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There are surprisingly few theories of the normal development of literacy that take into account the different cognitive processes underlying reading and spelling skills. The present framework suggests three phases, corresponding to the acquisition of logographic, alphabetic, and, finally, orthographic skills. At each phase, a new skill is introduced with either reading (input processes) or writing (output processes) acting as pacemaker. This stepwise progress is driven by a certain opposition between reading and writing processes. At any of the critical points where a new step has to be taken, breakdown can occur. This will result in different types of literacy disorder. However, the disorder will not only be characterized by the deficiency in a particular skill, but also by compensatory skills which will inevitably develop. Only by using models of this type will we be able to achieve a properly developmental perspective for developmental dyslexia.  相似文献   

对国外城镇化发展的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
走城镇化道路是各国经济社会发展的普遍规律.在20世纪80年代初发达国家城镇化水平大多已达70%~80%,在这些国家城镇化发展的过程中,其发展规律、发展动力、发展轨迹等方面都体现出不同的特点,从而形成了各具特色的市场主导、自由放任、经济制约等模式,也得出了许多成功的经验和失败的教训,吸取和借鉴这些经验和教训,将有助于我国城镇化的发展找到一条更加适合国情的路径,从而推进我国城镇化的发展进程.  相似文献   

就我国的基本国情来说,文化的大发展、大繁荣,绝不能忽视农村这个广阔地域和农民这个庞大群体。因为乡村是文化的母体,原生态的乡土文化是民族文化的活水源头。要使农村文化建设确有成效并能与时代同步,必须着眼于培育农村文化发展的内生机制,切实发挥农民的主体作用,盘活各类民间文化组织,保护和传承好农村的传统乡土文化根脉,并努力使乡土文化走向产业化,提高文化生产力,造福一方百姓,形成地方特色,方可使农村文化建设获得不竭动力。  相似文献   

马克思主义认为,人类实践活动涉及三个领域:自然、社会、人自身.故人类社会就是一个由人与自然、人与社会和人与自身的关系所构成的矛盾体.社会的和谐相应地表现为人与自然关系的和谐、人与社会关系的和谐、人与自身关系的和谐.任何社会只有实现人与自然、人与社会及人与自身关系的和谐,才能稳定发展,其中任何一个维度的弱化或缺失,都会导致社会的失序和混乱.  相似文献   

我国商业健康保险的发展具有巨大的市场空间。但由于我国的商业健康保险还处在起步阶段,总体发展还比较滞缓,保险深度和保险密度还较低,市场供求矛盾突出。为此,需营造宽松的外部环境,加强保险公司的专业化经营和管理,积极探索与卫生医疗服务机构的合作。  相似文献   

A developmental study of filtering in visual attention   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
J T Enns  N Akhtar 《Child development》1989,60(5):1188-1199
Children aged 4, 5, and 7 years and adults aged 20 years performed a speeded classification task designed to isolate several sources of interference in visual selective attention. On each trial, observers responded to 1 of 4 targets which were mapped to 2 responses. On some trials the targets were also flanked by distractor stimuli, which observers were asked to ignore. The interference measures examined the effects of attentional set, increases in feature number, increases in feature type, response competition, and stimulus generalization. All but 1 of the measures (stimulus generalization) produced reliable interference in the adult observers. However, only 2 of the measures (attentional set, increases in feature number) produced reliable interference in children. The implications of these findings for theories of attentional development are discussed.  相似文献   

发展性教师评价实施的阻力分析及对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教师评价可分为奖惩性教师评价和发展性教师评价。奖惩性教师评价,是一种弊端日显的终结性评价。发展性教师评价是一种关注教师发展的新型教师评价制度,它扬弃了奖惩性教师评价的弊端,是一种目前较为理想的教师评价。但是,发展性教师评价在我国并未得到普及,它在实施过程中遇到了一些阻力,只有消除了这些阻力,发展性教师评价才能得以顺利地实施与推进。  相似文献   

随着课程改革的深入,我国课程理论获得了长足的发展。但由于各种原因,我国课程理论发展中还存在许多问题,主要有:课程理论研究的范畴和边界、范式与方法、内容、体系。研究并解决这些问题是未来课程实践和理论发展的需要。  相似文献   

Educational technology research and development - This paper explores another format for mobile learning (mLearning) content consisting of Still Pictures, Audio, and Text (SPAT; Rha, Instructional...  相似文献   

石家庄市发展电子商务面临许多机遇与挑战。市政府应分析石家庄市电子商务发展的内外环境,结合石家庄市的具体实际,提出石家庄市发展电子商务的指导思想、基本原则、战略目标,明确当前的主要任务及应该建设的重点工程项目,从而促进石家庄市的经济发展。  相似文献   

分析了虚拟制造技术的内涵及特点,发达国家虚拟制造技术的发展和应用,并从我国国情出发提出了发展虚拟制造技术的具体建议.  相似文献   

我国环境法基本制度的发展与完善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国环境法所确定的环境法律制度,多创立于计划经济时代和经济体制转轨初期,随着改革的深入和实践的发展,新的法律制度不断出现,制度间的矛盾和隔阂开始显现,制度本身过于原则、缺乏可操作性的问题影响了制度的贯彻落实.为此,在理论和实践上必须对环境基本制度进行改进,明确我国环境基本法律制度的范围,完善各项制度的管理程序和具体实施办法,加强制度之间的协调性、统一性、互动性,为完善原有的制度、创立新的制度提供科学依据.  相似文献   

通过查阅国内外研究文献,对抗消化系统溃疡药物药理作用特点进行了归纳总结,指出与抑酸药、粘膜保护药、抗幽门杆菌药物联方或组成复方制剂的具有标本兼治功能的综合性治疗药物以提高溃疡愈合率,降低复发率,将成为抗消化性溃疡药物研究的重要方向.  相似文献   

Over the years, educators and psychologists have recommended delaying school entry and have developed alternative interventions for young children identified as unready for school. These developmental placement interventions, including readiness kindergartens and pre‐first classes, were developed to avoid both academic and social‐emotional problems in schools. However, the efficacy of these programs has not been proven. This study examined school adjustment outcomes and emotional and learning difficulties, both short‐term and longitudinally, for students who participated in readiness kindergartens and pre‐first classes, as well as for control groups of students. Significant differences were noted in retention rates, dropout rates, and special education placement rates. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

在介绍绿色建筑特点的基础上,分析了我国绿色建筑的发展现状:城市高速发展对环境造成严重影响;起步晚、差距大,但政府支持;发展更全面、更理性、更环保;太阳能在能源创新利用方面最成熟.我国目前绿色建筑发展中亟待解决的问题有:缺乏系统化、专业化的管理,法制建设和激励机制有待完善,从业者绿色建筑意识淡薄,科技投入力度不够等.  相似文献   

在经济全球化的今天,外向型配套模式是中小企业参与国际经营的一种较为常见的模式,依据这种模式的内涵、理论依据以及影响其发展的各种因素,中小企业应遵循的发展路径,大致分为三个阶段,即境内配套阶段、出口配套阶段和海外配套阶段,这三个阶段各有不同的特征、演化条件和动态路径.  相似文献   

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