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Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARα) is involved in lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. The aim of this study was to test for a possible association between the PPARA intron 1 A/C polymorphism (rs135539) and the attainment of elite athlete status. In total, 155 Israeli athletes (119 males, 36 females) and 240 healthy controls (170 males, 70 females) participated in the study. The group of athletes consisted of endurance athletes (n=74) and sprinters (n=81). Genotyping was performed using PCR-RFLP on DNA from leucocytes. Results showed that genotype distribution and allele frequencies were similar (P=0.65 for genotypes and P=0.48 for allele frequency) for the endurance athletes (allele frequency A/C 0.7/0.3), sprinters (allele frequency A/C 0.66/0.34), and controls (allele frequency A/C 0.71/0.29). Furthermore, no significant differences were observed between the sub-groups of elite endurance athletes (those who had represented Israel in world track-and-field championships or in the Olympic Games) and national-level endurance athletes (P=0.44 for genotypes and P=0.96 for allele frequency), or between elite and national-level sprinters (P=0.57 for genotypes and P=0.40 for allele frequency). In conclusion, we observed no differences in genotype distribution or allele frequencies across PPARA intron 1 A/C polymorphism between endurance athletes, sprinters, and controls. Further research is needed in other ethnic groups to verify these results.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to determine the distribution of the AMPD1 genotype among groups of high-level Polish power-oriented athletes, and to investigate potential associations between genetic polymorphism in exon 2 of the AMPD1 gene and power-oriented athlete status. Altogether, 158 male Polish power-oriented athletes were genotyped by PCR-RFLP. The genetic control group comprised 160 unrelated male volunteers. We observed significant differences in genotype distribution when all 158 athletes (89.25% CC, 10.75% CT, 0.00% TT; P = 0.0025) were compared with controls (75.00% CC, 23.75% CT, 1.25% TT). A significant deficiency of the T allele was noted in all subgroups (short-distance runners: 5.21%, P = 0.032; short-distance swimmers: 5.56%, P = 0.031; weightlifters: 5.36%, P = 0.024) compared with controls (13.13%), while this trend was even stronger when the frequency of the T allele was compared between controls and all 158 athletes (5.38%, P = 0.0007). Our results indicate a lower frequency of the AMPD1 exon 2 T34 allele in elite Polish power-oriented athletes. Our data suggest that the C allele may help athletes to attain elite status in power-oriented sports.  相似文献   

Youth athletes are known to be at high risk of musculoskeletal (MSK) injuries. Children in developed countries are increasingly adopting a sedentary lifestyle. Although some risk factors related to sports activities have been reported, the effect of lifestyle (i.e. screen time behaviour) on MSK pain in youth athletes is not well known. This study aimed to examine the association of game playing and TV viewing with MSK pain among youth athletes. A self-administered questionnaire was mailed to youth athletes belonging to the Miyagi Amateur Sports Association. The final study population included 6,143 youth athletes (male, 71.1%; age range, 6–15 years). Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to examine the association of game playing and TV viewing behaviour with MSK pain. The point prevalence of MSK pain was 25.5%. The longest category of game playing time (≥3 h) was significantly associated with MSK pain as compared with the shortest category (<1 h) (odds ratio, 1.39; 95% confidence interval, 1.12–1.73, p = 0.003). There was no significant association between TV viewing time and MSK pain. These results suggest that game playing time might be an associated factor for MSK pain among youth athletes.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、问卷调查法对2011年度国内部分省市的待安置退役运动员生活现状及其孤独感及生活满意度进行抽样调查分析。结果发现:有29%的运动员在退役5年后尚未找到合适的工作,有超过10%的退役运动员月收入低于1000元,退役运动员医疗、失业、工伤、养老保险参与率不足,社会保障不够完备。待安置退役运动员整体文化水平较低,缺乏对自身优势的认知;整体社会化程度普遍较低,且缺乏实现及时转型的动力和勇气。退役后心理落差较大,心理孤独感增强,而生活满意度呈下降趋势。受调查退役运动员自身发展动力不足,亟待得到更有力的政策支持及社会扶助。  相似文献   

对307名少年运动员问卷调查发现,少年运动员的学业可能自我存在结构差异,目前学业可能自我比未来学业可能自我分值高;少年运动员在目前学业可能自我这一维度上存在性别差异,女运动员的得分高于男运动员,男女运动员在未来学业可能自我维度上没有差别;从少年运动员学业可能自我发展趋势来看,从初一到初二分值急剧下降,初二、初三基本稳定在中等的水平;与普通初中生相比,少年运动员的学业可能自我水平较高。  相似文献   

文章通过对我国武术散打运动员参加K-1比赛的录像研究分析,对双方运动员在比赛中的技术水平、身体素质、心理竞技状态进行对比分析,找出我国武术散打运动员在K-1比赛中的的优势和不足,并试图找出原因,以期为以后中国散打运动员在K-1比赛取得更好的比赛成绩乃至成为K-1比赛的王者提供理论指导。同时促进我国武术散打的更新和完善、更快地与世界搏击运动接轨。  相似文献   

对松江区培养体育后备人才可持续发展的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对松江区当前课余训练以及体育后备人才培养状况的调查,分析制约课余训练发展的几大矛盾,提出本区培养体育后备人才的目标、指导思想,并提出培养综合素质高的学生是促进体育后备人才可持续发展的关键所在的观点.  相似文献   

目的:探讨肌球蛋白轻链1f(Myosin light chain,1 fast;MLC 1f)基因多态性与中国北方平原地区汉族男性有氧运动能力及心脏结构的关联性.方法:102名无训练史的健康男子测试最大摄氧量(VO2max),超声心动测量左心室结构.PCR-RFLP分析mlc 1f的C2159G多态性.单因素方差分析检验C2159G多态性与心肌结构、功能及有氧运动能力的关联.结果:C2159G基因型频率为:CC=0.09,CG=O.60,GG=0.31;C2159G多态性与VO2max无显著相关,只有CC,基因型显著大于CC(P<0.05);C2159G与心脏结构和功能有关联,ESD、EDD、50W/SV、100W/SV指标CG、GG均显著(P<05)大于CC.结果提示C2159G基因多态性与心脏结构和功能相关.  相似文献   

High-level athletes are accorded deferential treatment by the French state. They enjoy the status of ‘high-performance athletes', which entitles them to assistance from the state and a set of special provisions. This paper provides an overview of the political circumstances in which this status was originated and developed, from its initial recognition under the 1975 Sports Law to the paradoxical social effects that this state policy has had on its beneficiaries: the athletes themselves. The first part of the paper is based largely on a search of parliamentary archives relating to the adoption of this law, known as the Mazeaud law, while the second part is based on a survey and interviews conducted with a number of French athletes who were selected for the 1972 and 1992 Olympic Games in Munich and Barcelona respectively. In addressing these two key phases in the recognition of athlete status, its political development and its subsequent reception, the article illustrates the changes in both status and condition of high-performance athlete, based on very different time scales and inspired by fairly different expectations. Given that the present system aims to improve the position of athletes in terms of their post-competitive lives, the long-term benefit of representing France under these circumstances remains questionable.  相似文献   

梳理美国社会工作为青少年运动员服务的历程,厘清其不同时期的主张与实践策略。研究发现美国社会工作介入青少年运动员服务的特点和经验:青少年运动员现实需求与“青年崇拜”文化的内在驱动;资源共享与规范化发展是其外在保障;社团模式是主要的运行机制;多样化的服务内容以及全球推广是未来发展方向。对于我国的青少年运动员服务的启示:关注青少年运动员身心健康,鼓励社工力量介入竞技体育服务;探索社工与体育领域跨界合作的方式,达到资源共享效果;高校助力社工介入体育实践与理论的提升。  相似文献   

我国优秀运动员文化素质资本获得的困境与出路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对我国优秀运动员文化资本获得的困境与出路进行了探讨。我国优秀运动员文化资本获得的困境,集中体现在文化教育与运动训练两个目标和规律不能有机结合。具体表现为“唯成绩论”影响下的学训矛盾,运动员文化教育体系适应社会的能力差,体育部门与教育部门缺乏有效的沟通和协调,运动技术学校办学质量不高4个方面。解决困境的关键在于从观念、学制、投入等方面着手,认识到文化资本对运动员成长的重要性;建立协调的学训一体化育人学制体系;加大运动员文化教育的投入,改善办学条件。  相似文献   

我国高校高水平运动员的培养成本及其特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周雷 《体育学刊》2005,12(4):83-84
对我国高校高水平运动员培养成本及特征进行了研究。结果说明我国高校高水平运动员的培养成本包括获得成本、开发与使用成本、保障成本等;获得成本最低化、机会成本作用、边际成本作用、替代规则运用等特征会影响高校高水平运动员的培养成本。  相似文献   

我国优秀铁饼运动员专项力量指标与专项成绩的PLS1模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对我国20名优秀铁饼运动员专项力量指标与专项成绩的PLS1回归分析,结果表明铁饼运动员专项素质由专项投掷能力、最大力量和下肢爆发力三个递进的层次构成。专项投掷能力对专项成绩的影响最大,其次为最大力量和下肢爆发力。铁饼运动员专项力量素质指标与专项成绩的PLS1模型的精度较高,可用来检查和评价运动员专项力量素质发展水平及预测专项成绩。PLS1回归分析是解决运动训练中小样本、多指标且共线性复杂条件下回归建模的一个非常有效的方法,并为定量研究运动员身体素质指标与专项成绩之间的复杂关系提供了可行的技术方案和备选工具。  相似文献   


The present study investigated the role of chronic sport participation in the modulation of vigilance and inhibitory control. We also aimed to disentangle the relative contribution of different types of sport expertise and sport-related fitness to the exercise-cognition relationship. Three groups of young adults differing in their chronic sport expertise (externally-paced sports, n?=?22, self-paced sports, n?=?22, non-athletes, n?=?22) took part in the study. Participants completed a cardiovascular fitness test, a hand-eye coordination test and two different types of vigilance tasks: (1) Psychomotor Vigilance Task (PVT) and (2) Oddball Task, which were designed to gain insight into the cognitive processes involved in sustaining attention over time and allocating selective attention by exerting inhibitory control, respectively. No differences were found in PVT performance between the two athlete groups and between self-paced sports athletes and non-athletes, whereas athletes from externally-paced sports outperformed non-athletes. Crucially, athletes from externally-paced sports also differed from those of self-paced sports and non-athletes in the Oddball task, showing less omission and commission errors. The sport expertise effect was independent of participant’s cardiovascular fitness while hand-eye coordination modulated vigilance and inhibitory control performance. Our findings add novel empirical evidence to the role of expertise in cognitively demanding sports as an important factor in the relationship between exercise and cognition.  相似文献   


We tested the hypothesis that the performance of rapid movements represents body size-independent indices of muscle power. Physical education students (n = 159) were tested on various vertical jump (jump height and average power calculated from the ground reaction force) and muscle strength tests. When non-normalized data were used, a principal components analysis revealed a complex and inconsistent structure where jump height and muscle power loaded different components, while muscle strength and power partially overlapped. When the indices of muscle strength and power were properly normalized for body size, a simple and consistent structure of principal components supported the hypothesis. Specifically, the recorded height and muscle power calculated from the same jumps loaded the same components, separately for the jumps predominantly based on concentric actions and jumps based on a rapid stretch – shortening cycle of the leg extensors. The finding that the performance of rapid movements assesses the same physical ability as properly normalized tests of muscle power could be important for designing and interpreting the results of batteries of physical performance tests, as well as for understanding some basic principles of human movement performance.  相似文献   

关于构建退役运动员货币化安置效果评价指标体系的设想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
退役运动员货币化安置涉及的内容多而复杂,可以建立一个指标体系来评价其安置效果.阐述了构建退役运动员货币化安置效果评价指标体系的必要性,提出了退役运动员货币化安置效果评价指标体系的建立原则,对构建评价指标体系总体框架提出了设想.  相似文献   

胡柏平 《体育学刊》2003,10(2):53-54
旨在探索中医药对运动员身体机能的影响,采用温肾健脾中药对12名女子足球运动员进行赛前辅助调理,结果显示,血睾酮(BT)质量浓度与血睾酮/皮质醇[ρ(T)/ρ(C)]值明显升高(P<0.01,P<0.05)。主观体力感觉等级(RPE)对应最大心率(HIRmax)时的疲劳症状改善。  相似文献   

“教体结合”工作必要性之研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着我国改革开放的不断深入和社会主义市场经济体制的逐步建立,“教体结合”是运动员培养体制改革的必然趋势,同时也是竞技体育、教育和人们自我发展的客观要求。  相似文献   

Objective: The purpose of the present study was to analyze whether improvements in fast walking speed induced by resistance training (RT) are associated with changes in body composition, muscle quality, and muscular strength in older women. Methods: Twenty-three healthy older women (69.6?±?6.4 years, 64.95?±?12.9?kg, 1.55?±?0.07?m, 27.06?±?4.6?kg/m²) performed a RT program for 8 weeks consisting of 8 exercises for the whole body, 3 sets of 10–15 repetitions maximum, 3 times a week. Anthropometric, body composition (fat-free mass [FFM], skeletal muscle mass [SMM], legs lean soft tissue [LLST], fat mass), knee extension muscular strength (KE1RM), muscle quality index (MQI [KE1RM/LLST]), and 10-meter walking test (10-MWT) were performed before and after the intervention. Results: Significant (P?<?.05) changes were observed from pre- to post-training for FFM (+1.6%), MQI (+7.2%), SMM (+2.4%), LLST (+1.8%), KE1RM (+8.6%), fat mass (?1.4%), and time to perform 10-MWT (?3.7%). The percentage change in 10-MWT was significantly associated with percentage change in MQI (r?=??0.46, P?=?.04) and KE1RM (r?=??0.45, P?=?.04), however not associated percentage of changes in SMM (r?=?0.01, P?=?.97), LLST (r?=??0.22, P?=?.33), and body fat (r?=?0.10, P?=?.66). Conclusion: We conclude that the improvement in the 10-MWT after an 8-week RT program is associated with increases in lower limb muscular strength and muscle quality, but not with muscle mass or body fat changes in older women.  相似文献   

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