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This investigation aimed to explore the effects of inert sugar-free drinks described as either ‘performance enhancing’ (placebo) or ‘fatigue inducing’ (nocebo) on peak minute power (PMP;W) during incremental arm crank ergometry (ACE). Twelve healthy, non-specifically trained individuals volunteered to take part. A single-blind randomised controlled trial with repeated measures was used to assess for differences in PMP;W, oxygen uptake, heart rate (HR), minute ventilation, respiratory exchange ratio (RER) and subjective reports of local ratings of perceived exertion (LRPE) and central ratings of perceived exertion (CRPE), between three separate, but identical ACE tests. Participants were required to drink either 500 ml of a ‘sports performance’ drink (placebo), a ‘fatigue-inducing’ drink (nocebo) or water prior to exercise. The placebo caused a significant increase in PMP;W, and a significant decrease in LRPE compared to the nocebo (p=0.01; p=0.001) and water trials (p=0.01). No significant differences in PMP;W between the nocebo and water were found. However, the nocebo drink did cause a significant increase in LRPE (p=0.01). These results suggest that the time has come to broaden our understanding of the placebo and nocebo effects and their potential to impact sports performance.  相似文献   


This study examined the effect of shoulder angle and gender on physiological and perceptual responses during incremental peak arm ergometry. Healthy adults (nine males, seven females) volunteered for the study and completed an incremental arm ergometry test on two separate occasions at two different shoulder angles (90° and 45°). Initial work rate was set at 16 W · min?1 and was increased progressively until exhaustion. Cardiorespiratory and perceptual responses were recorded at the end of each minute and compared using separate three-way (position × work rate × gender) repeated-measures analyses of variance. The systematic bias of peak responses was examined using separate two-way (position × gender) analyses of variance, while reproducibility of these parameters was explored using intraclass correlation coefficients, measurement bias/ratio, and 95% ratio limits of agreement. Despite a significantly greater peak heart rate for the 45° position, cardiorespiratory and perceptual responses were similar at peak exercise for both positions. Peak values for all variables, although similar, demonstrated similar and large inter-test variability for men and women. Reduction of the shoulder joint angle to 45° did not enhance peak work rate and peak oxygen consumption during seated upper body exercise. Due to the large inter-test variability, arm ergometry should be conducted using the same seated position.  相似文献   


We examined the effects of concomitant increases in crank rate and power output on incremental arm crank ergometry. Ten healthy males undertook three incremental upper body exercise tests to volitional exhaustion. The first test determined peak minute power. The subsequent tests involved arm cranking at an initial workload of 40% peak minute power with further increases of 10% peak minute power every 2 min. One involved a constant crank rate of 70 rev · min?1, the other an initial crank rate of 50 rev · min?1 increasing by 10 rev · min?1 every 2 min. Fingertip capillary blood samples were analysed for blood lactate at rest and exhaustion. Local (working muscles) and cardiorespiratory ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) were recorded at the end of each exercise stage. Heart rate and expired gas were monitored continuously. No differences were observed in peak physiological responses or peak minute power achieved during either protocol. Blood lactate concentration tended to be greater for the constant crank rate protocol (P = 0.06). Test duration was shorter for the increasing than for the constant crank rate protocol. The relationship between local RPE and heart rate differed between tests. The results of this study show that increasing cadence during incremental arm crank ergometry provides a valid assessment of peak responses over a shorter duration but alters the heart rate–local RPE relationship.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to compare submaximal physiological responses and indices of mechanical efficiency between asynchronous and synchronous arm ergometry. Thirteen wheelchair-dependent trained athletes performed eight steady-state incremental bouts of exercise (0 to 140 W), each lasting 4 min, using synchronous and asynchronous arm-cranking strategies. Physiological measures included oxygen uptake ([Vdot]O2), heart rate, and blood lactate concentration. The power outputs corresponding to fixed whole blood lactate concentrations of 2.0 to 4.0 mmol · l?1 were calculated using linear interpolation. Mechanical efficiency indices – gross efficiency, net efficiency, and work efficiency – were also calculated. An analysis of variance with repeated measures was applied to determine the effect of crank mode on the physiological parameters. Oxygen uptake was on average 10% lower (P < 0.01), and both net efficiency (P < 0.01) and gross efficiency (P < 0.01) were higher, during the asynchronous strategy at both 60 and 80 W (gross efficiency: 16.9 ± 2.0% vs. 14.7 ± 2.4% and 17.5 ± 1.8% vs. 15.9 ± 2.6% at 60 and 80 W respectively). There were no differences in heart rate, blood lactate concentration or power output at either of the blood lactate reference points between the asynchronous and synchronous strategies (P > 0.05). In conclusion, test specificity is an important consideration. If a synchronous strategy is to be adopted, it is likely to result in lower efficiency than an asynchronous strategy. The exercise testing scenario may help dictate which method is ultimately chosen.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a high-intensity free-weight back-squat exercise on postural stability characteristics in resistance-trained males. Eighteen college-aged (mean ± SD: age = 22.9 ± 2.9 years; height = 175.8 ± 6.4 cm; mass = 86.3 ± 9.3 kg), resistance-trained males performed postural stability testing before and after completing five sets of eight repetitions of back-squat exercises at 80% of one-repetition maximum. A commercial balance testing device was used to assess sway index at pre- and at 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 min post-exercise. Each balance assessment consisted of four, 20-s static stance conditions: eyes-open firm surface, eyes-closed firm surface, eyes-open soft surface and eyes-closed soft surface. Sway index was greater (= 0.001–0.020) at Post 0 than at all other time points. No differences (> 0.05) were observed between any other time phases. Sway index was greater (< 0.001) for eyes-closed soft surface than all other conditions. These findings revealed sway index for all conditions significantly increased following completion of the back-squat; however, sway index recovered within 5 min of exercise. Higher sway index values as a result of neuromuscular fatigue induced by a back-squat exercise may have performance and injury risk consequences to subsequent activities that rely on postural stability. However, these findings suggest balance impairments may recover in ~5 min following high-intensity lower body resistance exercise.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the influence of three imposed crank rates on the attainment of peak oxygen consumption ( V O 2peak ) and other physiological responses during incremental arm crank ergometry. Twenty physically active, although non-specifically trained, males volunteered for the study. They completed an exercise protocol using an electrically braked arm ergometer (Lode Angio, Groningen, Netherlands) at crank rates of 60, 70 and 80 rev·min -1 . The order of tests was randomized and they were separated by at least 2 days. Peak V O 2 was significantly higher ( P ? 0.05) at 70 and 80 rev·min -1 than at 60 rev·min -1 . Peak ventilation volume increased as a function of crank rate and was higher ( P ? 0.05) at 80 than at 60 rev·min -1 . Peak heart rate was higher ( P ? 0.05) at 70 and 80 rev·min -1 than at 60 rev·min -1 . Furthermore, 70 and 80 rev·min -1 resulted in an extended test time compared with 60 rev·min -1 . The greater physiological responses observed during the tests at the two faster crank rates might have been the result of a postponement of acute localized neuromuscular fatigue, allowing for more work to be completed. We recommend, therefore, that an imposed crank rate between 70 and 80 rev·min -1 should be used to elicit V O 2peak and other physiological responses in arm crank ergometry.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the influence of three imposed crank rates on the attainment of peak oxygen consumption (VO2peak) and other physiological responses during incremental arm crank ergometry. Twenty physically active, although non-specifically trained, males volunteered for the study. They completed an exercise protocol using an electrically braked arm ergometer (Lode Angio, Groningen, Netherlands) at crank rates of 60, 70 and 80 rev x min(-1). The order of tests was randomized and they were separated by at least 2 days. Peak VO2 was significantly higher (P < 0.05) at 70 and 80 rev x min(-1) than at 60 rev x min(-1). Peak ventilation volume increased as a function of crank rate and was higher (P < 0.05) at 80 than at 60 rev x min(-1). Peak heart rate was higher (P < 0.05) at 70 and 80 rev x min(-1) than at 60 rev x min(-1). Furthermore, 70 and 80 rev x min(-1) resulted in an extended test time compared with 60 rev x min(-1). The greater physiological responses observed during the tests at the two faster crank rates might have been the result of a postponement of acute localized neuromuscular fatigue, allowing for more work to be completed. We recommend, therefore, that an imposed crank rate between 70 and 80 rev x min(-1) should be used to elicit VO2peak and other physiological responses in arm crank ergometry.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of concomitant increases in crank rate and power output on incremental arm crank ergometry. Ten healthy males undertook three incremental upper body exercise tests to volitional exhaustion. The first test determined peak minute power. The subsequent tests involved arm cranking at an initial workload of 40% peak minute power with further increases of 10% peak minute power every 2 min. One involved a constant crank rate of 70 rev · min(-1), the other an initial crank rate of 50 rev · min(-1) increasing by 10 rev · min(-1) every 2 min. Fingertip capillary blood samples were analysed for blood lactate at rest and exhaustion. Local (working muscles) and cardiorespiratory ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) were recorded at the end of each exercise stage. Heart rate and expired gas were monitored continuously. No differences were observed in peak physiological responses or peak minute power achieved during either protocol. Blood lactate concentration tended to be greater for the constant crank rate protocol (P = 0.06). Test duration was shorter for the increasing than for the constant crank rate protocol. The relationship between local RPE and heart rate differed between tests. The results of this study show that increasing cadence during incremental arm crank ergometry provides a valid assessment of peak responses over a shorter duration but alters the heart rate-local RPE relationship.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the effect of five pedal crank arm lengths (110, 145, 180, 230 and 265 mm) on hip, knee and ankle angles and on the peak, mean and minimum power production of 11 males (26.6 +/- 3.8 years, 179 +/- 8 cm, 79.6 +/- 9.5 kg) during upright cycle ergometry. Computerized 30 s Wingate power tests were performed on a free weight Monark cycle ergometer against a resistance of 8.5% body weight. Joint angles were determined, with an Ariel Performance Analysis System, from videotape recorded at 100 Hz. Repeated-measures analysis of variance and contrast comparisons revealed that, with increasing crank arm lengths, there was a significant decrement in the minimum hip and knee angles, a significant increment in the ranges of motion of the joints, and a parabolic curve to describe power production. The largest peak and mean powers occurred with a crank arm length of 180 mm. We conclude that 35 mm changes in pedal crank arm length significantly alter both hip and knee joint angles and thus affect cycling performance.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the effect of five pedal crank arm lengths (110, 145, 180, 230 and 265 mm) on hip, knee and ankle angles and on the peak, mean and minimum power production of 11 males (26.6+/-3.8 years, 179+/-8 cm, 79.6+/-9.5 kg) during upright cycle ergometry. Computerized 30 s Wingate power tests were performed on a free weight Monark cycle ergometer against a resistance of 8.5% body weight. Joint angles were determined, with an Ariel Performance Analysis System, from videotape recorded at 100 Hz. Repeated-measures analysis of variance and contrast comparisons revealed that, with increasing crank arm lengths, there was a significant decrement in the minimum hip and knee angles, a significant increment in the ranges of motion of the joints, and a parabolic curve to describe power production. The largest peak and mean powers occurred with a crank arm length of 180 mm. We conclude that 35 mm changes in pedal crank arm length significantly alter both hip and knee joint angles and thus affect cycling performance.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare submaximal physiological responses and indices of mechanical efficiency between asynchronous and synchronous arm ergometry. Thirteen wheelchair-dependent trained athletes performed eight steady-state incremental bouts of exercise (0 to 140 W), each lasting 4 min, using synchronous and asynchronous arm-cranking strategies. Physiological measures included oxygen uptake (VO2), heart rate, and blood lactate concentration. The power outputs corresponding to fixed whole blood lactate concentrations of 2.0 to 4.0 mmol x l(-1) were calculated using linear interpolation. Mechanical efficiency indices - gross efficiency, net efficiency, and work efficiency - were also calculated. An analysis of variance with repeated measures was applied to determine the effect of crank mode on the physiological parameters. Oxygen uptake was on average 10% lower (P < 0.01), and both net efficiency (P < 0.01) and gross efficiency (P < 0.01) were higher, during the asynchronous strategy at both 60 and 80 W (gross efficiency: 16.9 +/- 2.0% vs. 14.7 +/- 2.4% and 17.5 +/- 1.8% vs. 15.9 +/- 2.6% at 60 and 80 W respectively). There were no differences in heart rate, blood lactate concentration or power output at either of the blood lactate reference points between the asynchronous and synchronous strategies (P > 0.05). In conclusion, test specificity is an important consideration. If a synchronous strategy is to be adopted, it is likely to result in lower efficiency than an asynchronous strategy. The exercise testing scenario may help dictate which method is ultimately chosen.  相似文献   


The main aim of this study was to determine whether the use of an imposed or freely chosen crank rate would influence submaximal and peak physiological responses during arm crank ergometry. Fifteen physically active men participated in the study. Their mean age, height, and body mass were 25.9 (s = 6.2) years, 1.80 (s = 0.10) m, and 78.4 (s = 6.1) kg, respectively. The participants performed two incremental peak oxygen consumption ([Vdot]O2peak) tests using an electronically braked ergometer. One test was performed using an imposed crank rate of 80 rev · min?1, whereas in the other the participants used spontaneously chosen crank rates. The order in which the tests were performed was randomized, and they were separated by at least 2 days. Respiratory data were collected using an on-line gas analysis system, and fingertip capillary blood samples (~20 μl) were collected for the determination of blood lactate concentration. Heart rate was also recorded throughout the tests. Time to exhaustion was measured and peak aerobic power calculated. Submaximal data were analysed using separate two-way repeated-measures analyses of variance, while differences in peak values were analysed using separate paired t-tests. Variations in spontaneously chosen crank rate were assessed using a one-way analysis of variance with repeated measures. Agreement between the crank rate strategies for the assessment of peak values was examined by calculating intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC) and 95% limits of agreement (95% LoA). While considerable between-participant variations in spontaneously chosen crank rate were observed, the mean value was not different (P > 0.05) from the imposed crank rate of 80 rev · min?1 at any point. No differences (P > 0.05) were observed for submaximal data between crank strategies. Furthermore, mean peak minute power [158 (s = 20) vs. 158 (s = 18) W], time to exhaustion [739 (s = 118) vs. 727 (s = 111) s], and [Vdot]O2peak[3.09 (s = 0.38) vs. 3.04 (s = 0.34) l · min?1] were similar for the imposed and spontaneously chosen crank rates, respectively. However, the agreement for the assessment of [Vdot]O2peak (ICC = 0.78; 95% LoA = 0.04 ± 0.50 l · min?1) between the cranking strategies was considered unacceptable. Our results suggest that either an imposed or spontaneously chosen crank rate strategy can be used to examine physiological responses during arm crank ergometry, although it is recommended that the two crank strategies should not be used interchangeably.  相似文献   

The main aim of this study was to determine whether the use of an imposed or freely chosen crank rate would influence submaximal and peak physiological responses during arm crank ergometry. Fifteen physically active men participated in the study. Their mean age, height, and body mass were 25.9 (s = 6.2) years, 1.80 (s = 0.10) m, and 78.4 (s = 6.1) kg, respectively. The participants performed two incremental peak oxygen consumption (VO(2peak)) tests using an electronically braked ergometer. One test was performed using an imposed crank rate of 80 rev x min(-1), whereas in the other the participants used spontaneously chosen crank rates. The order in which the tests were performed was randomized, and they were separated by at least 2 days. Respiratory data were collected using an on-line gas analysis system, and fingertip capillary blood samples ( approximately 20 microl) were collected for the determination of blood lactate concentration. Heart rate was also recorded throughout the tests. Time to exhaustion was measured and peak aerobic power calculated. Submaximal data were analysed using separate two-way repeated-measures analyses of variance, while differences in peak values were analysed using separate paired t-tests. Variations in spontaneously chosen crank rate were assessed using a one-way analysis of variance with repeated measures. Agreement between the crank rate strategies for the assessment of peak values was examined by calculating intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC) and 95% limits of agreement (95% LoA). While considerable between-participant variations in spontaneously chosen crank rate were observed, the mean value was not different (P > 0.05) from the imposed crank rate of 80 rev x min(-1) at any point. No differences (P > 0.05) were observed for submaximal data between crank strategies. Furthermore, mean peak minute power [158 (s = 20) vs. 158 (s = 18) W], time to exhaustion [739 (s = 118) vs. 727 (s = 111) s], and VO(2peak)[3.09 (s = 0.38) vs. 3.04 (s = 0.34) l x min(-1)] were similar for the imposed and spontaneously chosen crank rates, respectively. However, the agreement for the assessment of VO(2peak) (ICC = 0.78; 95% LoA = 0.04 +/- 0.50 l x min(-1)) between the cranking strategies was considered unacceptable. Our results suggest that either an imposed or spontaneously chosen crank rate strategy can be used to examine physiological responses during arm crank ergometry, although it is recommended that the two crank strategies should not be used interchangeably.  相似文献   

To investigate the impact of unilateral balance training on postural control of the trained and contralateral limb in healthy elderly. Fifty-one healthy old adults were randomly assigned into training group (TG) and control group (CG). Participants of the TG performed unilateral balance training (dominant (DOM) leg) over 4 weeks (4×/week). Centre of pressure analysis was performed at baseline, 5 weeks follow-up and 9 weeks follow-up under the following conditions: (1) one-leg stance without additional task, (2) one-leg stance with motor task and (3) one-leg stance with cognitive task. From baseline to 5 weeks follow-up, a mixed analysis of variance detected a significant time × group interaction for the DOM leg (P < 0.05), indicating higher improvement of the TG in comparison to CG. No significant interaction effect was found for the non-DOM leg. Within the TG, the non-DOM leg significantly improved in mean velocity (P = 0.001) and anterior–posterior range (P < 0.001). Unilateral balance training was effective to improve postural control of the trained leg. The effect on the contralateral leg was small and not significant within this study design. Improvements were retained after 4 weeks without training. A tendency is given that unilateral balance training might be beneficial to improve postural control of the contralateral leg.  相似文献   


The aims of this study were to investigate the energy build-up and dissipation mechanisms associated with using an arm swing in submaximal and maximal vertical jumping and to establish the energy benefit of this arm swing. Twenty adult males were asked to perform a series of submaximal and maximal vertical jumps while using an arm swing. Force, motion and electromyographic data were recorded during each performance and used to compute a range of kinematic and kinetic variables, including ankle, knee, hip, shoulder and elbow joint powers and work done. It was found that the energy benefit of using an arm swing appears to be closely related to the maximum kinetic energy of the arms during their downswing, and increases as jump height increases. As jump height increases, energy in the arms is built up by a greater range of motion at the shoulder and greater effort of the shoulder and elbow muscles but, as jump height approaches maximum, these sources are supplemented by energy supplied by the trunk due to its earlier extension in the movement. The kinetic energy developed by the arms is used to increase their potential energy at take-off but also to store and return energy from the lower limbs and to “pull” on the rest of the body. These latter two mechanisms become more important as jump height increases with the pull being the more important of the two. We conclude that an arm swing contributes to jump performance in submaximal as well as maximal jumping but the energy generation and dissipation sources change as performance approaches maximum.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to investigate the energy build-up and dissipation mechanisms associated with using an arm swing in submaximal and maximal vertical jumping and to establish the energy benefit of this arm swing. Twenty adult males were asked to perform a series of submaximal and maximal vertical jumps while using an arm swing. Force, motion and electromyographic data were recorded during each performance and used to compute a range of kinematic and kinetic variables, including ankle, knee, hip, shoulder and elbow joint powers and work done. It was found that the energy benefit of using an arm swing appears to be closely related to the maximum kinetic energy of the arms during their downswing, and increases as jump height increases. As jump height increases, energy in the arms is built up by a greater range of motion at the shoulder and greater effort of the shoulder and elbow muscles but, as jump height approaches maximum, these sources are supplemented by energy supplied by the trunk due to its earlier extension in the movement. The kinetic energy developed by the arms is used to increase their potential energy at take-off but also to store and return energy from the lower limbs and to "pull" on the rest of the body. These latter two mechanisms become more important as jump height increases with the pull being the more important of the two. We conclude that an arm swing contributes to jump performance in submaximal as well as maximal jumping but the energy generation and dissipation sources change as performance approaches maximum.  相似文献   


To investigate the effects of acute whole body vibration (WBV) intervention on body balance, neuromuscular performance and perceived exertion two types of vibration platforms were compared: vertical platform (VP) and oscillating platform (OP). Forty-four healthy college students (35 men and nine women) were exposed on different days to two types of WBV platforms (VP and OP). Electromyography activity (EMG) of six muscle groups was recorded while standing in squat position on the vibrating platform during five 1-min sets. Balance, maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC), and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) were recorded immediately after the WBV exposure. The OP protocol induced a significantly higher change in balance than VP protocol, as shown by variations in displacement area of the centre of pressure (+25.5% versus –5.5% for OP and VP, respectively). Moreover, RPE scores were significantly higher during OP than VP (+13.2%; P<0.05). No changes were observed concerning MVIC. WBV exposure induces changes in static body balance, these changes being larger when the vibratory stimulus is provided by an OP in comparison to a VP. Moreover, the perceptual response is higher with the OP. Aspects related to direction of vibration or amplitude could explain this acute effect.  相似文献   

平衡能力不仅是人体的重要身体素质之一,还是国民体质监测的一项重要内容。文章主要采用文献资料法,通过阐述平衡能力的相关机制,评述老年人平衡能力的现状,讨论运动对老年人平衡能力的影响,以进一步梳理老年人平衡能力相关的研究,并为新的研究提供理论参考。  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of fatigue on balance control and cognitive performance in a standing shooting position. Nineteen soldiers were asked to stand while holding a rifle (single task – ST). They also had to perform this postural task while simultaneously completing a cognitive task (dual task – DT). Both the ST and DT were performed in pre- and post-fatigue conditions. In pre-fatigue, participants achieved better balance control in the DT than in the ST, thus suggesting that the increased cognitive activity associated with the DT improves balance control by shifting the attentional focus away from a highly automatised activity. In post-fatigue, balance control was degraded in both the ST and DT, while reaction time was enhanced in the first minutes following the fatiguing exercise without affecting the accuracy of response in the cognitive task, which highlights the relative independent effects of fatigue on balance control and cognitive performance.  相似文献   


The main purpose of this study was to assess the acute effects of small changes in crank length (assumable by competitive cyclists) on metabolic cost and pedalling technique during submaximal cycling. Twelve amateur road cyclists performed three sets of submaximal pedalling (150, 200 and 250 W) at a constant cadence (91.3 ± 0.8 rpm) in a randomised order with three commonly used crank lengths, preferred (172.5–175 mm), +5 mm and ?5 mm. Energy cost of pedalling, kinetic and kinematic variables were simultaneously registered. Changes in crank length had no significant effect on heart rate (144 ± 13, 145 ± 12 and 145 ± 13 bpm, respectively) and gross efficiency (GE) (20.4 ± 2.1, 20.1 ± 2.2 and 20.3 ± 2.4%, respectively). A longer crank induced a significant (P < 0.05) reduction of positive impulse proportion (PIP) (0.9–1.9%) due to a greater maximum (1.0–2.3 N · m) and minimum torque (1.0–2.2 N · m). At the same time, the maximum flexion and range of motion of the hip and knee joints were significantly increased (1.8–3.4° and P < 0.05), whereas the ankle joint was not affected. In conclusion, the biomechanical changes due to a longer crank did not alter the metabolic cost of pedalling, although they could have long-term adverse effects. Therefore, in case of doubt between two lengths, the shorter one might be recommended.  相似文献   

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