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Relevance feedback methods generally suffer from topic drift caused by word ambiguities and synonymous uses of words. Topic drift is an important issue in patent information retrieval as people tend to use different expressions describing similar concepts causing low precision and recall at the same time. Furthermore, failing to retrieve relevant patents to an application during the examination process may cause legal problems caused by granting an existing invention. A possible cause of topic drift is utilizing a relevance feedback-based search method. As a way to alleviate the inherent problem, we propose a novel query phrase expansion approach utilizing semantic annotations in Wikipedia pages, trying to enrich queries with phrases disambiguating the original query words. The idea was implemented for patent search where patents are classified into a hierarchy of categories, and the analyses of the experimental results showed not only the positive roles of phrases and words in retrieving additional relevant documents through query expansion but also their contributions to alleviating the query drift problem. More specifically, our query expansion method was compared against relevance-based language model, a state-of-the-art query expansion method, to show its superiority in terms of MAP on all levels of the classification hierarchy.  相似文献   

In the patent domain significant efforts are invested to assist researchers in formulating better queries, preferably via automated query expansion. Currently, automatic query expansion in patent search is mostly limited to computing co-occurring terms for the searchable features of the invention. Additional query terms are extracted automatically from patent documents based on entropy measures. Learning synonyms in the patent domain for automatic query expansion has been a difficult task. No dedicated sources providing synonyms for the patent domain, such as patent domain specific lexica or thesauri, are available. In this paper we focus on the highly professional search setting of patent examiners. In particular, we use query logs to learn synonyms for the patent domain. For automatic query expansion, we create term networks based on the query logs specifically for several USPTO patent classes. Experiments show good performance in automatic query expansion using these automatically generated term networks. Specifically, with a larger number of query logs for a specific patent US class available the performance of the learned term networks increases.  相似文献   

Prior-art search in patent retrieval is concerned with finding all existing patents relevant to a patent application. Since patents often appear in different languages, cross-language information retrieval (CLIR) is an essential component of effective patent search. In recent years machine translation (MT) has become the dominant approach to translation in CLIR. Standard MT systems focus on generating proper translations that are morphologically and syntactically correct. Development of effective MT systems of this type requires large training resources and high computational power for training and translation. This is an important issue for patent CLIR where queries are typically very long sometimes taking the form of a full patent application, meaning that query translation using MT systems can be very slow. However, in contrast to MT, the focus for information retrieval (IR) is on the conceptual meaning of the search words regardless of their surface form, or the linguistic structure of the output. Thus much of the complexity of MT is not required for effective CLIR. We present an adapted MT technique specifically designed for CLIR. In this method IR text pre-processing in the form of stop word removal and stemming are applied to the MT training corpus prior to the training phase. Applying this step leads to a significant decrease in the MT computational and training resources requirements. Experimental application of the new approach to the cross language patent retrieval task from CLEF-IP 2010 shows that the new technique to be up to 23 times faster than standard MT for query translations, while maintaining IR effectiveness statistically indistinguishable from standard MT when large training resources are used. Furthermore the new method is significantly better than standard MT when only limited translation training resources are available, which can be a significant issue for translation in specialized domains. The new MT technique also enables patent document translation in a practical amount of time with a resulting significant improvement in the retrieval effectiveness.  相似文献   

Enterprise search is important, and the search quality has a direct impact on the productivity of an enterprise. Enterprise data contain both structured and unstructured information. Since these two types of information are complementary and the structured information such as relational databases is designed based on ER (entity-relationship) models, there is a rich body of information about entities in enterprise data. As a result, many information needs of enterprise search center around entities. For example, a user may formulate a query describing a problem that she encounters with an entity, e.g., the web browser, and want to retrieve relevant documents to solve the problem. Intuitively, information related to the entities mentioned in the query, such as related entities and their relations, would be useful to reformulate the query and improve the retrieval performance. However, most existing studies on query expansion are term-centric. In this paper, we propose a novel entity-centric query expansion framework for enterprise search. Specifically, given a query containing entities, we first utilize both unstructured and structured information to find entities that are related to the ones in the query. We then discuss how to adapt existing feedback methods to use the related entities and their relations to improve search quality. Experimental results over two real-world enterprise collections show that the proposed entity-centric query expansion strategies are more effective and robust to improve the search performance than the state-of-the-art pseudo feedback methods for long natural language-like queries with entities. Moreover, results over a TREC ad hoc retrieval collections show that the proposed methods can also work well for short keyword queries in the general search domain.  相似文献   

The majority of Internet users search for medical information online; however, many do not have an adequate medical vocabulary. Users might have difficulties finding the most authoritative and useful information because they are unfamiliar with the appropriate medical expressions describing their condition; consequently, they are unable to adequately satisfy their information need. We investigate the utility of bridging the gap between layperson and expert vocabularies; our approach adds the most appropriate expert expression to queries submitted by users, a task we call query clarification. We evaluated the impact of query clarification. Using three different synonym mappings and conducting two task-based retrieval studies, users were asked to answer medically-related questions using interleaved results from a major search engine. Our results show that the proposed system was preferred by users and helped them answer medical concerns correctly more often, with up to a 7 % increase in correct answers over an unmodified query. Finally, we introduce a supervised classifier to select the most appropriate synonym mapping for each query, which further increased the fraction of correct answers (12 %).  相似文献   

We propose a method for search privacy on the Internet, focusing on enhancing plausible deniability against search engine query-logs. The method approximates the target search results, without submitting the intended query and avoiding other exposing queries, by employing sets of queries representing more general concepts. We model the problem theoretically, and investigate the practical feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed solution with a set of real queries with privacy issues on a large web collection. The findings may have implications for other IR research areas, such as query expansion and fusion in meta-search. Finally, we discuss ideas for privacy, such as k-anonymity, and how these may be applied to search tasks.  相似文献   

Social tagging systems have gained increasing popularity as a method of annotating and categorizing a wide range of different web resources. Web search that utilizes social tagging data suffers from an extreme example of the vocabulary mismatch problem encountered in traditional information retrieval (IR). This is due to the personalized, unrestricted vocabulary that users choose to describe and tag each resource. Previous research has proposed the utilization of query expansion to deal with search in this rather complicated space. However, non-personalized approaches based on relevance feedback and personalized approaches based on co-occurrence statistics only showed limited improvements. This paper proposes a novel query expansion framework based on individual user profiles mined from the annotations and resources the user has marked. The underlying theory is to regularize the smoothness of word associations over a connected graph using a regularizer function on terms extracted from top-ranked documents. The intuition behind the model is the prior assumption of term consistency: the most appropriate expansion terms for a query are likely to be associated with, and influenced by terms extracted from the documents ranked highly for the initial query. The framework also simultaneously incorporates annotations and web documents through a Tag-Topic model in a latent graph. The experimental results suggest that the proposed personalized query expansion method can produce better results than both the classical non-personalized search approach and other personalized query expansion methods. Hence, the proposed approach significantly benefits personalized web search by leveraging users’ social media data.  相似文献   

Patent prior art search is a type of search in the patent domain where documents are searched for that describe the work previously carried out related to a patent application. The goal of this search is to check whether the idea in the patent application is novel. Vocabulary mismatch is one of the main problems of patent retrieval which results in low retrievability of similar documents for a given patent application. In this paper we show how the term distribution of the cited documents in an initially retrieved ranked list can be used to address the vocabulary mismatch. We propose a method for query modeling estimation which utilizes the citation links in a pseudo relevance feedback set. We first build a topic dependent citation graph, starting from the initially retrieved set of feedback documents and utilizing citation links of feedback documents to expand the set. We identify the important documents in the topic dependent citation graph using a citation analysis measure. We then use the term distribution of the documents in the citation graph to estimate a query model by identifying the distinguishing terms and their respective weights. We then use these terms to expand our original query. We use CLEF-IP 2011 collection to evaluate the effectiveness of our query modeling approach for prior art search. We also study the influence of different parameters on the performance of the proposed method. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed approach significantly improves the recall over a state-of-the-art baseline which uses the link-based structure of the citation graph but not the term distribution of the cited documents.  相似文献   

Query suggestions have become pervasive in modern web search, as a mechanism to guide users towards a better representation of their information need. In this article, we propose a ranking approach for producing effective query suggestions. In particular, we devise a structured representation of candidate suggestions mined from a query log that leverages evidence from other queries with a common session or a common click. This enriched representation not only helps overcome data sparsity for long-tail queries, but also leads to multiple ranking criteria, which we integrate as features for learning to rank query suggestions. To validate our approach, we build upon existing efforts for web search evaluation and propose a novel framework for the quantitative assessment of query suggestion effectiveness. Thorough experiments using publicly available data from the TREC Web track show that our approach provides effective suggestions for adhoc and diversity search.  相似文献   

Search result diversification aims to diversify search results to cover different query subtopics, i.e., pieces of relevant information. The state of the art diversification methods often explicitly model the diversity based on query subtopics, and their performance is closely related to the quality of subtopics. Most existing studies extracted query subtopics only from the unstructured data such as document collections. However, there exists a huge amount of information from structured data, which complements the information from the unstructured data. The structured data can provide valuable information about domain knowledge, but is currently under-utilized. In this article, we study how to leverage the integrated information from both structured and unstructured data to extract high quality subtopics for search result diversification. We first discuss how to extract subtopics from structured data. We then propose three methods to integrate structured and unstructured data. Specifically, the first method uses the structured data to guide the subtopic extraction from unstructured data, the second one uses the unstructured data to guide the extraction, and the last one first extracts the subtopics separately from two data sources and then combines those subtopics. Experimental results in both Enterprise and Web search domains show that the proposed methods are effective in extracting high quality subtopics from the integrated information, which can lead to better diversification performance.  相似文献   

Searching for alternatives to using animals in research is not a standard service currently offered by most medical research libraries. The goal of this article is to demystify this type of expert search for medical librarians and to do so using a language they know well, that of the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) thesaurus. An attempt is made in this paper to discuss possible search strategies and to include examples of recommended approaches to searching-all in the context of the 3Rs of alternatives: Replacement, Refinement, and Reduction.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a framework that can process a user query for retrieval of information from documents of different properties across multiple domains, with specific application to patent laws and regulations. The framework has three basic components. The first component is ontology mapping and generation. What happens is that the keywords entered by users are mapped into a subset of relevant keywords. This step is performed by looking up those words in an ontology database. The second component is the joint and cross search in various document domains; in our case, they are patents and scientific publications. The last component is to modify the search results by applying user feedback statistics. The results of feedback will be saved as metadata for future uses.A case example is given to demonstrate how results from multiple domain searches can be combined using ontology and cross referencing. We use an example of well-known biotechnology patents on erythropoietin (EPO) and give detailed analysis on each document domain with this keyword. Relationships between each domain are demonstrated.A user feedback mechanism is also discussed in this paper. The ability to take user feedback into the framework is important. There is no doubt that domain knowledge from expert or experienced users could be a very good compliment to the proposed system. Both direct and indirect user feedbacks are discussed.  相似文献   

EPIC is a service that provides keyword or subject access to the OCLC Online Union Catalog (OLUC). This capability increases the success rate for title location as well as the potential uses of the OLUC. The features of the EPIC system, application of these features to the OLUC, and specific uses in health sciences libraries are described in this article.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effectiveness of using MeSH® in PubMed through its automatic query expansion process: Automatic Term Mapping (ATM). We run Boolean searches based on a collection of 55 topics and about 160,000 MEDLINE® citations used in the 2006 and 2007 TREC Genomics Tracks. For each topic, we first automatically construct a query by selecting keywords from the question. Next, each query is expanded by ATM, which assigns different search tags to terms in the query. Three search tags: [MeSH Terms], [Text Words], and [All Fields] are chosen to be studied after expansion because they all make use of the MeSH field of indexed MEDLINE citations. Furthermore, we characterize the two different mechanisms by which the MeSH field is used. Retrieval results using MeSH after expansion are compared to those solely based on the words in MEDLINE title and abstracts. The aggregate retrieval performance is assessed using both F-measure and mean rank precision. Experimental results suggest that query expansion using MeSH in PubMed can generally improve retrieval performance, but the improvement may not affect end PubMed users in realistic situations.  相似文献   

This paper explores the performance of top k document retrieval with score-at-a-time query evaluation on impact-ordered indexes in main memory. To better understand execution efficiency in the context of modern processor architectures, we examine the role of index compression on query evaluation latency. Experiments include compressing postings with variable byte encoding, Simple-8b, variants of the QMX compression scheme, as well as a condition that is less often considered—no compression. Across four web test collections, we find that the highest query evaluation speed is achieved by simply leaving the postings lists uncompressed, although the performance advantage over a state-of-the-art compression scheme is relatively small and the index is considerably larger. We explain this finding in terms of the design of modern processor architectures: Index segments with high impact scores are usually short and inherently benefit from cache locality. Index segments with lower impact scores may be quite long, but modern architectures have sufficient memory bandwidth (coupled with prefetching) to “keep up” with the processor. Our results highlight the importance of “architecture affinity” when designing high-performance search engines.  相似文献   

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