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通过学校体育活动,不仅可以培养学生优良的思想品质。同时,还可以培养学生的团队精神,这是二十一世纪人才所必须具备的素养和品质。在学校体育教学过程中,教师必须正确认识对学生施以团队精神培养的教育特点,需要处理好几个关系和掌握有效的基本方法,同时注意自身素质的提高,才能实现培养学生团队精神的教育目标。  相似文献   

体育是学生学习过程中一门重要的教育活动。体育不仅能培养学生优良的思想品质,还有利于培养学生的团队合作精神和坚韧不拔的品质。随着世界多极化的发展,社会对于人才的要求是具备团队精神和合作能力,不会与别人合作已经不能适应现在社会的发展,而体育这门课程恰恰能够培养学生的合作能力和团队精神。当今社会,团队精神和合作能力已经成为综合型人才必备的素养和品质。  相似文献   

首先对我国大学生团队精神现状进行了分析,然后讨论了高校体育教育在培养学生团队精神方面的独特作用,在此基础上提出了培养学生团队精神的措施,旨在培养学生的集体观念、合作意识.  相似文献   

个人的成功往往离不开团队的合作,只有具备团队精神,才能获得更好的发展。在这个竞争激烈的社会,初中生必须养成良好的团队精神,在学习和生活中互相帮助,共同进步。初中体育作为一门必修课,肩负着培养学生团队精神的重任,因此体育教师要创新教学方式,挑选符合初中生成长规律的体育实践活动,开发初中生的潜能,锻炼初中生的团队精神和共赢意识,从而提高学生的社会适应能力。本文将在分析初中体育教学中培养学生团队精神的重要性的基础上,探究其培养措施。  相似文献   

正现代教育的发展要求全面落实素质教育的基本要求,促进学生的全面发展。在这样的教育形势下,体育教学也越来越受重视。注重体育教育,有利于培养学生的良好的意志品质,有利于推动学生身心的全面健康的发展同时也能使学生树立竞争的意识和团队精神。所以发展新时期的体育教育是国家为培养优秀的跨世纪人才而高瞻远瞩,提出的极具远见的战略性体育教育决策。学校体育对智力的发展也有良好的促进作用,能够培养学生具备高尚的情操,可以让学生的审美观  相似文献   

体育教学中学生思想品德的教育和心理素质的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在体育教学中,对学生进行思想品德教育和心理素质培养,培养学生的道德素质、道德行为、团队精神与责任感,促进学生心理健康,增强学生适应社会生活的能力,全面提高学生的体育素质。  相似文献   

朱海艳 《教师》2012,(28):118-118
如今新课改下,学校体育教育要注重对学生进行团队精神教育。体育课堂不仅是培养学生团队精神的活动平台,也是对学生优秀品质的培养,让学生在体育课中学会与他人交往、学会主动合作、学会忍让宽容、学会真心分享等。在一堂体育课堂上如何营造出健康和谐的快乐学习氛围,正是值得我们各位体育教师深思的问题。  相似文献   

杨贵学 《考试周刊》2010,(5):140-140
团队精神是衡量新世纪合格人才的标准之一,深受学校教育的广泛重视。如今学生中缺乏团队意识和集体荣誉感.已成为其健康人格形成的主要障碍,体育育人是素质育人的重要环节,作为兼备传授体育知识技能,提高身体素质和培养道德品质重任的体育教师,应正确把握体育教学的特点.挖掘体育教学素材,探索学生团队精神培养的有效途径与方法。  相似文献   

体育担负着培养和发展学生健康体魄和健康心理之重要任务,学校体育教育过程蕴含着极其丰富的心理教育因素,笔者认为,在学校体育教学中可以采用四种方法培养学生健康心理品质。  相似文献   

提高学生的体育文化素养是培养优势品质为目标的高职院校学生体育教育的一个重要组成部分,是学生适应当前激烈的竞争和未来社会竞争必须具备的个人品质积淀.高职体育教育是学生在学校接受的最后阶段,是学校体育与社会体育的衔接点,是高职学生形成良好健身意识,终身体育习惯和体育能力的至关重要的时期.加强高职学生体育文化素养的形成刻不容缓.  相似文献   

Teamwork assessment creates a more comprehensive educational experience by broadening the diversity of skills that students develop. Developing teamwork skills is particularly important due to a recognised skills gap among science graduates. This study investigated student perceptions of developing teamwork skills during their undergraduate science degrees. A mixed methods approach was used, which included the analysis of both quantitative and qualitative online survey data. The key findings showed that, although students understood the importance of developing teamwork skills for their future, a substantial proportion did not feel sufficiently prepared with these skills by their science degree. To develop teamwork skills, more students valued working in teams during laboratory sessions, team sports and informal study groups than non-laboratory based formal teamwork assessment. In support of previous teamwork studies across disciplines, the most cited factors contributing to poor teamwork experiences were difficulties scheduling meetings and unequal contribution among team members. This study indicates pedagogical improvements that may enhance the teamwork experience of students during assessments.  相似文献   

Team-based projects are widely used in both traditional face-to-face and online programs in higher education. To date, the teamwork experiences of students in each modality have been documented primarily through evaluative research conducted over short spans of time and limited by a priori frameworks. The literature also reflects a lack of agreement about what constitutes the phenomenon of teamwork in each modality. In order to address these limitations, we conducted a phenomenological study examining the lived experiences of teamwork among students in both face-to-face and online MBA programs in Iran. Our analysis revealed striking commonalities in the experiences of both groups, including a shared desire for effective leadership to alleviate the problem of free riders, as well as substantial time and effort invested in retaining reliable teammates from one team project to another. In other respects, face-to-face and online students’ experience differed strongly. For example, while face-to-face participants pursued teammates with similar beliefs about how teamwork should be accomplished, online participants found themselves pre-occupied with staying connected with their teammates and struggled to establish common communication channels with each and every team member. Overall, our findings suggest that while training and support for student teamwork can partly build on the shared needs among students in both modalities, the nature of the experience in each modality may be so different in vital respects that engaging in one mode of teamwork does not necessarily prepare students to participate well in the other mode. Other implications and limitations of the research are discussed.  相似文献   

Across disciplines, skills associated with collaboration are now ubiquitously considered requisite graduate attributes. Despite decades of studies on the various dimensions of academic teamwork, challenges for both students and staff remain. For this year‐long study at a UK school of architecture, we considered teamwork as a thread woven through the first‐year curriculum, traversing course modules and project types. The primary aim of the study was to evaluate the collective impact of teamwork activities on the incoming cohort of 200+ undergraduate students and how the structuring and coordination of such activities might improve the holistic student experience. Across two rounds of online questionnaires and focus group sessions, student participants articulated the benefits of collaboration for learning, socialisation and professional development. However, resentment towards teamwork increased throughout the year, as frustration with disengaged cohort mates grew, and student sought greater structure and oversight from tutors. On the other hand, when given the chance to reflect on the multidimensional nature of teamwork in focus group discussions, many students adopted a productively nuanced perspective toward the topic. This implies that, whether students like or dislike certain aspect of collaborative projects, opportunities for critical conversation can promote or prompt an appreciation for the educational value of including teamwork projects in curricula. The results of this study should be relevant to educators seeking to improve the implementation and effectiveness of team‐based learning, particularly those in design‐based fields and those in higher and professional education contexts.  相似文献   

Teamwork, one of the core competencies for the twenty-first century learner, is a critical skill for work and learning. However, assessing teamwork is complex, in particular, developing a measure of teamwork that is domain-generic and applicable across a wide range of learners. This paper documents one such study that leverages technology to help provide a formative assessment of teamwork. It focuses on the self and peer ratings of a teamwork measure and a pedagogical method, which was trialled as a teamwork awareness programme in a mainstream Secondary School in Singapore. This teamwork awareness programme was incorporated into the school’s Interdisciplinary Project Work curriculum. Findings of students’ experiences of the programme are described. The teamwork competency dimension of “team emotional support” was rated highest amongst students. Also, students’ report gains in teamwork awareness, mixed engagement in reflective practices, and on the real-world relevancy of the programme. Discussions and implications of the findings follow.  相似文献   

在《口腔固定修复工艺技术》课程中引入“团队协作”,在提高学生技能的同时,培养学生的团队协作精神,培养高素质的应用型口腔技术人才.以08级口腔医学技术专业在校生为研究对象,在基于工作过程的工序化教学模式下,合理进行分组组成团队,引入企业的考核标准,对学生的团队协作精神进行培养.通过教学反馈,大部分学生对团队协作持肯定的态度,学生的操作技能、团队意识、协作意识等都有了明显提高.  相似文献   

团体辅导在大学生团队意识培养上的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当代大学生缺乏团队意识,表现为看中个人发展、轻视社会合作,集体凝聚力不强、同学友谊不深厚等,原因是受成长环境影响、团队精神培养缺失、社会不良现象的冲击等,需要从对象选择和团队建立、活动内容设计、辅导后的总结和分享等方面进行团体辅导,并注意结合学生性格因素制定计划、教师发挥示范作用。  相似文献   

In this study, we present the conceptions about teamwork questionnaire designed to evaluate the conceptions that secondary students have about teamwork. Participants were 309 students aged 15–16 from eight secondary schools, seven from Barcelona and one from Girona (Spain). The original 27-item questionnaire was reduced according to expert assessment and exploratory factor analysis to 20 items related to three conceptions about teamwork: individualistic, complementary and cooperative. By scores of factor analysis, the results show that empirically there are these three conceptions about teamwork with an appropriate level of reliability and of construct validity according to the theoretical hypotheses. There is no gender difference, but there are differences regarding types of school. The results are discussed with an emphasis on the relevance of this questionnaire as an instrument to identify and train secondary students in the conceptions about teamwork.  相似文献   

活动教学以尊重学生个体为中心,极大地提高了学生学习的积极性、主动性,激发了学生的创新意识,增强了学生的职业能力,培养了学生的协作精神。  相似文献   

论文以工业与制造系统工程专业为背景,对基于专业课程设计平台提升工科大学生团队协作能力的方法进行了研究与实践。在对各类用人单位对毕业生团队协作能力需求进行调研与分析的基础上,突破了以学生个体学习为主的原有教学模式,面向团队协作能力训练需求,对课程设计任务板块进行了重新整合与规划,引入合作学习机制,将多种团队训练工具融入专业技能训练过程,并建立了相配套的成绩评价与考核体系。经过针对四届学生的教学实践,取得了良好的教学成效。  相似文献   

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