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鲁迅与卡夫卡都是20世纪伟大的文学家,但两个人所扮演的社会角色是不同的.前者是热烈拥抱社会,自觉扮演一个救世的战士;后者冷眼旁观,成为一个自救的隐士.社会角色的不同对两个作家的文学创作产生了深远的影响.  相似文献   

在庄子的研究中,人们多关注庄子出世思想而忽视其忧世情怀和救世精神。其实庄子具有深沉浓郁的救世情怀,主要表现为对浑浊社会的批判,关于生存出路的探索和对心灵自由的追寻,通过"内向的心治"来拯救社会和人民。  相似文献   

郑观应作为中国近代早期维新派的杰出代表,提出过一套君主立宪维新思想。但面对激烈的社会巨变,他固步自封,迷恋道教,提出救世“五愿”,设立“特别修真院”培养治世人才,幻想用仙道统一天下。郑观应的求道救世思想是一场无法实现的幻梦,却反映出近代知识分子救国救世曲折的心路历程。  相似文献   

孔子孝亲思想旨在从解决家庭内部伦理关系入手“匡时救世”,以达到社会稳定、人际关系和谐与社会长治久安的目的。对于推动我国社会主义道德建设,有着积极的借鉴意义和价值。  相似文献   

民国"黑幕"派的产生是多种因素合力作用的结果.近代社会生活条件、思想文化潮流,传统与外来文化影响,作家的文学志趣与创作追求,读者层面及商界、出版界炒作诸因素皆发生作用.陆士谔的<政界之黑幕>与其社会小说的宗旨一致,抒发了作者郁郁不平之气与挽救颓丧世风的"救世"之苦心.  相似文献   

《庄子》内七篇是一个思想整体,旨在阐述救世思想。对现实灾难以及人为物役、心为物役的现象,庄子有深刻的体悟。他提出的独特的救世之方,是从精神修养入手,培养逍遥自适的心灵境界;以顺世存身为生存法则;以自然无为为治世理想。庄子救世之方的实质是精神自由,有消极的一面,但也不可忽视其价值。  相似文献   

初唐宏儒孔颖达等在他们所编撰的《诗》学著作《毛诗正义》中提出的“诗人救世”说.具有丰富而具体的理论内涵:第一,非君子不能作诗;第二,持人之行,使不失坠;第三,文刺前朝,意在当代;第四,反对谲谏,倡导切谏。“诗人救世”说,是初唐儒士自信的张扬,对于当时乃至其后的经学阐释与文学创作等方面具有重要的理论指导意义。“诗人救世”说的提出,是《毛诗正义》、《诗》学思想的落脚点,具有重要的谏诤力量和文论价值。  相似文献   

结社是韩宝忠晚年最重要的社交活动,是研究韩宝忠不可或缺的一环。在他参加的众多社团中,兼具宗教、慈善与文学三重内核的悟善社最为特别,深刻影响了民国的社会与文化。韩宝忠与悟善社同人积极地进行诗词唱和,这些诗作反映出他们在避世与救世两种选择之间的挣扎:一方面,官场的失意让他们萌生避世的想法,将宗教信仰当作人生依靠,过起“出家”生活;另一方面,他们又不甘心“与世隔绝”,利用宗教的教化作用以及自身影响力,在动乱的时局中传道布教、普济广施,积极进行救世。从悟善社诗词出发,既可以考察乱世文人的复杂心态,也可以探究宗教与文学、社会等错综复杂的联系,是回溯民国文学与历史的绝佳窗口。  相似文献   

青年毛泽东潜心思辨哲学,强调要寻找大本大源。在社会历史观上,首先,他把观念当成历史发展的动力,认为要改造社会就先要革新思想,变化民智;其次,他持一种英雄史观,提倡圣贤创世与救世,圣人拯救芸芸众生并共跻于圣域;再次,在看待人类未来社会这个问题上,他设想有一种人皆圣贤,人人平等的大同理想社会出现。虽然对这种理想社会尚存在一种矛盾心理,但并没有影响他的积极实践。  相似文献   

春秋以至战国,社会异常动荡。为解决业已存在的诸多社会痼疾,百家民间之学相继而起,儒家更以救世为初衷,引导人们积极地进行理想社会的构建,其经典文本一《论语》正充分反映了在这一过程中儒家对于人格发展与培养的重视。  相似文献   

In this article I critically examine the historical context of science education in a natural history museum and its relevance to using museum resources to teach science today. I begin with a discussion of the historical display of race and its relevance to my practice of using the Museum’s resources to teach science. I continue with a critical review of the history of the education department in a natural history museum to demonstrate the historical constitution of current practices of the education department. Using sociocultural constructs around identity formation and transformation, I move to the present with a case study of a teacher who transforms the structure of science education in her classroom and school as a result of her identity transformation and association with a museum-based professional education program.
Jennifer D. AdamsEmail:

This paper explores the formation of a political order, a constituency, during the 1938–1940 senatorial campaign of the Partido Popular Democratico in Puerto Rico. In particular it examines the constitutive force of the Catecismo del Pueblo, a small booklet in the form of questions and answers regarding the party's basic assumptions and orientations. This booklet developed a political constituency by mediating a covenantal relationship through discourse in the form of a catechism. Burke's notion of constitutional dialectics is used to explore the Catecismo's nature as constitutive, as a catechism, and as the mediator of a political covenant between the Party and the jíbaros.  相似文献   

In this paper a conceptual model of instruction “the six mirrors of the classroom” used as a frame for teaching a learning topic, the microorganisms are depicted. The paper consists of four sections: (a) the six mirrors of the classroom model (SMC); (b) the SMC as implemented in the expository and cooperative modes of instruction in classrooms and results; (c) a “Journey of Inquiry into the Wonderful World of Microorganisms” (JIWWM), developed according to the Science–Technology–Environment–Peace–Society (STEPS) approach; and (d) teaching and learning the JIWWM, in ninth-grade classes, within the SMC model. The results show that science topic can be taught in the frame of the mirrors of the classroom. When the instructional goals of the teachers used the mirror “1, classroom organization” and mirror “6, pupils’ social behavior” and the third ring around the all six mirrors cooperative skills were practiced, academic outcomes were achieved, and attitudes toward environmental preservation and peace improved. The SMC model can serve as a valuable tool for teachers, since it can design their teaching and learning settings in a more controlled environment, in terms of objectives, teachers’ and students’ social behaviors, and academic outcomes.  相似文献   

This paper presents a model—hypertextual function—to consider teachers’ thinking, practice, and development in the use of technology. Hypertextual function is a multi-dimensional model linking a teacher's knowledge about students (familiarity) and technology (facility), with a teacher's teaching practice of integrating technology with content (transparency) and across disciplines and experiences (connectivity), and a teacher's sense of support (collegiality). Additionally, a teacher's context affects each of these. Such a model is important as technology becomes more pervasive and integrating technology into classrooms adds another layer of complexity to teaching. Case studies and graphic representations of the proposed model are presented.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate how a community of practice focused on becoming a teacher of secondary school mathematics emerged during a pre-service teacher education programme and was sustained after students graduated and began their first year of full-time teaching in schools. Bulletin board discussions of one pre-service cohort are analysed in terms of Wenger’s (1998) three defining features of a community of practice: mutual engagement of participants, negotiation of a joint enterprise, and development of a shared repertoire for creating meaning. Emergence of the online community was associated with our own role in facilitating professional dialogue, the voluntary and unstructured nature of participation, initial face-to-face interaction that created familiarity and trust, and the convenience of using email rather than logging on to a website. The study shows that the emergent design of the community contributed to its sustainability in allowing the pre-service and beginning teachers to define their own professional goals and values.
Merrilyn E. GoosEmail:

The design of educational experiences is often mediated by historical, institutional, and social conceptions. Although these influences can initially shape the way that educational opportunities are created and implemented, this preliminary form has the potential to reorganize. In this paper, we illustrate how history shows its presence in the ways that instructors systematically arrange a technology course for urban youth. This original approach to the course inhibits youth participation. Incrementally, however, the cultural enactments of instructors and students lead to a reorganization of activity. Through highlighting history and examining the intersection of culture, we provide insight into the ways in which adolescents of color become successfully engaged in learning technology. We focus our study by asking how co-existence and the dialectic of structure and agency play a role as youth develop an identity as a technology user. Further, this emergent learning design affords outsiders a unique view of the educational and contextual experiences of these youth. Our illustration of how history, enacted culture and identity mediate the emergent learning design stems from a grounded theory approach to analyzing video, interview and artifact data in this after-school technology course.
Donna DeGennaroEmail:

Donna DeGennaro   is an assistant professor at Montclair State University in the Department of Curriculum and Teaching. She earned a bachelor’s degree in physics at Susquehanna University, a master’s degree in educational technology from Chestnut Hill College in Philadelphia, PA and a PhD in Educational Leadership from the University of Pennsylvania. Her research interests center on youth technology practices and interactions to inform innovative designs of learning environments. Tiffany L. Brown   is an assistant professor in the Family and Child Studies Department of Montclair State University. She earned a bachelor’s degree in psychobiology and a master’s degree in social science, both from Binghamton University in Binghamton, NY and a PhD in child and family studies from Syracuse University, located in Syracuse NY. Areas of research include African American parenting and African American adolescent functioning and development.  相似文献   

This is a theoretical article proposing a way of organizing and structuring the discussion of why and how to use the history of mathematics in the teaching and learning of mathematics, as well as the interrelations between the arguments for using history and the approaches to doing so. The way of going about this is to propose two sets of categories in which to place the arguments for using history (the “whys”) and the different approaches to doing this (the “hows”). The arguments for using history are divided into two categories; history as a tool and history as a goal. The ways of using history are placed into three categories of approaches: the illumination, the modules, and the history-based approaches. This categorization, along with a discussion of the motivation for using history being one concerned with either the inner issues (in-issues) or the metaperspective issues (meta-issues) of mathematics, provides a means of ordering the discussion of “whys” and “hows.”
Uffe Thomas JankvistEmail:

Listening and reading comprehension can be assessed by analyzing children’s visual, verbal, and written representations of their understandings. “Talking Drawings” (McConnell, S. (1993). Talking drawings: A strategy for assisting learners. Journal of Reading, 36(4), 260–269 is one strategy that enables children to combine their prior knowledge with the new information derived from an expository text and “translate” those newly-acquired understandings into other symbol systems, including an oral discussion with a partner, a more detailed drawing, and written labels for the drawing. The Talking Drawings strategy begins by inviting children to create pre-learning drawings. These initial drawings are a way of taking inventory of a child’s current content knowledge about a particular topic. After pre-learning drawings are created and shared, children listen to or read an expository text (e.g., information book, passage from a textbook) on the same topic as their drawing. Pairs of students discuss the information and either modify their pre-learning drawings to be more detailed or create completely new drawings that reflect the recently-acquired information. Students are encouraged to label their drawings with words in a diagram or schematic fashion. By evaluating the “before” and “after” artwork, educators can identify advances in students’ reading and listening comprehension of the terminology, facts, and principles on a particular topic.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to elucidate a specific type of charter school. While much has been written about school choice and the expanding charter school segment, a growing and important number of charter schools do not fit in to the common understanding of these schools. Distinct from many of their counterparts, prestige charter schools have the following two features: elements which foster a reputation similar to that of elite private schools and a student population demographically distinct from local public district schools – whereby the prestige charters serve a disproportionate number of advantaged families. The prestige elements include: founding by advantaged community members; parental involvement; wait lists; popularity with advantaged professionals; high test scores; and niche themes. The authors will show through two in-depth case studies that prestige charter schools work hand-in-hand with gentrification in urban neighborhoods, and result in racial and class segregation and inequality. This paper examines how these charter schools struggle when a rise in prestige coincides with a decline in access for low-income students. The authors recommend that given the current system of school choice, prestige charter schools must use tools and mechanisms to maintain demographic diversity and educational equity which is in the best interest of all children.  相似文献   

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