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正微话题:过生日是每个人一年中最为开心的日子。在那一天,你的笑容会被家人朋友还有同学的祝福点亮。各种各样的生日会,花费大量精力与金钱也在所不惜。可是,这样的生日会对中学生来说有必要吗?《初中生》:生日对每个人来说都有特殊意义,庆祝一下并不为过,过于奢侈就不可取了。据报道,有个初中生过15岁生日,他请了8个同学,到游戏厅玩耍后,吃火锅、K歌。当天就花掉800  相似文献   

随着社会的不断发展,人们生活水平的日益提高,人们的精神生活需求也逐渐提高,城市广场也随之出现,不仅满足了人们生活消费的功能需求,同时也满足了人们休闲娱乐的精神需求,而广场的设计应当充分体现人的心理需求,这样才能更进一步彰显广场魅力,本文就此展开了研究,并有针对性的给出了自身的建议。  相似文献   

国别教材研究是伴随着"国别化教学"这一概念的逐渐发展而产生的。国别教材的编写原则:一是针对性,二是国别化。此研究通过对《意大利人学汉语》在实际使用中的教学环境、教学对象、教学方法等方面的分析研究,结合罗马大学孔子学院使用这套教材教学的实际经验,讨论国别教材在不同教学环境中的适用性以及教师的不同策略,以期对今后国别教材的发展提供参考和帮助。  相似文献   

到巴西不久,便发现几个有趣的现象:到处是两个门的便宜车,餐馆卖饭按重量付款,炼钢厂燃料用木材。后经了解得知,这三大怪皆是巴西人在经济困难时期想出来的省钱之举,颇能折射出他们讲究实用的生活观。  相似文献   

唐代开元以降,社会总供给呈大于总需求之势,伴随着商品经济的发展,消费渐次超越生产成为社会生活的主导方面,催迫着消费观念的嬗变和社会人文传统的转型,消费奢侈、消费超前、消费异化成为唐代社会尤其是中上阶层消费方式变革的内涵和趋势,享乐主义的人生态度和奢糜消费、恣意纵欲的生活方式表现出涉及面广、影响深刻的显著特点.  相似文献   

《Support for Learning》2006,21(4):204-209
This article considers the issues of attendance and non‐attendance, the latter of which has been recently linked with ‘behaviour’ in a range of policy initiatives in England. John Dwyfor Davies and John Lee review some of the existing material on non‐attendance and then draw on data they have collected in one large English city. The authors summarise their discussions with 13 non‐attending young people and some of their parents, as well as conversations with 35 students who have a satisfactory attendance record, together with a perspective from educational professionals. The authors address the issue of why certain students, who apparently will gain little from school, in terms of certification, continue to attend school. They argue that ignoring the reasons why such students actually attend school is a major oversight in current research.  相似文献   

Written texts produced by 10 Italian deaf native signers in four different writing tasks were analyzed. Data analysis focused on linguistic and orthographic nonstandard forms. The written production of deaf subjects with deaf parents (DD) was compared to the written production in two control groups: a group of 10 hearing subjects with deaf parents (HD) and a group of 10 subjects who have had no contact with deaf people or sign language (HH). The results duplicate findings from previous studies. Deaf subjects display a pattern of selective difficulty with Italian grammatical morphology, especially with free-standing function words. The four different writing tasks used in the present study yield results indicating that text type does influence our assessment of deaf writing abilities. A comparison of the texts written by deaf native signers with those of two hearing groups confirms the view that difficulties in the acquisition of written Italian are best explained by deafness itself, not by the influence of a previously acquired Sign Language, and that the specific difficulties with grammatical morphology displayed by our deaf subjects cannot be attributed solely to their limited experience with written Italian.  相似文献   

在经典排序模型中,我们往往假定机器必须加工所有的工件,并且它们的加工时间都是给定的。但是在许多现实的应用中,若某个工件的加工时间或者加工费用很大,我们就会考虑是否要加工该工件,我们既可以选择付出一定的费用而拒绝加工该工件也可以选择不付费而加工它。这时目标函数不再是传统的最大总完工时间,极小化最大完工时间,最大延迟等,而是要同时考虑费用,我们把这种排序称为可拒绝排序[1][2]。本文研究了工件带拒绝费用的单机分族分批排序问题。主要证明了问题1,sfg|family-jobs,rej|Cmax+∑j∈sej和1,sfg|family-jobs,rej,b|Cmax+jisej是NP-难的,给出了它们的近似算法。  相似文献   

Agent of Death. The Memoirs of an Executioner by Robert G. Elliott and Albert R. Beatty. Illustrated. E. P. Dutton and Co. 315 pp. $3.00.

A Goodly Fellowship by Mary Ellen Chase. The Macmillan Company. 305 pp. $2.50.

Democracy's Challenge to Education edited by Beulah Amidon. Illustrated. Farrar and Rinehart. 263 pp. $1.50.

Democracy Readers by Lois G. Nemec, Maybell G. Bush, Helen M. Brindl, Ruth M. Robinson, Edna Morgan, Allen Y. King, Ida Dennis. Edited by Prudence Cutright and W. W. Charters. The Macmillan Co.

Education for Democracy in Our Time by Jesse H. Newlon. McGraw-Hill. 242 pp. $3.00.

Educational Psychology by Charles H. Judd. Houghton Mifflin Co. 566 pp. $2.25.

In-Service Growth of Social Science Teachers. Tenth Yearbook, National Council for the Social Studies. 187 pp. $2.00 (paper). $2.30 (cloth). 1939.

Living with Others by John A. Kinneman and Robert S. Ellwood. Houghton Mifflin and Company. 531 pp. $1.72.

Poems of Today by Alice Cecilia Cooper. Ginn and Company. New England Edition. 412 pp.

Post-Primary Education in the Primary Schools of Scotland, 1872-1936 by Newman A. Wade. University of London Press, Ltd. 265 pp. 8 shillings 6 pence.

The College Charts Its Course by R. Freeman Butts. McGraw-Hill. 464 pp. $3.00.

The Development of Education in the Twentieth Century by Adolph E. Meyer. Prentice-Hall. 406 pp. $2.75.

The Future of the Social Studies: Proposals for an Experimental Social-Studies Curriculum, James A. Michener, Editor. The National Council for the Social Studies. 178 pp. $1.50 (paper). 1939.

Understanding American Business by Humphrey B. Neill and Howard M. Cool. The Macmillan Co. 448 pp. List price $1.92.

Visualizing the Curriculum by Charles F. Hoban, Charles F. Hoban, Jr., and Professor S. B. Zisman. The Cordon Company. 300 pp. $3.50.

Appointment with Death by Pamela Frankau. E. P. Dutton and Co. 334 pp. $2.50.

Dalesacres by Florence Ward. E. P. Dutton and Company. 308 pp. $2.50.

Family Album by Humphrey Pakington. W. W. Norton and Company. 340 pp. $2.50.

Encyclopedia of Knots and Fancy Rope Work by Raoul M. Graumont and John J. Hensel. Illustrated. The Cornell Maritime Press. 615 pp. $10.00.

Introduction to the Dance by John Martin. Illustrated. W. W. Norton Co. 363 pp. $3.50.

Once Over Lightly by Charles De Zemler. Illustrated. Published by the author. Rockefeller Center, New York City. 270 pp. $3.75.

Political Science in American Colleges and Universities 1636-1900 by Anna Haddow. The Century Political Science Series. Appleton-Century Co. 308 pp. $2.50

Science for the World Tomorrow by Gerald Wendt. Illustrated. W. W. Norton and Co. 316 pp. $2.75.  相似文献   

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