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The aim of this study was to examine stressors, coping, and coping effectiveness as a function of gender, type of sport, and skill. The sample consisted of 749 undergraduate athletes (455 males, 294 females) aged 18 – 38 years (mean = 19.8 years). Skill was classified as international/national, county, university, and club standard. Participants completed a stressor and coping concept map (Novak & Gowin, 1984 Novak, J. D. and Gowin, D. B. 1984. Learning how to learn, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]). The results revealed gender, type of sport, and skill differences in relation to stressor frequencies, coping strategy deployment, and coping effectiveness. In contrast to previous research, females used a variety of problem-focused (e.g. planning, communication, technique-orientated coping) strategies more frequently than males. Team sport athletes reported a variety of sport-specific stressors relating to the demands of playing in a team environment. The group of national/international athletes reported using more planning, blocking, and visualization, and also reported that their coping was more effective than that of less-skilled athletes.  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2016,19(4):441-453
The first purpose of this study was to elaborate upon existing critiques and return to the fundamental brand personality concept by reexamining personality trait theory (i.e., lexical approach) and the sport brand personality literature. Based on a conceptualisation of sport brand personality, the second purpose was to develop an instrument for measuring brand personality in sport based on the restricted definition that excludes non-human personality traits. We adopted the lexical approach in an effort to explore the application of the HEXACO model for obtaining a set of representative personality traits (N = 36) both applicable and relevant to sport brands. For the purpose of this study, a sport brand × subject structure was utilised to find major sport brand personality dimensions. As a representative brand in sport, the National Football League was selected. Two data sets were collected from college students. The 36 sport brand personality traits were submitted to a principal axis factor analysis on the first data set (N = 196). The analysis identified five factors (i.e., Agreeableness, Extraversion/Emotionality, Openness, Conscientiousness, and Honesty) that closely resemble the structure of human personality models. A Confirmatory Factor Analysis confirmed that the newly developed five-factor model has an acceptable fit to the second data set (N = 155). This study identified that the lexical approach can provide a conceptual and methodological foundation when developing brand personality instruments.  相似文献   


The aims of this study were to explore: (a) stressors (including intensity of the feelings that the appraisal of each stressor generated and control of the stressor) and coping strategies on training and competition days; (b) the relationship between stressor intensity and stressor control; (c) the relationship between stressor intensity and stressor control with coping effectiveness; and (d) the relationship between coping effectiveness and coping automaticity. Participants were 10 elite Caucasian cross-country athletes who maintained a stressor and coping diary for 6 weeks. Results revealed that the runners experienced diverse stressors and used different coping strategies on training and competition days. Stressors were significantly more intense on competition days. Additionally, there was a significant negative correlation between stressor intensity and stressor control, and a negative correlation between stressor intensity and coping effectiveness. These results support the notion that stressors and coping are situation-specific variables. Applied practitioners could thus devise situation-specific coping interventions to maximize coping effectiveness.  相似文献   

竞技运动中的压力认知评估及应对过程   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
根据Lazarus & Folkman的理论观点,应对是个体与环境相互影响的过程,在这个过程中,个体对于环境的认知评价起着关键性作用。介绍了运动员压力认知评估的现状研究,指出认知评估的影响因素、积极性干预措施以及与有效应对策略的关系等应该作为未来研究的主要内容。  相似文献   


This study tested the effect of 8-week endurance and resistance training programmes on cardiovascular stress responses, life stress, and coping. Fifty-two untrained but healthy female students were randomised to an 8-week endurance training, an 8-week resistance training, or a wait list control group. Before and after the training intervention, we assessed the groups’ cardiorespiratory fitness (VO2max test), self-reported life stress, coping strategies and cardiovascular reactivity to and recovery from a standardised laboratory stressor. Both endurance and resistance training programmes caused physiological adaptation in terms of increased VO2max after the intervention. For stress and coping parameters, participants in the training groups improved cardiovascular recovery from stress and reported having less stress in their everyday life after the intervention than participants in the control group, while the two training groups did not differ from each other. We did not find any significant differences in heart rate reactivity and coping strategies between the study groups. These results partly support that exercise training has stress-reducing benefits regardless of the type of exercise. Both endurance and resistance exercise activities may be effectively used to improve stress regulation competence while having less impact on changing specific coping strategies.  相似文献   

从民族传统文化中汲取力量是中国竞技体育发展迅速、成就显著的一个重要因素。采用文献研究法和比较分析法,探讨整合型思维方式对竞技体育的影响。研究结果认为;(一)整合型思维方式是中国几千年形成的文化遗传基因、文化心理定势,具有极其广泛的渗透力、影响力。应继续发挥其在竞技体育中的积极作用;(二)对传统文化中给竞技体育及整个体育发展带来消极影响的东西,应予扬弃;(三)在继承的同时,要借鉴、引进外国经验和西方文化的长处。使中国体育沿着民族传统、又不脱离人类文明的发展道路,更加成功地走入21世纪。  相似文献   


The aim of the present study was to explore the influence of culture, individual differences (i.e. trait emotional intelligence), and given situations on coping behaviours. The trait emotional intelligence of table tennis players (French, n=58; Chinese, n=53) was evaluated using the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire, while their use of coping strategies [task-oriented coping (TOC) and disengagement-oriented coping (DOC)] was assessed according to three stressful situations. There was a main effect of culture (η2 p = 0.28, P<0.001 for TOC and η2 p = 0.25, P<0.001 for DOC), trait emotional intelligence (η2 p = 0.05, P<0.001 for TOC and η2 p = 0.04, P<0.001 for DOC), and situation (η2 p = 0.06, P<0.001 for DOC) on coping. From a theoretical and applied point of view, our results indicate the need to take account of these three to understand and provide appropriate support for coping.  相似文献   


The main aim of this study was to create an integrated theoretical perspective of the qualitative adolescent sport stressor appraisal and coping literature. A secondary aim was to critique theoretical and methodological issues in the extant literature. Following database searches, 20 studies were retained for analysis. Meta-data, meta-theory, and meta-method analyses were conducted followed by a final meta-synthesis of findings. Analyses produced four themes: contextual and dynamic stressor appraisals, contextual and dynamic coping, coping resources and processes of acquisition, and social networks as assets and liabilities. Findings highlight the need for precise use of theory in the study of coping. Finally, while several data collection methods have been used, there is scope for greater methodological diversity to advance our understanding of coping among adolescent athletes.  相似文献   

竞技运动在学校体育中的地位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张炎 《体育学刊》2003,10(6):85-87
我国在总体概念的体育分类体系中的竞技性问题一直是争论的焦点,究其原因主要是“竞技”这一术语在定义上的模糊,特别是学校体育承担着培养高水平运动员的任务,这种分类体系的矛盾更为明显.直接影响到学校体育的定位。随着时代的发展,竞技运动市场化的强化,用“职业运动”来代替“竞技体育”的时机基本成熟。体育的分类体系中引入“职业运动”这一术语对正确认识体育的内涵,将产生较大帮助。  相似文献   

对体育概念与分类的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
体育概念和分类的正确界定,是一个非常重要的理论问题。目前国内外许多体育专家、学者对此虽有不少研究,但由于种种原因,互不统一,给实际工作带来许多困惑和干扰。本文就确定概念与分类的原则;从现代化体育的发展看概念与分类;“三分法”的利弊比较等出发,阐述了作者的观点及分类方法。  相似文献   

体育锻炼应对应激研究的述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
体育锻炼作为积极有效的应对资源、应对方式或策略,能直接或间接影响应激应对过程,降低应激反应,促进锻炼者的身心健康发展。研究发现:研究者没有全面、深刻理解应对理论和研究取向,在理论依据、研究设计以及研究的系统性等方面存在明显的缺失。加强体育锻炼与积极应对维度的研究、积极构建体育锻炼与应对的理论、注重研究的实验设计是体育锻炼应对应激的未来研,究思路。  相似文献   


Coping strategies are important for performance in sport and individual differences may contribute to the coping strategies adopted by athletes. In this study, we explored the main and interactive effects of the big five personality dimensions on sport-related coping and compared personality profiles of discrete groups of athletes. Altogether, 253 athletes (mean age 21.1 years, s = 3.7) completed the NEO-FFI (Costa & McCrae, 1992 Costa, P. T. and McCrae, R. R. 1992. Revised NEO personality inventory and NEO five-factor inventory: Professional manual, Odessa, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources.  [Google Scholar]), and the Coping Function Questionnaire for Sport (Kowalski & Crocker, 2001 Kowalski, K. C. and Crocker, P. R. E. 2001. Development and validation of the Coping Function Questionnaire for adolescents in sport. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 23: 136155. [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Results showed that extraverted athletes, who were also emotionally stable and open to new experiences (a three-way interaction effect), reported a greater use of problem-focused coping strategies. Conscientious athletes (main effect), and athletes displaying high levels of extraversion, openness, and agreeableness (a three-way interaction effect), reported a greater use of emotion-focused coping strategies, and athletes with low levels of openness, or high levels of neuroticism (main effects), reported a greater use of avoidance coping strategies. Different personality characteristics were observed between higher-level and lower-level athletes, between men and women athletes, and between individual and team sport athletes. These findings suggest that the five-factor model of personality can help distinguish various levels of athletic involvement and can help identify the coping strategies athletes are likely to adopt during participation.  相似文献   

Coping strategies are important for performance in sport and individual differences may contribute to the coping strategies adopted by athletes. In this study, we explored the main and interactive effects of the big five personality dimensions on sport-related coping and compared personality profiles of discrete groups of athletes. Altogether, 253 athletes (mean age 21.1 years, s=3.7) completed the NEO-FFI (Costa & McCrae, 1992), and the Coping Function Questionnaire for Sport (Kowalski & Crocker, 2001). Results showed that extraverted athletes, who were also emotionally stable and open to new experiences (a three-way interaction effect), reported a greater use of problem-focused coping strategies. Conscientious athletes (main effect), and athletes displaying high levels of extraversion, openness, and agreeableness (a three-way interaction effect), reported a greater use of emotion-focused coping strategies, and athletes with low levels of openness, or high levels of neuroticism (main effects), reported a greater use of avoidance coping strategies. Different personality characteristics were observed between higher-level and lower-level athletes, between men and women athletes, and between individual and team sport athletes. These findings suggest that the five-factor model of personality can help distinguish various levels of athletic involvement and can help identify the coping strategies athletes are likely to adopt during participation.  相似文献   

论体育的“科学”属性与体育科学研究的价值导向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
体育现象的本质和规律是复杂的,体育科学的研究内容依赖于母科学的原理和概念,体育的科学属性决定于对体育现象的研究过程,体育科学研究的价值观取决于体育学者的价值取向.求真求理、求实求效、求美求同的价值观对体育科学研究有着复杂而矛盾的导向作用.  相似文献   

电子竞技运动作为一种新兴的体育项目,在我国已具有广泛的群众基础和广阔的发展前景.对电子竞技运动的概念、特征和分类方法进行了阐述;分析了我国电子竞技运动的发展现状和存在的问题,提出了促进我国电子竞技运动发展的对策.  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2014,17(3):337-346
This paper uses the example of volunteers in clubs promoting youth sport to consider the role of the UK Government in promoting a general civic activism as part of a ‘Big Society’. The UK government advocates the replacement of public sector provision by a greater role for volunteers. Exemplary of the ‘grassroots’ organisations which epitomise ‘Big Society’ ideals are the 64,000 volunteer-run sports clubs in which almost 1.5 million volunteers support over 5.3 million junior participants in England. These clubs face problems which state intervention could alleviate; and this state support may in fact be critical to maintain the structures which provide the opportunity for so much volunteering to take place. The government's desire to increase volunteer activity can be seen to be at odds with other policy intentions such as cost-cutting, and with wider trends affecting volunteerism such as professionalisation. Thus the paper illustrates the complex, even paradoxical relationship between promoting civic activism and the role of the state. The example of youth sport volunteers also suggests that policies to promote a Big Society will need to deal with more fundamental questions about the role of volunteering.  相似文献   

美国大学竞技体育发展对我国高校的启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
美国大学实行高等教育和竞技体育教育等同发展的原则,保证了美国大学生在接受科学文化知识教育的基础上,接受全面的竞技体育教育,做到科学素质、人文精神及健康体魄三者兼备,同时培养了大批世界一流运动员.我国大学竞技体育游离于教育之外,其发展水平不能适应时代发展的需要.虽然中关两国政治和教育体制不同,但美国大学竞技体育方面的独特理念以及组织和管理体制等方面的成功经验,对于我国大学竞技体育的可持续发展,具有重要的启示和借鉴意义.  相似文献   

试论体育的科学分类   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从逻辑学分类的理论角度来看,将体育划分为竞技体育、学校体育和大众体育,违背了分类的规则。根据文化阶层对体育进行分类,可划分出精英体育、大众体育、民间体育。这种分类,既科学合理、符合逻辑学规则,又能与国外相通,彼此间能进行交流。  相似文献   

王学锋 《体育学刊》2007,14(4):11-16
从哲学视角,在“真”与“善”两大领域对身体教育与竞技运动问题作了探讨。明确指出,身体教育与竞技运动分别是科学理性和个体自由精神的产物,而这两种精神正是西方哲学文化的内核和两种元精神。这暗示在教育环境,切实加强健身教育与竞技教育具有重要意义。  相似文献   

市场化发展对我国东西部城市居民体育需求水平的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以经济学原理为基础,运用文献资料调研、社会学调查、数理统计法,研究我国6城市5个方面19个指标和分指标构成的市场化发展指数及我国东西部6城市居民体育需求水平,探讨市场化发展对我国东西部城市经济增长及体育需求水平的影响。结果表明:我国东西部6城市1996,1999,2002,2004年市场化发展与经济增长、体育需求水平呈正相关关系;东西部城市受不同的市场化发展水平影响,体育需求水平差异较大且不平衡。加速完善城市经济体制改革和体育产业的市场化发展,是促进区域经济协调发展、提高居民体育需求水平的根本前提。  相似文献   

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