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《幼儿园教育纲要(试行)》(以下简称《纲要》)多次提到通过教师和幼儿的“共同生活”、“共同活动”来形成探究合作式的师幼互动共同体,促进教师和幼儿的共同成长。《纲要》中的“共同体”思想主要体现在三个方面。一是建构幼儿共同体。幼儿共同体是幼儿在日常的生活和活动中,通过彼此的相互作用而形成的一种具有共同目标、共同行为准则的同伴群体。对于幼儿来说,共同体内由于相同的儿童文化和游戏精神使得其影响超越了教师、家庭、社区等任何一个方面。然而一段时期来我们对传统教育的利弊进行反思,又不自觉地走入了另外一个极端,…  相似文献   

《幼儿园教育指导纲要(试行)》多次提到通过教师和幼儿的“共同生活…‘共同活动”来形成探究合作式的师幼互动共同体,促进教师和幼儿的共同成长。一、幼儿共同体。幼儿共同体是幼儿在日常共同生活和活动中,通过彼此的相互作用而形成的一种具有共同目标、共同行为准则的同伴群体。幼儿共同体内的儿童文化和游戏精神使其影响超越了教师、家庭、社区等任何一个方面。忽略幼儿共同体建设,会使每个极富个人特色的幼儿失去相互学习、相互影响的机会。因此,成人不仅要精心  相似文献   

<正>新《纲要》提出:"关注幼儿在活动中的表现和反应,敏感地观察他们的需要,及时以适当的方式应答,形成合作探究式的师幼互动。"有效的师幼互动,是指在师幼互动中,教师能够了解幼儿兴趣、需求,了解幼儿原有水平,把握幼儿年龄特点,分析幼儿可能遇到的问题,了解幼儿的困惑,找到幼儿发展真正的增长点,针对幼儿实际,引导幼儿与环境、与教师、与同伴积极互动。建构积极、有效的师幼互动是每个教育者共同面对的重要任务。  相似文献   

良好的师幼互动能大大地激发幼儿活动的主动性和积极性,是顺利开展主题活动的关键。教师应依据幼儿兴趣、需要,引导他们共同确定主题。以讨论、调查问卷等形式收集幼儿想知道的问题,帮助他们建构"主题网络图"。带领幼儿围绕一定的主题,共同收集信息资料,共同创设主题环,组织幼儿共同参与主题展示的筹办,使教师和幼儿成为真正的合作伙伴。  相似文献   

<正>微课程须立足园本资源,在活动中追随幼儿的兴趣,以幼儿所探究的问题为主轴,师幼共同建构学习历程。如何把握教师在微课程建构中的角色定位及辅助作用,让幼儿真正成为主动的学习者,呈现真正意义上的师幼共同建构有意义课程的理想状态呢?一、留心倾听,发现幼儿的探索兴趣片段一:山洞相遇现疑问秋日的午后,一群孩子不知疲惫地在山洞里来回穿梭,回到教室,  相似文献   

吴美玲 《亚太教育》2022,(4):168-170
生活化主题活动以观照儿童立场为核心经验,以师幼共同建构为典型特征。在追随幼儿生活生成主题活动的实践过程中,教师应当基于幼儿的生活、兴趣和需要,生发生活化主题活动,关注幼儿的亲身体验与经验发展,推进生活化主题活动,聚焦幼儿的主动学习,不断完善生活化主题活动,不断探索、实践与反思,实现教师与幼儿共生共长。  相似文献   

师幼互动是一个双向建构的过程,指在幼儿园一日生活各环节中教师与幼儿之间以师幼接触为基础的双向人际交流.建构主义的核心观点是:儿童的学习是主体与环境相互作用的双向活动.基于建构主义关于教师现、儿童观及师幼关系的观点,笔者认为在这一理论视角下,应该:尊重幼儿,建立合作探究式师幼关系;平视幼儿,建立民主平等型师幼关系;关爱幼儿,构建情感相依型师幼关系.  相似文献   

新《纲要》以人为本的新理念,把幼儿由被动的接受者摆到了教育活动的主体位置。幼儿的自主性得到了最大限度的发挥,新的师幼关系让儿童体验到了真正的理解与尊重。教师是这种新型师幼关系的缔造者。新《纲要》充分肯定了教师在教育发展中的作用。同时,在环境创设、家园联系、自身素质等方面也提出了更高的要求与挑战。  相似文献   

本研究对1600次自然情景下的师幼互动事件,采用逐步多元回归分析法,筛选出集体学习活动中积极有效师幼互动模式的7个变量:互动形式是教师与集体和小组幼儿互动、互动内容产生方式是预设、教师情感是正向、幼儿反馈方式是询问和质疑、对互动内容是主动接受、互动行为主体是幼儿、幼儿情感是进取;利用这7个变量建立起变量模型,并对这7个变量在实践中进行行动研究,进而构建了集体学习活动中积极有效师幼互动模式:情感投入地幼儿主动发问——教师启发引导。  相似文献   

生成活动从幼儿的一日生活中来,是师幼在互动中共同生成的有教育价值的主题教育活动,它对幼儿的全面健康发展和教师素质的提高也有很大的促进作用。教师应掌握适宜的指导策略:敏锐观察,捕捉活动的主题;适宜追问,引导思考的方向;认同肯定,鼓励幼儿的想法;行动参与,激发幼儿活动的兴趣。  相似文献   

在后现代社会,一元的传统价值观逐渐被多元的价值体系所替代。多元、理解、包容、平等、消解正统的后现代语境促使学界思考儿童教育的去向。《嘎嘣小子传》借道文学对此进行深入思考,施教者只有在真正理解和信任的前提下与孩子们平等对话,才能彼此认同;只有秉持这样的教育理念,青少年才能拥有一个健康成长的大环境。  相似文献   

《Support for Learning》2004,19(3):114-118
In this article, Julia Ipgrave takes the idea of inclusion beyond the field of special educational needs to incorporate the needs of children with different faith backgrounds in the religious education (RE) class. She recommends that teachers respect the integrity of their pupils' faith backgrounds by making room for the children's own experiences and perspectives on the traditions to which they belong. Suggestions are made as to how to give equal value to the different faith and non‐faith backgrounds of children in Religious Education lessons. As well as feeling valued, pupils also need to feel safe. The article argues that the children's interests are best served, not by avoiding sensitive and controversial areas of religion, but by establishing a framework of openness and respect within which children can express their views with confidence, differences can meet and pupils and teachers listen to and learn from each other.  相似文献   

Healthy social-emotional development is promoted by building a safe, secure and respectful environment in an early childhood setting with positive and consistent relationships among adults, children, and their peers. This study explored storytelling dramas as an opportunity to build community within the context of one early childhood classroom. The study was a qualitative, interpretive analysis of 20 videotaped storytelling drama sessions containing approximately 100 stories told by children in one preschool classroom over a 6-month period. Videotapes of the 20 storytelling sessions were analyzed for patterns and themes that may represent community building within the context of one preschool classroom. Qualitative methods were used to identify themes that emerged from the videotaped data. Triangulation across investigators, time, and methods enhanced trustworthiness of interpretations. Results showed that the storytelling drama activity provided opportunities to promote community building through four emerging themes: (1) individual roles, (2) group membership, (3) inclusion, and (4) relationship building. Storytelling dramas provide teachers with an easy to implement teaching strategy that builds community and aligns with current early childhood education quality standards and child development theory.  相似文献   

分数作为基本的数字概念,是儿童学习的难点和重点。分数中将整体平均分成相同几部分的等分概念,则是认识和掌握分数的基础。儿童只有先掌握等分概念,才能清楚地了解分数概念并对分数进行运算。本文针对儿童对等分概念的认知发展,从儿童对整体与部分概念的认知、对等分概念的认知等方面进行综述研究,有助于系统地分析儿童对等分概念的认知发展情况,并为以后的研究提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The placement of children in foster or residential care does not ensure that children will be safe from abuse or neglect. The incidence of out-of-home maltreatment, especially sexual exploitation and abuse, has given rise to new community expectations and legislation which has placed the protection of children in alternate care squarely in the hands of the child protective system. These investigations differ in purpose and scope from familial investigations, and the current protective system is without adequate preparation, policy, and procedures to perform them. This paper discusses the differences in familial and out-of-home care investigations in relation to identification and reporting, assessing risk factors in the initial report, evidence gathering, essential components of the investigation, levels of culpability and corrective action approaches. The authors suggest that specialized investigation units may be more suited to these investigations than traditional child protective services.  相似文献   

This paper is a response to an article by Winnifred Hall which appeared in Volume 42:1, 17‐31 of this journal. Hall raised a number of significant issues in the education of Deaf students, and called for greater recognition of educational programs which take into account cultural factors relevant to the Deaf community, and which utilise native sign languages in programs aimed at developing language proficiency. Hall recognises the importance of effective written language skills for Deaf people if they are to function in the wider community, skills which have not been well developed in the past, and she calls for new approaches to teaching written language to Deaf children. The authors of this paper, while supporting the views of Hall, do not believe she takes sufficient account of the difficulties associated with affording both English and native sign languages equal prominence in a classroom, nor does she recognise the importance of beginning instruction in English before the secondary school years. This paper develops further some of the notions put forward by Hall, and highlights current efforts to implement culturally sympathetic programs for young Deaf children, with particular reference to the Thomas Pattison School in New South Wales, Australia.  相似文献   

This study examines the process through which children build a sense of community in small groups in a day care centre. The study asks the following: how does children’s sense of community develop, and what are its key features? Data were collected by applying ethnographic methods in a group of three- to five-year-old children over eleven months. The results show that children’s sense of community developed through three stages. In the first stage, it evolved gradually through experiences in joint play. In the second stage, stable friendships were formed and strengthened in play. In the third and final stage, sense of community was fully established and children’s emotional bonding was strong, manifesting itself in affective and physical closeness, sharing and caring and togetherness.  相似文献   

This article describes the cultural consequences of the local school closing in a predominantly black community (Centerville) as a result of desegregation policies. Based on oral accounts of community members, the author unearths the diverse functions the former all-black school used to have in the community. Furthermore, the possible reasons for the nostalgia with which the community remembers its “own” school are analyzed. It is shown why the predominantly white schools to which today's students are bused cannot possibly “pass the test” of comparison with the former community school. And finally, the article reminds us of two promises ofBrown, only one of which has been fulfilled in the case of Centerville. While racial segregation of schooling was indeed abolished in Centerville, the second promise ofBrown—providing equal educational opportunities for all children irrespective of race—remains elusive at best. And the very institution that would be central to fulfilling the second promise ofBrown—a school for which the town feels a sense of ownership—was closed for the sake of desegregation. Parts of this article have been the basis for an oral presentation at the South Atlantic Philosophy of Education Society meeting, Richmond, VA, October 1993, and are published in the SAPES Proceedings, 1993, pp. 109–114.  相似文献   

The effects of community violence on children in Cape Town, South Africa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OBJECTIVE: The primary objective of the study was to investigate the relationship between exposure to community violence (neighborhood, school, police, and gang violence) and psychological distress in a sample of children living in the Cape Town, South Africa area. Another objective was to identify variables that moderate and mediate the relationship between exposure to community violence and psychological distress. METHODS: Face-to-face interviews were conducted with 185 children between the age of 8 and 13 from five Cape Town Township schools. Structured scales were used to measure exposure to several forms of community violence, family functioning, social support, perceptions of safety, and "unknown" locus of control. RESULTS: Exposure to all forms of violence was extremely high and resulted in substantial psychological distress. Perceived safety functioned as a mediating variable for all forms of violence. Unknown locus of control, social support, family organization, and family control moderated the effects of exposure to certain kinds of violence. Surprisingly, exposure to murder was not related to psychological distress, suggesting a possible "numbing" effect of extreme forms of violence. Hearing about violence from others had almost the same effect as actually witnessing it. Older children had witnessed more violence and were experiencing more distress, suggesting an "exposure accumulation" effect. CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest the importance of a child's ability to feel safe in reducing the distress that occurs as a result to exposure to violence. Parents and schools can help children cope, but there appear to be limits. Early intervention, before maladaptive coping mechanisms have developed, also appears to be important.  相似文献   

In this paper Japanese and Scottish cultural and ideological expectations about the role of parents and communities in schools are examined. Findings from three case studies of a Japanese school, a Scottish school and a group of Japanese parents sending their children to a Scottish school show that there are clear policy differences between the two countries. These differences reflect each country's problems and the purposes of the educational reforms that have been introduced and the different strengths and weaknesses of the two systems. The policy differences in the two systems and how these are translated into practice are examined from the perspective of parents and the wider school community. It is argued that what is missing from the policy and practice context in both countries are the resources to enable teachers, parents and other members of the community to work as equal partners.  相似文献   

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