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《语文课程标准》明确指出:“语文课程评价的目的不仅是为了考察学生达到学习目标的程度,更是为了检验和改进学生的语文学习和教师的教学,改善课程设计,完善教学过程,从而有效地促进学生的发展”。对语文学习的评价要关注学生的学习结果,更要关注他们的学习过程;要关注学生的语文学习水平,更要关注他们在语文他们在语文活动中所表现出来的情感、态度、价值观;既重视定量分析,更要重视定性评价,要帮助学生认识自我,树立信心。  相似文献   

现代教育理念提出:"要关注人的生命。"因此,在语文课堂上,要为学生创设一个和谐的生态评价环境,以促进学生的和谐发展。课堂上,教师要关注学生的生命发展,运用有效的评价手段,充分发挥评价的激励、导向、调控、诊断等功能。如何把握课堂评价的精髓,发挥课堂评价促进学生发展的功能?我想,评价有法,但无定法,既关注结果,又关注过程;既关注共性,又关注个体;既关注学业成绩,又  相似文献   

现代教育理念提出:"要关注人的生命。"因此,在语文课堂上,要为学生创设一个和谐的生态评价环境,以促进学生的和谐发展。课堂上,教师要关注学生的生命发展,运用有效的评价手段,充分发挥评价的激励、导向、调控、诊断等功能。如何把握课堂评价的精髓,发挥课堂评价促进学生发展的功能?我想,评价有法,但无定法,既关注结果,又关注过程;既关注共性,又关注个体;既关注学业成绩,又  相似文献   

要全面提高学生的基本语文素养,就要求语文教师重视评价方式的改革,在教学中既重视学生知识与能力的评价,又重视学生学习过程、学习方法、情感态度的评价.  相似文献   

综合素质和学业水平评价小学生语文综合素质和学业水平评价依据《语文课程标准》的相关要求,确定评价的具体内容、标准及方法。评价既要关注学生学习的结果,又要关注学生学习的过程;  相似文献   

2004年春夏之交,黑龙江省课改实验区宁安市初中毕业生首次进行了学业水平考试。其中,语文试题体现了国家基础教育课程改革的精神。学生评价的基本理念,符合学生的生活实际,了解学生发展中的需求,帮助学生正确评价和认识自我,促使学生建立自信,以在原有水平上得到持续发展。因此,语文试题体现了学业评价的新理念。总体来说,语文试题表现了以下几方面特点。夯实知识,关注能力语文试题依据“课标”的理念,既注重了语文基础知识的考查,又注重了语文能力的考查,关注了学生语文素养的整体形成和发展。例如:第一题第1小题,“用你最擅长的字体,填写…  相似文献   

陈兴杰 《江西教育》2022,(39):55-56
<正>“学本课堂”坚持以生为本,以学为本,重点以“三单”自学案为指引,聚焦学习目标、活动设计和嵌入式评价,既关注了教师的教,又关注了学生的学,还关注了教学评价内容,采取逆向设计方式,坚持目标倒逼、效果倒追,从学生学习结果这个“终点”出发,以终为始,站在学生语文核心素养发展的角度,逆推当下的教学活动设计,最终确保小学语文课堂教学目标的达成,提高了课堂教学的有效性。  相似文献   

新课程背景下如何评价一堂数学课,通过十几年来的数学教学实践,我认为可以提炼成这样的几句话:既看学生,又看老师;既看结果,又看过程;既关注预设目标,又关注生成目标。下面就具体从以下几个方面去考虑。  相似文献   

补偿矫正教学模式通过前置性补偿,既复习了旧知,又为学习新知铺路搭桥;通过形成性检测,检查学生的学习目标和教师的教学目标是否达成;通过评价、矫正和总结,既关注了学生数学学习的结果,又关注了学生数学学习的过程。完善了学生的认知结构,提高了课堂教学的实效性.  相似文献   

本文从北师大五年级语文教材的语文教学理念入手,分析语文中的思想并与实际结合,让学生从教材内容出发,既结合当时的情况,又关注当今现实,从而使学生提高语文实践能力。  相似文献   

选取79名闽南地区幼儿(年龄4-6岁)作为研究被试,采用"匹配伪装实验"调查他们对普通话、英语、闽南语三种语言的态度。研究表明:闽南地区幼儿对普通话和英语的评价明显高于闽南语,幼儿对普通话掌握水平高,对闽南语掌握水平低,闽南语的发展存在危机;不同类型的幼儿对普通话评价差异不大,对英语和闽南语的评价存在显著差异。幼儿语言态度受到学校语言教育、家庭经济水平、社会地位等方面的影响。幼儿对闽南语存在态度与行为上的矛盾。  相似文献   

Scientific literacy is an important goal for science education, especially within controversial socioscientific issues. In this study, we analysed 143 students' research reports about stem cell research (SCR) for how they addressed specific source evaluation criteria provided within the assignment. We investigated students' opinions about SCR, how they used the evaluation criteria to evaluate online sources and whether the evaluation criteria and/or the specific sources influenced their opinion and/or understanding of SCR. We found that most of the students supported some form of SCR and reported that their sources were credible and contained more factual information than opinions. Students critiqued the language of the authors, as well as status in their respective fields, along with the content within each source. Additionally, students reported that their sources influenced their content knowledge, but had little influence regarding their SCR opinions. Through this work, we present a new working model and suggest the need for additional research about the understudied interface of opinion, understanding and evaluation within the context of important socioscientific issues. Students' opinions and content knowledge, located at the model's centre, influence and are influenced by the research topic, the sources used, the evaluation criteria and the evaluation of the sources that students use to provide evidence for claims.  相似文献   

The purpose of an informal analysis of written language is to identify what writers can do as well as what they find difficult about writing. This article reviews the varied components of written language, suggests informal means for assessment, and summarizes the cognitive and linguistic factors that influence varied aspects of writing performance. Two informal evaluation scales are presented that stress the interconnection between oral and written language processes.  相似文献   

本文讨论在当前的社会语言环境下,新加坡华文教学应走的方向。本文以《乐学善用——2叭0母语检讨委员会报告书》①所提的主要建议为出发点,从教育理念、课程规划与组织、教学与教材以及教学评鉴四个层面,提出建设性的看法。文章认为,只要从“差异课程”的角度把握好各个层面的变量,并让华语、华文的学习与学生的生活结合,就能给每一位学生提供适当的华文课程,从而促使学生“乐学”华文,并在生活中“善用”华文,实现新一轮课改的目标。  相似文献   

文章以新疆师范大学南疆民考民维吾尔族为例,通过问卷调查了在乌鲁木齐高校就读的维吾尔族大学生对母语、汉语的态度以及在交际情景中的语言选择和语码转换态度。结果分析表明:第一,他们具有更为强烈的民族意识,对本民族的语言和文化有意识地去努力维护。对本民族语言是有很深的感情,努力传承和维护自己的母语。第二,他们在对待汉语的态度上理性因素大于情感因素。一方面他们想保持母语的纯洁性,对汉语有明显的疏离感;另一方面,他们对汉语的社会地位以及汉语对其民族进步和个人的发展的功能作用有理性的认识。第三,在家庭中主要使用维吾尔语,很少使用汉语,在家庭以外的交往中依然主要使用维吾尔语。他们学习和生活在以汉族人口居多的乌鲁木齐,使用汉语的人数比在家里说汉语的人数多。但研究表明他们对汉语的态度更加谨慎保守。最后为新疆双语教育以及高校加强对维吾尔族大学生文化适应与民族认同的教育引导工作提供了一些建议和措施,希望能对解决新疆双语教育的具体问题以及正确处理民族关系的研究提供一些参考依据。  相似文献   

在多民族国家里,由于客观上存在着语言使用的不平衡性,少数民族对自己的母语和自己语言社区以外的更为通用的强势语言,主观上必然形成一定的态度。作为少数民族学生,他们需要对国家通用语言和本民族语言实际功能做出客观评价,对主体语言使用做出抉择,学习和掌握第二语言,关心本民族语言文化地位和命运。这既有利于少数民族学生融入主流社会,也有利于传承、发扬民族优秀的传统文化。  相似文献   

Short‐term international experiences (STIE) are becoming a regular, sometimes required, feature of pre‐service language teacher education programmes. Often inappropriately termed ‘immersion programmes’, they aim to give teachers the opportunity to improve their language proficiency in the language they will teach, to develop their pedagogical knowledge and to engage with an international sociocultural environment with which they are not familiar. In this article we report on a study which investigated pre‐service English second language teachers' perceptions of a six‐week international experience in Auckland, New Zealand. The student teachers, who were enrolled in a postgraduate diploma in teaching at a Hong Kong university, participated in an academic programme as well as a series of social events and school visits. They were encouraged to reflect on their expectations and experiences and to write about these in a pre‐programme questionnaire, reflective journals and a summative programme evaluation. The teachers' articulations reveal that their expectations and experiences interrelate in complex, sometimes unexpected, ways. The findings have important implications for the coordinators of the programme at the host institution and also for those further afield who are involved in planning and managing similar STIE programmes.  相似文献   

影响高校双语教学效果的因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校的双语教学是高校在非外语学科的教学中部分或全部采用外语进行教学,让学生以外语为媒介学习前沿性和国际性的学科知识,同时提高学生综合使用外语的能力。双语教学课程的编制和实施过程是影响双语教学效果的主要因素。双语教学课程的编制和实施过程主要由确定课程目标、选择和组织课程内容、实施课程和评价课程四个阶段构成。  相似文献   

《Education 3-13》2012,40(4):343-362
This article presents findings on pupil attitudes towards learning foreign languages in Key Stage 2 (ages 7–11) in primary schools in England. As a consequence of the National Languages Strategy, the University of Warwick was commissioned by the then Department for Education and Skills to undertake an evaluation between 2003 and 2005 of 19 Pathfinder local authorities which were piloting language learning at Key Stage 2. As part of this investigation of developing primary language practice, a total of 319 pupils in 41 case study schools were interviewed. Findings indicate that, despite the majority of children interviewed being positive about their initial language learning experience, as time went on the need for differentiation and challenge emerged. Furthermore, a number of pupils would have welcomed feedback about their own progress. These are all aspects of early language learning which continue to merit attention, as shown by more recent studies such as by C. Cable and colleagues.  相似文献   

尚绮 《培训与研究》2007,24(7):125-127
回译在翻译研究领域是一个被人忽视的角落。我国学者对回译的研究多集中在把回译作为一种检验译文的手段方面。对回译用于翻译教学虽有人提到,但真正进行深入研究的不多。实际上在翻译教学实践过程中适当穿插回译练习,能更加充实教学内容,丰富教学手段,并有效培养学生汉英语的对比意识,提高他们的汉译英能力。  相似文献   

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