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Children enter the world with simple emotions and gradually add complex feelings to their repertoire of skills. As children grow and develop, they learn to label their emotions and regulate them in socially appropriate ways. Literature is one way early childhood educators can foster healthy emotional development. This article explains how emotions develop during the preschool years (3–5), shares why it is important for early childhood educators to understand the connection between emotional and literacy development, and suggests books and strategies that can be used to enhance young children’s emotional and literate lives.  相似文献   

幼儿在消极情境中使用情绪表达规则的性别差异   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究从幼儿园大班选取140名5-6岁幼儿,考察性别与情绪情境对幼儿情绪表达规则使用的影响。结果表明:女孩在情绪表达规则知识、目标和掩饰策略使用上的得分均显著高于男孩;不同性别在情绪表达目标的选择上具有显著差异,女孩在他人定向目标上的得分显著高于男孩,男孩在自我定向目标上的得分显著高于女孩;掩饰是幼儿运用最多的情绪表达策略。为促进幼儿情绪表达规则能力的发展,成人应注意引导幼儿关注对方感受,促进幼儿积极的交往方式;正确看待幼儿情绪表达的性别差异;接纳幼儿的情绪体验和行为方式。  相似文献   

不同性别儿童数学学习情感发展差异研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章研究了小学儿童数学学习的情感发展特征,采用自编"儿童数学学习情感发展水平"量表,以梅州市三所小学1-6年级共860名学生为被试,考察男女生数学学习情感发展水平的差异。结果表明:(1)小学男、女生的数学学习情感发展水平存在极显著差异,女生数学学习情感发展水平明显比男生高。(2)除师生关系水平存在显著的性别差异,女生比男生与老师有更良好的师生关系外,儿童数学学习情感的其他因素,男、女几乎没有不同。(3)低年级儿童的数学学习情感发展水平存在显著的性别差异,中、高年级儿童不存在显著的性别差异,数学学习情感发展水平随年级升高而降低,女生数学学习情感发展水平变化较大,男生则相对平稳。  相似文献   

新中国成立之初,宝安的幼儿园经历了一段曲折发展的历程。1957年后,人民公社、大跃进、大炼钢铁等运动的兴起,各地人们参与社会主义建设的热情高涨,大力发展幼儿园教育成为当时之急需,一方面幼儿园的开办对于解放妇女劳动力具有重要的现实意义,同时也是实现幼儿教育向工农大众开放的社会主义教育方针的具体体现。但当时那种“放卫星”式的大发展对整个幼儿教育造成了相当大的混乱。宝安幼儿教育的发展同样经历了一个“大跃进”的发展时期:幼儿园数量的激增,幼儿在园率急速提高,这种不顾客观条件的蛮干作法,严重违背教育规律,给宝安的幼儿教育带来不良影响。  相似文献   

Previous studies that attempted to explain why girls often perform better than boys in reading have emphasized the role of values and beliefs, with little attention paid to the role of emotions. This study focused on the role of parent–child emotional contagion in explaining gender differences, by investigating how parents’ reading emotion predicts students’ reading emotion and subsequent reading achievement. The data that was used was from a subsample of students from the Program for International Students Assessment (n = 84,429) from 14 countries. Multi-group structural equation modeling was conducted to assess a model of parents’ enjoyment of reading predicting reading achievement through students’ enjoyment of reading. Results provided support for a model of parents’ enjoyment of reading, predicting students 'enjoyment of reading, and subsequent reading achievement for both girls and boys. However, the indirect effect of parents’ enjoyment of reading on reading achievement through students’ enjoyment of reading was found to be stronger in girls than in boys. Findings emphasize the important role of parents’ emotions on student outcomes and how gender biases in a certain context can affect the extent to which parents’ emotions can influence student achievement.  相似文献   


The technique described was used as a trial method to achieve increased efficiency in teaching and to insure the highest possible performance of the class and especially among the below-average members. Programmed instruction material was modified as to style and used as a lecture preview. Freshmen medical students were divided into control and experimental groups with only the latter having access to programmed lecture preview material.

Expectations were supported in that the below-average student in the experimental group improved his performance and in this study the above-average student also showed significant improvement.

This teaching technique appears valuable and warrants further experimental use as an ancillary technique for teaching in professional schools.  相似文献   

Building strong relationships between children and parents is vital for children’s social and emotional development. A majority of children attend early childhood education and care (ECEC) settings where they experience a range of relationships (educator–child, educator–parent, parent–child). Educators build relationships with children and parents, yet their influence on parent–child relationships is not well understood. Therefore, an evaluation of interventions/programs designed to promote parent–child relationships in ECEC settings (long day care, occasional care and preschool) and a range of settings (play groups, community groups and health centres) was conducted. The search revealed 21 peer-reviewed studies and seven interventions: two conducted in ECEC settings and five in a range of parent–child support settings. All studies reported intervention efficacy, yet none examined educators’ influence on parent–child relationships. Investigation into current educator practices is recommended to ensure educators are supported to promote and nurture parent–child relationships, consequently strengthening children’s social and emotional development.  相似文献   

全美幼教协会(NAEYC)是美国影响力最大的民间幼儿教育组织,其在制定幼儿教育从业者专业标准、保证美国幼儿师资水平方面发挥着重要作用。NAEYC发起的"幼儿教育从业者系统行动计划"(ECWSI)明确提出了美国幼儿教育从业者专业发展系统的政策领域、基本原则及一系列支撑措施,为帮助各州建立专业、稳定、高效的幼儿教育师资队伍,保证幼儿教育质量做出了积极贡献,对我国加强幼儿教师队伍建设具有重要启示。  相似文献   

An emerging theoretical perspective is that emotions are a verb or something we do in relation to others. Studies that demonstrate ways to analyze emotions from a performative stance are scarce. In this article, a new analytical tool is introduced; a critical performative analysis of emotion (CPAE) that draws upon three theoretical perspectives: emotions as situated, as embodied, and as fissured. These three theoretical perspectives (i.e. critical sociocultural, narrative, and rhizomatic) allow researchers to think with theory. Data from teaching children with a critical inquiry curriculum demonstrates a CPAE. Educators are encouraged to continue to embrace the malleability of theories, to push educational research forward by finding new ways to research inquiries, and to adapt CPAE for further research interests.  相似文献   

The present project studied the relationship between the use of developmentally appropriate practices and children's perception of self-competence in Head Start classrooms. Self-competence is defined as children's confidence in succeeding in certain tasks. Developmentally appropriate practices (DAP) as proposed by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) are teaching practices that are age appropriate, individually appropriate and culturally appropriate. Seventy-two children attending six Head Start centres participated in the study. Trained researchers filled out the Rating Scale to assess the use Developmentally Appropriate Practices in Early Childhood Classrooms. The participating children's perceived self-competence was measured using the Pictorial Scale of Perceived Competence and Social Acceptance. Correlational analysis showed that some of the subscales assessing the use of developmentally appropriate practices were correlated with two of the subscales of the children's perception of self-competence. The above results provide some insight into the importance of the use of developmentally appropriate practices and their effects on children.  相似文献   

Scientific and policy advances are putting early childhooddevelopment (ECD) at the center of efforts to improve humandevelopment. This study was undertaken to understand whatknowledge and attitudinal barriers exist that 25 hinder the full-scaleroll-out of services for the youngest children and their families.We used anthropological methods honed by the FrameworksInstitute to plumb beliefs about early childhood development amongmembers of the public and implementation and policy stakeholders,and compare those with the findings from ECD research. Whilemembers of the public and stakeholders agree on the importance ofECD, as demonstrated in other country settings, a major barrier todirecting services to the youngest children is a perceptual tendencyto ‘age up’. That is, to consider learning and other important skillsas being acquired in the pre-school rather than infancy period.Communication strategies that incorporate debate are neededto give full effect to the ECD and related policies, especiallyaround the topics of prioritizing the youngest 40 children, physicalpunishment, child rights, and the pervasiveness Q5 of threats toECD arising from poverty and disadvantage.  相似文献   

The authors examined the relationships among achievement motives, emotional regulation, and emotions. They collected data from 425 college undergraduates (110 men, 315 women) and used several scales, including the Achievement Motives Scales (K. Hagtvet & L. Zou, 2000), the Emotional Regulation During Testing Scale (P. A. Schutz, C. DiStefano, J. Benson, & H. A. Davis, 2004), and the Regensburg Academic Emotions Questionnaire (R. Pekrun, T. Goetz, R. P. Perry, K. Kramer, & M. Hochstadt, 2004). Findings suggest that approach—avoidance motives were related to different academic emotions (i.e., pleasant and unpleasant) in the expected directions. Approach—avoidance variables, cognitive-appraisal processes, and during-testing processes explained significant amounts of variance in both test hope and test pride, and several categories of students emerged, including those of high approach—low avoidance, low approach—high avoidance, moderate approach—high avoidance, high approach—moderate avoidance, and moderate approach—low avoidance. The authors also discuss future research and implications.  相似文献   

刘宇 《幼儿教育》2012,(Z3):73-76,84
通过对学前教育领域具有代表性的四种学术期刊近十年来刊载的有关幼儿科学教育的论文进行计量分析发现,在《幼儿园教育指导纲要(试行)》颁布后,我国幼儿科学教育研究从量上看时有起伏,但总体来说发展态势良好,目前已经形成由较为稳定的核心作者群及尚未形成持续研究兴趣的边沿作者群组成的研究者队伍,且研究方法初步呈现多样化趋势,但研究主题存在分布不均衡现象。未来需加强对当前研究力量较为薄弱的课题的研究,注意理论研究与实践研究的双向沟通,进一步推进研究方法的多元化。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国学前教育研究逐步成为一个受到重视的教育研究分支领域,获得了比较显著的发展。通过对其间20年里被列为全国教育科学规划课题的学前教育课题以及中国学前教育研究会自行设立的课题所做的多重分析发现,我国学前教育的发展具体表现在研究数量大幅度增加,研究者的职业类别与所处地域明显扩宽,研究领域不断拓展,研究内容不断丰富,越来越注重实践研究,研究成果的应用性与实效性明显增强等方面。我国学前教育研究也存在着科研规范性欠缺,跟风式重复研究等问题。  相似文献   


The interaction patterns of teachers and students in public and private urban schools was investigated specifically to explore higher order teacher questioning. On the basis of a review of the literature, the authors speculated that patterns of student response to higher order teacher questioning would differ by student gender. Higher order questioning encourages students to think critically, and, therefore, is powerful for learning. Lower order questioning, however, taps only the memorization of facts. The results from this study suggested no gender difference in students' responses to higher order questioning. The 16 teachers observed used predominately lower level questioning patterns in their classrooms.  相似文献   

英汉翻译中“红色”的情感色彩差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从中西文化对比的角度分析了不同文化内涵中"红色"情感色彩的差异与共同点,认为在汉英翻译中要重视中西观察视角不同形成的差异,并结合情感色彩差异选择直译或意译,以避免文化不同造成误解。  相似文献   

早期儿童发展政策是一个社会性政策,它通过政府的投入对有关早期儿童发展重要问题的解决提供指导,为儿童及其家庭提供服务。这一政策应具有社会、政治、经济和人力资源方面的可持续性。政策的组成部分包括理想与目标、活动、管理和财政。政策制定的过程强调多方人员的参与以及有据可依。亚太地区多个国家近年来在早期儿童发展政策的制定方面取得了很大的进展,但同时在政策的实施、管理和财政方面仍面临很大的挑战。  相似文献   

郭力平  谢萌 《幼儿教育》2012,(12):44-48
20世纪70年代前,美国政府出台的关于早期教育质量的政策不多。70年代之后,政府和社会日益关注早期教育质量问题。美国早期教育质量提升的主要特点是更全面地定义质量,建立有效的质量评定与推进系统,更加重视师资培训。美国未来早期教育质量提升的主要发展趋势是建设童年早期系统,充分体现教育公平,提供高质量师资,进一步推进和完善以实证研究为基础的政策。系统观、公平观、标准化和师资建设是推动美国早期教育质量提升的要素。  相似文献   

从国家发展的战略视角论幼儿教育的价值   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
幼儿教育不仅对个体的身心发展有着直接影响,而且对国家未来整体的发展有着重要价值.当前,我国幼儿教育事业发展中问题、挑战与机遇并存,迫切需要从国家发展的战略视角重新审视幼儿教育的价值.具体而言,幼儿教育有助于提高国民素质,推进人力资源建设;促进妇女就业和家庭幸福;减少社会分层,促进社会公平;维持社会稳定和国家安全,并能够带来巨大的社会经济效益.  相似文献   

个性培养对于人成功地适应社会相当重要,儿童早期正是个性形成的重要时期。综述了个性的组成部分以及对人的重要性,应结合家庭教育在儿童个性形成的重要作用,旨在为进一步提倡素质教育,为培养创造型人才提供理论依据。  相似文献   

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