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简要介绍了在高等教育国际化过程中,为确保加拿大在国际上的优势地位,加拿大政府和高校采取的一系列政策,并分析了其产生的积极和消极效果,以期为我国高等教育国际化提供决策参考。  相似文献   

本文从教育政策视角对英国高等教育双重制下多科技术学院政策进行梳理,解读其指导并服务于实践的经验,总结政策所取得的功效,剖析它最后走向终结的原因,以展示其全貌,探求高等教育的某些发展规律.  相似文献   

英国高等教育具有良好的国际声誉,这与其顺时施宜的教育政策密不可分。基于批判话语分析的视角对英国高等教育政策的文本特征以及政策制定、实施过程进行系统梳理,发现其政策文本擅于使用被动语态隐藏权力主体、运用名词化结构增强文本权威性、利用情态动词明确权责划分。并且,不同时期的法案在政策内容的生产、分配以及消费方面都体现出政策话语与政治话语、民间话语间的明显互文。在此过程中,不同利益群体共同参与高等教育话语权的争夺,在相互的抗衡与妥协中构建合理的话语秩序。  相似文献   


This paper contextualises the Further Education (FE) sector in Northern Ireland (NI). It outlines the specific political, social and economic influences that have shaped its position as a major but understated educational provider in what remains a highly divided educational system that is slowly transitioning in a post-conflict environment. Key policy frameworks underpinning sectoral development are described, showing how many policy initiatives have been both ‘borrowed’ from the English context and adapted to local need. The article proceeds to highlight a number of curricular and institutional innovations that have contributed to the development of a small-scale, but distinctive educational, social and economic model. The piece concludes by suggesting that the NI FE experience has the potential to contribute not only to its own specific conditions but, through its ‘policy and practice’ adaptations’, to positively influence FE policy and practice in other parts of the United Kingdom (UK) that require interventions around skills development economic growth and social cohesion.  相似文献   

This original study presents a content analysis of 100 primary and post-primary school anti-bullying policies in Northern Ireland using a 36-item scoring scheme. Overall schools had 52% of the items in their policies. Most schools included reference to physical, verbal, relational, material and cyberbullying but a minority mentioned racist, homophobic, sexual, adult/teacher–pupil bullying or bullying related to disability or religion. There was considerable variation in the source and quality of the definitions of bullying. Overall the policy scores compared favourably with earlier studies carried out in England, however a low percentage of Northern Ireland policies gave detailed information about how incidents of bullying would be recorded, who would coordinate this, and how the data would be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the policy. Findings are discussed in relation to the proposed new anti-bullying legislation currently being brought before the Northern Ireland Assembly.  相似文献   

加拿大特殊教育立法与实践   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文叙述了加拿大特殊教育立法的历史沿革及其特色 ,并着重对安大略省的特殊教育法律法规以及相关部门的人员的责任作了重点介绍 ,还分析了加拿大目前特殊教育立法的新进展。并结合中国国情 ,反思我国的特殊教育立法现状 ,对完善我国特殊教育立法提出可资借鉴的建议  相似文献   

Through an examination of selected documents, this article explores the role which the Irish state attributed to education in promoting the Christian, specifically Catholic, identity of its young citizens. The essay also examines the evidence of a desire to distance the state from a direct role in reinforcing the religious dimensions of cultural identity and of an endeavour to reconcile respect for the nation's Christian heritage with respect for other versions of human self-understanding.  相似文献   

在原住民运动的推动下,加拿大原住民教育政策确立了赋权自治的取向。但原住民教育依然面临挑战与困境,原住民缺乏担当和发展教育的现实能力。为此,加拿大政府和原住民采取了一系列新的策略、措施,以提升原住民能力为路向,积极完善教育政策,为原住民教育的发展提供本原性动力,以求从根本上综合解决原住民教育问题。  相似文献   

英国布莱尔政府学前教育改革政策及其主要特点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1997年~2007年英国首相布莱尔执政期间,英国先后出台了多项学前教育改革政策,应对其学前教育发展、教育改革乃至社会发展的困境与危机.其中最重要的学前教育改革政策有:"确保开端"、"每个孩子都重要"、"儿童保育十年战略"及"早期奠基阶段",它们极大地推动了英国学前教育的改革与发展.布莱尔政府学前教育改革政策具有四方面突出特点:鲜明一致的价值取向与政治意图;注重各项政策间的连续性与稳定性;政策制定的战略性与前瞻性;持续增加财政投入以保障政策实效.  相似文献   

加拿大的历史十分独特:在其从殖民地演变成独立国家的过程中没有经过暴风骤雨式的流血革命和激烈斗争。但这并不意味着加拿大本身没有矛盾,相反,它时常面临着复杂的困境。只因谨慎的统治者常常用不愠不火的中庸之道策略才将纷繁复杂的矛盾不断缓和、化解,从而为该国创造出稳定安宁的局面。由于中庸策略屡试不爽,它逐渐成为加拿大传统的政治风格。  相似文献   

英国大学生创业教育政策探析   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
为建设创业文化,推动大学生创业,自20世纪80年代以来,英国政府相继制定并实施了一系列促进大学生创业教育的政策,如启动创业项目、建立管理机构、提供资金保障、开展教学研究、服务大学生创业等.本文在政策综述的基础上,对此作出评析.  相似文献   

This article explores the connections between official contemporary identity formation and colonial pasts. Using the case studies of India and Ireland the article explores how different traditions of theorisation are powerful in these formations. India and Ireland were two colonial domains that had many linkages outside the ambit of the British. These linkages are made sense of using methodological approaches like those deployed by Dick Selleck and Geoff Sherington in key works. Yet the colonial stories of these two countries are also distinctive, offering up strong trajectories that inform different contemporary controversies from uncomfortable yet stereotyped perspectives.  相似文献   

The Survey of Schools: ICT in education commissioned in 2011 by the European Commission took place between January 2011 and November 2012, with data collection in autumn 2011. This article presents the main findings of the Survey based on over 190,000 questionnaire answers from students, teachers and head teachers in primary, lower and upper secondary schools randomly sampled. The article details the analytical framework design and the survey methodology implemented. It then presents the main ‘state of the art’ indicators that have been built, concerning ICT infrastructure and access to it, frequency of students' ICT based activities during lessons, level of teachers' and students' confidence in their digital competences, their opinion about using ICT for teaching and learning, and the school strategies to support ICT integration in teaching and learning. The article also presents the main findings of the exploratory part of the analysis, introducing the concepts of digitally supportive school, digitally confident and supportive teacher and digitally confident and supportive student, estimating their respective proportion at EU level on average and by country and investigating whether high percentage of digitally supportive schools include high percentages of digitally confident and positive teachers and students. A few recommendations for policy making at European, national, regional/local and institutional levels conclude the article.  相似文献   


The Good Friday Agreement (1998) between the UK and Irish governments, and most of the political parties in Northern Ireland, heralded a significant step forward in securing peace and stability for this troubled region of the British Isles. From the new-found stability, the previous fits and starts of education reform were replaced by a determination for modernisation and innovation, infused with a new energy and momentum. This sense of purpose embraced a complex weave of ideas and ideals; all designed variously to smooth, celebrate and harness community differences for the collective good. Much progress has been made in the intervening years since 1998, particularly in political structures and relationships. However, the euphoria of the new dawn of the Agreement had barely begun to shape the future before entrenched ‘tribal’ tensions reproduced the same political and legislative impasses of former years and visited their all-too-familiar blight on the economic, cultural and educational landscapes. This paper focuses on two signature dimensions of education that have been sustained by this partisanship: segregation by religion and segregation by academic selection.  相似文献   

The European Convention on Human Rights has been signed by both the UK and Sweden as well as other European states, providing legal justification for accommodating the educational needs of religious minorities. This legal entitlement is explored in the paper, with particular reference to parental choice for schools based on an Islamic ethos. How the UK and Sweden have responded to accommodate the religious convictions of Muslim families is the focus of discussion, drawing on historical and policy backgrounds. The paper also draws on the theoretical work of Kumashiro and the concept of ‘Education for the Other’, examining the positioning of minority groups within the broad context of a multicultural society and the challenge of accommodating religious convictions in a climate of increasing support for cultural assimilation.  相似文献   

Despite a successfully negotiated peace agreement in Belfast in 1998, tensions between different community groups continue to exist in Northern Ireland. This situation creates a governmental need to find solutions to problems such as segregation, inter- and intra-group violence and other forms of sectarian antagonisms. On the one hand, this is attempted by disciplinary measures such as ‘peace walls’ and an increased presence of state powers such as police and armed forces. On the other hand, community relations discourses remain a common refrain in Northern Ireland with their focus on a ‘conduct of conduct’ approach. In this article, I seek to understand adult community education through community relations initiatives and designated anti-sectarian courses as a governmental technology in Northern Ireland designed to change technologies of the self. The article highlights the possibilities for a way forward inherent in this approach and links community relations to broader contexts of policy developments in Northern Ireland.  相似文献   

Over the last decades, migration across Europe has continued to increase. Consequently, offering educational support for migrant students in the schools of host countries has been an extensively debated issue across Europe and further afield, especially in countries with a history of immigration. However, less is known about how education systems in the ‘new’ immigration countries have responded to the needs of recently arrived migrants. This article focuses on language support measures set up for migrant students in state-funded schools in the Republic of Ireland and Spain – both multilingual countries with more than one official language and with a heterogeneous migrant population. In reviewing educational policy and practice in these jurisdictions in the areas of language support for migrants, this article seeks to contribute to the debate on challenges involved in supporting language acquisition by migrant students in formal educational settings.  相似文献   

This article explores a contemporary perspective of education that aims to radically re-construct schools through the integration of information and communication technologies (ICT). Through the analysis of key texts produced by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, leading ICT industries, and international educational researchers, the article looks at the apparently neutral and desirable regime of truth surrounding education, where concrete problems are created and certain solutions provided. The findings discuss how the integration of ICT in schools is embedded in a perspective of education based on: new modalities of soft government, the centrality of a self-regulated and entrepreneur learner, and the representation of schools as flexible, autonomous and non-hierarchical environments organised around non-standardised modalities of public ‘accountability’.  相似文献   

It is now 15 years since the signing of the 1998 Belfast (or ‘Good Friday’) Peace Agreement which committed all participants to exclusively democratic and peaceful means of resolving differences, and towards a shared and inclusive society defined by the principles of respect for diversity, equality and the interdependence of people. In particular, it committed participants to the protection and vindication of the human rights of all. This is, therefore, a precipitous time to undertake a probing analysis of educational reforms in Northern Ireland associated with provision in the areas of inclusion and special needs education. Consequently, by drawing upon analytical tools and perspectives derived from critical policy analysis, this article, by Ron Smith from the School of Education, Queen's University Belfast, discusses the policy cycle associated with the proposed legislation entitled Every School a Good School: the way forward for special educational needs and inclusion. It examines how this policy text structures key concepts such as ‘inclusion’, ‘additional educational needs’ and ‘barriers to learning’, and how the proposals attempt to resolve the dilemma of commonality and difference. Conceived under direct rule from Westminster (April 2006), issued for consultation when devolved powers to a Northern Ireland Assembly had been restored, and with the final proposals yet to be made public, this targeted educational strategy tells a fascinating story of the past, present and likely future of special needs education in Northern Ireland. Before offering an account of this work, it is placed within some broader ecological frameworks.  相似文献   

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