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本文通过《儿童孤独量表》调查边疆民族地区农村寄宿制小学学生的孤独感,发现边疆民族地区农村寄宿制小学学生的孤独感高于非寄宿制学校的小学生;男生体验到的孤独感要高于女生;低年级的小学生比高年级的小学生体验到更多的孤独感。提出三个方面的建议即建立边疆民族地区农村寄宿制小学的亲情补偿机制;加强对边疆民族地区农村寄宿制小学教师心理健康教育方面的培训;构建充满亲情的校园环境。  相似文献   

This paper discusses researcher identity, positioning, and reflexivity as they relate to the experience of a researcher on an interprofessional research project. The project collected video recordings of students and healthcare professionals in university and clinical settings. During the process of data collection, ‘conversations’ emerged between the researcher and participants. They occurred before and after recordings took place and outside of the planned methods of data collection. These unaccounted-for-encounters between the researcher and participant produced a negotiated understanding of who each other were and how it related to the research process. But dichotomous notions of insider and outsider identity seemed too fixed to examine the social construction of knowledge produced in these encounters. This paper examines the methodological reflections on those unaccounted-for-encounters, which emerged as instances of participant focussed reflexivity. It aims to demonstrate how positioning can offer a more refined means with which to highlight the processes and practices which participants and researchers undertake in interaction. These researcher–participant encounters were sites of knowledge construction transversing professional and educational territories and transient opportunities for negotiated intersubjectivity. As such, they highlight the role that positioning can play in not only individual methodological matters but for multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, or transdisciplinary research teams.  相似文献   

This paper was prompted by the question, what do we mean by conducting ‘ethnography’? Is it in fact ‘case study’ drawing on ethnographic techniques? My contention is that in many cases, researchers are not actually conducting ethnography as understood within a traditional sense but rather are engaging in case study, drawing on ethnographic techniques. Does that matter you might ask? Well it determines what we can expect to discover from a research project in terms of results and the unearthing of deeper complexities. I frame the discussion around a set of closely related issues, namely ethnography, case study and researcher positioning, drawing on ethnographic techniques and fieldwork relations. The original contribution of the piece and overall argument is that research can represent a hybrid form, and based on my own research experience, I propose a new term ‘ethno-case study’ that has advantages of both ethnography and case study.  相似文献   

用文献资料法、体质测试法、数理统计法对贵州省少数民族寄宿制学生与全省、全国同龄学生进行身体形态、机能、身体素质分析和对比研究,为了解和掌握少数民族寄宿制学生身体发育的规律和特点,办好民族寄宿制学校提出可供参考性的建议,为上级教育主管部门制定相关政策提供依据。  相似文献   

电视一诞生就受到人类的关注和研究,对电视研究最早也最成功的是美国,美国经过几十年的研究已然形成比较稳定的研究社群,我国对电视的研究要晚于西方。电视研究自上世纪70年代以来走向质化研究。,采用民族志研究方法来研究电视与社会的发展与变迁,是电视研究的人类学取向。  相似文献   

In this autoethnography, I inquire into naming the histories and dynamics behind some of the embodied and affective experiences I have had as a Korean American woman of color while studying up/down, across/within, in White-dominant professional spaces such as K-12 schools. This ‘in-between’ status is part of the nature of being Korean American. In this inquiry, I draw on vignettes from my experiences in the field as an ethnographic researcher. These experiences form the heart of the paper in the form of epigraphs and narratives from experiences in multiple studies to capture the reverberations of fleeting moments – hauntings – that have accumulated over time. In doing so, I am joining existing conversations about Korean American women and about researcher reflexivity and positionality, bringing them together across time and space.  相似文献   

在数控车床加工过程中,工件定位、装夹时间的长短,决定了加工效率的高低。为改进数控车床传统的定位方法,最大限度地提高加工效率,通过分析经济型数控车床轴向定位原理,提出了应用程序控制定位元件的方法,实现了数控车床工件的轴向快速定位,大大缩短了工件定位、装夹时间,提高了产品的定位精度及加工效率。  相似文献   

While the engagement of teachers in research about practice is becoming a prevalent feature of professional learning and career development in the United Kingdom, there is still a lack of research about the challenges of teachers raising questions in the current school setting. Drawing on the principles of teacher research, this article reports on a small-scale study based on the experience of primary and secondary teachers conducting action research as part of a development project promoted by a school alliance with university researchers working as facilitators and conducting a study about teachers performing research. Interviews about their motivations, experience and perceived outcomes revealed a singular interplay of variables influencing the way they engage in, use and share research and see themselves as researchers. We argue that management directives and contextual factors are influencing the teachers’ engagement, with attitudes oscillating between their commitment to deal with assigned projects and pursuing issues emerging from practice. Moreover, entering a research community with its agreed practices and approaches was received with reluctance, with teachers struggling to embody an enquiring approach within their demanding professional lives. Nevertheless, according to the participants, action research allowed them to listen to the children’s voices, needs and interests, and inspired the adoption of a more systematic approach resulting in pedagogy shifts and gains in motivation, engagement and attainment.  相似文献   

人类学阅读帮助我们认识他人并更好地认识自己,有利于全世界不同民族的沟通和理解。人类学研究对象即地方群体、民族群体的知识可视为本土知识,人类学家的知识则是他者知识。随着世界各民族自我意识的增强,本土知识越来越受重视。正确区分本土知识与他者知识,对于理解不同群体的知识生产过程非常重要。近些年人类学译著中的部分误译产生的原因就在于没有正确鉴别本土知识与他者知识。  相似文献   

孙彩霞 《海外英语》2012,(8):122-124
英语阅读是英语教学中必不可少的部分,而英语阅读环境的营造又是英语阅读的重要前提。结合寄宿制学校的特点,以营造良好的的英语阅读环境为视角,分析了阅读环境的构成要素,提出了营造寄宿制学校英语阅读环境的措施。  相似文献   

自党的十一届三中全会以后,国家和自治区制定和实施了一系列旨在发展新疆牧区教育的政策。其中,牧区寄宿制学校教育政策的制定与实施极大地促进了牧区基础教育的良性发展,使牧区基础教育在短时间内取得了明显的进步。  相似文献   

农村义务教育阶段标准化寄宿制学校建设的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,一些农村学校布局过于分散,学校规模过小,教学设备简陋,师资短缺,国家规定课程难于正常开设,等等。这些都严重影响了农村地区的办学效益和教育教学质量。解决这些问题的唯一途径就是根据农村地区的具体情况,调整学校布局,集中建设标准化的寄宿制学校。研究标准化寄宿制学校的布局、建设、投入和管理,是当前教育理论界的重要任务。  相似文献   

Based on the identity theory and the sociological institutionalism theory, this study establishes a triple identity analysis framework and describes the interaction pattern and internal logic between the internal identity cognition and the external identity expectation of rural-oriented pre-service teachers through the study of educational ethnography. It is found that while they form a dominant identity in the interaction with policies, they are also endowed with the identity “privilege” and the energized learning motivation, but there are mutual restrictions between policies’ entitlement and empowerment. In the interaction with social norms, they exchange with the policies reciprocally due to the torture of moral obligation, and then consciously undertake the responsibilities of their identity, but ego and publicity still conflict with each other in the underlying logic. In the interaction with their ego, they gradually reconcile with themselves and reshape their identity after experiencing identity rejection under the stigmatization cognition. Then, in the process of habitualization and institutionalization of identity, they adopt two different strategies: passive compromise and active adjustment.  相似文献   

教师成为研究者的教育意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“教师成为研究者”的提出标志着教师已成为中小学教育研究的主体。“教师成为研究者”的教育意义主要体现在生产教育知识,解决教育实践情景中的实践问题;将教育观念和教育理论转化为实践力量;在研究性变革实践中促进教师的专业发展;有利于教师主体的回归。  相似文献   

农村中小学布局调整工作对于优化教育资源,不断改善办学条件,提高办学效益和质量起到了积极作用,为进一步推进义务教育均衡发展创造了积极条件。但由于一些地区调整速度过快,造成了新的群众上学难,学校办学难现象。解决出现的问题,既需要加大政策执行力度,形成支持性社会办学力量,也需要教育部门自身的努力。  相似文献   

随着农村外出打工人员日益增多,留守儿童数量逐步增加,寄宿制学校留守学生教育问题也愈发突出,如何对留守学生进行亲情补偿成为社会关注热点。沭阳市第二实验小学通过课题研究,从寄宿制小学留守学生亲情缺失的现状调查、原因分析入手,研究探讨出亲情补偿的策略和方法,在实践中取得了比较好的效果。  相似文献   

摘要对229名寄宿制学校中学生的调查显示:(1)寄宿制学校中学生在学习适应和身心症状适应维度上得分较高.存在适应困难,其中高一学生的学习适应困难得分显著高于初一;(2)在父亲教养方式上,男生在过分干涉、拒绝否认、过度保护因子上的得分显著高于女生;在母亲教养方式维度上,男生在拒绝否认因子上的得分显著高于女生;初一学生在父亲情感温暖、理解上的得分显著高于高一学生;母亲文化程度为大学或中专的学生在情感温暖、理解上的得分显著高于文化程度为初中及以下的学生;(3)父母教养方式与其子女的适应策略存在显著相关,分离策略和母亲的惩罚严厉对中学生的学校适应困难有较强的预测作用,可以解释总变异的39%。  相似文献   

本研究以一项为期一年的民族志调查为基础,旨在从教师访谈数据中揭示农村家长参与学校教育的障碍。在理论层面,本研究着眼于教师的专业身份及其对他们对于家长参与建构性理解的影响。在数据分析层面,本研究指出,接受访谈的教师倾向于认为家长在学校教育中的角色是"边缘性"的辅助角色,家长常被看作教师的追随者,而不是平等的合作伙伴,而教师则视自己为专业的工作者,其专业判断不容质疑。在行动层面,家长不同形式的参与又是教师构建专业身份的重要实践,常被看作鼓励"先进"、解决"后进"问题的重要手段,其符号意义要高过实质意义。本研究从教师的角度出发解释农村学校家长参与的低迷现象,是对本领域文献的一项重要补充,有着重要的理论意义。  相似文献   

“科研兴国”、“科研兴教”、教学与科研并重,是我国和世界各国教育事业发展的基本策略,我国教师整体科研能力偏弱,严重制约了教育质量的提高和高质量教育的发展。建设研究型教师队伍在实施“科教兴国”战略推行素质教育,培养创造型人才方面具有基础性的作用,研究型教师是实施创新教育的骨干力量,培养研究型教师是我国教师队伍建设的重点之一。我国应当采取切实的措施,坚持教学与科研并举,下大力气提高大中小学教师的科研能力,建设好数量充足的高素质科研型师资队伍,为实施创新教育,培养创造型人才,促进教育事业健康发展,为真正实现“三个面向”奠定师资基础。  相似文献   

This paper complicates the contested assumptions surrounding native research by exploring the burden of representation placed on native researchers because they are seen as insiders. This particular issue of representation is important for native researchers to consider, especially in instances where the research is on an understudied or politically charged group, because of the ways in which the socio-political climate influences both the telling and the reading of such research. Drawing on the author’s personal struggles as a Pakistani researcher conducting ethnographic research with Pakistani immigrants in the United States in the post-9/11 climate, this paper explores and critiques the role of the native researcher and the issues involved with representing understudied groups. Specifically, the paper focuses on authenticity, positionality, audience, and accountability. Thus, the paper is a call for researchers to be more reflective and to think more deeply about their positionality and its impact on the various constituents as they research and write. To encourage such reflexivity, the article provides a set of questions for researchers to consider at different stages of the research and writing process.  相似文献   

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