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The purpose of this study was to determine the nature and effect of certain highly patterned behaviours utilized prior to free-throw shooting in basketball. Ten female basketball players comprising the varsity squad of Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, Texas, USA served as subjects for this study. Subjects were filmed with a high-speed camera and monitored for heart rate during the performance of 10 free throws in each of two conditions: ritual and non-ritual. For the ritual condition, subjects were given unlimited time and freedom of movement prior to each free-throw attempt. For the non-ritual condition, subjects were not restricted by time, but were instructed to shoot the ball without utilizing any movements other than those required to project the ball to the goal. Dependent measures were characteristics of behaviours, physiological changes measured by heart rates, mechanical data (speed, height and angle of release), and number of successful attempts. Condition x trials analyses of variance and low standard deviation concerning characteristics of behaviours indicated that the idiosyncratic behaviours prior to free-throw shooting were rituals of the auto-communicative type. Results indicated no significant difference between conditions for free-throw success. However, partial correlation between dependent measures and successful free-throw attempts indicated that duration of behaviours was most crucial to free-throw shooting success.  相似文献   

现代篮球运动在向高空优势、高速度、高超技巧和激烈对抗的方向发展。持球突破技术是进攻战术中不可缺少的组成部分,有攻击性强的特点,如果在比赛中巧妙运用,不仅能打乱防守布局.还可以创造良好的得分机会。在现代篮球竞赛中,具有强有力的突破能力是衡量队伍整体和个人运动技术实.力与水平的重要标志。  相似文献   

在篮球技术课的教学中,采用“ 自学指导式”教学法进行教学实验研究,结果证明,实验组技术和理论的成绩较对照组有显著提高。  相似文献   

通过高速摄影获取部分不同等级女子背越式跳高弧线助跑技术的数据,运用生物力学的研究方法分析她们倒数第三步到起跳时,身体重心的前倾角、后倾角、内倾角、助跑方向角以及它们的变化,支持时间、腾空时间、步频步长、蹬伸离地瞬间水平速度以及它们的变化.进一步找出她们之间技术相同和差别的生物力学特征.  相似文献   

篮球防守技战术新探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用文献资料、录像观察等研究方法,对篮球运动防守技战术的发展趋势和特征进行分析,针对我国篮球防守落后的现状,提出相关的对策。篮球比赛中进攻和防守的关系是相互对立、相互制约和相互促进的辩证关系。要想赢得比赛,依靠单纯的进攻是远远不够的,还必须具备破坏性、攻击性和的防守。正如NBA的一句名言所说:“表演看进攻,赢球靠防守。”这也是篮球运动发展的必然结果。  相似文献   

对“功能动作训练”之“功能动作筛查”的审视与思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
作为一种全新训练理念的代表——功能动作训练正逐渐被我国专家学者及教练员所接受.所谓“功能动作训练”是在对人体基本动作模式进行测试、诊断和纠正的基础上,采用某些特殊设计的动作练习手段,以最大限度地规避运动损伤风险,提高动作效率,促进运动水平提高的动作方法体系的总和.其核心内容包括功能动作筛查、伤病预防和动作准备等8个部分.作为整个功能动作训练体系的奠基石,功能动作筛查的重要性是不言而喻的.分别从原理、作用、操作、排序及纠正方法5个方面对功能动作筛查理论进行系统的研究,以期为后续研究功能动作训练体系其他方面的内容奠定基础.  相似文献   

"比较、分析"在篮球技术训练实践中的应用价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
把“比较”和“分析”作为一种方法施用于篮球(投篮)技术的训练实践,通过对实验结果的检测可见:若要使学生较快地掌握篮球(投篮)技术,只有通过在练习过程中不断对学生所学或所练技术动作进行比较——鉴别——分析,才可能使学生较快提高技术练习质量。  相似文献   

开放式运动技能学习原理及其在篮球教学中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运动技能分为开放式与闭锁式两类.传统运动技能学习忽视了开放式与闭锁式运动技能学习的区别,其"去情境"特征不利于开放式运动技能的学习效果.开放式运动技能学习重视环境与本体的交互作用.开放式运动技能学习,应该充分体现技能学习与情境之间的密切关系.以篮球技能学习为例,在教学设计中充分体现本体感知、环境外显特征、本体决策、本体应答行为等4个阶段表现形式,以培养学生在特定情境中运动技能的决断能力与运用能力.  相似文献   

Coordination variability and skill development in expert triple jumpers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this study was to examine the influence of skill of expert triple jumpers on the coordination variability of lower extremity intra-limb couplings. In contrast to the traditional motor learning perspective, we hypothesized that as skill and thus performance increases, movement coordination variability will also increase. Three-dimensional kinematic and ground reaction force data were collected during the hop-step transition phase of the triple jump. Relative motion plots and a modified vector coding technique were used to quantify the coordination variability across the trials. The results were consistent with a U-shaped curve, representing coordination variability, as skill increases. The high coordination variability in less skilled athletes is present while the appropriate characteristics defining the movement coordination patterns are acquired. This coordination variability may not be beneficial to performance. As the refinement of these characteristics is achieved, coordination variability decreases, resulting in a more consistent or regulated performance. In the final stages of developing a skilled performance, a functional variability is accessed that brings flexibility to the system allowing it to cope with perturbations. This study highlights the need to address the learning effect when analysing coordination variability from a dynamical systems perspective.  相似文献   

本文运用录像观察法、文献资料法,对比分析发现第26届男篮亚锦赛中国男篮在盖帽、制造犯规、防守篮板这三个方面高于约旦队,在助攻、抢断、失误和体能与对抗等方面与约旦男篮存在明显差距。中国男篮应加强基本技术训练,减少失误,提高战术训练强度和组织助攻能力,提高投篮命中率,并增强篮板拼抢能力及身体对抗能力。  相似文献   

伦敦奥运会篮球竞赛呈现出许多前所未有的特征,表现出运动员由技术型转向能力型,超强的能力使得运动员在比赛时无所不能;技术与战术的高度融合,使得篮球比赛成为战术意识指引之下的技术表演,因而比赛更加流畅、精彩;战术风格从单一元素转向双元素和综合化,强队体现出更明显的风格;在攻守强对抗中,进攻技术趋于领先、进步更大、更加稳定;机动和自由创新的战术行为占据比赛的主导地位;快攻和远投的得分比例大幅增加.  相似文献   

篮球比赛制胜因素的运动规律探析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
论述了篮球运动的集体性、对抗性、转换性和动态性的基本规律,分析了篮球比赛的制胜因素,即准、快、理、爆、高、意、稳、多。并从宏观上对篮球比赛制胜因素的“双子模型”规律和主导规律进行了较为深入的剖析。  相似文献   

运用观察法、比较分析法、专家访谈法,分析比较发现第25届男篮亚锦赛中国男篮在三分远投、抢断这两方面高于伊朗队,在篮下禁区、近距离投篮、篮板拼抢和体能与对抗等方面与伊朗男篮存在明显差距,这与姚明缺战有很大关系.中国男篮应加强投篮技术训练和提高战术训练强度,提高投篮命中率,并增强篮板拼抢能力和体能及身体对抗训练.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to establish the characteristics of the movement patterns common to flutter kicking of skilled swimmers and to determine how the movement patterns of swimmers at different levels of a "learn-to-swim" programme differ from those of skilled swimmers. Also, the nature of the skill afforded the opportunity to investigate learning of a cyclical multi-joint task from a motor control perspective. The underwater motion of nine children representing three levels of a "learn-to-swim" programme and 10 skilled swimmers were video-recorded while performing nine cycles of prone flutter kicking. Kinematics including joint angular motion and coordination of joint actions were calculated. Fourier analysis was applied to determine the frequency composition of the vertical undulations of the hip, knee, and ankle and to calculate the velocity of the body wave travelling caudally from hip to ankle. Fourier analysis also enabled investigation of biological noise, as distinct from variability. The results indicated the desired joint angles and coordination towards which learners could be guided. An index based on the ratio of hip - knee and knee - ankle body wave velocities showed that the inter-joint coordination of most learners was not appropriate for effective flutter kicking. There was strong evidence to suggest that skilled performance in flutter kicking is characterized by sequencing of joint actions to produce a single sinusoidal body wave moving caudally with not decreasing and preferably increasing velocity, low biological noise, and small variability.  相似文献   

This study explored how differences in orienteering experience are related to differences in how visual attention is allocated to the map, the environment and to travel. Twenty more experienced and 20 less experienced individuals orienteered while wearing a head-mounted video camera with microphone. The participants verbalized what they were attending to (map, environment or travel) at any given time. Each recorded film was coded at each point in time in terms of what the participant was attending to and whether the participant was moving or stationary. More experienced orienteers attended to the map markedly more while moving and spent less time stationary than less experienced orienteers. The participants' performance was significantly related to the ability to attend to the map while moving. The strategic control of attention is proposed to explain this ability. It is proposed that attentional training might enhance performance in sports characterized by multiple and dynamically varying elements.  相似文献   


This study explored how differences in orienteering experience are related to differences in how visual attention is allocated to the map, the environment and to travel. Twenty more experienced and 20 less experienced individuals orienteered while wearing a head-mounted video camera with microphone. The participants verbalized what they were attending to (map, environment or travel) at any given time. Each recorded film was coded at each point in time in terms of what the participant was attending to and whether the participant was moving or stationary. More experienced orienteers attended to the map markedly more while moving and spent less time stationary than less experienced orienteers. The participants' performance was significantly related to the ability to attend to the map while moving. The strategic control of attention is proposed to explain this ability. It is proposed that attentional training might enhance performance in sports characterized by multiple and dynamically varying elements.  相似文献   

体育课分层次教学的方法研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对女大学生的身体形态、身体成分与身体素质进行测试,建立数学模型,旨在根据数学模型对女大学生的体质状况进行科学的分类,并根据体质类别分层到班。同时制定了女大学生体质状况评分表,以达到对女大学生体质状况进行科学分类、评价以及按身体条件分班授课的目的。  相似文献   

To determine gender differences, positional differences, and patterns of change in the performance of the basketball line-drill test, 93 male (mean age 16.8 years, s = 1.1) and 95 female (mean age 16.5 years, s = 1.0) basketball players undertook 516 line-drill tests over a 5-year period. Log-transformed performance times were analysed using a mixed model that included quadratic within-participant fixed effects for time in the season and time in the programme. Changes and differences were standardized for interpretation of magnitudes. Mean performance times were 28.0 s (s = 1.3) for males and 30.4 s (s = 1.3) for females. The mean pattern of change in performance within a season differed substantially between the sexes and playing positions: male guards and female centres showed moderate to very large improvements mid-season of 1.1% and 3.5% respectively (90% confidence limits +/-2.1% and +/-3.0%), while female guards and male forwards showed large to very large decrements of -1.6% (+/-2.6%) and -2.4% (+/-2.0%). Over 3 years, males improved performance across all three playing positions by 1.4% (+/-1.3%) and females by 2.9% (+/-1.4%). Males improved performance by 0.2% (+/-0.5%) per year, whereas the performance of females deteriorated by 0.6% (+/-0.4%) per year. The differing patterns of performance change presumably reflect variations in training and competition loads, with short-term fluctuations in performance being managed to promote longer-term improvements.  相似文献   

吴燕波 《体育学刊》2001,8(5):59-61
现代篮球运动对抗激烈,对持球队员防守十分严密,使得进攻的难度越来越大,必须引起足够的哪重视.调动无球队员的积极性,扩大其活动范围,发挥其助攻作用,才能适应当今的篮球对抗状态.由此我们在长期的训练、比赛和教学实践中,总结了一套以我为主、以内为主、内外结合的频繁策应移动进攻法.  相似文献   


To maintain the accuracy of squash shots under varying conditions, such as the oncoming ball’s velocity and trajectory, players must adjust their technique. Although differences in technique between skilled and less-skilled players have been studied, it is not yet understood how players vary their technique in a functional manner to maintain accuracy under varying conditions. This study compared 3-dimensional joint and racket kinematics and their variability between accurate and inaccurate squash forehand drives of 9 highly skilled and 9 less-skilled male athletes. During inaccurate shots, less-skilled players hit the ball with a more open racket, demonstrating a difference in this task-relevant parameter. No joint kinematic differences were found for accuracy for either group. Coordinated joint rotations at the elbow and wrist both displayed a “zeroing-in” effect, whereby movement variability was reduced from the initiation of propulsive joint rotation to a higher consistency at ball-impact; potentially highlighting the “functionality” of the variability prior to the impact that enabled consistent task-relevant parameters (racket orientation and velocity) under varying conditions. Further, highly skilled players demonstrated greater consistency of task-relevant parameters at impact than less-skilled players. These findings highlight the superior ability of highly skilled players to adjust their technique to achieve consistent task-relevant parameters and a successful shot.  相似文献   

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