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我国公安消防部队承担着火灾扑救及以抢救人员生命为主的19项抢险救援职责。那么怎样才能更好地做好灭火救援的新闻发布工作?提前制定灭火救援新闻发布预案预案中要明确灭火救援新闻发布程序、原则、要求、发布内容、发布形式以及具体新闻发言人等。一般来说,发生在敏感时段、敏感场所、重要人物或知名人物身上、受灾群众多、影响面大的灭火救援均需及时向社会发布新闻,第一时间告诉公众发生了什么事情以及政府或公安消防部队采取了什么措施,保障公众知情权。在发布内容上,要充分考虑到第一时间发新闻是新闻媒体的天职,媒体不会等待,公众也不会等待,因此,  相似文献   

试论博物馆环境的语言功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通常情况下,博物馆环境(这里仅指室外环境,下同。)的选择与设计必须考虑藏品(展品)、观众和陈列主题(内容)三个因素,由此相应形成了三个方面的研究内容:一是通过对环境的合理选择和设计,来满足对博物馆展品和藏品的保护要求;二是通过对自然条件的合理利用,  相似文献   

我们在日常生活中经常会在各类媒体上看到一些火灾事件消防救援的新闻,通过对大量火灾案例的分析发现,导致火灾的大部分原因是人们消防安全的意识及素质普遍较差。怎样才能很好地提高人们火灾的安全防范意识以及火灾发生后的自我保护能力?显然,做好消防宣传工作是必不可少的。我们知道,人们在日常生活中,信息接受的很大一部分来源于新闻媒体的传播,而且对于它们依赖程度比较高,通过新闻媒体去宣传火灾的预防以及消防救援工作是一项非常重要的手段。通过媒体对火灾事件消防救援类新闻进行采访和报道,可以很好地发挥教育作用,在很大程度上让人们了解火灾发生的情况、火灾发生的原因以及火灾发生之后如何进行消防工作。那么,如何才能做好消防救援类新闻的采访与报道?本文主要关于这个问题进行具体的叙述。  相似文献   

<正>博物馆的消防系统是博物馆安全系统中非常重要的组成部分。博物馆消防系统是指建筑物内设置的火灾自动报警系统、自动喷水灭火系统、消火栓系统、气体灭火系统、防烟排烟系统、应急照明疏散指示系统、灭火器配置、防火门、防火卷帘等用于防范和扑救火灾的设备设施的总称。它是保证博物馆消防安全和人员疏散安全的重要设施,也是博物馆建筑的重要组成部分。按照  相似文献   

藏品体系是博物馆中一个非常重要的因素。博物馆有责任保存和利用好它的所有藏品,而不仅仅是展品。这意味着我们需要在幕后为藏品的有序保存提供良好充足的空间。根据实际经验,至少应该具备足够的陈列展品和保管藏品的空间。藏品保护是实体博物馆定义中不可或缺的一部分。既然藏品对于博物馆来说意义重大,那么博物馆要想长期维持下去,就必须对藏品给予细致关注。多数器物的大部分时间是在藏品库房里度过的。平均70%-80%的实物都被储藏着。因此当规划扩建、维修或者建新馆时,其收藏功能应该得到充分的重视。  相似文献   

古代人类标本作为古代遗存的一个重要的组成部分,历来是国内外博物馆收藏展示的一个重要内容。与其它文物展品相比,由于其自身的特点,决定了这类藏品具有特殊性。随着时代的进步,藏品的丰富,很多博物馆开始收藏和陈列不同时期的古代人类标本,如何对这类藏品进行保存、保护,并以适当的方式展示,是愈来愈多的博物馆需要解决的问题。  相似文献   

随着人们对遗产保护问题的思考,并随之产生了许多关于藏品的话题,包括藏品的选择、管理、研究、展览、宣传、转让、归还等。2014年国际博物馆日主题——博物馆藏品架起沟通的桥梁,直接提出"藏品"这个博物馆最基础的工作术语。这一重要议题的推出,不仅为我们提供了一个重新审视博物馆藏品的新视角,也从整体上改变了博物馆藏品的社会使命和工作目标。本文针对博物馆如何选择藏品、藏品研究的新视角、藏品架起沟通的桥梁以及藏品归还争议,发表了自己的见解:在新的形势下,人们与遗产的关系发生了新的变化。  相似文献   

科技藏品与互动展品的关系,是研究博物馆与科技馆教育功能关联性的基础。本文从科技藏品与互动展品的不同来源与特性入手,分析了科技藏品与由科技藏品转化而来的“互动展品”之间的关系,以及转化的原因和途径,并从教育学和认知的角度分析归纳了科技藏品与互动展品的本质差异。在此基础上,说明依托科技藏品的博物馆教育与依托互动展品的科学中心教育的不同思路和策略。  相似文献   

古建筑博物馆文物保护单位本身就是人类宝贵的文化遗产,由于古建筑博物馆文物保护单位自身的特点及管理存在的问题,使其存在着大量的火灾隐患。近年来,文物古建筑博物馆频频发生火灾,造成了难以挽回的损失。秋季天干物燥,火灾事故发生频率增高,保护人类文化魂宝,需要多方共同努力,牢固树立消防安全意识,全面筑牢古建筑博物馆文物保护单位消防安全屏障。  相似文献   

为了更好地为社会提供服务,越来越多的博物馆逐步开始尝试延长博物馆开放时间。当一个博物馆计划延长自己的开放时间时,就会带来相应的展品消耗、成本消耗以及展品安全保护等相关问题。因此,博物馆在决定多样化开放形式时必须充分考虑馆情的不同和藏品实况,提前做好各方面的预控,从而更好地确保晚间延长开放时间内的参观秩序和展览维护。  相似文献   

本文归纳分析了科技馆消防系统的特点及问题,论证了科技馆消防系统更新改造的必要性,以中国科技馆为例,探讨其消防系统现状、消防系统更新改造的目标及具体举措,进一步分析了中国科技馆消防系统的运行及改造实例,为后续科技馆的安全管理研究提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

现代科学博物馆与传统珍品收藏所的根本区别之一,即“藏品转化为展品”。对于科学博物馆来说,其展览品质和功能的实现,很大程度上取决于藏品转化为展品的深度和质量。通过理论研究和实践分析,笔者提出“图文转化”“多媒体转化”“机械与机电互动转化”和“叙事场景转化”四种藏品向展品的转化模式,旨在充分激活藏品功能,挖掘出其中的信息内涵并呈现给观众,最终实现展品展陈及博物馆教育的多重价值。  相似文献   

University museums and their collections are among the oldest and most significant in the world, yet their role and future is being questioned. They have critical needs for facilities, staff, and support. At risk are millions of objects that document our natural and cultural history and programs for research, teaching, and public education and exhibits. The museums are attempting to redefine, reposition, and clarify their educational mission. Museums such as the Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural history are successfully meeting the challenges through strategic planning and funding for new facilities. Other museums are finding solutions with partnerships, links, and tailor‐made service programs. New leadership and management will need to emerge for university museums to reestablish their stature and relevance. Physical and intellectual access to the museums and their objects is a key to their future. The new technologies are tools that museums can use to improve their interpretive programs and increase the depth of their research. Facing shared concerns and challenges, the museums are generating a growning sense of collective urgency and a call for intenational organization, advocacy, and cooperation, resulting in formation of the International Committee for University Museums and Collections.  相似文献   

2011年3月11日东日本大地震发生后,全国发起了对受灾地的文化设施包括博物馆?美术馆(Museum)、图书馆(Library)、档案馆(Archives)、文化馆(Kominkan)的救援活动。其中saveMLAK就是众多支援活动中的一项。文章从saveMLAK网站的建立入手,介绍saveMLAK的运营与管理、网站的内容及其在支援过程中发挥的作用,并提出saveMLAK在图书馆救援方面存在的问题,以期对中国建立图书馆网上救援平台提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

自然科学博物馆作为重要的公共文化机构,承载着传播自然历史和科学知识的职责。标本藏品是自然科学博物馆的根基,随着标本藏品的不断积累,传统标本藏品管理方式面临困境。在博物馆智慧化建设背景下,智慧化理念与新技术为标本藏品管理带来了新机遇。本文以天津国家海洋博物馆为例,在分析标本藏品管理工作面临主要难点的基础上,回顾智慧化藏品管理系统建设工作实践,以期为自然科学博物馆标本藏品管理提供参考和借鉴,并思考未来藏品数据的应用方向。  相似文献   

A survey of museums in the United States sought to identify evidence of broad impact on the organisational culture and practices of museums in their relatioships with indiginous peoples as a result of the passage of the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act 1990 (NAGPRA). NAGPRA establishes a process for the repatriation of human remains and other specified items held in museum collections to Native Americans who can prove they are lineal descendants or members of tribes which are culturally affiliated with identified items covered by the legislation. Effective repatriation programs are characterised by: * a genuine belief in the primary rights of indigenous people in the management of their cultural material presently held in museum collections; * a commitment to greater collaboration between the museum and indigenous people in the management of scientific research and public programs pertaining to items of indigenous cultural heritage; * practices which are indicative of an organisational culture which acts in ways which go beyond the minimum requirements of the legislation. Our research shows that museums are engaging in consultation with indigenous people in the management of collections of indigenous cultural heritage, and that this engagement is influencing conservation strategies. Museums espouse goals which promote external consultation, the involvement of indigenous people in their activities, respect for the cultural goals of indigenous people and a commitment to increasing public awareness of indigenous cultural heritage and social issues. However, only in the areas where NAGPRA has mandated it should happen—collections of human remains and secret/sacred material—is there evidence of communication and consultation, commitment of resources and sharing of authority with indigenous people consistent with the outcomes intended under NAGPRA.  相似文献   

As networked informatio proliferates, museums are finding that their role as the sole interpreter of their collections is being challenged. Rather than responding defesively, museums need to work together to improve access to their collections, and to differentiate their sites from the private museums created by enthusiasts. Cross-linking at all levels will enable the creation of a trusted cultural heritage web, that enables users to follow themes and associations, free of the boundaries of historical collecting patterns. In this way, museums can offer a unique interpretation of authentic material culture to a generation comfortable in an immaterial world.  相似文献   

本文介绍了国内外自然博物馆藏品收藏现状,分析我国自然博物馆存在藏品收藏总体不足、各区域自然博物馆之间藏品收藏差距较大、收藏范围较狭窄、藏品来源单一等问题,并进行了原因分析,提出正确认识自然博物馆的研究、收藏与教育的关系,加强对博物馆科研的投入,授予博物馆标本采集权,打破体制机制限制,加强对各方标本资源的利用等建议。  相似文献   

Abstract As museums enter a new century, they are challenged to demonstrate their relevance to society. Increasingly, institutions have recognized that in order to thrive, they must ensure that mission‐related activities—exhibits and programs, collections and research—are meaningful to the public they rely on for support. Numerous deeply‐ingrained habits of practice and of thought have prevented object‐based exhibits from responding effectively to visitor interests. For museums to be truly relevant to their audiences, this paper argues for a fundamental shift in how they think about and organize exhibits. Exhibits need to become more topical and issue‐oriented, rather than generalized and systematic. Furthermore, a successful topical exhibit program needs to operate on two separate, yet integrated, levels: long‐term exhibits providing context on broadly relevant, interdisciplinary themes shorter‐term exhibits on specific, current issues embedded within the longterm exhibits, linking that broad content to visitors' lives Beyond the crucial role of increasing the museum's relevance to its audience, such an exhibits program would have numerous ancillary benefits, including more evenly distributed costs, greater creativity, lessened job burnout, and new funding opportunities. Though specifically addressing natural history museums, aspects of this paper should be relevant to museums of all kinds.  相似文献   

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