. The total number of repetitions performed in CON (93.6?±?22.4) was significantly lower than in CAF3 (108.0?±?19.9, P?=?0.02) and in CAF6 (109.3?±?19.8, P?=?0.03) and there were no differences between caffeine doses. Eight subjects noticed that caffeine was in CAF3 and six in CAF6 and there were no differences in the number of repetitions between sessions in which the subjects perceived and did not perceive caffeine. In conclusion, caffeine doses of 3 or 6?mg.kg?1 similarly increased performance in resistance upper limb exercises, independent of the subject's perception of substance ingestion.  相似文献   

Caffeine and coffee are widely used among active individuals to enhance performance. The purpose of the current study was to compare the effects of acute coffee (COF) and caffeine anhydrous (CAF) intake on strength and sprint performance. Fifty-four resistance-trained males completed strength testing, consisting of one-rep max (1RM) and repetitions to fatigue (RTF) at 80% of 1RM for leg press (LP) and bench press (BP). Participants then completed five, 10-second cycle ergometer sprints separated by one minute of rest. Peak power (PP) and total work (TW) were recorded for each sprint. At least 48 hours later, participants returned and ingested a beverage containing CAF (300?mg flat dose; yielding 3–5?mg/kg bodyweight), COF (8.9?g; 303?mg caffeine), or placebo (PLA; 3.8?g non-caloric flavouring) 30 minutes before testing. LP 1RM was improved more by COF than CAF (p?=?.04), but not PLA (p?=?.99). Significant interactions were not observed for BP 1RM, BP RTF, or LP RTF (p?>?.05). There were no sprint?×?treatment interactions for PP or TW (p?>?.05). 95% confidence intervals revealed a significant improvement in sprint 1 TW for CAF, but not COF or PLA. For PLA, significant reductions were observed in sprint 4 PP, sprint 2 TW, sprint 4 TW, and average TW; significant reductions were not observed with CAF or COF. Neither COF nor CAF improved strength outcomes more than PLA, while both groups attenuated sprint power reductions to a similar degree. Coffee and caffeine anhydrous may be considered suitable pre-exercise caffeine sources for high-intensity exercise.  相似文献   


Several nutritional strategies can optimize muscle bulk and strength adaptations and enhance recovery from heavy training sessions. Adequate energy intake to meet the needs of training and carbohydrate intake sufficient to maintain glycogen stores (>7 g carbohydrate·kg?1·day?1 for women; >8 g carbohydrate·kg?1·day?1 for men) are important. Dietary protein intake for top sport athletes should include some foods with high biological value, with a maximum requirement of approximately 1.7 g·kg?1·day?1 being easily met with an energy sufficient diet. The early provision of carbohydrate (>1 g·kg?1) and protein (>10 g) early after an exercise session will enhance protein balance and optimize glycogen repletion. Creatine monohydrate supplementation over several days increases body mass through water retention and can increase high-intensity repetitive ergometer performance. Creatine supplementation can enhance total body and lean fat free mass gains during resistance exercise training; however, strength gains do not appear to be enhanced versus an optimal nutritional strategy (immediate post-exercise protein and carbohydrate). Some studies have suggested that β-OH-methyl butyric acid (β-HMB) can enhance gains made through resistance exercise training; however, it has not been compared “head to head” with optimal nutritional practices. Overall, the most effective way to increase strength and bulk is to perform sport-specific resistance exercise training with the provision of adequate energy, carbohydrate, and protein. Creatine monohydrate and β-HMB supplementation may enhance the strength gains made through training by a small margin but the trade-off is likely to be greater bulk, which may be ergolytic for any athlete participating in a weight-supported activity.  相似文献   

Objectives: To investigate the effects that high-velocity, low-load (HVLL) and low-velocity, high-load (LVHL) resistance exercise, performed once or twice-weekly, have on indices of functional performance (primary outcome), maximal strength, and body composition (secondary outcomes) in older adults.

Methods: In a randomised, controlled, multi-armed, parallel design, 54 moderately-highly active, but resistance exercise naïve older adults (aged 60–79 years), attended baseline and post-10-week intervention assessment sessions. Physical and functional assessments were completed, and predicted one-repetition maximums (1-RM) were obtained for eight exercises. Participants were then randomised into one of five conditions: HVLL once-weekly (HVLL1: n?=?11) or twice-weekly (HVLL2: n?=?11), LVHL once-weekly (LVHL1: n?=?10) or twice-weekly (LVHL2: n?=?11), no-exercise control condition (CON: n?=?11). The HVLL conditions completed 3 sets of 14 repetitions at 40% 1-RM and the LVHL conditions, 3 sets of 7 repetitions at 80% 1-RM. In total, 50 participants completed all testing and were included in analyses.

Results: Only LVHL2 improved 30-sec chair stand performance (p?=?.035; g?=?0.89), arm curls (p?=?.011; g?=?1.65) and grip-strength (p?=?.015; g?=?0.34) compared to CON. LVHL2 improved maximal strength compared to CON for 7/8 exercises (p?p?Conclusion: Possibly due to the lower intensity nature of the HVLL conditions, LVHL, twice-weekly was most beneficial for improving functional performance and strength in moderately-highly active older adults. Therefore, we recommend that exercise professionals ensure resistance exercise sessions have sufficient intensity of effort and volume, in order to maximise functional performance and strength gains in older adults.  相似文献   

选取20名体能类男性运动员,分为力量训练组和有氧训练组进行为期8周的对照实验。实验发现不同运动对人体成分的改变效果不同,力量训练可以促进骨骼肌的增长,有氧训练可以起到降低体重、减小体脂、抑制骨骼肌增长的作用。  相似文献   

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