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旅游管理专业教学与素质教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
进入21世纪的世界旅游业竞争更加激烈,中国要想于2020年实现从亚洲旅游大国成为世界旅游强国的宏伟目标,培养一大批高素质的旅游管理与服务人才是关键。这对旅游管理专业教学提出了新的挑战,在旅游管理专业教学中进行素质教育是增强我国旅游人才竞争力的主渠道。本文主要论述了在旅游管理专业教学中进行素质教育的必要性,对旅游管理专业学生进行素质教育的内容以及在实际教学中对教师的挑战与要求。  相似文献   

高等师范院校音乐专业是一个特殊的专业.它既有别于普通专业又有别于音乐专业院校。高师培养的是未来的音乐教师,21世纪教烈的人才竞争和素质教育的进一步深化,为高师的钢琴教学提出了新的要求.就是注重对学生全面能力的培养,以适应21世纪音乐教育发展的需要。本文将从音乐能力、教学能力、学习能力三方面着重论述该问题。  相似文献   

二十一世纪是人才竞争的世纪,而人才竞争归根到底就是教育的竞争。面向二十一世纪,基础教育改革的紧迫任务是从应试教育转向素质教育,素质教育是当今教育改革的趋势。面向全体学生,让学生全面、主动地发展是素质教育的精髓。实施素质教育应处理好课内与课外,校内与校外,学科课程与活动课程、环境课程等方面  相似文献   

21世纪是人才竞争的世纪,这竞争就是人的素质的竞争,这竞争对教育提出了更严峻的挑战,这竞争关系到民族的兴衰繁荣。民族的根是民族文化素质,而民族文化素质的根则是语言素质。而运用语文素质教育,培养学生现代意识,是培养具有完善人格的跨世纪人才的需要,是时代发展的需要。 如何运用语言素质教育,培养学生现代意识呢?  相似文献   

21世纪的竞争是人才的竞争,而人才竞争的中心是人的综合素质的竞争。我国新一轮的课程改革顺应这一潮流,将素质教育与学生的全面成长放在了重要位置。美育是学生素质教育中不可或缺的一个环节,艺术教育则是美育的主要内容和重要途径。因此,中学艺术课程是素质教育的重要组成部分,对学生完善人格的培养和其他  相似文献   

21世纪是科技不断创新的世纪,社会需要具有创新意识和创新精神的高科技人才,而人才的培养主要取决于教育工作的成效。学校作为人才培养基地,正在全面推行素质教育,改变传统的应试教育。素质教育的重点,是要在教学过程中培养学生分析问题和解决问题的能力,激发学生的创新意识,发扬科学精神,提高学生的竞争意识和综合素质水平。一、转变传统的教育观念,充分发挥学生主体作用素质教育注重创新教育,创新教育的关键是教育观念的创新。只有教育工作者的教育观念转变,认识到传统教育对学生全面发展的种种制约因素,素质教育才能顺利实…  相似文献   

21世纪世界各国的竞争,说到底就是人才的竞争,人才成为国际竞争的关键因素。作为培养较高规格人才的高校,如何适应这种竞争需要愈来愈为各国政府和有识之士关注的问题。为此,我们的党和政府作出了“关于深化教育改革全面推进素质教育的决定”,强调素质教育要以培养学生创新精神和实践能力为重点。  相似文献   

随着 2 1世纪的悄然到来 ,加何加强大学生素质教育问题已日益引起人们的热切关注。现在全国各地高校都在积极地从改变传统的教育观念入手 ,来探索变专业教育为素质教育的方法和途径 ,用以改变高校中长期存在的重知识轻能力、重分数轻素质的不良倾向和做法 ,使培养出人才的思想道德素质、业务素质、心理素质、身体素质等方面都得到发展 ,以迎接2 1世纪对人才素质的严峻挑战。一、从时代发展和高等教育现状来认识素质教育的重要性2 1世纪是世界各国的经济竞争、科技竞争、综合国力竞争更加激烈的世纪。这种竞争的核心是人才的竞争 ,教育的竞争…  相似文献   

21世纪,国力竞争日趋激烈。综合国力的竞争,实际上是科技的竞争、人才的竞争,归根到底是教育的竞争。百年大计,教育为本,教育正发挥着比以往任何时代都更加重要的作用。我国学校素质教育的实施重点提出让学生主动发展,培养学生的创新意识。因此在这个教育过程中就必须考虑受教育者的接受特点,关注受教育者身心发展特点。本文主要从素质教育应关注受教育者方面进行论述。  相似文献   

实行小学生综合素质等级评价制,是由应试教育向素质教育转变的有效途径,是实施素质教育的切入点。它可以淡化分数意识,变对分数的竞争为能力的竞争,即注重学生全面素质的提高,为21世纪培养高素质的人才打下坚实的基础,因而实施等级评价的意义是极其深远的。今年年...  相似文献   

进入新世纪,我国高招工作出现了考生数量持续增加、名牌高校入学竞争更加激烈、新生流失率抬升、招生规模逐渐稳定等特点,高招应该在高考科目、考试内容、招生途径、招生体制等方面进一步改革。  相似文献   

健康的心理对21世纪的大学生而言,是他们实现人生理想和成才的前提,是培养健全人格的基础,是大学生掌握科学文化知识的必备条件.可以通过加强大学生心理素质修养,正确认识自我,积极接纳自我,提高挫折承受能力和善于调节、控制情绪等途径和方法来开展大学生心理健康教育工作.  相似文献   

诊断学由医学领域进入到竞技场上 ,这是运动训练科学化的趋向。它将有利于教练员和体育教师从现状、心理、技术等方面对运动员和学生进行综合全面的考察 ,从而使运动训练科学化大大提高  相似文献   

In recent years, an emphasis on scientific argumentation in classrooms has brought into focus collaborative consensus-building as an instructional strategy. In these situations, students with differing and competing arguments are asked to work with one another in order to establish a shared perspective. However, the literature suggests that consensus-building can be challenging for students because their interpretations of the argumentative task and context may not enable their productive engagement with counter-arguments and evidence. In this paper, our goal is to explore the ways in which interactions of students support or inhibit their consensus-building. To that end, we examine and describe three cases that represent different ways in which initially dissenting students try to work towards a consensus with their peers. Through these cases, we demonstrate that legitimization of disparate or incorrect ideas can enable students whose arguments rely on incorrect ideas to feel that their ideas were heard and valued by the rest of their group. As such, we suggest that this legitimization is important because it can help students ‘save face’. This enables students to move away from the competitive and persuasive aspects of argumentation towards interactions that align more closely with sensemaking and consensus-building.  相似文献   

20世纪初,留日学生心系民族危亡、祖国命运,他们怀着爱国主义激情, 努力输入异域文明,介绍新知识、新理论、新学术于国人,自觉承担“过渡时代所必负之责任”。可以说,在留学日本这个大舞台上,留学生们演奏的是一曲威武雄壮的救亡与启蒙的二重奏。从根本上说,这一基调,是20世纪初中国的社会现实向关心祖国前途、民族命运的海外学子所提出的紧迫的任务。  相似文献   

As the torch of learning is passed from generation to generation, competition at the turn of the century is still a competition for talent, a competition for intelligence. China's one-hundred-year history of sending students abroad has, in reality, been the history of the Chinese nation's determined efforts to build up a prosperous state and a strong people. From among the people who studied in Japan and France in the early years of this century and those who studied in the United States and Europe in the 1930s and 1940s, many great men of this century and outstanding politicians have emerged, as well as famous scholars and extraordinarily talented artists. Many brilliant names have stood out among the students who sailed across the seas. After the founding of New China, heavily guarded walls separated East and West, so that have acquired advanced theoretical knowledge and technical skills abroad, have a relatively good professional grounding, understand Chinas circumstances, are familiar with circumstances abroad, and have advantages in such respects as language, techniques, management, and marketing experience. They come back to China chiefly to seek better space for development and to carve out an undertaking. Thus it is essential to pay attention to overseas students and bring their abilities into play. Currently, Shenzhen City has but a few research institutions and a limited number of institutions of higher learning, and its party and government organs and institutions do not provide many positions. Thus we must resolve the overseas students difficulties regarding the choice of occupation, residence registration, housing, professional title, and arrangements for their family members. This will enable them to work with their minds at ease and contribute their talents. Also, one should not demand perfection from overseas students or place excessively high expectations on them; we should instead make use of their strong points and avoid their weaknesses, so that they will soon display their abilities and find their true strengths.  相似文献   

"任务驱动法"在<计算机应用>课程教学中的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在《计算机应用》课程教学中,以提高学生的自学能力为培养目标,引导学生积极主动参与学习,成为真正的学习主体,是21世纪计算机教学改革的主流,采用与其相适应的教学方法就显得格外重要。  相似文献   

This article develops the argument that students of science in the UK are currently given inadequate opportunity to both critically appraise competing theories and imaginatively construct their own. Support for this idea comes from a comparison of science with music. Both contemporary science and music are the result of an historical development and both involve the production of novelty. Music in the National Curriculum provides students with opportunities to develop their listening and appraising as well as their performance and compositional skills. The parallels between music and science show ways in which music in the National Curriculum can inform changes to science in the National Curriculum in order to provide more opportunities for students to theorise and evaluate competing theories  相似文献   

随着21世纪信息化社会的到来,传统的教学模式已日益显得不适应社会的需求,而以意义建构及伙伴群体论为基础的新的教学模式,采用了现代化的网络教学手段,以学生自主学习为主,通过各种学习活动且配合适当的合作讨论及教师辅导,使学生在学习知识和技能的过程中培养能力。  相似文献   

Although the nature of science has long been seen as an important, indeed central, component of science education during this century, efforts to integrate an authentic view of the nature of science into the curriculum have often met with little success. Work in the field of science studies since the 1960s has compounded this difficulty by presenting educators with various competing, often conflicting, views of the essence of scientific inquiry. I discuss previous attempts to come to grips with this fundamental issue of how to deal with the competing views of science and suggest an alternative approach for integrating nature of science issues into the school science curriculum. What is needed is for educators to accept that no single nature of science exists and to develop curricula that help students understand instead the diverse, local practices that are found within and across scientific disciplines.  相似文献   

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