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议题式教学是落实活动型学科课程的重要抓手。议题是实施议题式教学的关键。推进议题式教学,需要优化议题设计。在教学实践中,教师可以从分解设置议题、设计渐进问题、仔细研究学情、设置复杂情境、注重问题逻辑、设计探究活动六个步骤开展议题设计,更好推进思政课教学。  相似文献   

议题式教学,“题”是关键,“议”是亮点,在初中道德与法治课堂创新“中心议题为核心统领教学、大议题为明线组织课堂、小议题为暗线谋划教学设计”的三级议题体系及其教学模式,既能革新议题式教学固化了的“中心议题→子议题”议题设置方式,打破议题式教学千篇一律以子议题为线索组织课堂的教学形式,又能转变对议题的层次认知,实现大议题拓展议题外延、扩大讨论外围,使学生有话可说,小议题紧扣中心议题、聚焦议题核心内容,做到议而有意。  相似文献   

王德明 《福建教育》2022,(39):57-58
对于议题式教学来说,设定合适、恰当的议题是关键。在教学活动中,有些教师将高中思想政治教材章节的标题、具体问题甚至话题当成议题,会导致议题式教学目标无法有效达成。为了达成议题式教学的目标,我们需要走出上述误区,在具体与抽象、开放与引领、重点与难点、目标与路径的关系处理中选定合适的议题,以落实立德树人根本任务。  相似文献   

2017年版思想政治课程标准,在课程性质中明确了高中思想政治以立德树人为根本任务,以培养社会主义核心价值观为根本目的,是帮助学生确定正确的政治方向、提高思想政治学科核心素养、增强社会理解和参与能力的综合性、活动型学科课程。同时在实施建议中,又明确指出教学设计能否反映活动型学科课程实施的思路,关键在于确定开展活动的议题。本文尝试通过厘清议题与问题、主题之间的区别,来界定议题的范围,探索议题的设置原则以及如何有效实施议题式教学。  相似文献   

议题中心教学法与议题式教学在理论基础、实施方式等方面具有相同性,但由于两者出现的时代背景不同,导致两者在教学目标、议题来源、教师作用、教学中心、实施方式等方面存在区别。当前,议题式教学成为高中思想政治学科的主要教学方式,分清议题式教学与议题中心教学的联系与区别,有助于我们深入认识议题式教学本质内涵,促进议题式教学的深入开展。  相似文献   

现如今,议题式教学是我国政治学科教学、培育学生政治素养的重要手段之一。议题式教学具有实践性、开放性、主体性特点。议题式教学可以在高中政治教学中构建活动型课程,有利于改善教学方式、学习方式,完善政治学科核心素养的建设。本文探讨与研究在高中政治教学中议题式教学的活动设计与情景式教学的创建,以期提高高中政治教学的实效性,让学...  相似文献   

议题式教学已经成为思想政治课的教学方法之一,对培养学生的综合素养具有重要意义。然而,议题式教学在思想政治课中面临着挑战,如师生对议题式教学重视不够,议题选择不当,议题式教学泛化或流于形式,议题式教学的情景创设缺乏针对性。这是因为师生议题式教学意识不足,局限于传统的应试性教学和文本式教学,没有根据教学需要合理选择,教师缺乏相关经验和知识储备。本文提出了改进议题式教学的建议,即在教师职前培养和在职培训中注重融入议题式教学,将时政热点、社会实践融入议题式教学,议题式教学需要将国家课程地方化。  相似文献   

基于落实学科核心素养的要求,议题式教学在初中道德与法治教学中的实践日益广泛。在统编《道德与法治》教材九年级上册“生活在新型民主国家”一框教学中,通过对议题主题、议题情境和议题评价三个维度的分析,可以助推党史知识融入思政课教学。  相似文献   

我国关于课程理解的正式研究已历经20年发展,具体可划分为引进与探索期(2001-2010年)和反思与发展期(2011年至今)两个阶段。课程理解研究在概念解读、理解主体、理解内容以及理解取向等方面取得了一定进展。总体而言,研究主题持续拓展,但评价体系有待建立;研究方法趋向多元,但实践路径仍需探究;课程理解话语权逐步下放,但学生课程理解研究较弱。未来研究应关注新时代教育的价值取向,加强课程理解理论的建构;注重研究方法的多元与创新,探寻课程理解落地的扎根点;纾解学生与课程之间的阻隔,推进学生课程理解研究深入发展。  相似文献   

This article discusses the Priority Education Zones project (ZEP) in Mauritius. The original and innovative dimensions of the project are described, together with the difficulties encountered during the setting-up of the ZEP schools. The article covers five main issues: the status of the ZEP project; the minimal conditions for success; the implications concerning the teachers; the obstacles faced; and the strategy devised to implement the ZEP project, while overcoming the obstacles.
Mahomed Aniff GurribEmail:

This paper explores some of the relationships between the understanding of gender equity and gender issues in education held by academic staff in an institute of higher education, and their views on the importance of incorporating gender into the curriculum. The paper discusses findings pertaining to how academics approach gender issues in their teaching in their relationships with students and with other members of staff. In so doing the question is raised—what messages are trainee teachers receiving about gender issues? The findings also discuss some of the pedagogical implications arising from the absence of theoretical perspectives or orientations in relation to gender in preservice teacher education.  相似文献   

从我国学校的社会主义性质、中小学生的全面发展等方面谈了基础教育要把德育放在首位。较全面地论述了基础教育中德育的重要地位及意义。  相似文献   

The Science Summit reinforced a question upon which many of us in science education are focused: How can we, the science education community of researchers, practitioners, and consumers, lead policy? We include a brief review of the No Child Left Behind Act and its implications for teachers, and elaborate about one ongoing and growing effort to answer the concerns about the paucity of research expressed at the Summit. We describe a unique and growing collaboration across professional science education and science organizations and societies that focuses on the development of a research agenda. The term ‘consilience’ refers to the “jumping together of knowledge” that leads to scientific advancements, progressive, creative, fluid scientific research and intellectual capacity to move a research community toward an enlightened research agenda. A coherent research agenda enables us to specify what we know, what we need to know, and how research can be employed for creating and implementing policy. The use of a dynamic organizer (such as Pasteur’s Quadrant) for a research matrix of topics provides a possible structure for organizing and cataloging research questions, designs, findings from past studies, needed areas for research, and policy implications. Through this unique collaboration, the science education community can better focus on needs and priorities and ensure that teachers, policy makers, scientists, and researchers in education at local through national levels have an important stake in research priorities and actions.  相似文献   

在高等教育由精英化走向大众化的进程中,许多高校都发现其多样性、教育公平以及学术的优越性之间存在着某种必然的联系。之所以应重视高等教育的多样性不是因为其本身的目的,而是因为多样性是实现高等教育三大重要目标的途径之一。这三大目标包括:第一,机会均等;第二,为社会各个阶层培养领袖人才;第三,丰富所有学生的教育经历。随着社会经济的多样化,高等院校应当为实现教育机会均等和高等教育公平起到引擎的作用,为实现高等教育的公平而努力。  相似文献   

大学德育,礼仪先行   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
礼仪教育是大学生思想道德教育的重要组成部分,也是提高大学生自身素质的必要手段。在大学生中开展礼仪教育是弘扬中华民族传统美德的需要,是素质教育和完善高校德育体系的需要,是大学生自我发展的需要。高等学校开设礼_仪课程是加强大学生思想道德教育的重要途径。在着力培养大学生的服务意识、和谐精神、谦逊态度和严谨习惯的同时,还要注意把礼仪教育与人生现、价值观、职业观、纪律现的教育结合起来,充分展示其德育功能。  相似文献   


The social work profession has always strived to increase its knowledge-base and improve its practice effectiveness. In this endeavor, the Council on Social Work Education has mandated the teaching of theoretical frameworks as a guide to intervention planning andimplementation. Yet, this format has not consistently been utilized in practice, as some research studies have reported. The article addresses this issue, providing a method of integrating theories and intervention strategies into coursework. To illustrate the relationship between theories and the development of practice strategies, a case report is presented, followed by relevant theories and the interventions formulated from the theory-driven assessments. The aim is to reinforce the learning process, while demonstrating to students the utility and effectiveness of identifying and connecting theories to appropriateinterventive choices that will be carried through to the practice arena.  相似文献   

民办教育在中国的前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在《民办教育促进法》及其实施条例提供的基本法律框架下,切实落实民办教育与公办教育同等法律地位,保障民办学校及其相关利益群体与公办学校及其相关利益群体的平等权利,合理规范政府行为以充分发挥市场机制在民办教育发展中的积极作用,民办教育的健康发展才有基本保证。  相似文献   

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