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Although extensive research has been conducted on education practice among the Maasai pastoralists, there has been no detailed exploration of their responses to and perspectives on formal education. Employing an interpretivist qualitative approach, this study explored various responses to and perspectives on the current practice of formal education among the Maasai in Monduli, Tanzania. The study drew primarily on interviews with two Maasai chiefs and 18 elders, as well as focus groups with 30 parents, 20 students, and 20 out-of-school morans and girls. The results revealed mixed responses to and contested views on formal education among the Maasai, ranging from positive and negative responses to the complementary response (coexistence of two knowledges). The findings suggest the need for a dialogue among various sections of the Maasai population to reach a consensus on an alternative educational option, which can work best for all segments of people in the community.  相似文献   

The purpose of the paper is to encourage researchers in distance education to utilize, when appropriate, methodologies successfully used by sociologists and anthropologists. Specifically, the main strengths and weaknesses of ethnography, case study, and grounded theory are discussed. It is argued that these methods can improve the quality of conceptualization and theoretical development in research, thus contributing to the development of distance education as an academic discipline.  相似文献   

Environmental education has been at the centre of international and national policies of sustainable development for the last several decades, and has stimulated debate regarding both its inclusion in curricula and proposed methods for its implementation. Research has given critical attention to diverse theories and practices of environmental education, but has tended to take a narrow methodological focus on specific curricula and policies or on activities within strictly delineated sites such as classrooms or natural areas. In contrast, this research is based on anthropological fieldwork conducted in a rural community in Costa Rica, and argues that using a wider ethnographic approach allows for a fuller exploration of the ways in which environmental education programming is negotiated and practised.  相似文献   

教育人种志研究由于强调对个别教育现象进行动态描述和细致分析而逐渐受人青睐。教育人种志是描述性和解释性的研究,秉承整体观念与整合方法,注重从自然的教育情境中收集资料,采用多元化的研究策略与模式。作者认为,研究者必须充分了解教育人种志研究的特征,掌握其设计原则,否则,人种志研究成果有可能蜕变为经验总结式的报告。  相似文献   


In this article we draw on actor-network theory (ANT) in order to challenge the methodological and empirical orthodoxies of anthropocentrism and interactionism that have long informed dominant discourses of ethnographic work. We use ANT to open new possibilities for understanding education as emergent in relational fields where non-human forces are as equally necessary as and possess an agency equivalent to, human forces: the principle of symmetry. We argue that this generates important conceptual as well as political possibilities in constituting different possible outcomes in the accomplishment of ethnographies of education. We draw attention to the problematic of the decentring of the human subject and the critical investigation of the interface between people and objects that frame this special issue, and also propose a methodological response framed by a commitment to empirical research through ethnography as well as a theoretical response framed by relational materialism, operationalised here through recourse to ANT.  相似文献   

给出了空间平面直线束的定义,讨论了它在解题方面的应用.  相似文献   

According to statistics of 1975, more than 25 million inhabitants of the United States speak a language other than English when at home. Spanish heads the list with 8.2 million Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans etc. Spanish-speaking regions are not restricted to Florida or the South-West. In Wisconsin, at Milwaukee, where this comparative study on bilingual education was carried out, the town had in 1969 more than 22.000 Spanish-speaking inhabitants, for which reason arose the official decision to start a bilingual and bicultural program in certain pilot schools directed towards pupils already capable of reading and writing in their mother tongue (English or Spanish) and who had acquired an adequate oral competence in L2.The comparative study was based on three bilingual classes and one monolingual class as control. The pupils, who were aged 6 to 9, were beginning reading in L2. In these four classes the proportion of Spanish-speaking pupils varied between 35% and 55%. Race, age, and sex of teachers and of teachers' aides differed. Great freedom was permitted as regards teaching methods and techniques.Final observations showed that the language climate of the class as also the extent to which the two languages developed were influenced chiefly by the teaching style used. Influence was also exerted by the ethnic composition of the neighbourhood and finally by the proportions of the two language groups in the class.
Zusammenfassung Nach den Statistiken von 1975 sprechen mehr als 25 Millionen Einwohner der Vereinigten Staaten daheim eine andere Sprache als englisch. An der Spitze der Liste steht spanisch mit 8,2 Millionen Mexikanern, Puertoricanern, Kubanern usw. Die spanisch-sprachigen Bereiche beschränken sich nicht auf Florida oder den Südwesten. In Wisconsin, Milwaukee, wo diese vergleichende Untersuchung zweisprachiger Erziehung durchgeführt wurde, besass die Stadt 1969 über 22.000 spanisch-sprachige Einwohner; dies führte zu dem amtlichen Beschluss, in bestimmten Pionierschulen ein zweisprachiges und auf zwei Kulturen bezogenes Programm durchzuführen, für Schüler bestimmt, die schon in der Lage waren, in ihrer Muttersprache (englisch oder spanisch) zu lesen und zu schreiben und die eine angemessene mündliche Beherrschung der Zweitsprache erworben hatten.Grundlage für die vergleichende Untersuchung waren drei zweisprachige Klassen und eine einsprachige Klasse zur Kontrolle. Die Schüler, im Alter von 6 bis 9 Jahren, fingen gerade an, in der Zweitsprache zu lesen. In diesen vier Klassen lag der Prozentsatz spanisch-sprachiger Schüler zwischen 35 und 55%. Unterschiedlich waren Rasse, Alter und Geschlecht der Lehrer und Hilfslehrer. Hinsichtlich Lehrmethoden und -techniken wurde viel Freiheit gewährt.Die abschliessenden Beobachtungen zeigten, dass das sprachliche Klima der Klasse wie auch die erreichte Entwicklungsstufe in beiden Sprachen hauptsächlich vom angewandten Unterrichtsstil beeinflusst werden. Auch die ethnische Zusammensetzung der Umwelt und endlich die Proportionen der beiden Sprachgruppen innerhalb der Klasse spielen eine Rolle.

Résumé Selon une statistique de 1975, plus de 25 millions d'habitants des USA parlent, chez eux, une langue autre que l'anglais. L'espagnol vient en tête (8,2 millions de Mexicains, Portoricains, Cubains, etc.). Les régions d'expression espagnole ne sont pas limitées à la Floride ou au Sud-Ouest. Dans le Wisconsin, à Milwaukee, où cette étude comparative sur l'éducation bilingue a été réalisée, la ville comptait en 1969 plus de 22.000 habitants d'expression espagnole, d'où la décision officielle d'appliquer dans des écoles-pilotes un programme bilingue et biculturel s'adressant aux élèves déjà capables de lire et écrire dans leur langue maternelle (anglais ou espagnol) et ayant acquis une connaissance orale suffisante de L2.L'étude comparative a porté sur 3 classes bilingues et 1 classe monolingue servant de point de référence. Les élèves, âgés de 6 à 9 ans, abordaient la lecture de L2. Dans ces 4 classes la proportion des élèves d'expression espagnole variait entre 35% et 55%. L'ethnie, l'âge, le sexe des professeurs et des auxiliaires d'enseignement étaient différents. Une entière latitude était accordée quant aux méthodes et techniques d'enseignement.Les observations finales ont montré que le climat linguistique de la classe ainsi que le degré de développement des deux langues étaient principalement influencés par le style d'enseignement du professeur. Ensuite jouait l'influence de l'ethnie du voisinage et enfin la proportion des deux groupes linguistiques dans la classe.

民族志方法与传播研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
民族志作为一种研究方法,被导人传播研究领域后,对传播学做出了巨大贡献,传播学甚至由此而产生一个新分支——民族志传播学。同时,传播研究也在质化研究的方向上迈进了一大步。在传播研究中,民族志方法在人际传播和大众传播两个领域均有应用。与实证主义研究方法相比,民族志方法具有自身的认识论立场和方法论取向。  相似文献   

民族志作为重要的社会科学研究方法现已在各地域教育学领域得到践行。对学科史的梳理有助于深刻理解国外先进理念,更有助于实现知识的真正引进和学习。研究拟从接近但非民族志、形成与发展和成熟与国际化三阶段进行梳理,并认为期间诸多活跃的行动者、跨学科发展及跨国情怀的虚心学习和齐心协力地扶持地域发展值得借鉴。  相似文献   

文章从影像民族志中纯粹真实与客观性存在的可能性角度进行探讨,提出影像民族志需体现创作者的主观表达和阐释,形成具有创作者个人风格化与解释性的影像作品。通过分析诗意的叙事表达的必要性,并且结合案例分析如何运用视听语言,节奏控制以及陌生化,反结构的叙事方式,并用创造性又有诗意的叙事表达方式,建构影像民族志的真实性。  相似文献   

全球化所伴随的社会变迁改变了人类学的研究范式,而人类学将书写民族志作为阐述他者文化的方式,也随之发生改变。从人类学诞生初期摇椅上的研究,到用所研究民族的语言书写,再到关注全球化与本土化互动中的书写模式,这一学科经历了一个对异文化描述不断深入的过程。  相似文献   

教育俗民志是俗民志研究范式应用于教育情景的一种研究方法和类型.教育俗民志研究强调研究过程的自然性,注重对微观问题的整体把握,强调定性分析和研究程序的弹性化.教育俗民志研究对于教师的专业发展具有重要意义.教育俗民志研究适用的范围有:学校组织的结构和文化、组织成员的角色行为、学校课程理论与实践、教学评价问题等.  相似文献   

本文对发展性评价的概念和意义做了简要概述,通过小学生心理发展的独特性,提出小学生受纸笔测验评价方法影响更为严重。但纸笔测验有利有弊,不能被取缔。最后,从国家、教师和家长方面对合理利用纸笔测验提出了建议。  相似文献   

人种志是文化人类学特有的一种研究方法,着重指研究者深入异文化性质的田野从事调查研究、描述文化或人类行动的过程。该方法因能获得其他质性研究方法所不能获得的有关教育现象或问题的资料而越来越受教育研究者的青睐。人种志方法在比较教育研究中的应用主要体现在其实践性、伦理性和研究过程中的循环几个方面。  相似文献   

教育人种志研究者要遵循自愿与"不隐蔽"原则,保护研究对象隐私的原则,保证研究目的和过程合法、合理、公正的原则,以及研究结果的互动反馈原则等,这是提升研究质量的前提.此外,研究者与资助研究机构等方面的关系、研究对象的主观体现及配合支持、研究选题的价值和社会意义等,都直接影响着教育人种志研究的伦理道德水平.  相似文献   

This chapter discusses the role conflict of the educational researcher who comes upon an unprofessional relationship between teacher and pupil. It is argued that the whistleblowing literature in related professions, with its focus on standard conditions and solutions framed as obligations, is inadequate. Reference is made to the idea of 'guilty knowledge': the feelings of guilt that attach when one comes to know of harm visited on innocent others, and has no unqualified sense of which way to act. Distinguishing moral from causal responsibility helps to show how blame need not necessarily attach to the guilt-ridden researcher, whichever option she chooses.  相似文献   

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