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OECD重塑成人教育   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
90年代以来,成人教育再次成为经济合作与发展组织及其成员国教育领域中的关注重点。本文探讨了经合组织重新重视成人教育的原因及其成员国成人教育发展的现状和面对的问题,以及经合组织成员国在促进成人教育发展中采取的措施和创新。  相似文献   

Direct instruction approaches, as well as the design processes that support them, have been criticized for failing to reflect contemporary research and theory in teaching, learning, and technology. Learning systems are needed that encourage divergent reasoning, problem solving, and critical thinking. Student-centered learning environments have been touted as a means to support such processes. With the emergence of technology, many barriers to implementing innovative alternatives may be overcome. The purposes of this paper are to review and critically analyze research and theory related to technology-enhanced student-centered learning environments and to identify their foundations and assumptions.  相似文献   

解析了国际经济合作组织2005年德国教育报告,并通过比较加深对德国教育改革的了解及其对中国教育改革的启示。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on institutionally powered personal learning environments (iPLEs). The concept of the iPLE can be seen as a way universities can incorporate learner-centred approach into the architecture of their technology-enhanced learning environments. The aim of this paper is to pose that there are other ways to learn complementary to virtual learning environments, such as using distributed Web 2.0 tools from personal learning environments (PLEs). With that aim in mind, this paper presents an exploratory study with two different iPLE configurations, analyses how they modify the learning–teaching process, and reports their perceived usefulness from the students' point of view. These two case studies were carried out by a research group of educational technology from a Spanish university in graduate and postgraduate courses. As reported by other case studies, the results revealed that students use the environment basically in the academic context and this usage is conceived as another time and effort requiring task. This fact can be observed in the low level iPLEs customization. The overall conclusions we can extract are, on the one hand, that the new environment to integrate informal and formal learning should be flexible and adaptable to the student's needs and preferences and, on the other hand, that academic tools might someday become personal tools.  相似文献   

经合组织教育指标体系的载体《教育概览》因其很高的决策与研究参考价值,被奉为国际比较教育的"宝典"。《教育概览》是经合组织的旗舰教育项目——国际教育指标体系(INES)项目的研究成果。本文通过分析INES项目的发展历程、工作机制以及工作模式,揭示了经合组织教育指标体系的理论框架、指标研制的过程与方法,以期对我国教育指标的研究有所启示。  相似文献   

In this article, I develop a perspective on learning as multilayered phenomena. I take a socio-genetic approach in order to understand human activity and to show how categories are a fundamental part of learning in a specific type of institutional practice. In the empirical section, student dialogue is analysed in relation to a set of categories taken from scientific discourse. The analysis illustrates how categories in the progressive inquiry model could guide students towards a more systematic orientation to problem solving.  相似文献   

个别化学习作为开放教育的崭新学习模式,在入学、教学、媒体与管理等几个方面都适应了学员个体性的学习需求。它是激发学员创新能力、自主学习能力的重要手段,也是构建学习化社会,实施素质教育的有效途径。  相似文献   

全球化和知识经济的发展对高等教育体系提出了新的要求.高等教育系统正经历着重大的变革.在高等教育的管理体制中,教育主管部门应维护人民的利益,确保公共资源在高等院校中得以有效的支配和使用,使得高等教育有助于国家经济和社会发展.在各项政策提议中,重点应放在教育体系与劳动力市场和区域经济的联系上;使得大学与产业的联系能有效地促进研究和创新;参与到与外部利益相关者的制度和体制管理中来保障教育质量;增加院校长期预算中的资金投入;以及与国际化政策接轨.  相似文献   

This paper provides a systematic review of instruments that have the potential to measure the quality of project-based science and technology (S&T) learning environments in elementary school. To this end, a comprehensive literature search was undertaken for the large field of S&T learning environments. We conducted a horizontal bottom-up analysis of the aspects measured by the retrieved instruments and their operationalisation. We distinguish 11 components. The most frequently evaluated components are prior knowledge and backgrounds, connection with reality, science as inquiry and level of initiative and group work. Overall, the results suggest a considerable diversity in the operationalisation of the components found. Particularly, for connection with reality, science as inquiry and level of initiative and group work, this is related to (1) the object of measurement (e.g. variety in aspects evaluated) and (2) the extent to which the used concepts are clarified. Consequently, some scales, items and questions were found to be a closer fit with aspects of project-based learning environments than others. Additionally, most of the retrieved instruments cover science and not technology or project-based education. This review can be used when searching for a scale, item or question to measure particular aspects of S&T learning environments.  相似文献   

目前,学前教育已经成为我国整个教育发展中的短板。为了尽快解决这一问题,我国有必要借鉴OECD成员国学前教育财政支持的经验,通过加大政府对学前教育的财政投入、设立合理的学前教育投入机制、尽早制定学前教育法、有效促进学前教育均衡发展等途径保障学前教育快速、健康地发展。  相似文献   

This paper argues that underlying the OECD’s promotion of inclusion in, for and through lifelong learning is the notion of an ‘active citizen’ who establishes their worth through learning and, ultimately, competence. Through the critical examination of recent OECD policy documents on adult and lifelong learning, the paper also calls for a re‐examination of the purported goals of inclusion and participation, essential elements of ‘inclusive liberalism’.  相似文献   

深圳要发展成为区域性的国际化城市和科技自主创新型城市,就必须大力发展教育,尤其要不失时机地深化成人教育改革,加快发展成人教育。首先,要进一步加深对成教事业的认识,比如完善成人教育政策体系;强化成人教育的作用与地位;以及转变成人教育办学理念。其次,要采取切实的思路与对策促进成人教育改革发展,包括作好预测和规划;增强教育市场观念,深化体制改革;依托高校优势,促进成人教育发展;构建终身教育,创办学习型城市。  相似文献   

OECD国家终身学习政策与实践分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
本文阐述了OECD及OECD国家的终身学习理念,介绍了20世纪90年代以来OECD国家终身学习发展现状和相应的终身学习政策,并对各自的终身学习政策与实践进行了评价。  相似文献   

OECD发布学习框架2030致力于构建新的学习生态系统,它在原有关键能力的基础上提出新的关键能力,同时将学生学习与发展的研究从点到面,扩展至同伴、教师、父母、社区等多个社会支持体系。其核心理念是主体性,包括学生主体性和合作主体性,即充分发挥各利益相关者的协同作用,共同促进学生的学习与发展。作为OECD学习框架2030的应用案例,葡萄牙国家课程改革项目使用综合性的学生能力界定、坚持精简课程的设计理念与自主灵活的实施方式,在促进学生能力发展和学校改进方面取得较好成效。从价值立场、逻辑假设和实践应用等方面对该框架进行反思有助于我们的深入理解。  相似文献   

Whereas most research on computer-assisted language learning (CALL) tends to rely heavily on the assessment of academic achievement and language learning outcomes, this study involved an evaluation of the psychosocial learning environment in computing laboratories. The What Is Happening In this Class? (WIHIC) and Attitude to Computers and Computing Courses (ACCC) questionnaires were administered to 152 university students undertaking 1-year compulsory education courses in English at the Centre for Foreign Languages (YADIM) at Çukurova University in Turkey. Analysis of data illuminated students’ perceptions of the computer laboratory class as a language learning environment and paved the way for further learning environment studies involving both students and teachers.  相似文献   

创新实验室自主管理和自主学习模式探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍武汉纺织大学电信学院创新实验室组织运行方式,通过采用自主管理和自主学习方式,以培养大学生创新精神和实践能力为目标,探讨了创新实验室运行中存在的若干问题和解决方法,对创新实验室管理机制进行了分析和讨论.实践结果表明,创新实验室是提高大学生创新能力的重要手段.  相似文献   

Studies examining students’ achievement goals, cognitive engagement strategies and performance have found that achievement goals tend to predict classes of cognitive strategy use which predict performance on measures of learning. These studies have led to deeper theoretical understanding, but their reliance on self-report data limit the conclusions that can be drawn. We employed a behavioral approach instead and assessed learning processes by logging learners’ behaviors as they used educational technology. We examined the relationship between achievement goals, strategy use, and comprehension scores of 160 undergraduates who studied a hypertext passage in a technology-enhanced learning environment (TELE) equipped with tools that support learning behaviors including highlighting, taking notes, review of annotations, seeking additional information and monitoring understanding. Results of a path analysis indicated that higher mastery goals predicted more information-seeking and note-taking and marginally more monitoring of learning. Performance avoidance goals negatively predicted note-taking and information-seeking. Performance approach goals did not predict the behaviors we traced. Of the behaviors we traced, highlighting and monitoring predicted increases in comprehension scores. A behavioral approach to assessing learning processes confirmed only a subset of paths from achievement goals to learning processes to learning outcomes originally discovered with self-report data.  相似文献   

The benefits of using online exercises have been analysed in terms of distance learning, automatic assessment and self-regulated learning. In this study, we have not found a direct proportional relationship between student performance in the course exercises that use online technologies and the exam grades. We see that the average submission rate to these online exercises is not positively correlated with the exercise points. Yet, our results confirm that doing exercises along supports student learning and skill accumulation equipping them with the knowledge of programming. While the student performance in programming courses is affected by factors such as prior background in programming, cognitive skills and the quality of teaching, completing the course exercises via learning-by-doing is an indispensable part of teaching. Based on the student feedback from the course survey, the students are highly satisfied with using online technologies as part of learning.  相似文献   

Basic social interaction and executing certain tasks can be difficult for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The symptoms of such behaviour include inappropriate gestures, body language and facial expressions, lack of interest in certain tasks, cognitive disability in coordination of limbs, and a difficulty in comprehending tasks’ requirements. This paper will discuss our efforts to develop virtual learning environments for children with ASD to improve their gestures and their interests in comprehending tasks’ requirements. Virtual environments are ideal for imparting skills necessary for independence before encouraging children with ASD to try these out in the real world and gain real-life experience. A high-end solution and a simplified solution will be presented together with a discussion on their comparison study.  相似文献   


Teacher support for students in ubiquitous learning environments is challenging owing to physical distance and a lack of reliable real-time multimedia-rich communication. This is further complicated because the learning process is dynamic and problems need quick resolution. Given these challenges, this study proposes an architecture for a teacher facilitation support system. The system was implemented in the form of an interactive teacher dashboard. The interface also generates possible solutions to learning challenges while leaving the ultimate decision up to the teacher. The system feasibility was tested by work-through scenarios designed and validated by two experts. The system usability was evaluated using the System Usability Scale by 40 potential users. The ?ndings revealed that the dashboard has good feasibility and usability for providing teachers relevant information about their students’ learning progress in ubiquitous learning environments. It also enabled opportunity for pedagogical intervention when needed.  相似文献   

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