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财富只属于那些懂得创造而又善于管理它的主人。如果你没有驾驭它的本领,那么它可能就是“露水财富”——即使可能来得快,也会去得快。Easy come,easy go.只有掌握科学、合理的投资理念和方法,财富才能成为你叫诚和永久的好朋友。  相似文献   

一、做一名有思想的校长 关于素质教育,有很多说法和理解,既有理论层面的,也有实践层而的,还有哲学层面的.  相似文献   

This article reviews the concept of equity in relation to assessment by considering issues of equality of outcome, equal access and the role of context and construct. Performance assessment is discussed as a particular case and evidence is offered from performance assessment in England. The article concludes by discussing approaches to developing assessment practices that are more fair to all the groups likely to be involved in taking those assessments.  相似文献   

记:鲁主席,您对目前我国的职业教育怎么看?有什么意见、建议和希望? 鲁:企业是用人单位.企业除了使用人才外,也在培训人才.我希望整个教育界要更加重视职业教育.  相似文献   

The recommendation that we encourage children to be open-minded has been gathering strength. Yet given the everyday meaning of 'being open-minded about something', we may decide to reject this recommendation because it proscribes teaching and learning. There again, recent philosophical accounts of open-mindedness seem to oppose everyday meaning and lead to the absurd conclusion that the Pope is open-minded about the existence of God. This paper suggests two ways of looking at these problems, the second of which reconciles ordinary usage with open-mindedness as a desirable educational objective.  相似文献   

以就业为导向,定位人才培养目标是当前高等职业教育改革的方向。现阶段工民建专业人才培养目标应进行重新调整,定位于技术管理型人才。同时,与之相适应的教学方法、教学手段、教学内容也应进行改革,由传统的金字塔型的教学模式改变为棋盘式的课程教学体系。  相似文献   

就业导向导向教学   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
周济部长在2004年全国职业教育工作会议上说:“就业是民生之本,扩大就业是我国当前和今后长时期的重大而艰巨的任务。要充分发挥职业教育对扩大就业的支持作用、服务功能。”可以看出,大力发展职业教育是拓宽就业渠道、促进就业和再就业的重要举措,职业技术院校担负着培养受教育者从事某种职业的责任,因此,在教学中坚持以就业为导向,就能够给职业技术院校的教学工作带来深刻变化,就能够正确履行赋予职业教育对扩大就业的支持作用和服务功能。  相似文献   

对于近200所具有独立颁发文凭的民办高校,可由教育部把它们纳入到普通高教系列中进行评估;对于普通高校独立二级民办学院,应由母体高校负责其质量评估和质量保障,教育部可抽查部分此类院系进行评估;对于各类不具办法文凭资格的民办院校和大量的培训机构,教育应放权,由各省负责组织评估。  相似文献   

一般情况下用limx→0sinxx=1解的未定式极限都能用洛必达法则解,能用limx→∞(1+1x)x=e解的未定式极限都能转化为eln形式解.  相似文献   

College physics professors, researchers, and teachers were asked to rate the importance to physics students of different intellectual abilities. These abilities were selected from J. P. Guilford's Structure-of-Intellect model of intelligence and presented on a 65-item questionnaire. Analysis of the responses found that four general intellectual factors were described. They were identified as abilities related to visualization, mathematics, logic, and problem solving. The variations of these factors' importance was examined for two different student subgroups, students who are studying to be physicists and students who are studying physics to be scientifically aware laymen. Variations between two respondent subgroups, physicists who are primarily engaged in research and physicists who are primarily engaged in teaching, were also explored.  相似文献   

师范教育应该既是职业的,又是信念的;既是知识的,又是境界和人格的.培养合格且优秀的教师,是师范教育活动的绝对或唯一目标.综合性大学中的师范教育,无论其采用何种办学模式,其培养合格且优秀教师的目标都不能改变.而综合性大学中师范教育的集中管理模式,并非是传统师范教育封闭模式的简单回归,而是在继承传统师范教育优良制度和作风基础上的制度创新.  相似文献   

内部审计机构需要处理的几个关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业内部审计机构为了更好的发挥监督与服务职能,需要妥善处理好内外部各种关系,本文拟就内部审计机构如何处理与企业内外各种关系进行探讨.  相似文献   

玛格丽特·阿特伍德的《可以吃的女人》是一部关于选择的小说。书中三位女性的选择因其高度的概括性和广泛的代表性将促使作为读者的当代女性思考自己的处境 ,并且有可能上升为当代女性回归自我 ,选择生活时可堪借鉴的三种模式  相似文献   

作为与新一轮基础教育课程改革相配套的评价方法--学生成长记录袋评价(Portfolioassessment)是属于质性评价的范式.通过调查,我们发现在学生成长记录袋评价体系的构建中,还存在着一些迫切需要解决的问题.这些问题能否解决好将直接影响到新一轮基础教育课程改革的深入发展.  相似文献   


The Anglican Church congresses sought to foster relations between clergy and lay people. They promoted the Church as part of the social fabric of the nation with parades, civic receptions, services and public talks. Women were a presence at the congresses as platform speakers, organisers, hostesses and members of the audience. Congresses provided opportunities for informal collaborations and networking between organisations including the National Union of Women Workers, Mothers’ Union and Girls’ Friendly Society. Dedicated women’s sections from 1881 provided a space that was exploited by women activists seeking a voice in the public sphere. The congresses reflected a context of increasing professionalisation amongst women. This article celebrates the contribution made by women in the role of popular educators via congress platforms between 1882 and 1913. In addition, the article seeks to commemorate the unvoiced presence of working class women who engaged with the congresses as members of the audience.  相似文献   

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