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高校教师的教案设计理论与实践问题辨析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前高校为迎接评估而要求教师的教案中学化、标准化、格式化,出现了过度呆板倾向,可能阻碍挫伤教师的教学创新意识和动机,更不利于学生创新实践能力的培养。建议专家型教师教案与讲稿融为一体,要求在保持基本要素的前提下特色化,青年教师的教案与讲稿分离,要求基本要素前提下的现代化。同时,积极吸收现代教育理论特别是教育心理学理论,实现现代大学理念与教案设计的统一和谐。  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the instructional coherence in a Chinese mathematics classroom by analyzing a sequence of four videotaped lessons on the topic of fraction division. Our analysis focused on the characteristics of instructional coherence both within and across individual lessons. A framework was developed to focus on lesson instruction in terms of its content and process and the teacher's use of classroom discourse. The analyses of lesson instruction were further supplemented with the analyses of teaching materials and interviews with the teacher. The findings go beyond previous studies that mainly focused on a single lesson to provide further evidence about Chinese teachers' instructional practices and their possible impact on students' learning. In particular, the teacher tried to help students build knowledge connections and coherence through lesson instruction. Results also suggest that coherent curriculum and the teacher's perception of the knowledge coherence facilitated the teacher's construction of coherent classroom instruction.  相似文献   

说课是对教师业务水平测试的一种简易而重要的方式,通过这种方式可以快速了解教师对课程的把握、对教育对象的了解、教学思想的表达及其语言和教态等特点;教师只有明确说课的指导思想,了解说课的类型和内容,掌握说课的方法技巧,才能说好课,达到说课的目标考核要求。  相似文献   

段冰 《培训与研究》2007,24(3):100-102
课堂教学的成功与否很大程度上取决于备课过程的有效性。教学方案作为备课的产物成为教学研究的焦点。一方面,教学方案的制定依赖于整个英语课程目标的发展以及教师个人教学理念和认知能力的提高;另一方面,教学方案应该是教师对课程的适应性的记录以及课堂应变决策的“兴奋剂”,而不是妨碍创造性教学活动的障碍物。  相似文献   

听课评课是研究课堂教学、促进教学改革的有效途径。阐述如何听课和评课,分析听评课中存在的主要问题,提出高职院校加强听评课的有效措施,对于促进教师的专业成长、提高课堂教学质量和加强高职院校内涵建设具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

让“说课”走进教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李琛 《职业技术教育》2001,22(28):35-37
说课是提高教师业务水平和教学质量的一项有效措施。本文对说课中存在的一些问题进行了分析,在此基础上,提出了说课的具体要求、方法和提高说课质量的措施。  相似文献   

对审美意识的关注和培养是音乐理论课程的重要环节.作为高师和声课教学,也应重视对审美意识的培养.本文分析了高师和声课教学的现状以及新世纪对未来音乐教师提出的要求,并探索在和声课教学中加强音乐审美意识的多种方法.  相似文献   

教学中以学生为主体,应当以学生的思维活动为主体,教育的最终成效,是以学生学了什么为标尺,因此,评价一节课的得失也理所当然地要以学习者的收获和发展为尺度。对教师的管理不仅要有严格的规章制度,还应体现在对教师个性的理解和尊重上。  相似文献   

教师角色的转换对课程改革有重要意义,教师角色的定位应从学习的参与者、学习的促进者、组织者、指导者、优秀的合作者、资源的开拓者几个方面来分析。  相似文献   

普通高校开展体育说课的可行性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在陕西省普通高校中运用访问、问卷调查的方法,从体育教师对说课的了解程度、认识状况及开展体育说课前景等几方面进行了调查研究.分析发现:在普通高校开展体育说课切实可行.  相似文献   

针对目前高校思想政治教育教学的尴尬现状,仔细分析其原因,提出了高校思想政治课教学改革的关键在于提高教师素质,从而促进高校思想政治课教育教学的改革和发展。  相似文献   

The aim of the study presented in this paper was to explore factors that influence teachers' problem-solving preferences in the process of (a) solving a problem, (b) explaining it to a peer, (c) liking it, and (d) teaching it. About 170 mathematics teachers took part in the different stages of the study. A special mathematical activity was designed to examine factors that influence teachers' problem-solving preferences and to develop teachers' preferences concerning whether to use symmetry when solving the problems. It was implemented and explored in an in-service program for professional development of high-school mathematics teachers. As a result, three interrelated factors that influence teachers' problem-solving preferences were identified: (i) Two patterns in teachers' problem-solving behavior, i.e., teachers' tendency to apply a stereotypical solution to a problem and teachers' tendency to act according to problem-solving beliefs, (ii) the way in which teachers characterize a problem-solving strategy, (iii) teachers' familiarity with a particular problem-solving strategy and a mathematical topic to which the problem belongs. Findings were related to teachers' developing thinking in solving problems and using them with their students. The activity examined in this paper may serve as a model for professional development of mathematic teachers and be useful for different professional development programs.  相似文献   

随着我国基础教育的不断完善,语文教师的专业发展日益凸显出其必要性和重要性。语文教师成长的途径很多,但读书却是获得专业发展的必需。读书对于语文教师来讲,是"终身备课",同时更是专业发展所必需的知识素养的"活水源头",是教师成为优秀教师乃至出色教育家的关键因素。语文教师要学会读书,善于读书,从而把从书中获取的学识素养转换成专业发展的一种力量。  相似文献   

教师与课程的关系是一种未得到深入研究但在教育中具有重要影响的关系。由于主客观因素的影响,教师内在的价值观、情感倾向等会与课程所承载的价值形态等形成复杂的关系,当两者矛盾对立时会消解课程的原有价值,当两者和谐一致时则会强化课程的原有价值。因此,要实现理想的教育目标,教师应对“我”和“我所教的课”之间的关系形成自觉,并在不断的反思中进行调整和建构,形成一种和谐的最有益于教育的关系。  相似文献   

体育锻炼不仅有增强身体健康的作用,亦有增进心理健康的作用,中师体育课教学亦应重视体育锻炼的增进心理健康的作用。  相似文献   

课前准备、课堂发挥、课后调整的“教学三步曲”是上好一堂课的基础。上好一堂课,得到学生们的认可,不但要有课前的充分准备,更重要的是课堂上的发挥。同时课后还需对课堂讲授知识进程、内容深浅程度及情感方面、教学方式及方法等的及时调整和改进。上好一堂课不可能是一蹴而就,这不但要有知识及经验的积累,更需要教师有强烈的责任感和对教学、学生的热爱之心。  相似文献   

This paper traces the professional growth of science teachers in Trinidad and Tobago through their involvement in the production of context-based resource materials relevant to the lives of their students during workshop sessions. Grounded theory methods were used to analyse pre- and post-workshop questionnaire responses, tape-recorded group discussions and several draft lesson outlines. The findings show that professional growth is indicated by changes in the nature of the contexts chosen as lesson foci, the role of these contexts in the overall lesson design, and teachers' perceptions of contextualised teaching. Conflicts between students' cultural and scientific understandings were not addressed by these teachers.  相似文献   

This study investigates 201 Singaporean teachers’ perceptions of their technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK), lesson design practices, and design dispositions through a survey instrument. Investigation of these constructs reveal important variables influencing teachers’ perceptions of TPACK which have not yet been explored. The confirmatory factor analysis and reliability analysis confirm the validity and reliability of the instrument. The structural equation model shows that the teachers’ perceptions of design dispositions (orientations towards design) and lesson design practices (approaches used for lesson design) have direct relationships with the teachers’ perceptions of TPACK. The results of this study show that to enhance teachers’ TPACK perceptions, teacher educators need to help teachers develop lesson design practices that support ideation and iteration. They also need to develop teachers’ design dispositions that are amenable to exploring and resolving conflicting lesson design ideas. Going beyond TPACK, understandings of teachers’ lesson design practices and design dispositions are important for teacher educators to better design professional development for integration of information and communications technology.  相似文献   

在传统观摩课中,教师对观摩课的认识存在误区,多数以评估教师为目的,组织缺乏系统性。课后讨论流于形式。以教师发展为取向的同伴观摩可以解决传统观摩课存在的问题,其主要模式是组建教师合作小组、进行观察前协商、教室观察、开展观察后讨论。同伴观摩有利于消除被观摩教师的心理压力,解决教学中的实际问题,促进教师间的长期合作研究。  相似文献   

师德是教师最重要的素养,师范生必须具备良好的师德意识. 文章对师范生师德意识现状进行了调查研究,从师德认知、师德情感、师德行为倾向进行了综合量化分析,调查发现师范生在师德认知、师德情感、师德行为倾向表现出差异性,并提出了重塑教师信念,加强师德理想教育;把握课堂主渠道,提高师德认知;重视教育实践,历练师德品质;引导自我教育,提高自我师德意识的措施和建议.  相似文献   

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