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在对于宜黄拆迁事件的微博传播分析中,研究者们强调了"意见领袖"在网络传播中的主导作用。但是在浙江湖州"织里抗税"事件的微博传播中,并没有出现主导传播的"意见领袖"。该事件的传播沿用了人际扩散的模式,在这种基于人际传播圈子的传播中,信息采用无中心的平等链式扩散,在信息扩散中容易产生群体极化现象,并受到人际传播中认知强调和归因错误的影响。因此,政府对于该模式的网络群体性事件应该谨慎应对,找准网民怨恨目标和动员框架,并在微博直播向传统媒体转移的过程中发出自己的声音。  相似文献   

网络公共事务讨论常散布着对复杂问题的简单归因、情感自由宣泄和群体间利益冲突,与"公共空间"的民主商议相去甚远。为理解国内网络论坛的特征和互动模式,本文基于情感框架理论结合质化内容分析方法考察新浪微博"人民日报"和"新浪图片"账号对"北大雕像戴口罩"事件(简称"戴口罩"事件)的讨论。本文研究了微博讨论中地区冲突、归因等各类话语的具体内容与其所带情感之间的关联,以及讨论中情感表达与其他话语在对话过程中的相互影响。本文发现,微博空间更似"减压阀"而非公共空间:微博讨论中情感化批评占主导;情绪会扩散;冲突话语触发愤怒并减少对话。本研究对情感框架理论的建构,对理解中国网络讨论空间,对网络从业人员实践皆有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

从符号学的角度来分析网络舆论的形成过程,可以发现其中存在着影响舆论的两大关键环节:一是网民对特点事件的感知并将其符号化的环节。二是网民对该符号进行阐释并解读出意义的环节。具体而言:网媒的报道方式直接影响到网民对特定事件的感知;固定成见与热点思想决定着大多数网民对事件的诠释;个人利益与自尊需要也可影响网民对特定事件的评价;微博、留言板等互动平台上也在很大程度上引导着网民对事件意义的解读。  相似文献   

"周一见"事件在短时间内吸引了广大网民的关注,成为了2014年微博传播的焦点性事件。一方面极大地满足了网民对于明星八卦的好奇心,另一方面披露了公众人物的隐私。虽然为了满足公共利益和大众知情权的需要,公众人物隐私权受到了一定的限制。但隐私权作为自然人当然具有的人格权,理应得到新闻媒体的尊重。尤其进入微博时代之后,信息传播加快,公众人物隐私权的问题更应得到重视。  相似文献   

新媒体时代,微博成为热点事件传播的重要载体,新闻评论的形态在微博平台得以扩展。网站评论、专家评论和网民评论共同推动舆论的形成与走势。本文依据微博热点事件中的网民评论,分析评论客体的泛化现象,发现客体呈现出由新闻事件本身或事件当事人逐渐延伸的趋势。  相似文献   

本研究主要探索当前微博网络平台上用户集群行为特征及规律,其中执行意向作为行为预测的重要变量越来越多地受到学者及企业的重视[1~3],而价值性执行意向更加凸显出网民集群行为的价值驱动力.为此,研究主要选择了近期微博热点话题"活熊取胆"事件为观测对象,利用数据采集工具对热点事件进行了采集、整理、清洗和网络挖掘,在此基础上通过话题热度及走势、情绪热点及分布变化率、微博影响力路径分析对价值性执行意向的规律与感知进行了初步分析,这为后期网民集群行为引导及网络营销方案的制定提供了一定的理论和实践指引.  相似文献   

无线互联技术的发展和智能手机应用的普及,带领我们走进了以个人传播为主的"自媒体时代"。人人都有麦克风,人人都是记者,人人都是信息传播者。截止2013年6月底,我国网民规模达到5.91亿人。①新浪微博2013年上半年注册用户已达到5.36亿人。作为活跃度极高的信息传播空间,微博已经成为当下网民进行自媒体传播的重要工具和载体。经历了3个春秋发展起来的微博,已经从快速上升期走向成熟期。网民刷微博的诉求越来越集中的体现在四个方面:即"对以政府为代表的公权力进行舆论监督"、"对造成负面影响的社会公共事件进行问责""、进行日常或特定事件下的情绪宣  相似文献   

伴随着传媒技术的发展与提高,新媒体因其传播速度的即时性与传播范围的广泛性成为灾难报道的中坚力量。其中,微博在繁琐的新媒体平台竞争中脱颖而出,其专注于自身的业务,拥有了一定的话语权与议程设置的能力,因此微博在突发事件中的介入,使得微博平台成为灾难事件的率先报道地与网民讨论的聚集地。微博的广泛应用性使其在发生突发灾难事件中形成由网民组成的强大舆论阵地,它除了对灾难事件的信息进行传播外,还会对微博的使用用户与社会舆论起到重要的引导与影响作用。  相似文献   

吴潇芳 《视听界》2011,(1):90-90
微博这一网络媒体全新的信息传播形式,为网民参与社会公共事务提供了哈贝马斯定义上的“公共空间”,成本极为低廉,速度极为快捷,送达极为有效。成千上万的网民通过微博关注、转发、评论、发布等形式,在140个字的篇幅内发出自己理性或感性、支持或反对、喜悦或愤怒的声音,国人的公民意识前所未有地高涨。微博与主流传媒间交互运作形成的影响力是如此巨大,我们已经很难估算,微博式参与在多大程度上影响甚至改变了诸多公共事件的进程。  相似文献   

陈俊蓉 《新闻世界》2013,(7):178-179
【摘要】我国目前网民达到5.38亿,微博用户数量已超过网民数量一半,其中政务微博数量超过5万,微博被认为“正在改变官方和公众话语权整体格局”。同时,许多微博热点事件走下网络成为社会热点,而这些热点事件若处理不当便会造成巨大负面影响。本文通过三个与政府有关的微博热点事件的分析,解读政务微博在舆情应对中的得失与应对之策。  相似文献   

居民自愿参与社区公共服务生产是基层社会公共事务治理的热点和难点,集体行动有利于提高共同生产的可行性和持续性。文章通过对居民参与社区图书馆服务共同生产的集体行动过程进行案例研究,提出"初始参与-集体共同生产-行为结果"分析框架,指出人的行为选择是个体-情景交互的动态过程。其中,外来社会组织扮演着动员者角色,发挥引导参与、赋权增能的作用。社会角色决定服务需求,以此为基础,社区居民是在个体效能感知和成本收益感知的交互作用下开始参与共同生产。参与过程中形成的身份认同、自我赋权和效能强化产生并维护了集体行动,进而有利于持续性参与。共同生产的结果有效性和过程有效性对所处社会环境和行动动态过程产生反馈影响,形成新一轮共同生产的驱动力。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether workplace reproaches differ in their level of perceived face threat and to examine the relationship between perceived face threat and a variety of outcomes. One hundred and four full‐time employees completed a survey asking them to describe in detail a time they were reproached by a manager. The survey included scales measuring perceived face threat, interactional fairness, anger, communicative competence, and satisfaction with the outcome of the incident. As predicted, we found that reproaches differ from each other in degree of perceived face threat. In addition, perceived face threat was negatively correlated with interactional fairness, communicative competence, and satisfaction with the outcome of the incident, and positively correlated with anger.  相似文献   

The current study tests whether media consumption is associated with negative intergroup emotions toward Blacks, Latinos, and Asians and whether media use indirectly influences intergroup emotions via threat perceptions. We do so using a two-study survey design. Results from Study 1 indicated that media consumption is associated with anger toward Latinos and Asians but not anger toward Blacks. We also found that media use was associated with anxiety toward Blacks, Latinos, and Asians. Results from Study 2 indicated that media use indirectly influences anger and anxiety toward Blacks and Latinos through perceptions of threat. Media consumption did not indirectly influence anger and anxiety toward Asians, though perceptions of threat did directly influence intergroup emotions toward this group. The discussion highlights the important, but negative, role of media in intergroup processes.  相似文献   

This paper examines the ways in which two Internet-based civil society groups, Hasiru Usiru and Praja, negotiate online and offline spaces of collective action in Bangalore, India’s “IT City.” Based on ethnographic research, the study extends collective action theory through an examination of communicative interactions and experiences of urban civil society actors in a developing country. The paper highlight factors that impede and support collective actions, including attitudes toward the Internet as a tool for democratic engagement, ideological motivations, and perceptions of identity and membership, among others. Such a line of inquiry is significant in highlighting the possibilities of ICTs for collective action, while simultaneously avoiding the tendency to inflate and overestimate their capacity to produce social change.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]本研究以新型冠状病毒引发的肺炎疫情为背景,针对疫情期间老年人的信息感知与保护性行动决策过程展开研究,综合梳理了突发公共卫生事件中老年人身为利益相关者时做出保护行动决策的影响因素,可以为健全突发公共卫生事件下面向老年人群体的应急信息管理体系提供参考[方法/过程]文章利用网络爬虫技术获取微信公众号平台中反映疫情期间相关预警信息的文章数据,结合关键词提取技术与社会网络分析方法分析疫情预警信息,并挖掘疫情不同时期的典型老年人保护行为;同时,在保护性行动决策模型分析框架内,通过问卷调研获取老年人群体疫情期间的信息感知与保护行动决策过程的情况,进而应用老年人健康信息与健康行为理论,总结归纳出突发公共卫生事件不同生命周期中老年人信息感知与保护性行动决策的阶段性特征:[结果/结论]在信息感知过程中,预警信息的内容是影响老年人风险感知与保护行动决策的关键因素;疫情的不同生命周期内,老年人对风险程度的评估易产生较大波动;进行保护性行动决策时,老年人更容易因利益相关问题风险感知产生偏离,进而做出情绪化的非理性行为。  相似文献   

Stopping sexual violence has become a key issue in the public and media agenda. This study examines the role of social media and bystander intervention in predicting an individual’s willingness to engage in collective action against sexual violence. Two surveys were conducted in fall 2014 and early 2015 examining young adults’ views of social networking sites, rape culture, and collective action. Results indicated that gender and bystander intervention were key predictors of willingness to engage in collective action, along with the privacy concerns of social network users. Views supporting rape culture were found to have a negative association. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Adopting a communication mediation approach, this study explores the role of overall social networking service (SNS) use in facilitating people’s participation in collective political action through the mediation of online and offline political discussions. The study also underscores the moderating effect on the mediation process of both social identity and geographical origin. Moderated mediation analyses reveal that the positive impact of overall SNS use on participation mediated by offline discussion is stronger for people with higher Hong Kong identity and for people from Hong Kong. This moderated mediation model specifies the socio-psychological mechanism of participation in collective political action in an immigrant society such as Hong Kong.  相似文献   

We propose an improved theoretical approach to the rich variety of collective action now present in public life. Toward this end, we advance a conception of collective action as communicative in nature, and offer a two-dimensional model of collective action space, comprising dimensions for (a) the mode of interpersonal interaction and (b) the mode of engagement that shapes interaction. We illustrate the perspective by describing the location of a variety of contemporary collective action groups within it and by an explication of the space that reveals its utility for making sense of modern collective action efforts. Specifically, we apply the collective action space to illustrate the changing presence of collective action groups over time, deviations in collective action groups through changes in size, shape, and location, and variations in the experiences and motivations of people engaged in collective action efforts. Finally, we show how our communicative approach to collective action can integrate the insights of several theoretical traditions, including collective action theory, social capital theory, and aspects of organization theory.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 基于保护动机理论,检验疫情信息对培养公众风险意识的影响,揭示人们面对疫情风险时的认知方式,探索能够提高公众健康保护意愿的沟通措施。[方法/过程] 通过网络调查获取来自全国28个省份的450份问卷数据,采用PLS进行结构方程模型分析,经过测量模型、结构模型检测,验证研究所提假设。[结果/结论] 研究发现威胁意识和对策意识能够显著提高公众的威胁评价和应对评价,并形成独特的风险认知特征,在与公众沟通时如果能够遵循这些特征,将能够最大限度影响他们的健康保护意愿。研究还发现目前公众感知易感性普遍较低,由此可能引发乐观偏差等一系列问题,应当得到更多关注。  相似文献   

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