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教例:牛津版5A第八单元以句型“I have——What do you have?What does he/she have?”为主,单词为火柴、枕头、毯子、毛巾、锅、火炉、望远镜。如何将这些看似无关的内容有机地串在一起呢?我设计如下:  相似文献   

Step1.W arm ing-up1.Greeting.2.Chanting.H ave you gota pet?Yes,Ihave.H ave you gota pet?Yes,Ihave.W hathave you got?A catand a dog.A m outh and a frog.(with actions)3.Free talking.T:H ello,children.W hathave you got?S:I have got a TV/com puter/pencil-case/dog/book…Step2.PresentationT:W ell,now,look here.I have got a lovelypicture,it’s a clown.(脸上没有任何东西)Oh,no.W here are m y eyes,m y nose,m y m outh and m years?(边说边指各个部位)Oh,here.W hat’s this?Ss:(师在黑板上边贴图片边…  相似文献   

教学内容等略(编者注)教学过程( Teaching procedures)Step O ne(第一步)1. Greetings(.师生问候)2. Show the students a video about Snow W hite andtheseven dwarfs.Then ask the students:W ho are they?Are they friends? Are they happy? And say:W hen wehave friends,we are always happy. Then get students tothink:But if your friend is in trouble,will you be happy?W hat will you do?(给学生观看一段关于七个小矮人与白雪公主开心开对派的 VCD ,引起学生对“朋友”这一话题的关注。开心时朋友们能一起欢度,在朋友…  相似文献   

Key 听力材料及答案I.1.——Is it going to rain? ——I don’t think so.(B)2.I like meat very much.(D)3.There is a boat in the river.(B)4 Uncle Tom is eighty years old.(C)5.This is her coat.Mine is over there.(A)Ⅱ.1.W:Jim,could you help me,please? M:Certainly.Lucy.What’s wrong? W:My bike is borken.(B) 2.w:Mike!Is your kite broken? M:Yes,it is. W:Let me have a look. M:Here you are. W:Oh.Don’t worry.I can mend it.(C) 3.W:Are Mr Green's trousers black or blue? M:They're brown.(B) 4.M:What team are you in,Li Ling?Are you in Team l? W:No.I’m in Team 2.  相似文献   

1.A.W hat蒺s the tim e?B:It蒺s .A:It蒺s tim e forus to go school.B:Ok.Let蒺s .2.A:W hat蒺s itin his hand?B:It蒺s apple.A:Do you like apples芽B:Yes,I like apples very.3.A :Can you play football?B:No熏I .Canyouhelpm e?A : .Play itlike this.B:Letm e have a try.4.A:Can he jum p high?B:Yes,he .A:W hataboutyou?B:Ican蒺t.It蒺s hard.5.A :H ow m any people are therein the river?B:Only .A :Can she swim ?B: 熏she can.6.A:W hat蒺re they in the tree?B:They蒺reabirdanda .A:W hatcolouris th…  相似文献   

一、Listen and choose.二、L isten and num ber.三、L isten and circle.(1)A.D oing the dishes.B.D oing m y hom ework.(2)A.Cooking dinner.B.Eating dinner.(3)A.A nsw ering the phone.B.A nswering the questions.(4)A W riting a letter.B.W riting an e-m ail.(5)A.Listening to m usic.B.W ashing clothes.四、L isten and answ er the questions.(1)W hy is the fam ily busy?(2)W hat is grandm a doing?(3)Is sister singing now?(4)W here is brother?(5)W hat is he doing?五、M ake sentences in right order…  相似文献   

Unit 211.(2005浙江)I couldn t .The line was busy. A .go by B .go around C.get in D .getthrough 2.(N M ET 1998)—C an I get you a cup oftea? — . A .Thats very nice ofyou B .W ith pleasure C.Y ou can,please D .Thank you for the tea 3.(2004湖北 )W hat surprised m e w as not w hat he said but he said it. A .the way B .in the way that C.in the way D .the way which 4.(1998上海) m ost students,she was always w ell prepared and never cam e to class late. A .Like B .A s C .For D .To 5.(200…  相似文献   

下面是 Li Lei一天的时间安排,你能根据这些信息完成对话吗? 6:20a.m getup 6:40a.m ,7:00a.m have breakfast,go to school 12:00 a.m have lunch 4:00 a.m play basketball 5:00 p.m ,6:00p.m go hom e,have supper 6:30p.m w atch TV 7:00 p.m do his hom ework 10:00 p.m go to bedB : 1 A :W hat tim e does he getup? B : 2 A : 3 B :H e goes to schoolat7:00. A :W hat tim e does he have lunch? B : 4 A : 5 at6:00in the evening? B :N o,he watches TV at 6:30in the evening. A :W here does he do his hom ework? B …  相似文献   

1.Y ou can see it but you can’ttouch it.It m ay disappear but has neverreally left you.It grows throughout the day.W hat is it﹖2.W hat can run but neverwalks has a m outh but nevertalks has a head but neverweeps has a bed but neversleeps﹖3.W hat two words havethe m ost letters in it﹖4.W hat is yours but isused m ore by others than byyou﹖5.H ow m any sides does ahouse have﹖6.W hat starts with T,endswith T and full of T?7.W hy should you never m arry a ten-nis player?8.W hen do elephan…  相似文献   

1. W hat kind of ship never sinks芽 2.W hat kind of tree has hands芽 3.W hat day does a fish hate芽4.W hat kind of dog would a person bite芽5.H ow can a hat talk芽6. I was carried into a dark room 熏 and on fire.I wept(流泪)熏and then m y hea was cut off.W hat am I芽 7. W hat gets larger the m ore you take aw ay芽 K eys押 1.Friendship. 2.A palm tree. 3.Fry D ay. 4.A hot dog. 5.A dd the letter C andet you can m ake it talk. 6.A candle. 7.A hole.…  相似文献   

五、同义句转换。这是句型转换中最重要的题型,同义句转换就是利用同义词、反义词、简单句和复合句之间进行转换,而句子意思不发生变化。例如:1.H ow old isM ary?(改为同义句)______M ary’s______?2.W hat’sthe English forthat?(改为同义句)W hat’sthat____________?3.Can Ihelp you?(改为同义句)W hat______I____________you?4.W hat’sthe price ofthese eggs?____________are these eggs?(改为同义句)5.Ilike green best.(改为同义句)G reen ism y____________.6.D o you w antto go to a m ovie?(改为同义句)_______________…  相似文献   

1.Whata beautifulday!(P61)多好的天气啊!“What a beautiful day!”是“What a beautiful day it is!”的省略形式。在英语中,感叹句中的主语和谓语都可以省略。例如:W hat a good book (itis )!多好的一本书啊!W hat clever boys (they are )!多聪明的男孩子呀!H ow hot (it is )!多么炎热的天气啊!2.Im going to have a party.(P61)我打算开个晚会。have a party 是”举行晚会”的意思。此处,have 不作“有”解,而是另有别的含义。下面短语中的 have 均不作“有”解:have breakfast 吃早饭; have a m eeting 开会;have a good tim e…  相似文献   

(Ⅰ)A.补全对话从方框中选择合适的句子补全下面的对话,其中有一个多余选项。A:D o you have a sister?B:Y es,I do.A:1B:She is m y aunts daughter.A:W hats her nam e?B:H er nam e is H u D an.A:2B:She is only five.A:3B:N o,she isn t.A:W hat does your sisters face look like?B:She has a round face.A:4B:Itis shortand black.A:5B:H er favorite sportis jum ping.A:W hat else does she like?B:She likes singing,too.B.阅读理解(1)M y M otherM y m others nam e is G uan X iuyan.She is a worker.O n wee…  相似文献   

(I)A:What (1) you like?B:I'd (2) a hat.A: What (3) this blue one ?B:No, I don't like it.A:What about the yellow (4) ?B:Oh, it's a lovely hat ! (5) yousee my dress is white , and I want  相似文献   

1.—W hat does she do﹖她是干什么(工作)的?—She is a doctor.她是一名大夫。该句型可用来询问别人的职业,回答时要用sb.is a/an...,例如:W hat does Peter’s uncle do﹖彼特的叔叔是干什么工作的?H e is a bank clerk.他是一位银行职员。询问对方职业时,还可以用以下句型:W hat’s your job﹖你的工作是什么?W hat are you﹖你是干什么的?2.W hat does A nna’sm other w ant to be﹖安娜的妈妈想干什么?She wants to be a policeofficer.她想当一名警官。短语w ant to do sth.意思是“想要做某事”,表示主动意义。例如:I want to…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.词汇(15分,每小题0.5分)(A)根据句意和所给的中文提示填空。1.—W ho(正在读)English?—Tom is.2.(不要合上)your book,Tom.3.There()som e bread and m eat on有the table.4.Look。They(正站)over there.5.Li Tao(在学习)in E ngland now.6.W hat are you going to do for the(将要到来的)field trip?7.W e are going to do som e(购物)there.8.I don’t know what()now.做9.W hat about(去)swim m ing?10.W hy not()a little earlier?来(B)用括号内的词的适当形式填空。11.I m ust(do)m y hom ew ork now.12.Let us(m eet)outs…  相似文献   

They call m e a m an熏but I ll never have ’a wife. I w as given a body熏but not given life. They m ade m e a m outh熏 but didn t give ’m e breath. W ater gives m e life and sun gives m edeath. W hat am I芽谜语一则(英文)@颜萍  相似文献   

案例一:The hare and the w olf导入片段:多媒体出示一幅幅动物在水中的倒影的画面。教学单词:hareT:Look atthe picture.W hat's this?S1:It's a cat.T:A cat?Let's have a look.(出示岸上的动物)Oh,yes.It's a cat.T:W hat's this?S2:It's a rabbit.T:A rabbit?S3:No,it's a hare.T:W hy?S3:Itsarm sand legsare longerthan the rabbit.T:You're very clever.It's a hare.(出示动物图片)教学单词:wolfT:W hat's this?Is ita dog?S4:No,it's a wolf.T:Let's have a look.(出示动物图片)Yes,it'sa wolf.复习巩固片段:1.T:Let…  相似文献   

M illy:W hat are you doing?M olly:Im writting(a,an)letterto m yself.M illy:W hat(do,does)it say?M olly:H ow do I know——I won t get it till tom orrow.米莉:你在干什么?莫莉:我在给自己写信。米莉:信上写了些什么?莫莉:我怎么会知道呢——明天才能收到信呢。(王晓兰)(白静/编)68从括号里选出正确的单词补全对话@王晓兰  相似文献   

嘿,这次的故事发生在《白雪公主》里,小樱桃也是七个小矮人中的一位。为了庆祝白雪公主的到来,小矮人们正和公主一起欢乐地跳舞呢!以上两幅图中有5处不同,你能把它们都找出来吗?白雪公主$小樱桃卡通公司~~  相似文献   

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