Blais and Gélineau use the 1997 Canadian federal electionpanel study to explore the relationship between supporting thewinning side in an election and satisfaction with democracy.While it is well established that winners tend to have higherlevels of satisfaction than losers, less research has been doneto determine whether it is the election result in itself thatcauses this difference in satisfaction. The authors theorizethat in a parliamentary system voters might gain different utilityfrom winning at the local and national levels, and that theirexpectations as well as  相似文献   

黄微  刘熠  许烨婧  孙悦 《图书情报工作》2019,63(20):17-25
[目的/意义]数据获取是网络舆情研究的第一个阶段,在大量数据面前,构建网络舆情推文热度测度模型能够快速筛选出能为网络舆情研究所用的数据。[方法/过程]借鉴信息论中平均自信息量的定义,使用层次分析法与Haker News排名算法构建网络舆情热度测度模型。[结果/结论]通过在微博抓取数据,计算得出针对该数据集的热度阈值,验证该热度测度模型的准确度。事实证明,网络舆情推文热度测度模型能够很好地完成推文热度的计算,并且能够达到较高的计算准确率。  相似文献   

A Lost Decade? Laszlo Radvanyi and the Origins of Public Opinion Research in Mexico, 1941-1952     
Moreno  Alejandro; Sanchez-Castro  Manuel 《Int. Journal of Public Opinion Research》2009,21(1):3-24
This article documents public opinion research activities inMexico in the 1940s and the role played by Hungarian professorLászló Radványi, who immigrated to thatcountry at the height of World War II. Our research relies onseveral of Radványi's publications archived in differentcountries, as well as on interviews with family, acquaintances,and experts on the work of his wife, the German poet Anna Seghers.During his years in Mexico, Radványi founded the ScientificInstitute of Mexican Public Opinion, in 1941, and the InternationalJournal of Opinion and Attitude Research, in 1947—a forefatherof today's IJPOR. He was also a founding member of WAPOR. Hisearly "sample surveys" raised important methodological issuesand recorded opinion results that reflect the vibrant timesof war and policy making in a modernizing country. However,Radványi's contribution to the profession has been virtuallyforgotten. Until now, accounts about how public opinion researchbegan in Mexico either ignored Radványi's works or reducedhis ten years of survey research to a single footnote. Thisarticle is an attempt to fill this enormous omission and highlightsome of Radványi's contributions to these early stagesof survey research.  相似文献   

The communications revolution and world affairs     
Andrew Gyorgy 《广播与电子媒介杂志》2013,57(3):205-211

This is the condensed text of the keynote address of Boston University's Conference on Enlightened Public Opinion, April 11, 1958. Original title of Dr. Gyorgy's speech was “Public Opinion and World Affairs.”;  相似文献   

陈友良 《新闻界》2020,(4):76-84
基于新发现的袁昌英《公意之源》,并与陶孟和的书评比较,考察李普曼《舆论》作为一种现代性话语在中国的传播与实践的问题。《舆论》推动了近代西方"public opinion"从哲学论述转向现代性的知识和概念,但其核心概念仍融合了"公共意志"与"公众意见"两方面涵义,作为现代性话语尚具有两歧性。这个特征为五四时期的中国学者提供了"舆论"与"公意"的两条阐释路径。陶孟和用书评形式引介《舆论》,关注其在政治心理学上的创新意义;袁昌英则以近似于政论文的形式,评述李普曼的新舆论观、大众媒介观和政治传播观,实已触及现代传播学的范畴。陶、袁都被李普曼的民主理论修正观点所吸引,对于著名的"李普曼-杜威之辩",也有精英主义与大众主义不同的评论视角。从话语实践上看,《舆论》参与了一战以后中国知识界对西方民主制度的反省思潮。  相似文献   

反映社会舆情 做好舆情信息工作     
梁琪 《当代图书馆》2009,(1)
文章论述了舆情信息工作的概念和意义,从四个方面提出了做好真情信息工作的基本要求。并且结合实际工作谈了个人对做好舆情信息工作的一点体会。  相似文献   

International Communications     
Henry O. Hart  Harold D. Lasswell  Stephen L. Vaughn  Mock  Larson  Oswald H. Ganley 《Communication Booknotes Quarterly》2013,44(8):163-165
Henry 0. Hart's Mass Communication and Social Change Process and Practice (An Attempted Extension of Basic Models) (East European Area Audience and Opinion Research Dept., RFE/RL, Inc., Oettingenstrasse, 67 AM Englischen Garten, 8000 Munich 22, West Germany—apparently free on request, paper)

World Directory of Mass Communication Periodicals ($15.00)

Mass Communication Research–Current Documentation ($10.00 per volume)

Directory of Mass Media Research Centres in European Socialist Countries ($5.00)

Harold D. Lasswell, Daniel Lerner and Hans Speier, eds. Propaganda and Communication in World History, Volume II: Emergence of Public Opinion in the West (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1980-825.00)

Stephen L. Vaughn's Holding Fast the Inner Lines: Democracy, Nationalism, and the Committee on Public Information (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1980—$21.00)

Mock and Larson's Words That Won the War (1939)

Oswald H. Ganley's The United States-Canadian Communications and Information Resources Relationship and its Possible Significance for Worldwide Diplomacy (Working Paper W-79-7, November 1979—$10.90, paper, 97 pp.)

Anthony Crawford's Posters of World War I and World War II in the George C. Marshall Research Foundation (Charlottesville, Virginia: University Press of Virginia, 1979—$9.95)  相似文献   

Impact of Media     
Dennis K. Davis  Stanley J. Baran  James B. LOmert  Emile McAnany  Jorge Schnitman  Noreene Janus 《Communication Booknotes Quarterly》2013,44(3)
Dennis K. Davis and Stanley J. Baran, Mass Communication and Everyday Life: A Perspective on Theory and Effects (Belmont, Ca.: Wadsworth Publishing, 1981—$7.95, paper)

James B.LOmert Does Mass Communication Change Public Opinion After All? A New Approach to Effects Analysis (Chicago: Nelson-Hall Publishers, 1981—$17.95/8.95)

Annual Report 1978/79. 1979/80 of the John and Mary R. Markle Foundation (50 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, N.Y. 10020—free on request, paper)

Emile McAnany, Jorge Schnitman, and Noreene Janus, eds. Communication and Social Structure: Critical Studies in Mass Media Research (New York: Praeger Special Studies, 1981—price not known)  相似文献   

Forthcoming WAPOR Conferences and Seminars     
《Int. Journal of Public Opinion Research》2006,18(4):523
September 19–21, 2007: 60th Annual Conference of the WorldAssociation for Public Opinion Research, Berlin, Germany  相似文献   

Donsbach  Wolfgang; Noelle  Elisabeth; Traugott  Michael W.; Worcester  Robert 《Int. Journal of Public Opinion Research》2006,18(4):391-392
If the founders and editors of the International Journal ofPublic Opinion Research described the ideal spectrum of thejournal’s content, we would all very likely enumeratethe following five dimensions, usually in a comparative and/orinternational context: theories about the dynamics of publicopinion, methodological problems and developments, the roleof the news media in public communication, public opinion researchas a social and political problem, and public opinion data on  相似文献   

Teaching PR 2.0 Through the Use of Blogs and Wikis     
《Communication Teacher》2013,27(3):105-109
Courses: Public Relations; Internet & Public Relations; Social Media & Public Relations

Objectives: At the end of the semester, students should be able to: (a) demonstrate proficiency in the use of social media technologies, and (b) explain how these technologies could be used as strategic PR tools  相似文献   

Katrin Doveling (2005). Emotionen--Medien--Gemeinschaft. Eine kommunikationssoziologische Analyse [Emotions--media--community. A study from the perspective of communication sociology]. Wiesbaden, Germany: VS Verlag, 340 pp., ISBN 3-531-14236-4.     
Petersen  Thomas 《Int. Journal of Public Opinion Research》2006,18(4):510-512
‘Here is a book that makes you want to shout, "Finally!"’That is the opening sentence of a recent book review that theauthor of this review wrote for the International Journal ofPublic Opinion Research about Campaigning for Hearts and Minds:How Emotional Appeals in Political Ads Work by Ted Brader (2006).The remark refers to the fact that Brader’s book focuseson an issue that has thus far received very little attentionin the field of communication studies, or, for that matter,in the fields of political science or sociology, namely, themajor role emotions play in explaining collective behavior,social decisions, opinion formation and—especially inthe case at hand—the effects of media coverage on opinionformation. Now, in the form of Katrin Döveling’scomprehensive new  相似文献   

Digital Democratic Voices: Intersecting Student Research,Twitter, and Presidential Debates     
《Communication Teacher》2013,27(1):63-70
Courses: Mass Communication and Public Opinion, Political Communication

Objectives: Often, there are media events (e.g., local and national elections, the Super Bowl) that match up with what we hope to accomplish in a particular class. The purpose of this semester-length project for students was threefold: (1) to read and comprehend literature related to communication studies, media, and political strategy; (2) to collect and analyze data; and (3) to participate in civic engagement by taking part in Presidential DebateWatch events, both as an audience member and through the use of Twitter.  相似文献   

网络舆情的传播机制研究——以央视新台址大火为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李彪 《国际新闻界》2009,(5)
本文以央视新台址大火为研究个案,采用内容分析法探讨了新浪网上央视新台址大火相关新闻的网民评论各类维度,进而初步勾勒出网络舆情传播机制。  相似文献   

Foreign and International     
Isaiah Litvak  Christopher Maule  Bernard Rubin  Jim Richstad  Michael McMillan  Ralph Barney 《Communication Booknotes Quarterly》2013,44(6):8-10
Isaiah Litvak and Christopher Maule's Cultural Sovereignty, The Time and Reader's Digest Case in Canada (New York: Praeger Special Studies, 1974---$13.50)

Survey of Public Attitudes Towards the Computer (Ottawa: Department of Communications, 1973---$1.00, paper)

Bernard Rubin's Propaganda and Public Opinion: Strategies of Persuasion (Middletown, Conn.: Xerox Educational Publications, 1973---copies on request, paper)

Jim Richstad, Michael McMillan, and Ralph Barney's The Pacific Islands Press: A Directory (Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii, 1973---no price given, paper)

Judith Tegger Kildow's Intelsat: Policy-Maker's Dilemma (Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books/Heath, 1973---$12.50)  相似文献   

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When founding the International Journal of Public Opinion Research,the editors had a vision that the journal would be both internationaland interdisciplinary, while retaining a broad interest in boththeoretical and empirical scholarly work. We included reviews,first of books and then of articles reporting on work in thefield, and then  相似文献   

In this section the International Journal of Public OpinionResearch reviews articles that have recently been publishedin peer-refereed journals and which broadly relate to the fieldof public opinion. The intention is not to give an exhaustiveoverview of a given study but rather to alert our readers tointeresting ideas and research in our field. For this issuethanks are due to Ken’ichi Ikeda (University of Tokyo)for help in compiling the reviews. Arai, Kiichiro (2006). A mechanism of political participation:Experience and evaluation. Review of Electoral Studies, 6, 5–24. This paper examines how citizens are engaged in political activities,with a focus on their experience of political participationand their evaluation of the experience. Using data from theJapanese Election and Democracy Study 2000 survey, an empiricalanalysis shows that people who positively evaluate their experienceof participating in political activity (such as helping election  相似文献   

In Memoriam     
SEYMOUR MARTIN LIPSET On December 31, 2006, Seymour Martin Lipset, co-founder andeditor of the International Journal of Public Opinion Research,passed away at the age of 84 after a long and difficult illness.It is with deep sorrow and immense gratitude that we rememberour dearly departed friend, to whom  相似文献   

This issue of the International Journal of Public Opinion Researchonce again takes the reader on a trip around the world. Fourcontinents are looked at, counting the two Americas separately,and data from 19 individual countries feature in the analyses,which pertain to several dozens more. We begin our trip in LatinAmerica. Rodolfo Sarsfield and Fabián Echegaray presentcomparative research covering eight major countries on the continent.One always expects, in comparative studies, large tables thatpresent results  相似文献   

This issue of the International Journal of Public Opinion Researchassembles six contributions—three articles and three researchnotes—that represent the diversity of subjects, methods,and research sites that we aim at. The first article is by agroup of (mostly) Ohio State University scholars (Lindsay H.Hoffman, Carroll J. Glynn, Michael E. Huge, Rebecca Border Sietman,and Tiffany Thomson) who used two surveys about a school districtballot issue to study the process of opinion formation. Drawingon  相似文献   

In this section the International Journal of Public OpinionResearch reviews articles that have recently been publishedin peer-refereed journals and which broadly relate to the fieldof public opinion. The intention is not to give an exhaustiveoverview of a given study but rather to alert our readers tointeresting ideas and research in our field.
   Blais, André & Gélineau, François (2007). Winning, losing and satisfaction with democracy. Political Studies, 55, 425–441.
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