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The paper makes use of Michael Faraday's ideas about learning, in particular his thoughts about attitudes to the unknowns of science and the development of an attitude which improves scientific decision-making. An invented scenario involving nursery school children demonstrates some attitudes displayed there. Discussion of the scenario and variation in possible outcomes suggests that Faraday's views are relevant to scientific learning in general. The main thesis of the paper is that it is central to learning in science to acknowledge that there is an inner struggle involved in facing unknowns, and that empathy with the fears and expectations of learners is an essential quality if genuinely scientific thought is to develop. It is suggested, following Faraday, that understanding our own feelings while we teach is a pre-requisite to enabling such empathy and that only then will we be in a position to evaluate accurately whether or not our pupils are thinking scientifically.  相似文献   

分别对电磁感应定律的两种表述进行分析、讨论、对比,从理论上证明其等价性,并用实例进一步阐明。  相似文献   

李永 《物理教学》2021,(4):60-61,80
通过对一个典型的只有动生电动势的电磁感应现象问题的研究,指出了只有动生电动势的电磁感应现象中克服安培力做的功是其他形式的能转化为电能的量度,但特别需要强调和注意的是:计算克服安培力做的功时,以相对于磁场静止的观察者为参考系.  相似文献   

基于电磁感应原理,自制"双电机"传感器,通过多个电路模块进行数据收集及处理,可以测量小于1mT的弱磁场。介绍了测量系统的组成及各部分的具体设计。  相似文献   

丁岳林 《物理教师》2004,25(1):4-55
电磁感应是力电综合考查的重要载体,命题以感应电动势、感应电流、安培力的计算为基点,联系牛顿定律、动量定理、动能定理、动量守恒定律和能量转化与守恒定律等重要物理规律,综合性特别强.求解的基本方略是在建立起清晰的物理模型的基础上,选择物理规律,建立有关的方程,最后应用数学方法(如解方程组、不等式等)进行计算或讨论.但是,由于电磁感应  相似文献   

为了得到加热器出口处带材温度的分布情况,设计了一套基于LabVIEW的电磁感应加热带材温度监测系统。该系统由红外温度传感器、电流变送器、Compact DAQ平台和显示器组成。测量了45钢在不同温度下的辐射率,采用最小二乘法将数据分段拟合成解析函数,并将表达式通过公式节点写入程序。系统通过NI Compact DAQ硬件平台以及LabVIEW软件,对感应加热器出口处带材的温度进行采集和处理,实现温度的实时显示和数据存储。实验结果表明该系统性能稳定,具有较高的测温精度和实用价值。  相似文献   

本文从一个崭新角度,提出了一种电磁感应中的来拒去留实验教学方法,并介绍了本文所涉及的演示器材及其用法。  相似文献   

1InductionLadleFurnaceandItsTechnicalPropertiesInductionladlefurnace(ILF)isarecentlydevelopedequipmentforsecondaryrefiningand...  相似文献   

Background: One of the topics students have difficulties in understanding is electromagnetic induction. Active learning methods instead of traditional learning method may be able to help facilitate students’ understanding such topics more effectively.

Purpose: The study investigated the effectiveness of physical models and simulations on students’ understanding daily life applications of electromagnetic induction.

Sample: The nine participants in the study were voluntaries from the fourth year of the physics education undergraduate programme.

Design and methods: Lessons were designed to enhance students’ conceptual understanding of electromagnetic induction. Researchers developed multiple generator and simple electric motor models. These models and simulations about Faraday’s Law, magnetic field, magnets, generator and radio waves were used in lessons. The data were collected through open-ended questionnaire and semi-structured interview. Open-ended questionnaire was employed in a pre-test and a post-test. Students’ answers were categorized as sound understanding, partial understanding, misunderstanding and no understanding. At the end of the last lesson, the interview was implemented about the students’ opinions related to application.

Results: For each question, the number of responses matching the accepted scientific explanation increased after application. The number of illogical or incorrect responses decreased.

Conclusions: Physical models and simulations used in the present study had positive effect on students participated in this study to understand electromagnetic induction and its daily life applications.  相似文献   

介绍了法拉第效应实验的目的、原理,分析了高校法拉第效应实验教学现状,阐述了分层教学理念及意义,重点探讨了在法拉第效应实验开设时的分层教学设计思路及主要步骤,并对实施效果进行分析.教学效果调查表明:在法拉第效应实验教学中引入分层教学,能很大程度上激发学生的学习兴趣,更好地培养学生创新意识和科学研究素质,提高教学质量.  相似文献   

中学物理教材中,在<法拉第电磁感应定律>一节里,采用通过观察定性的实验现象,从而得出:感应电动势的大小与磁通量的变化快慢有关.  相似文献   

TheFaradayrotatorisoneoftheessentialelementsofopticalisolatorsandopticalcirculators[1,2 ] ,whichiswidelyusedinopticalfibercommunicationandopticalprecisemea surementsystems .Asisknown ,itisconvenienttoresearchthetransformationsofpolarizedlighttopassthroughsomeop ticalelementswiththehelpofJonesmatricesoftheelements .Therefore ,itisnecessarytoknowtheJonesmatricesoftheopticalelements .FortheidealFaradayrotator,itsJonesma trixwhichisfamiliartouscanbeusedinsomesituations[3] .ButthepracticalFarada…  相似文献   

建设法治国家的重要前提是社会成员对法律的信仰,要求“良法之治”。立法要在社会成员不同利益要求的“博弈”中求得一种平衡,立法还要照顾到现实中已有的习惯和惯例。只有这样才能使法律发挥应有的作用,否则就会造成法律与现实的脱节,并进而造成法律的整体软化。在此意义上讲,立法的本质是发现而不是创造。  相似文献   

通过20世纪二十项最伟大的工程技术成就与电磁感应定律的联系,说明电磁感应定律的发现对人类的巨大贡献和对世界全方位的影响。  相似文献   

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