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<正>See someone wearing a ring on their right index finger and you can bet they’re not married. A ring on the left ring finger, though, means that person is "taken". The choice of wedding ring finger seems arbitrary~1, but there’s actually historical reason it became known as the"ring finger", and why most people wear their wedding band on the left.看到有人在右手食指上戴着戒指,你可以打赌他们没有结婚。而左手无名指上的戒指意  相似文献   

你知道什么叫“温室效应”吗?它对地球又有什么样的影响呢?A greenhouse is a building m ade of glass which is used for keepingoolplants warm when the outside tem perature is low.In a sim ilar w ay thereare several gases in the atm osphere w hich trap the heat produced by thesun and preventit from escaping.These gases are known as“greenhousegases”,and the way in w hich they trap heat in the atm osphere is called“the greenhouse effect”.This is notsim ple air pollution.M ost ofthe m aingreenhouse …  相似文献   

O ne day a m an w as w alking along the street. H e carried an old bag in hishands. H e w as w ondering w hy people w ho had so m uch m oney w ere never satis-fied but alw ays w anted m ore . “As to m e ,”he said,“if I only had enough toeat,I should not ask for anything else.”Just at this m om ent Fortune cam e dow n the street. She heard the m an andstopped.“Listen,”she said,“I w ant to help you.H old your bag,and I shall pour di-am onds into it. But every diam ond w hich falls on …  相似文献   

There’s a great story about an old Finnishwoman who,without quite realizing it,was us-ing her cellphone(手机)to access the Internetand track her city’s public transit system(交通系统).When asked why she used the wireless In-temet so flrequently, she replied, “What areyou talking about?All I know is that I click onsomething on my cellphone and it says ‘bus-  相似文献   

现在的手机都太大了,所以我就想设计一款袖珍手机:屏幕、键盘、电池各为一部分,然后三部分能够统统"合体"。这时候手机看起来就像个胶卷一样。软性屏幕可以像胶片一样从主机身内拉出来,不用时又可以缩回去,电池也是可以折叠的。整个手机卷起来就可以像戒指或手镯一样戴在手指或手腕上,看起来既小巧玲珑又美观实用。  相似文献   

Chinese New Year     
Background Inform ationC hinese N ew Y ear, also know n as the Spring Festival, starts at the beginningof spring.It occurs som ew here betw een January 30and February 20.Each C hineseyear is represented by a repeated cycle of 12anim als,the rat,ox,tiger,hare orrabbit,dragon,snake,horse,ram ,m onkey,rooster,dog,and pig.C hinese N ewY ear is C hina’s biggest holiday.Its origin is ancient, but m any believe the w ord N ian, w hich m eans “year”,w as the nam e of a beast that preyed on pe…  相似文献   

Tow friends visited the zoo together.The zoo is very large and it w asim possible to go everyw here.They had to decide w here and w hich anim al tovisit as their tim e w as lim ited.So both of them agreed not to retrace (重 走 )after choosing a branch road atevery fork(路口 ). A road sign atthe first fork indicated(表 示)one w ay to the lion quarters(狮 子 园 )and the other to the tiger hill.T hey decided on the form er after abrief discussion because lionsw ere “the king…  相似文献   

1.Two BirdsTeacher:H ere are two birds,one is a sw al-low,the other is sparrow.N ow w ho can tell uswhich is w hich?Student:I can notpointout,but I know theanswer.Teaher:Please tell us.Student:The sw allow is beside the sparrowand the sparrow is beside th…  相似文献   

M ather's D ay 母亲节妈妈辛苦你了T he C ost of L ove O ne nightw hen m y w ife w as preparing dinner, our little son tooka piece ofpaper to her w hich read: For w ashing the car--$ 5.00 Playing w ith little sister--$0.25 G etting a good reportcard--$5.00 For sw eeping the com m on corridor--$2.00 Total--$12.25 H is m other looked at him standing there expecting paym ent. Shepicked up the pen and turning the paper over,this is w hatshe w rote: For 9 m onths I carried you—N o C harge For …  相似文献   

Rain 迷天下     
His nam e is rathercom plicated:H e's know n by a variety ofnam es in differentcountries.Al-though his stage nam e is an English w ord,in Korea,he is know n as Bi(pronounced like theEnglish w ord be),w hich is the Korean w ord forrain.In Japan,his nam e i…  相似文献   

从 A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1.Tom s m other kept telling him that he should w ork harder,butdidn t help.A .he B .w hich C .she D .it2.There is a photo on the w all. a photo ofLeiFeng.A .It B .Its C .Its D .H e s3.D o you consider w ise to tellhim the truth?A .that B .this C .w hich D .it4.I lost m y pen.Im looking for .A .one B .that C .it D .this5.I glanced atm y watch. was earlier than I thought.A .There B .This C .That D .It6. is im portant for u…  相似文献   

There are different ways in which peo-ple try to deal w ith the problem of energy.O ne w ay is the greater production of com -m on energy sources(能源),such as coal,oiland gas. The trouble w ith these sources,how ever,is that they are not renewable.A nother way is energy conservation (节能), which m eans using energy m ore effi-ciently (有效地). In som e very cold coun-tries people build special houses to saveenergy. They place m aterials betw een theinside and the outside of the walls of the…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.完形填空M r.H odge w as a1farm er.H e had hundreds ofchickens,and sold eggs and the m eatand gota lotof2them,buthe lived in a very3partofthe country,and he found4his hens(母鸡)laid5in thesum m er.So he decided to putair-conditionings(空调)into his chicken-house6they would lay wellallthrough the year and he could getm ore eggs and in that way earn m ore m oney.The owner ofthecom pany w hich7the air-conditioning cam e to see him,and w hen he saw M r.H odge蒺s house,hethoughtthathe m ightbe a…  相似文献   

1.Sunday is the first day of the week. 2. M onday is the second day ofthe week. 3. Tuesday is the third day ofthe week. 4. W ednesday is the fourth day ofthe week. 5. Thursday is the fifth day ofthe week. 6. Friday is the sixth day ofthe week. 7. Saturday is the (seventh) lastday ofthe week. Q uestions: 1. W hich day is sunny in the week? W hy ? 2.W hich day is the longest (最长)in the week? W hy? (答案在本期找)“英语西洋景”《脑筋急转弯》答案1.Sunday is sunny because(因为)there is“sun”i…  相似文献   

A卷Ⅰ.单项填空1.—The fish tastes good,doesn tit?—Y es.Its delicious.A.m uch B.m ore C.m ore than D.rather than2.Frankly,I don tthink it for her to w in the gam e.A.likely B.possibly C.probably D.sim ply3.The belief there w ere ghosts and m onsters in the village provefalse.A.where B.which C.that D.how4.They have their ow n features,butthey all the spiritofcreativitA.charge B.contain C.spare D.share5.The dictionary,she benefited a lot,is now m issing.A.which B.that C.from w hich D.o…  相似文献   

In English there is an expression:"arm to arm"1 It means to fight back,to take revenge2 on the party who does wrong to you. Is it right to fight arm to arm. This is truly a question.  相似文献   

Q:W hat do people do in a clock factory?A:They m ake faces all day.他们是在做鬼脸吗?(make face有做鬼脸的意思,但这里是“制造钟面”的意思哦!)Q:W hat’s the difference betw een a m onkey and a flea?A:A m onkey can have fleas,but a flea can’t have m onkeys.猴子和跳蚤的不同之处是猴子身上可以长跳蚤,而跳蚤身上却不能长猴子。这个答案你能接受吗?Q:W hich is the strongest creature in the w orld?A:The snail.It carries its house on its back.蜗牛的速度“惊人”,但其力气更惊人,如果你不服,你可以整天背着房…  相似文献   

Flam boyantand E nergetic 醒目、充满活力 O range is vibrant.It’s a com bination of red and yellow so it shares som e com m on attributes w ith those colors.Itdenotes energy,w arm th,and the sun.B utorange has a bitless intensity or aggression than red, c  相似文献   

一、单项填空(共 15小题,每小题 1分,满分 15分)1.W e could just the buildings through the fog.A .check out B.figure over C .look out D .m ake out2.—M y sons are not a little restless.—O h?B oys be boys.A .m ight B.can C .m ay D .w ill3.—W hat terrible weather!It for m ore than a week.—The rain season willlast abouta m onth.A .rains B .w illbe rainingC.rained D .has been raining4.I don t know she always looks down upon m e.A .why is itw hich B .w hy itis thatC.who is itwhich D .who iti…  相似文献   

第Ⅰ卷(三部分)第一部分:英语知识运用第一节:语法和词汇知识1.—A re you going to spend your vacationin the m ountains?—.A.W ell,it dependsB.O h,that’s all rightC.N o problemD.O h,well,that’s life2.m ajority of doctors believe thatsm oking is harm ful to health,that is,m ost doctors believe so.A.The;the B.A;不填C.The;不填D.不填;the3.Jeff w on the first prize because therewas no one in his class at thattim e could m atch him.A.when B.where C.who D.w hich4.Tom w as just about to say som et…  相似文献   

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